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石油石化企业物资的成本质量直接关系着企业的经济效益,石油石化企业为了提高物资的质量,降低物资采购的成本,提高企业的经济效益,逐渐提高了对物质采购方面的重视程度,本文从石油石化企业物资采购中存在的问题出发,病针对问题提出相应的解决策略。  相似文献   

中国石油天然气股份有限公司宁夏石化分公司拥有两套大化肥生产装置,总资产36亿多元,是全国最大的百万吨尿素生产企业之一。新的世纪,公司树立了新的目标:抓住西部大开发机遇,加快发展,将公司建成中国石油的精细化工基地。为了与国际企业管理模式接轨,如何有效的降低采购成本,提高工作效率,增强物资采购管理的透明度成为管理者  相似文献   

招标采购是当前国有企业的主要采购方式,在石油石化设备材料招标采购中,流标、废标导致招标失败比例较高,对石油石化企业生产建设造成较大影响。导致石油石化企业招标失败的主观原因是对需求和市场研究不够、滥用招标范围、招标条件设置不科学、招标管理及过程控制不到位等,客观原因包括招标信息披露渠道太窄、市场供给态势变化、相关方招投标能力不匹配、招投标系统不稳定等,还有法律体系不完善、企业业绩考核引导等深层次的原因。建议推进我国的招投标立法修订,优化完善招标管理机制,建立招标联合会审机制,建立完善招标考评机制,整合共享招标资源。  相似文献   

随着加快建设全面小康社会的步伐,石油化工行业也加快了建设速度。大型石化项目越来越多,对进口的石化物资必须严格控制。石油化工行业的建设项目都是中国的重点工程,工程设计规模比较大,所需要引进的机械设备都比较先进,而且价格比较昂贵,有的设备体积很大,从国外千里迢迢地经过海运、空运通过国际物流运输回国,运输托运是一个很大的负担。文章分析了大型石化项目进口物资的采购特点及措施,以为相关采购人员提供参考。  相似文献   

企业物资采购是比较关键的一个环节,如果物资采购存在明显混乱问题,必然也就会影响到后续各项运营环节,对于企业稳定发展带来不利威胁。基于此,切实做好企业物资采购管理工作至关重要。下面就重点以企业物资采购管理作为研究对象,首先分析了企业物资采购管理中常见的主要问题和缺陷,然后又探讨了应对策略,希望对于优化未来企业物资采购管理工作具有参考借鉴作用。  相似文献   

油田物资采购相比较其他行业物资采购要更为严谨,对企业的发展具有重要影响。油田物资采购不仅会随着物价的价格涨幅所变化,同时不同地区的价格定位也会随当地经济形势所改变。因此必须要制定相应合理的检测方式,以此去验收采购产品从而提高采购质量,确保油田部门采购效率,提高企业经济效益。  相似文献   

随着煤矿发展水平提升,物资产品采购数量增多,为了保证采购质量符合规定要求,需要从根源上避免煤矿物资出现质量问题。本文首先分析煤矿加强物资采购管理的重要意义,其次研究煤矿物资采购问题,最后探讨解决物资采购问题的方式,仅供参考。  相似文献   

邱志诚 《武钢政工》2009,(11):34-36
在当前的金融危机形势下,在钢铁市场激烈竞争的今天,武钢要生存与发展,就必须要降低生产成本和库存资金占用,增加效益:就必须要提高产品质量,提高产品的市场占有率。为了做到这一点,难度和压力是空前的,国贸总公司必须坚定信心,按照“四个一流”的目标.以超常规的思路,超常规的举措,超常规的作风,  相似文献   

唐晓飞  王帅 《国际石油经济》2011,19(11):75-80,112
设备全寿命周期费用(LCC)理论在欧美国家已得到推广应用,取得了很好的效果。中国的相关机构和学者正在对LCC进行理论研究和实践推广。中国的石油石化企业推行LCC采购在企业发展、采购目标管理和经济效益方面都有很大意义。LCC采购涉及的主要内容包括:谈判/招标中对LCC的要求,综合权衡以实现总体最优,动态计算LCC,以定量为主的评价指标,互动交流以优化方案,合同中对LCC的保障条款等。制约LCC在中国石油石化企业深入应用的因素有:相关法规中没有对于LCC的规定,购置资金与使用维修费用分离,缺乏有效的设备成本信息积累,难以准确预测设备经济寿命和各项成本等。建议从宣传普及LCC知识、建立LCC信息数据库、培养人才、从试点开始渐进推广、适当强制等方面,推进LCC采购在石油石化企业的实施和深入应用。  相似文献   

概述 在石油化工企业的各类生产装置中,在加压或输送气体的场合,常常会使用离心式压缩机.而石油化工催化装置中的富气压缩机和加氢装置中的循环氢压缩机是采用离心压缩机的典型应用. 离心压缩机的调节就是改变压缩机的运行工况,以适应工艺装置操作工况变化的要求,在控制方案上负荷调节通常采用的调节手段有:进口节流调节、变转速调节等.  相似文献   

石化企业工程项目管理信息系统的开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细介绍了中国石化上海石油化工股份有限公司自主开发的工程项目管理信息系统的设计思路、结构和功能。该系统的建立实现了ERP(企业资源计划)的集成和数据共享,满足了工程项目管理需要。  相似文献   

石油石化企业往往由于涉密、抢险、专利技术、特许经营、功能配套、原厂备件、集中采购、战略合作等原因采用独家采购模式,导致采购价格可能偏离市场价格,存在较大的采购风险.采购人员需要制定完善的谈判方案,运用成本分析法、横向对比法、代理权限类比法、博弈与心理战等谈判策略,合理控制采购成本.  相似文献   

Involving purchasing in new product development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Purchasing is evolving into a strategic business activity and thus also a potential contributor to the successful development of new products. However, the literature on the involvement of purchasing in new product development (NPD) is sorely lacking. We conducted an exploratory study to investigate purchasing's involvement in NPD, the drivers of this involvement and the influence on new product success. We conducted telephone interviews with purchasing and NPD managers from 43 firms. The results show that firms differ in the extent to which they involve purchasing in NPD and that higher involvement has a positive effect on NPD performance. R&D managers can use the results to design a more effective purchasing–R&D interface and increase the success of NPD.  相似文献   

It is difficult to avoid errors in sales forecasts for new industrial products, especially when the forecasts are made at the new product screening stage. But if managers are aware that a forecast is likely to be in serious error, they can take steps to deal with the uncertainty. A research project analyzed 185 new product projects to develop four major indicators of sales forecast error. The indicators can be derived for specific firms from typical project screening questions and can be used to alert new product managers to special development problems that may be present.  相似文献   

New product success is a vital but elusive goal for many firms. The last two decades have witnessed numerous studies into new product successes and failures in an attempt to uncover what makes a winner. Indeed, myriad characteristics, factors, and practices have been found that appear to discriminate between successful and unsuccessful new products.With few exceptions, much of this research has tended to view new product performance on a unidimensional continuum, usually financial performance (e.g., profitability). Whereas immediate profitability is no doubt an admirable goal, there are other ways of looking at a new product's performance—for example, degree of technical success, time-to-market, and its overall impact on the company.The current investigation takes a broader view of new product success. A number of measures of new product performance were captured, rather than just the single measure continuum; this resulted in a performance map with two major and quite independent underlying dimensions of performance. A typology of performance was then developed—a classification of new product projects by how well they performed: five scenarios or clusters of projects are identified on this map, each with its unique performance characteristics. We then investigate in detail each project type and probe what drives the performances of these five different clusters of projects: that is, what makes for new product success of these five project types, when success is measured in different ways. The study was undertaken in world class multinationals in the chemical industry in four countries, but its results appear to have validity across a broad spectrum of industry.  相似文献   

Previous authors have documented reviews for design projects prior to construction [1,2]. Very little has been written about research reviews and systems to adequately review new projects. Within the Dow Chemical U.S.A. Research community, a different set of procedures have been developed at each site. The process discussed in this report is the most documented review system of any site within Dow Chemcial U.S.A. Research.  相似文献   

In many organizations, the role of purchasing is in a transition from a reactive order taker, into a proactive and internally integrated business partner. Building on a Resource-Based View and Capability-Based View, this study explores how purchasing professionals' involvement and proactive efforts in sourcing processes affect sourcing project outcomes, in terms of both value creation and supply risk reduction. The authors gathered data on 112 sourcing projects from a large, private financial services company with in-depth and structured interviews with key stakeholders. A structural model deploying the research hypotheses was analyzed using the Partial Least Squares technique. The results reveal that, driven by early involvement of and responsibility granted to the purchasing professional, purchasing proactivity enhances value creation and supply risk reduction sourcing outcomes. Specifically, proactivity mediates the effect of purchasing's involvement on value creation.This study empirically establishes the importance of purchasing proactivity, serving as critical capability of purchasing professionals. Following a dyadic logic, this impacts industrial marketers. More specifically, when purchasers build capabilities to show proactive behavior to enhance value creation and risk reduction, marketers need to develop capabilities to facilitate purchasers in their endeavors.  相似文献   

For companies operating under unfavorable macroeconomic conditions, such as high wage/high tax countries in central Europe, innovation has become a central theme for survival. If there is one thing that has changed in innovation management during the last decade, it is the growing reliance on external sources of technology. As a consequence, a new task for purchasing arises, as firms need to understand which suppliers actually do have high potential contributing to the innovativeness of the firm and which do not. This paper focuses on the conceptual basis and derives propositions on the nature of innovative suppliers: specialized, technically competent firms, located in the proximity of the buyer, being embedded in a trusted and intensive relationship are identified as having a higher probability to be the core innovative suppliers. These criteria can serve to refine strategic sourcing decisions and improve communication between engineering and purchasing professionals.  相似文献   

New products are critical to the success of most corporations. But managing the R&D projects that produce new products has proven to be a risky and tricky business. Theorists and practitioners claim that one of the major obstacles to higher new product output is the ‘tight’ control practices found in large corporations. The conventional wisdom argues that, to correct this, firms need to find ways ‘to loosen-up.’ But is that all there is to it? This article presents five findings for effectively controlling new product R&D projects. These findings emerged at the conclusion of an empirical research investigation into the formal and informal control practices that business unit managers use to control various new product R&D situations. The article concludes with several recommendations for those managers who want to control their new product R&D projects better.  相似文献   

在煤炭企业生产经营管理中,物资采购管理是一项重要内容,其使命就是按照客观经济规律和煤炭生产发展的要求,快速、高效、节约地做好物资的计划、采购、运输、保管、发放、使用和核算等工作,达到供应好、周转快、费用省的目标,保证整个煤炭企业生产经营持续有效地进行,从而取得良好的经济效益。因此,物资采购管理是保证企业生产发展和提高经济效益的重要环节。  相似文献   

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