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东胜煤田煤炭资源丰富、煤质优良、开发开采条件优越,建设高产高效大型矿井,大力发展综合机械化已成为矿区建设和生产的主体。随着整个煤田对外运输条件的逐步改善,近年来地方煤炭工业也有了较大的发展,在煤层露头及浅部区各乡镇煤矿星罗棋布, 相似文献
1.问题的提出:从大量的火灾案例中不难看出,火灾初期都采用过不同的手段和器材进行过直接灭火。有的立即或很快奏效,但是,也有因长时间直接灭火反而使灾情扩大的,更有甚者造成了直接灭火人员的伤亡。可见,直接灭火法和隔绝灭火法虽然在井下灭火时是两个不同的方法,又属连续的两个步骤,但在实施条件和效果方面都有着举足轻重的明显区别。 相似文献
黔北煤田是我国贵州地区主要的煤田分布区,由于受到不同地质条件的影响,使得其煤藏的分布储层和构造不尽相同。对于开采技术而言,相应的也就迎合了不同地质条件下形成的煤藏分布。本文通过对黔北煤田地质条件分析,论述黔北地区煤藏分布特点,进而对不同地质条件下煤藏开发技术和开采难度进行评述,以解决煤藏开发的关键技术问题。 相似文献
化工行业属火灾事故多发行业,在精细化工产品生产过程中,由于生产工艺与普通化工产品相比,在生产工艺技术、应用的原料及工艺流程上都存在较大差别,需要采取的火灾防范及灭火救援对策也应不尽相同。但由于部分企业经营人员过于重视生产效益管理,未能及时认识到精细化工火灾防范与灭火救援管理工作的重要性,导致企业在精细化工生产过程中始终存在较大火灾安全隐患,一旦发生事故,会造成极其恶劣的后果。因此,如何有效地解决精细化学品行业的消防安全问题一直是亟待解决的重要问题。文章以精细化工火灾与灭火救援对策为中心展开研究,首先概述精细化工概念及特征,然后分析精细化工生产火灾诱因及火灾特征,最后提出多种精细化工火灾的灭火救援对策。 相似文献
本文主要以消防技术中灭火原理作为出发点,并从化学抑制法、窒息法和冷却法等方面探讨了消防技术中的灭火方法,以期为提高消防灭火技术提供一些参考和意见。 相似文献
煤层对比就是确定煤层的层号及其在空间上的相互关系。煤层对比可靠程度直接影响到资源储量估算、影响到对地层及地质构造的分析研究,从而影响到地质报告的质量。延安组属陆相含煤地层,岩性变化较大,标志层不明显,加之煤层层数多,故给煤层对比带来一定困难。本文通过作者本人在该项目野外地质工作实践中,结合钻探、地球物理测井资料,根据井田含煤地层发育情况分析,总结了一套适合该井田煤层对比的方法特征。 相似文献
近年来中国玩具设计发展迅速,涌现出一大批优秀的玩具设计师和设计创意,各种吸引孩子目光、锻炼孩子能力的玩具层出不穷。然而,部分身体上存在缺陷的儿童,其选择玩具的范围就显得非常狭小。为这个群体设计和制作玩具,往往被企业所忽视。本文讲述如何设计出适合视觉障碍儿童的玩具,帮助视觉障碍的儿童获得对外界世界的认识,帮助他们接触和了解社会,使视觉障碍儿童在玩玩具的过程中获得乐趣,培养出健全的健康的人格,提高其对生活的信心。为身体存在缺陷的儿童设计制造玩具,不仅仅是扩大企业产品的范围,更是一份爱心和责任。 相似文献
党的十五届四中全会通过的《中共中央关于国有企业改革和发展若干重大问题的决定》是指导国有企业改革和发展的纲领性文件 ,按照全国企业兼并破产和职工再就业工作领导小组的文件精神 ,对产品没有市场、长期亏损、扭亏无望的企业和资源枯竭矿山实施破产关闭。国家对煤炭行业实施了“144 0”工程。笔者根据评估前的资产清查实践 ,整理了几条资产评估前期资产清查工作的要领 ,供资产评估委托单位参考。申请评估的资产占有单位 ,接到全国企业兼并破产和职工再就业工作领导小组兼并破产项目通知后 ,就可以选择有资产评估资格的资产评估机构进行… 相似文献
文章回顾了2011年我国煤炭市场运行情况,总结了2011年煤炭市场供需特点,对2012年1月份煤炭市场运行情况进行了重点分析,并对2012年一季度动力煤运行趋势做了预测。 相似文献
C.A. Voss 《Journal of Product Innovation Management》1985,2(4):266-271
The study of innovation has been approached from many disciplines and from the point of view of different real life problems. As a result, we have a series of clusters of knowledge that are related but seldom integrated. Chris Voss suggests it is time we closed at least one of these gaps. He suggests there should be a field of study should be established that will build a bridge between work on the process of innovation and work on the diffusion of innovation. He presents a starting point for the new field of study. 相似文献
我厂现有产热量为12.6~14MW的链条锅炉共15台,担负着工厂生产用汽及厂房、住宅的采暖,由于链条锅炉对煤质要求比较苛刻,当煤质粒度、挥发分或发热量任一指标达不到锅炉设计要求时,锅炉蒸发量就显著下降。随着工厂生产的发展和生活水平的提高,蒸汽需用量越来越大,使蒸汽供需矛盾更加突出,因而增加锅炉蒸汽产量已是我厂当前亟待解决的问题。 相似文献
通过中原油田对美国石油公司及国内三大油田的资源资产、成本效益的分析比较 ,揭示了中原油田将面临的是生存问题 ;要摆脱目前困境 ,需要国家的政策支持和企业转变观念。 相似文献
《Industrial Marketing Management》2014,43(8):1394-1406
Using customer information in the decision making of R&D and production is vital for industrial firms to survive and prosper in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Previous studies show that cross-functional cooperation may have both negative and positive effects on information use. The authors hypothesize that internal structural change positively moderates the relationship between cross-functional cooperation and information use. However, structural change also decreases the quality of cross-functional cooperation. Cross-functional knowledge increases both cross-functional cooperation and customer information use. These hypotheses are tested and supported using a data set consisting of 221 manufacturing and R&D managers in large industrial firms. The findings imply that although internal structural change increases the benefits of cooperative, cross-functional relationships in terms of customer information use, managers in volatile organizations should continue to strengthen cooperative relationships by maintaining and improving sales and marketing contact people's knowledge of manufacturing and R&D. 相似文献
Building a Measurement Model for Market Visioning Competence and Its Proposed Antecedents: Organizational Encouragement of Divergent Thinking,Divergent Thinking Attitudes,and Ideational Behavior 下载免费PDF全文
The overall question that this research seeks to answer is the following: Are there individual and/or organizational resources related to “divergent thinking” that enhance or inhibit the firm's market visioning competence in the case of radical innovation? In order to answer this question, in this paper, the key focus is on the realm of potential divergent thinking‐related resources that the firm may possess and access to aid in the creation and development of an effective market visioning competence. In particular, individual‐level factors related to divergent thinking capabilities and, at the organizational level, encouragement of such capabilities, are investigated. Specifically, we propose that two organizational‐level factors related to organizational encouragement of divergent thinking (“encouraging ideas” and “encouraging diversity”), two individual‐level divergent thinking attitudes factors (“openness” and “ability to move from divergent thinking to convergent thinking efficiently and effectively”), one individual‐level ideational behavior factor (“ability to generate new ideas”), and a further individual cognitive factor (“need for cognition”) have direct impacts on market visioning competence. Scales are then developed and tested for measuring these potential antecedents, and they are included in a measurement model with market visioning competence to enable further research. 相似文献
Chenxi Zhou 《International Journal of Production Economics》2011,133(1):481-485
In this paper, we address the problem of forecasting and managing the inventory of service parts where the demand patterns are highly intermittent. Currently, there are two classes of methods for determining the safety stock for the intermittent item: the parametric and bootstrapping approaches. Viswanathan and Zhou (2008) developed an improved bootstrapping based method and showed through computational experiments that this is superior to the method by Willemain et al. (2004). In this paper, we compare this new bootstrapping method with the parametric methods of Babai and Syntetos (2007). Our computational results show that the bootstrapping method performs better with randomly generated data sets, where there is a large amount of (simulated) historical data to generate the distribution. On the other hand, with real industry data sets, the parametric method seems to perform better than the bootstrapping method. 相似文献