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A bstract . Hill and Rouse's formulation of Mannheim's framework for the sociology of knowledge as a means of examining the history of economic thought is rejected although it is held that they render an important service to economics by arguing the need for employment of the sociology of knowledge as a research tool. They have not appropriated Mannheim's categories authentically and they apply them in an overly simplified and undialectical manner. Even Mannheim's authentic formulation of the sociology of knowledge suffered limitations which more recent work enables us to overcome. What is believed to be a superior sociology of knowledge framework for investigating the evolution of economic thought is constructed by joining the Berger-Luckmann model of legitimation with Habermas's philosophical anthropology. Increasingly economists are recognizing that their discipline is in a state of crisis. The crucial issue is how we can better understand the sociological nature of economic thought—its social functioning—to enable us to formulate our own economic theory so as to maximize human welfare.  相似文献   

abstract    Dominant research streams in the knowledge transfer field, such as the positivist and social constructionist approaches, largely assume that knowledge transfer is accomplished through instructions and/or socially constructed practices. Underlying these views is the belief that texts and practices carry with them the codes necessary for their own decoding and therefore enable an unproblematic knowledge transfer. In contrast, we argue that the decoding of information into meaningful knowledge is always mediated by people's private and cultural models, which are created from the unique combination of their cognitive dispositions (i.e. acumen, memory, creativity, volitions, emotions) and socio-cultural interaction. The degree to which people apply these models reflectively and/or categorically (i.e. automatically) depends on the need for cognition as well as environmental demands and feedback. Therefore, knowledge transfer is always tentative, because it depends on the application of private and cultural models along the continuum that goes from reflective to categorical processing. We present first a critique of the positivist and social constructionist positions; then we introduce a socio-cognitive model that captures and explicates socio-cognitive processes involved in sense making during knowledge transfer. Finally, we explore future research streams and managerial implications.  相似文献   

Following Fred Hankins's initial article on the approach to economics teaching in schools, two educational specialists involved in the 14—16 Project for school economics curricula, outline their approach to the fostering of economic literacy.  相似文献   

Private property offers a yardstick against which to measure government intervention in the economy. Kevin Dowd, Research Officer in Economics at the University of Sheffiell, suggests shores in nationalised industries should be given away to all citizens to create a class of voter with a direct interest in the free market  相似文献   

针对高校教师的个人知识的管理问题,运用知识地图作为工具来进行知识的管理。知识地图中不仅描述了各个知识的自身属性,而且描述了各个知识之间的关系,以便于发现其中的隐性知识。最后,建立了以知识地图为基础的知识管理系统框架,利用Web技术来实现各个教师的知识共享。  相似文献   

文章以组织中个体的知识管理能力为研究对象,提出基于知识竞争力的个人知识管理能力水坝模型;依据360度绩效考核和Delphi法的思想对个体的隐性知识管理能力进行模糊测评;设计问卷对个体的显性知识管理能力进行测评,并将这两部分赋权综合,使最终结果准确反映个人的综合知识管理能力。  相似文献   

马宁  寿劲秋 《价值工程》2010,29(26):95-96
随着知识经济时代的到来,知识化和信息化展现出对人类社会的发展比以往任何时候都更为重要。本文试从现代生态建筑的发展需要知识经济的支撑来分析对知识经济人类社会的冲击和震撼。  相似文献   

周静 《价值工程》2011,30(18):255-256
高校体育老师作为教师队伍的一个重要组成部分,加强其个人知识管理可以有效地促进整个教师队伍的教育知识更新和共享。高校体育老师个人知识管理对于其个人教学素质的提高和体育教学成果的取得有着重要作用。  相似文献   

At their recent meeting in Washington the Group of Seven reafirmed their desire to hold exchange rates at about their current level. In this Viewpoint we consider the prospects for success. We conclude that although current rates are feasible in terms of competitiveness, the system will remain under strain as long as there are major inconsistencies between jiscal policy in the US and the rest of the world. The present conjuncture of interest rates and inflation points to a further dollar depreciation. It would be better, in our view, to enact this quickly and to attempt to stabilize exchange rates at sustainable levels: the policy of holding the dollar is misguided.  相似文献   

abstract This paper shows the link between knowledge creation and individual learning, and the coherence that exists between the knowledge creation view and single and double‐loop learning models. It does so by examining differences in levels of knowledge and their relationship with creativity and knowledge creating behaviours. The analysis shifts the focus from the abstract notion of tacit knowledge to a more specific discussion on creative human cognition. The paper is unique in adopting an endogenous perspective to the analysis of individual learning. The analysis is distinct from previous discussions on knowledge creation in three ways: (a) explicit and tacit knowledge are analysed in terms of the nature and degree of inter‐dependence that exists between the two; (b) knowledge levels are defined in terms of their applications rather than as abstract concepts; and (c) a distinction is made between shifts and movements in knowledge to separate, and subsequently integrate, the information processing and creative dimensions of learning. Further, the paper highlights specific challenges and limitations/costs that are associated with the transfer/acquisition of knowledge levels, and argues that in the absence of a conscious effort, knowledge levels are acquired through mistakes and failures. Following that, various theoretical and managerial implications to facilitate knowledge creation are discussed.  相似文献   

A bstract .   Noneconomic objectives were a significant part of the international economics subspecialty in economics.  相似文献   

The 20th‐century American economics profession and its leading professional organization—the American Economic Association (AEA)—were privileged and shaped by the federal government's need to direct resources and to call on experts. Bureaucratic tendencies to classify and count had an impact on the discipline's self‐concept, the articulation of subdisciplines, and the establishment of multiple research agendas. They also powerfully framed the strategies for growth and development formulated and deployed by the AEA itself. A consensus of professional opinion and the standardization of curriculums emerged out of the involvement of economists and the AEA with governmental affairs. At the same time, such public engagement was fraught with risks and contradictions—posing challenges and difficulties with which the AEA and the profession would have to contend for decades to come.  相似文献   

新生代知识型员工特殊的成长环境和工作动机决定了其价值观、文化水平和学习能力、思想开放程度、行动力等方面与普通员工的差异,从而不同程度的造成了个人价值对企业的影响;本论文在分析和探查新生代知识型员工个人职业价值形成现状基础上,归纳总结了影响新生代知识型员工个人职业价值的形成的具体因素,并结合文献综述法,对影响因素进行归类、整合,结合网络分析法,建立策略评价模型,进而为后续进行的新生代知识型员工个人职业价值提供了针对性建议。  相似文献   

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