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Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science -  相似文献   

新时期经济的主要特征是知识资本作为软财产在现代企业管理中具有重要的作用,知识经营成为适应知识经济大气候的新战略。知识主管是现代企业管理的必由之路。  相似文献   

通过史料的搜寻和运用,比较系统地介绍我国历史上对烟征税的起源及其沿革,既使我们了解烟税的历史,又对烟税沿革中的政治经济现象有所观鉴.  相似文献   

1990年代后期中国居民消费需求萎缩的原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1990年代后期以来,中国居民消费需求萎缩的直接原因主要是现期收入增幅下降、预期收入不稳、预期支出增大,城镇居民现有消费结构接近饱和、新的消费结构尚不能形成,通过华紧缩条件下货币幻觉的影响,而主要不是消费信贷发展的滞后和农村支持消费的基础设施供给不足。萎缩的根本原因在于中国经济体制转轨的加速。  相似文献   

The authors derive an expression for the price elasticity of demand in the presence of reference price effects that includes a component resulting from the presence of gains and losses in consumer evaluations. The effect of reference price is most noticeable immediately after a price change, before consumers have had time to adjust their reference price. As a result, immediate-term price elasticity is higher than long-term elasticity, which describes the response of demand long after a price change, when reference price effects are negligible. Furthermore, because of the differential effect of gains and losses, immediate-term price elasticity for price increases and price decreases is not equal. The authors provide a quantitative definition for the terms immediate term and long term, using the average interpurchase time and the discrete “memory” parameter. Practical consequences of the distinction between immediate- and long-term elasticities for the estimation and use of elasticity values are discussed. Gadi Fibich (fibich@math.tau.ac.il) is an associate professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics at Tel Aviv University. This research grew out of his interest in applications of mathematical modeling to economics and management science. He is currently working on auction theory. Arieh Gavious (ariehg@bgumail.bgu.ac.il) is a senior lecturer in the Department of Industrial Engineering at Ben Gurion University, Israel. His interest is in application of game theory to economics and management science problems. His current interest is in auction theory. Oded Lowengart (odedl@bgumail.bgu.ac.il) is a senior lecturer in the Department of Business Administration at Ben Gurion University, Israel. His research interests are in the areas of modeling pricing effects on consumer behavior at both aggregate and disaggregate levels, product positioning, and market share forecasting and diagnostics.  相似文献   

近年来,我国连锁零售业迅猛发展,对各类技能型人才需求数量不断增加,人才需求的结构性矛盾日益突出。北京作为全国连锁零售业发展领先的城市,比较全面掌握当前连锁零售业的人才需求状况十分必要。基于此,以行业主管、连锁零售企业和高职毕业生为调研和访谈对象,开展了针对北京市连锁零售业的人才现状需求调研。调研结果表明,连锁零售业将会继续快速发展,企业会在全国范围内加速布局。不同层次的管理人员对核心职业能力有不同要求。课程培训体系基本可以满足当前工作岗位的要求,但也需要作出相应调整。院校在专业人才培养方面还需要加大力度,满足市场和企业需求。  相似文献   

西藏旅游企业从业人员规模还十分弱小,特别是旅游企业中导游队伍有待开发.而随着社会经济的发展以及结构的调整,旅游就业总量将不断增长,就业结构也会趋于合理;同时,西藏旅游开发战略模式决定了其从业人员的专业性和多样性,西藏4A级旅游区(点)的发展及扩增也将扩大就业人群.  相似文献   

需求链管理是以满足需求为核心的管理模式.世界连锁零售业巨头之一的日本零售企业——Family Mart的经验告诉我们,零售企业的需求链管理应在单品管理基础上展开,应注重销售、需求信息的共享,应以商品开发战略为依托,应以追求价值链运作的优化为目标,并注意整个管理项目的梯度推进.  相似文献   

在金融危机背景下,刺激消费需求对确保经济增长发挥着重要的作用。消费需求不足已严重制约着中国经济的发展,最终消费时经济持续增长起着决定性作用。政府应通过增加公共消费、完善收入分配体制和社会保障制度、优化支出结构、完善税收政策、促进新农村建设、促进消费热点转换、积极发展消费信贷等手段刺激消费需求,促进经济增长,实现国民经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

消费需求现状,为发展消费贷款提供了广阔的市场前景。发展消费信贷,既是促进信用消费的主要金融手段,又是促进消费需求增长的重要途径。具体的措施有:指导消费信贷,扩大消费增长;搞好协调配套,突出消费重点;调整信贷投向,促进合理投量;增加信贷品种,拓展信贷领域。  相似文献   

煤炭是我国的基础能源,煤炭市场的健康协调发展关系到整个国民经济的持续、快速发展.在相当长的一段时期,煤炭的基础能源地位将继续保持.为了保证我国煤炭产业更好地为国民经济各部门服务,有必要进行煤炭资源的中长期需求预-测.进而得出必要的煤炭资源的调配策略.  相似文献   

就扩大国内需求的方法提出几点看法--调整人们的心理预期,分析了心理预期与消费需求和投资需求的关系,以及目前人们心理预期恶化是造成我国需求不旺的一个原因,最后指出应如何引导消费者心理预期.  相似文献   

In the past decade, several organization theorists have begun to examine the organization—environmental interface in the functioning of complex organizations and have argued that an organization's internal structural arrangement is contingent upon the demands of the external environment. The purpose of this article is to further examine the validity of the findings of these theorists with reference to firms operating in Italy. The variables studied consisted of: a) Market conditions—which was divided into the two categories of high and low competition. b) Decentralization of decision-making, and c) Organization effectiveness. To investigate the impact of decentralization on the organization effectiveness of firms under differing market conditions the statistical techniques of a Mann-Whitney U Test and Kendall's Tau Measure of Correlation were used to compute the scores. The resulting computations provide some support for the contingency theory of organization, but also indicates areas of disagreement.  相似文献   

农村经济结构的调整,引起农村资金供需格局的变化与问题,应建立适应现代化农业,多元化格局的资金供需与信贷管理,为开发农村经济新的增长点,提供金融服务。  相似文献   

自 90年代以来 ,日本经济衰退 ,消费不旺。因而 ,刺激消费、扩大内需成为日本宏观经济政策的首要目标。为此 ,日本政府采取了扩张性的财政政策、降低利率、削减税收及发展消费信贷等政策和措施。扩大消费为我国当前政策的一个重要目标 ,日本扩大消费的政策和措施为我们提供了一些启示。  相似文献   

贵阳市专科毕业生人才市场需求状况调研报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<贵阳市专科毕业生人才市场需求状况调研>其目的是,希望将市场的需求及时的传导给我们的教师和学生.通过把握人才市场的需求状况,帮助教育工作者制定更科学、合理的培养目标、专业定位、培养模式提供决策依据,切实增强毕业生的就业能力.同时用科学的数据向在校学生提前传导就业压力,帮助学生进行合理的学习规划、职业规划,增强学生学习的方向性和主动性.  相似文献   

广西高校硕士研究生就业的供需情况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究生供需情况作为研究生就业市场的重要因素,影响着研究生人才的配置。以广西高校作为研究对象,从研究生扩招、高等教育结构优化、硕士学位授予点地区分布、经济发展速度、区域经济发展与专业设置状况以及产业结构与专业结构的适应性来分析广西高校硕士研究生就业的供需情况,旨在为研究生就业提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

In this paper we explain how practice, prior knowledge and task difficulty interact to affect demand for hedonic experiences. As predicted by the human capital model, we propose that the key determinant of demand for hedonic experiences is the increase in performance efficiency that can be gained through practice. In addition, we argue that the nature of the effect of practice is distinctly different in hedonic consumption, compared to utilitarian consumption. Specifically, for hedonic experiences, practice allows consumers to extract greater value within a given period of time, rather than reduce the amount of time spent on a (utilitarian) task. Finally, we argue that if changes in performance efficiency across repeated hedonic experiences adhere to the power law of practice, then both prior knowledge and task difficulty will be important moderators of the main effect of practice on demand. These predictions are tested in two experiments that use an online panel to examine consumer demand for videogames.  相似文献   

重庆市旅游饭店供求浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游需求和供给是旅游经济活动的两个方面,总是处于"不平衡--平衡--不平衡"的发展变化中.本文从总量、档次结构、空间分布、规模结构、人力资源、产品和服务等方面对当前重庆市旅游饭店业的供求现状进行剖析,从而得出重庆市旅游饭店供求失衡的基本判断,并在对失衡的成因分析的基础上提出了调整的具体措施,以促进重庆市旅游饭店业的可持续发展.  相似文献   




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