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本文利用全国2008届大学毕业生求职与工作能力抽样调查数据,分析高、低收入行业的就业选择与工资收入的影响因素,并测算行业工资差异的大小及构成。结果发现,男性、211院校毕业或有良好家庭背景的大学毕业生更容易进入高收入行业工作,能力对行业选择与工资收入影响显著;行业工资差异高达41%,其中超过80%的差异归因于行业分割,余下差异中地区因素占主导地位;去除垄断性行业能够降低高、低收入行业工资差异与分割比重,并提升能力解释力。  相似文献   

Structural change theories usually assume agents are homogeneous. However, because of demand‐side or supply‐side heterogeneities, the probability of switching among sectors differs across people. This paper reveals these differences through restoring a long‐period, individual‐level panel dataset from China's Urban Household Survey for 1986–2009. We find that both for people who started working for the first time and those who switched jobs, the sector choice depends on personal characteristics. In particular, women and people with higher educational attainment or a previous white‐collar job are more likely to join the tertiary sector and less likely to join the primary sector. These effects are substantial even if the macroeconomic variables used in conventional structural change theories are controlled. They are also robust in various periods and at more detailed industry levels. Our research suggests that it is important to pay greater attention to the labor composition when making policy related to economic structural change.  相似文献   

The U.S. business cycle that began with the recession of 2001 featured both a “jobless recovery” and substantial structural change, leading some to ponder the “Sectoral Shift Hypothesis,” whereby restructuring purportedly creates labor market inefficiencies. Previous studies have analyzed aggregate time series, but new data permit a cross-sectoral comparison between restructuring and increased labor market inefficiency (as measured from sector Beveridge curves). This paper develops an estimation method and quantifies substantial increases in inefficiency during this period. However, contrary to the hypothesis, the increased inefficiency bears little relationship to the extent of sectors' structural change.  相似文献   

Standard efficiency wage models suggest that workers employed in places with lower probabilities of identifying shirking will earn more, as will workers who have better alternative opportunities. This paper provides new empirical evidence in support of efficiency wage theory using the National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth data. The empirical results support the prediction of the model that workers employed in larger work groups are paid more, a finding consistent with a supervision-wage trade-off. Additional evidence supports the prediction that workers with better alternative opportunities earn more.  相似文献   

This article discusses development of optimal solutions for monopsony in the labour market for the long run (when labour and capital are both flexible). It is shown that binding minimum wages up to a certain degree pushes the monopsonists to choose a high capital intensity of production, just as high as or even higher than that chosen when there is no regulation for minimum wages. Thereby, we demonstrate the existence of re-switching effects in the tradition of Piero Sraffa. The second part of the paper recalculates and analyzes earlier results by making use of the rather general constant elasticity of substitution production function. Based on a numerical solution for optimal monopsony under different regimes (no minimum wage, minimum wages of different values, etc.), we formulate a two-period game between the government and the monopsonistic firm (‘minimum wage game’). Finally, we analyze the relationship between the elasticity of substitution on the one hand and likely levels of employment on the other hand, after introduction of minimum wages.  相似文献   

Using data on Korean workers from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies, the present study empirically investigates the incidence and wage effects of educational mismatch. Among full‐time workers aged 25–54, approximately 27 percent are overeducated and 15 percent are undereducated. Our results reveal that, after controlling for omitted variable bias and measurement errors, return to an additional year of overeducation is significantly less than that to a year of required education, whereas undereducated workers do not appear to suffer wage penalties associated with their deficit schooling. The findings also show that returns to a year of overeducation vary across fields of study. The returns to overeducation for college graduates from health and welfare, engineering and manufacturing, and social sciences, business and law are relatively high compared with those in agriculture, services, and humanities and arts.  相似文献   

流动性风险与资产定价:来自中国股市的证据   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
孔东民 《南方经济》2006,2(3):91-107
LCAPM(基于流动性风险的CAPM模型)是Acharya和Pedersen(2005,Journal of Financial Economics)提出的.它将流动性风险可能影响资产价格的多种方式纳入一个统一的框架。本文利用LCAPM对中国股市进行检验.在该模型中,证券的收益依赖于它的期望流动性及其与收益(包括个股与市场收益)之间的协方差。检验结果发现,我国股市的风险升水在大盘升降区间体现了不同的特征:无论在总区间还是分时段,LCAPM都能更好的拟合资产收益;在控制公司规模之后,效果依然稳健。这说明流动性在我国股市的资产定价上有重要影响。  相似文献   

Open Economies Review - Labor market reforms in developing economies have causes economic regions to open up, providing greater market access to businesses and leading to urban migration. This...  相似文献   

This article analyzes an auction in which bidders see independent components of a common prize value. The Nash equilibrium for two rational bidders is shown to be independent of risk attitudes. The information structure allows explicit calculation of an alternative equilibrium in which naive bidders do not correctly discount the value of the prize, contingent on winning, and thus they suffer the winner's curse. Subjects in a laboratory experiment clearly fall prey to the winner's curse; the data conform most closely to the predictions of the naive model. Moreover, the level of risk aversion implied by fitting the naive model is similar to an independent risk aversion measure obtained in a separate (private value) bidding exercise.  相似文献   

本文基于样本期为1999—2004年的地级面板数据并运用动态面板数据的计量方法,对中国地级区域市场潜能、人口密度等经济地理因素与其非农业劳动生产率之间的关系进行了实证研究。结果表明,地级区域的市场潜能、人口密度等经济地理因素对其非农劳动生产率都存在显著为正的影响。而且,无论是从绝对弹性还是标准化弹性来看,地级区域市场潜能对其非农劳动生产率的影响都更大。  相似文献   

To stimulate economic growth, the Chinese government implemented three consecutive policies between 2016 and 2019 to reduce the corporate endowment insurance contribution ratio (CEICR), the highest payment item for Chinese companies. Using China's CEICR reduction policies as a quasi-natural experiment, this paper evaluates the impact of corporate payment burden reduction on employee wages. Generally, reducing CEICR appears to prompt companies to increase employee wages. Corporate cash flow is a possible channel of influence. Moreover, the positive effect is found to be more pronounced in companies that are more labor intensive, performing better in labor payment compliance, and located in regions with higher pressure for elderly care. This paper offers evidence in favor of implementing CEICR reduction policies from the perspective of improving the well-being of employees.  相似文献   

通过分析韩国和巴西的市场数据得出:新兴市场国家外汇期货推出后,其现货市场传递信息的效率得到了提高,波动性干扰所造成的影响持续性降低,风险控制能力得到了提高.  相似文献   

Abstract. Evidence of strategic behavior in public financial disclosure is provided by analyzing 673 disclosures that were made before, during, and after four Canadian labor strikes. Financial disclosures included quantitative and qualitative information about the sampled companies that appeared in print media during the periods of interest. Strategic behavior involved the naming of one actor by another in the disclosures. The analyses showed that disclosure frequency was much higher during and immediately preceding the strikes than in other periods. Network-analytic techniques were employed to examine the linkages among seven groups of actors that were named in the disclosures. The disclosure networks increased in density during the strikes but became less centralized. Our analysis supports the view that strategic interactions in disclosures are multilateral and dynamic. Thus, any attempt to model financial disclosure during labor negotiations as a bilateral single-period game would appear to be simplistic. Disclosure management in this setting seems to occur within a complex economic and social setting.  相似文献   

Using data on 20 industrial countries over the period 1982 to 2003, this article finds central bank independence to favorably affect both unemployment and employment rates. The size of these effects appears to be substantial, particularly in the long term. In contrast to some of the previous literature, the article finds that the favorable effects of central bank independence do not depend on the degree of wage bargaining centralization or coordination. Furthermore, it finds that higher centralization as well as higher coordination of wage bargaining may also have favorable direct effects on labor market performance.  相似文献   

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