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北京市经济增长质量探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑冬华 《数据》2001,(4):38-39
经济发展主要包括数量增长和质量提高两个方面.改革开放20多年来,北京市经济在数量方面增长迅速,但高速度不等于高质量.只有高质量的经济增长才能使生产要素的投入得到科学合理的配置和充分有效的利用,使经济增长的效率得到不断的提高.本文从经济增长的稳定性、协调性、持续性和增长潜能四个方面来探讨北京市经济增长质量情况.  相似文献   

农村居民财产性收入的提高与经济增长关系密切.通过采用1993至2009年相关时间序列资料,利用协整分析、Granger因果关系检验方法对我国农村居民财产性收入与经济增长二者的互动关系进行计量分析.结果表明,我国农村居民财产性收入与经济增长之间存在单向格兰杰因果关系,是经济增长在推动农村居民财产性收入的提高.为此.要大力发展农村经济,通过经济的增长来带动广大农村居民财产性收入的增长.  相似文献   

在绿色经济的框架下,推动包括循环经济、低碳经济、生态经济、合理消费等在各领域的发展.把低碳经济的概念落实在节能减排、环保、能源效率提高上.  相似文献   

周怡光 《当代会计》2021,(4):144-146
经济管理是促进企业健康稳定发展的关键.明确经济管理中财务会计的重要性,对于创新经济管理模式以及提高企业经济效益具有重要的作用.随着财务会计工作的日益规范化,企业内部管理效率逐渐得到了提高,企业整体经营效益也得到了改善,但是经济管理中的财务会计管理仍存在财务机制缺失、管理方式落后、人才素养不高等问题.文章针对财务会计存在的问题提出了完善管理体系、创新管理方法、提高人员素养、加强成本核算等措施,以促进企业健康稳定发展.  相似文献   

一、体育经济的宗旨 体育之于强身健体的功效众所周知,体育之于人的精神的"舟"的功能更为历代有识之士所肯定与推崇.而将体育与经济联系在一起,不仅能够显著提高国民素质、增进人民健康、提高生产力、促进经济发展,更可以通过体育产生直接的经济效益.西方国家篮球、足球等体育运动的经济开发特别是奥运会的经济开发是典型的例子.强身健体、丰富群众生活、促进经济发展,就是体育经济的宗旨.  相似文献   

区域经济结构对区域经济的发展拥有首要的作用,合理的区域经济结构能带动区域经济迅速增长,提高区域的总体竞争能力. 区域经济发展是区域经济结构调整重要的物质基础,为区域经济结构的合理化提供环境支持. 区域经济发展是区域经济结构调整的最基本目的,所以,研究区域经济的发展对黑龙江省总体经济程度的提高拥有重要意义.  相似文献   

四、经济组织创新活力环境比较 经济管理理论认为数量的扩张,经济系统运行质量的提高,是经济发展的两大要素.由于资源的希缺性,经济发展总是要受到资源投入总量的制约,解决的办法是通过提高投入要素的产出能力来促使经济的持续发展.提高生产要素的产出的能力,既靠改进投入要素的质量,又靠改进转换系统的功能和效率.而两个"改进"的实现,归根结底,靠人力资源素质的提高和技术(包括产品及工艺)、组织、管理、金融和市场等方面的不断创新.  相似文献   

许多研究都表明城镇化率与经济增长之间存在相关关系,城镇化率的提高能通过投资、消费等多种途径推动经济的长期发展.本文则探讨了城镇化率与县域经济增长之间的关系.本文利用湖北省80个县市2008-2014年的面板数据,构建了城镇化率对县域经济增长影响的动态模型,并采用系统GMM和差分GMM的估计方法对动态模型中的参数进行了估计.结论显示,城镇化率与县域经济增长之间存在正向的关系,即城镇化率的提高能推动县域经济的增长.  相似文献   

一般而言,经济增长会带来产出水平提高、社会福利水平提高.但经济中存在着出口贫困增长现象,主要根源在于贸易条件恶化.尽管出口数量增长,但出口收入下降,福利反而降低.  相似文献   

中共中央十四届五中全会明确指出:实现“九五”和2010年的奋斗目标,关键是实现两个具有全局意义的根本性转变:一是经济体制从传统的计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制转变;二是经济增长方式从粗放型向集约型转变,这是总结我国经济建设的经验教训得出的正确结论,是一项长期的战略任务.所谓经济增长方式,实质上是指生产要素的分配、投入、组合和使用的方式,它决定着生产力系统的整体效能和发展状况.一般地讲经济增长方式分为粗放型和集约型两种.粗放型,是主要依靠生产要素数量的扩张实现经济增长,这是一种高投入、高消耗、低质量、低产出的经济增长方式.集约型,是主要依靠生产要素优化组合,并提高要素质量和使用效率实现经济增长,这是一种投入少、消耗低、产出多、效益好的经济增长方式.现在强调转变经济增长方式.就是要由粗放型向集约型转变积极推进经济增长方式的转变,把提高经济效益作为经济工作的中心,是今后必须贯彻的重要方针.而加快科技进步,提高经济效益,是切实转变经济增长方式的关键.  相似文献   

城市规模与居民幸福感的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁正  郑勇  韩骁 《城市问题》2012,(5):29-33,49
利用2002年中国家庭收入调查数据,实证检验了城市规模与居民主观幸福度的关系。结果显示,二者存在显著的倒U形关系,随着城市规模的扩大,居民主观幸福感先增加,当城市规模达到一定程度,居民主观幸福感将降低。  相似文献   

In this paper we examine trends in economic well-being in transition countries from 1988 to 2008 to determine whether the populations of transition countries are better off today than prior to the transition process. To do this, we examine economic performance, inequality-adjusted well-being measures, subjective well-being measures, and non-income dimensions of well-being. While for many of the transition countries some indicators of well-being show improvements compared to the pre-transition period, the sharp rise in inequality and low levels of social indicators and subjective well-being suggest that well-being in many countries is similar to, or even below, the levels experienced prior to transition. The only indicators which have shown consistent improvements are measures of political and civil liberties.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The trends and consequences of terrorist activities are often captured by counting the number of incidents and casualties. More recently, the effects of terrorist acts on various aspects of the economy have been analyzed. These costs are surveyed and put in perspective. As economic consequences are only a part of the overall costs of terrorism, possible approaches for estimating the utility losses of the people affected are discussed. Results using the life satisfaction approach, in which individual utility is approximated by self-reported subjective well-being, suggest that people's utility losses may far exceed the purely economic consequences.  相似文献   

员工幸福感是积极组织行为学的研究热点,它是一种可测量、可开发的积极心理状态,对工作绩效、工作满意度和组织承诺水平有正向影响。其研究有员工主观幸福感和员工心理幸福感两条取向,前者关注工作满意度,后者侧重工作动机和积极心理功能。员工幸福感的影响因素包括人格、积极心理资源和工作特征。未来的研究方向是整合两种研究取向去建构新的理论模型、开发新的测量工具。  相似文献   

Today, more than ever, it is becoming evident that cities and regions are crucial for the achievement of human well-being. In this perspective, the analysis of the effect of urbanization on subjective well-being at sub-national level is an issue of great relevance. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of urbanization on SWB at the regional level and, in particular, the moderator effect of the regional context in influencing this effect in Italy and Spain. From a methodological point of view, we apply a two-step approach as a graphical method, which allows us to consider individual and regional information in our analysis. Our findings indicate that urbanization significantly affects subjective well-being, especially in various regions of Italy. This cross-regional heterogeneity can be explained by different regional factors, which supports the idea that regional contexts can exert effects on achieving future people's well-being in cities.  相似文献   

Dominko  Miha  Verbič  Miroslav 《Quality and Quantity》2019,53(3):1187-1207

Demographic trends have stimulated interest in empirical research on subjective well-being among the elderly. Despite the steep increase in published articles, no one has yet provided a summarized review of the scientific landscape. With this article, we aim to fill this research gap by providing a bibliometric analysis of the field. We do so by collecting a broad dataset of publication data from 1961 to 2016 found on the Web of Science webpage. By combining quantitative scientometric methods, as well as qualitative methods, we were able to provide a historic context of research on subjective well-being among the elderly and distinguish the most important articles, authors, journals, organizations and countries in the field. We found a big leap in research on subjective well-being among the elderly in the last 10 years, as well as a substantial globalization of the field. Although research on subjective well-being among the elderly has clear antecedents, we expect the field to further increase and mature due to more scholars from different braches of science joining the conversation.


We present a systematic review of 67 empirical studies that examine the factors determining subjective well-being among blue-collar immigrant employees. Drawing on conservation of resources theory, we propose an integrated conceptual framework that organizes antecedents of blue-collar immigrants' subjective well-being based on resource loss and gain dynamics. Our findings indicate that resource loss was most likely when immigrants experienced precarious employment, physically and emotionally demanding jobs, injustice at work, poor living conditions, and migration-related stressors. Conversely, resource gain was most likely when they were supported by supervisors and colleagues at work, felt emotionally supported by friends, family, and community members, and adopted personal coping strategies to manage their stressors. We conclude by signaling opportunities for future research and recommendations for practitioners seeking to augment blue-collar immigrant employees' subjective well-being.  相似文献   

《Journal of urban economics》2013,73(2-3):160-175
In recent years, there has been growing interest in the health implications of rising gasoline prices. This paper considers the impact of gasoline prices on subjective well-being, as captured by survey questions on happiness and life satisfaction. Using rich data from the DDB Worldwide Communications Life Style™ survey, we document a negative relationship between gasoline prices and self-reported life satisfaction over the period 1985–2005. The estimated reduction in well-being, moreover, is found to be nearly twice as large among groups of likely car owners. Interestingly, although rising gasoline prices lead to an immediate deterioration in subjective well-being, analyses of lagged prices suggest that well-being almost fully rebounds 1 year later and changes very little each year thereafter. Our contemporaneous estimates imply that rising gasoline prices generate well-being losses comparable to faltering labor market conditions, and likely offset some of the physical health benefits found in previous research.  相似文献   

This paper reviews subjective well-being studies on income, work and family life with particular attention to transition countries. The main differences in conclusions for two types of economic systems seem to be the result of uncertainty and fast changing conditions and their effect on the perception of subjective economic conditions and on expectations formation. The terms ‘happiness’ and ‘life satisfaction’ should be distinguished when evaluating the success of socio-economic policies or of a transformation period as well as when predicting the reaction of economic systems to shocks/crisis. A short summary for more than 70 studies involving subjective well-being and attitudes indicators on data from the economies in transition is included.  相似文献   

Past research has claimed that more volunteering experience could reduce an individual’s risk of depression. However, this conclusion may be too simplistic. This study aims to explore the effect of marriage within the complex relationships among volunteering, depression, and subjective well-being, which is utilized as the mediator. The 1,934 participants were randomly recruited from Taiwan. All the participants were asked to complete Subjective Well-Being Scale and Taiwan Depression Scale. The findings indicate that subjective well-being is a bridging-factor between volunteering and depression; whereas the model produces varied results according to marital status. For ‘single’ and ‘married’ people, subject well-being is a mediator, while for ‘never married’ people, that is a suppressor in the relationship between volunteering and depression.  相似文献   

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