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The high-tech sector accounts for the majority of corporate innovation in modern economies. In a sample of 38 countries, we document a strong positive relation between the initial size of the country's high-tech sector and subsequent rates of GDP and total factor productivity growth. We also find a strong positive connection between a country's equity (but not credit) market development and the size of its high-tech sector. Our main difference-in-differences estimates show that better developed stock markets support faster growth of innovative-intensive, high-tech industries. The main channels for this effect are higher rates of productivity and faster growth in the number of new high-tech firms. Credit market development fosters growth in industries that rely on external finance for physical capital accumulation but is unimportant for growth in innovation-intensive industries. These findings show that stock markets and credit markets play important but distinct roles in supporting economic growth. Stock markets are uniquely suited for financing technology-led growth, a particularly important concern for advanced economies.  相似文献   

In recent decades most countries have implemented significant reforms to foster financial liberalization. This article examines to what extent these reforms have benefited advanced economies and emerging market economies. We focus on four groups of countries: the G-7, other European countries, Latin America and East Asia over the period 1973–2006. We find evidence supporting the hypothesis that the different forms of financial liberalization affected growth differently in the four groups of countries. The main finding is that the benefits of financial liberalization are more important for advanced economies. In contrast, financial liberalization in emerging market economies has a weak positive impact on growth when its scope is limited, whereas full liberalization has been associated with slower economic growth.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of technological change on stock market dynamics. We develop an intertemporal optimising model, the central innovation of which is the distinction between the non-perishables and perishables sectors. We discuss the conditions likely to lead to cyclical stock market behaviour in response to technological shocks. Furthermore, we show that one-off technological advances may have persistent effects giving the country a permanent growth advantage. This gives an alternative mechanism for explaining differential growth rates to that already established in the endogenous growth literature.  相似文献   

This study undertakes firm-level analysis of investment opportunities and free cash flow in an attempt to explain the source of the wealth effect of financial liberalization for 14 emerging countries. We find that the market's responses to stock market liberalization announcements are more favorable for high-growth firms than for low-growth firms, a result that is consistent with the investment opportunities hypothesis. We also demonstrate that firms with high cash flow experience lower announcement-period returns associated with stock market liberalization than do firms with low cash flow. Our findings suggest that the free cash flow hypothesis dominates the corporate governance hypothesis in terms of the net effect of stock market liberalization on a firm's stock returns. We further document similar evidence with regard to banking liberalization. Finally, we demonstrate that stock market liberalization leads to the more efficient allocation of capital.  相似文献   

The acceleration of the U.S. productivity growth in the late 1990s suggests a significant advance in technological innovation, making the perceived probability of entering a “new economy” ever increasing. Based on macroeconomic data, we identify a Bayesian investor's belief evolution when facing a possible structural break in the economy. We show that such belief evolution plays a significant role in explaining both the stock market boom and crash during 1998 to 2001. We conclude that a rational investor's uncertainty about the future of the U.S. economy provides an alternative explanation for the late 1990s stock market “bubble.”  相似文献   

This study applies the Cointegrated Vector-Autoregressive (CVAR) model to analyze the long-run relationships and short-run dynamics between stock markets and monetary policy across five developed and three emerging economies. Our main aim is to check whether monetary policy plays an important role for stock market developments. As an innovation, monetary policy enters the analysis from three angles: in the form of a broad monetary aggregate, short-term interest rates and net capital flows. Based on this framework, we analyze whether central banks are able to influence stock market developments. Our findings suggest different patterns and causalities for emerging and industrial economies with the stock markets of the former economies more frequently related to monetary aggregates and capital flows. A direct long-run impact from short-term interest rates on stock prices is only observed for 3 out of 8 economies.  相似文献   

本文运用空间面板计量方法研究了金融发展与中国技术创新之间的关系,实证研究结果表明:中国技术创新具有明显的空间相关性。非国有部门贷款/GDP对技术创新具有显著的正向影响;股票市场对技术创新的正向促进作用不明显;保险市场对技术创新具有较大的推动作用;科研经费投入和人力资本水平均是推动技术创新的主要因素;但是,FDI对我国技术创新具有显著的负向作用。  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether privatization in emerging economies has a significant indirect effect on local stock market development through the resolution of political risk. We argue that a sustained privatization program represents a major political test that gradually resolves uncertainty over political commitment to a market-oriented policy as well as to regulatory and private property rights. We present evidence suggesting that progress in privatization is indeed correlated with improvements in perceived political risk. Our analysis further shows that changes in political risk in general tend to have a strong effect on local stock market development and excess returns in emerging economies. We conclude that the resolution of political risk resulting from successful privatization has been an important source for the rapid growth of stock markets in emerging economies.  相似文献   

美国经济会不会陷入日本式后泡沫困境?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪80年代以来,发达国家的经济增长一般依赖于资产升值与信用扩张之间的循环。但是,如果这一循环演变成全面而巨大的资产和信用泡沫,泡沫破灭后经济就会面临大调整。在信用货币制和货币扩张政策下,调整会采取经济持续停滞的慢性形式。进入新世纪以来,美国以房产市场接替了股市泡沫,最终形成了巨大房产泡沫。美日泡沫在性质上都具有全面性,都涉及房产市场、股票市场与信用市场;在规模上都特别巨大,远超历史记录;基本原因在于金融自由化和货币扩张政策。因此,美国可能将陷入持续停滞或缓慢增长的日本式后泡沫困境。  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the dynamic behaviour of stock market volatility for four Latin American stock markets (Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico) and a mature stock market, that of the US, has changed during the last two decades. This period corresponds to years of significant financial and economic development in these emerging economies during which several financial crises have taken place. We use weekly data for the period January 1988 to July 2006 and we conduct our analysis in two parts. First, using the estimation of a Dynamic Conditional Correlation model we find that the short-term interdependencies between the Latin America stock markets and the developed stock market strengthened during the Asian, Latin American and Russian financial crises of 1997–1998. However, after the initial period of disturbance they eventually returned to almost their initial (relatively low) levels. Second, the estimation of a SWARCH-L model reveals the existence of more than one volatility regime and we detect a significant increased volatility during the period of crisis for all the markets under examination, although the capital flows liberalization process has only caused moderate shifts in volatility.  相似文献   

This article has three basic aims: (1) to analyze the impact of the opening of their capital markets on the economies of host countries; (2) to investigate the causes of the Asian financial crisis; and (3) to evaluate the likely effects of the South Korean government's recent attempts to restructure its corporate sector. Although the recent Asian financial crisis has led some to question the merits of open capital markets and to call for regulatory restraints on capital flows across international borders, the scientific evidence suggests that the opening of stock markets to foreign investors has been largely beneficial for emerging economies. On average, stock market liberalization has been accompanied by increases in stock prices and reductions in stock return volatility, reductions in inflation, and reductions in the rate of currency depreciation. Much of the blame for the Asian currency crises is assigned to Asian policymakers' futile attempts to defy market forces by trying to maintain their currencies at artificially high levels. But a more fundamental cause of Asia's economic problems has been the widespread value destruction by Asian corporations, which has led to a lower value for the overall economy and weakened the banking sector. The government-directed banking systems and weak corporate governance structures (including managerial incentives to increase size and market share at the expense of shareholders) that characterize most Asian economies have resulted in systematic overinvestment, bloated payrolls, and sharp declines in corporate profitability. While applauding most of the Korean government's recent measures to reform the economy, the article expresses skepticism about the government-mandated restructuring of the chaebol known as the “big deal.” Rather than trying to direct the process of restructuring, Korean policymakers should limit their efforts to improving the market mechanism by increasing competition in the markets for capital, corporate control, and goods and services. The Korean market for corporate control transactions could be greatly improved by increasing the efficiency of bankruptcy proceedings and by allowing hostile takeovers by foreign as well as domestic investors. To increase the productivity of capital, Asian companies should seek to realign managerial with shareholder interests by tying compensation to measures of value creation like EVA.  相似文献   

Stock market liberalization is a decision by a country’s government to allow foreigners to buy securities in that country’s capital market. This study examines how the liberalization of the Korean stock market affected stock price behavior and changed the role of accounting information for investment decisions. The Korean stock market opened its door to foreign investment in 1991. Prior to this, market inefficiencies, such as the superfluous co-movement of stock prices with industry or market indices or investment based on rumor and speculation, were widespread. Since the opening of the stock market to foreigners, a more rational pricing behavior has emerged. This setting provides a unique opportunity to investigate how stock price behavior has changed with market liberalization and what was the role of accounting information in this process. Our results indicate that the co-movement behavior of stock prices by industry decreased and stock price differentiation based on individual firm characteristics increased after market liberalization. The results also show that the explanatory power of accounting numbers increased after market liberalization. Overall, the results imply that foreign investors contributed to the improvement of market efficiency with the opening up of capital markets in Korea. We believe that our results provide useful evidence to other capital markets that are in a similar situation.  相似文献   

东亚国家金融结构与经济增长的实证研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
文章首先通过构造衡量金融结构的不同指标,运用金融结构与经济增长的动态面板数据模型,并用广义矩估计法进行估计,得出了在人均GDP高的国家,股票市场比重也高的结论;为验证其显著性,文章把东亚国家分成银行主导型和市场主导型两组分别回归,结论是股票市场比重的提高与人均GDP有显著的关系, 因此, 东亚国家应积极发展股票市场,提高银行体系和股票市场的效率。  相似文献   

This paper looks at the impact of corruption on stock market development, emphasizing the difference between developing and developed economies and the role corruption may play in preventing firms from listing. Guided by a theoretical model that explains why corruption’s impact on stock market development may differ, we use a sample of 87 economies worldwide over the period 1995–2017 to test for that difference. For the full sample we find no evidence that corruption has a significant effect on stock market development, but this changes when we split the sample into two groups: high-income and low-income countries. For the subsample of poorer (developing) countries, the corruption-stock market development relationship remains insignificant or weak. For the subsample of high-income (developed) countries, however, we find a significant relationship between lower levels of corruption and stock market capitalization as a share of gross domestic product. Our results further indicate that higher levels of income and investment reduce the impact of that relationship. Our results are robust to alternative estimation specifications and confirm the importance of macroeconomic fundamentals (i.e., income, investment, domestic credit, and macroeconomic stability) for the development of stock markets. In particular, those fundamentals seem more important for developing economies before reduced corruption will have as much (if any) of an impact.  相似文献   

A stock market liberalization is a decision by a country's government to allow foreigners to purchase shares in that country's stock market. On average, a country's aggregate equity price index experiences abnormal returns of 3.3 percent per month in real dollar terms during an eight-month window leading up to the implementation of its initial stock market liberalization. This result is consistent with the prediction of standard international asset pricing models that stock market liberalization may reduce the liberalizing country's cost of equity capital by allowing for risk sharing between domestic and foreign agents.  相似文献   

陈运森  黄健峤 《金融研究》2019,470(8):151-170
资本市场的持续对外开放是党的十九大强调的重要举措。本文基于沪港通开通这一准自然实验,检验了股票市场开放对企业投资效率的影响。结果发现:沪港通的开启促进了标的公司投资效率的提高,这一影响主要体现在信息环境不透明、治理水平低的公司;机制分析发现,沪港通开启后,公司信息质量的提高和分析师预测准确度的增加是股票市场开放影响标的公司投资效率的重要渠道;最终标的公司在沪港通开通后经营业绩也得到提升。本文结论表明,股票市场开放改善了公司的投资效率,提高了对实体经济的服务能力,这对党的十九大提出的“深化资本市场对外开放”和“金融服务实体经济”系列改革有重要启示。  相似文献   

In this paper we assess if the financial market liberalization introduced in the beginning of the 1990s in Greece has changed the degree of market development (efficiency) by studying time-varying global Hurst exponents. Our results suggest that changes in financial market liberalization have important positive implications on the degree of development of stock markets. These results have important policy implications for the development of stock markets around the world.  相似文献   

在深化银行业供给侧结构性改革背景下,如何科学评价银行业的结构性全要素生产率(TFP)增长具有重要意义。区别于早期针对个体样本的技术性TFP增长研究,本文通过构建并分解加总的Luenberger生产率指标对我国银行业以及不同类型银行的结构性TFP增长及来源进行有效评价。结果显示,研究期间,我国银行业的结构性TFP增长表现良好,其中,整体技术进步是主要驱动力;进一步分解发现,制度创新改善和加总的个体技术进步推动了银行业结构性TFP增长。在整体效率变化方面,加总的个体技术效率变化和结构效率变化都有待提高,其中,范围效率变化是抑制结构效率改善的主要因素。考虑不同类型银行,制度创新变化对所有类型银行的结构性TFP增长都影响显著,加总的个体技术变化对股份制和地区性银行的结构性TFP增长贡献更突出;加总的个体技术效率变化、结构效率变化、范围效率变化和规模效率变化对不同类型银行的结构性TFP增长作用有限。  相似文献   

This paper empirically examines what macroeconomic risks are shared (or not shared) internationally after stock market liberalization in several developing countries. To address this issue, we incorporate an international asset pricing model into a non-linear structural vector autoregression (VAR) system that identifies various sources of macroeconomic risks. We find that most of the risks corresponding to exogenous financial market shocks are surprisingly well shared, although other macroeconomic risks associated with exogenous shocks to output, inflation and monetary policies are not fully shared across countries. Our results suggest that one of the main benefits from stock market liberalization is to allow the countries studied in this paper to better hedge against exogenous and idiosyncratic financial market risks, and stock market liberalization needs to be accompanied by other measures of economic integration in order to achieve the full benefits of international risk sharing.  相似文献   

倪骁然  刘士达 《金融研究》2015,483(9):136-153
本文研究了地区层面金融同业活动对实体企业经营风险的影响。基于各省份金融机构开启同业存单业务的研究表明,地区层面金融同业活动显著提升了当地上市企业股价大幅下跌的风险。进一步研究表明,随着同业存单业务的发展,当地上市企业债务融资成本和风险水平有所上升,而业绩表现和市场价值有所下降。上述发现表明,企业融资链条变长后,信贷市场道德风险上升,部分企业因风险偏好增强导致经营风险上升,更容易突然出现负面事件而导致股价大幅下跌。本文的发现揭示了金融同业活动存在监管规避的可能性及其影响实体企业的潜在路径,凸显了完善金融监管以更好服务实体经济发展的重要现实意义。  相似文献   

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