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Summary and Conclusion In this study, minority-owned commercial banks with four years or more operating experience are divided into two comparison groups according to earnings performance. Those banks with a four-year consolidated return on investment of 10 percent or better constitute the highearning group, while the remaining banks with a four-year consolidated return on investment of less than 10 percent are combined into a residual group. The performance of the high-earning group is compared with that of the residual group through an analysis of key operating ratios. This article is reprinted from Economic Review, Vol. 62, No. 6, November/December, 1976, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.  相似文献   

This study examined 58 performance ratios for minority banks in 1980 and 1988. Its purpose was to evaluate the impact of deregulation on high and low performance minority banks. The study found that deregulation had a positive impact on those banks in the high performance groups in 1980 and a negative affect on those banks in the low performance groups in 1980. The study also found minority banks, in general, needed to improve management efficiency. Management efficiency of low performance minority banks seemed to have deteriorated in the deregulation period. The authors suggest that low performance minority banks be given closer regulatory supervision and aid in developing efficient management in their organizations.  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代我国进行利率市场化改革,截至2015年10月23日,中国人民银行宣布放开商业银行存款利率上限,标志着我国利率市场化改革三步走战略基本完成。作为我国金融市场的重要主体,商业银行的发展与利率市场密切相关,文章在分析利率市场化对商业银行所产生的有利影响和不利影响的基础上,对新形势下商业银行如何应对挑战提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

This paper assesses the relative impact of the major design components of the Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) targeted partnership development initiative on minority employment in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (PMSA). Data are drawn from records obtained from the Department of Housing and Urban Development of completed UDAG projects between 1978 and 1988 for the Pittsburgh PMSA. The results suggest that targeting geographic projects by leveraging private investment in a central city does not yield a significant increase in minority employment. Moreover, the geographic emphasis of UDAG projects do not exhibit an ability to increase minority employment. These findings support the benefit capitalization and ecological fallacy arguments, which propose that the benefits of targeted partnerships (i.e., employment) is shifted away from the original beneficiaries. The paper concludes by discussing the implications of these findings and directions for future research.  相似文献   

Summary This research has explored management and financial characteristics within mature black banks over the period of 1978–81. In general, although loan loss management remains a key variable in successful financial performance, other variables often argued to explain profitability differences between black and nonminority banks were not so helpful in explaining profit variation among black banks. It appears that a new model of successful black banking must be developed.  相似文献   

Efforts in 1983 by Indonesia to liberalize its financial markets produced a competitive atmosphere that was a stimulus to computerization, particularly in banking. Within four years, commercial banks had applied information technology to a range of back office tasks, although they still lagged behind US banks in applying IT to product development and marketing. The impact on productivity was negligible, partly due to shortages of personnel skilled in IT and inadequate telecommunications infrastructure, but also because banks had not yet accumulated sufficient managerial capabilities necessary for a more competitive environment. Manual banking systems remain viable, but probably not for long, since IT-driven systems will eventually yield greater gains in productivity.  相似文献   

本文首先对团队领导的职能内涵展开深入的剖析,在此基础上,再分别从认知过程、激励过程、情感过程和协调过程4个重要的团队过程,详细阐述团队领导在团队过程中的影响,以及对提升团队效率的作用机理。  相似文献   

The last thirty‐five years have seen the relocation of several million people in South Africa, for reasons related mainly to the implementation of the South African government policy of ‘apartheid’ or ‘separate development’. As a result, most studies of relocation have focused on the political causes and aspects of relocation, often to the neglect of its social consequences.

Community relocation, whatever its causes, involves the transformation of the physical and social environment in which people find themselves. This paper suggests that a focus on the nature and degree of environmental modification involved in particular cases of relocation will provide a useful start to understanding the social and economic consequences of relocation in South Africa. Various kinds of relocation (relating to Betterment Planning, Group Areas, relocation townships and closer settlements) are considered in these terms.  相似文献   

This is a study of high performing, small banks. The study defines a small, high performing bank and, then, compares the performing characteristics between high performing minority and high performing nonminority banks during two distinct time periods: 1980 and 1988. Performance differences between the two groups were greater in 1988 than in 1980. These differences identified the complexity of managing high performing minority banks relative to high performing nonminority banks and suggested the minority banks’ basic banking philosophy and operating strategies may have been a major contributor to their high performing status. All small, high performing banks do not employ the same strategies to achieve high performing status. The markets for the two groups of banks in this study appear to be segmented. Small, minority and nonminority banks employ different strategies to become successful. This report examines those differences.  相似文献   

职务晋升公平感是影响公务员工作绩效的关键因素之一。本文根据实证研究的方法和设计,运用在广州地区收集的212份有效调查问卷及其处理结果,探讨了公务员职业晋升公平感与其工作绩效之间的关系。研究发现:职务晋升的分配公平、程序公平、互动公平对工作绩效均具有显著性的正向影响,并呈现影响力依此减弱的状况;分配公平侧重于预测任务绩效,而程序公平和互动公平侧重于预测任务绩效。研究结论能够为完善我国公务员职务晋升制度提供积极的参考意见。  相似文献   

The ‘green revolution’ of the 1950s advocated irrigation schemes as one way of achieving food security globally. Evidence from the Likangala and Domasi irrigation schemes in Malawi suggests, however, that irrigation schemes that were developed after the pattern of the ‘green revolution’ had adverse effects on the socioeconomic status of Malawi's rural communities, disrupting local economies, exposing local farmers to water related diseases, and relocating communities away from their ancestral land without due compensation. The production of rice, expansion of rural sources of income, and growth of towns associated with irrigation schemes were limited in quality and quantity and benefited only a few privileged farmers on the schemes. This paper strongly recommends the recognition of local structures and systems, and minimal dependency on donor support, if irrigation farming is to improve the welfare of rural communities in Malawi.  相似文献   

The recent financial deregulation in Japanese banking has enabled regional banks to engage in trust businesses. This paper examines the impact of such nontraditional banking activities on cost structure by measuring economies of scale and scope. A generalized translog cost function, which can take zero outputs into consideration, is employed to simultaneously investigate entrants and non-entrants. While ray scale economies are observed for trust businesses, product-specific scale economies are not. Further, cost complementarities are not observed in almost all the pairwise combinations of the products. Thus, entering into the trust business yields no cost reduction for Japanese regional banks.  相似文献   

This sociological analysis contends that minority business is foremost a group-level phenomenon and is highly dependent upon social group resources for its development. This approach has its origins in the fact that other interpretations of minority business do not adequately account for the large proportional differences of owners across ethnic/racial groups. Census data on specific groups are examined to demonstrate those differences, both in regard to business participation rates and self-employment income. To help explain the differences, major functions performed by self-help networks supporting minority business are reviewed from the sociological research literature. The final section contains several policy implications.  相似文献   

近年来,中日农产品贸易规模迅速扩大,日本作为中国第一大农产品出口国,在中国农产品贸易中具有重要地位。本文利用引力模型,实证分析了中国对日本农产品出口的影响因素及贸易潜力。研究结果表明:中国农业产出的增加和日本经济规模的扩大对中日农产品贸易具有促进作用;中日农产品贸易成本对两国农产品贸易具有负作用;中国对日本农产品出口贸易不足,双边农产品贸易规模依然有进一步扩大空间。  相似文献   

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