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本文介绍了一种开源的基于Web的图形开发组件包JFreeChart引擎,并使用JFreeChart引擎技术,以全球江河泥沙信息数据库管理系统为基础,实现了水沙数据统计图表的浏览功能;阐述了JFreeChart组件的功能特点以及如何通过JFreeChart组件包实现水沙动态统计图表,建立了基于web的水沙数据可视化展示模型,丰富了水沙数据的查询浏览方式,有力的推动了水沙数据共享和信息化管理水平的发展.  相似文献   

Web应用一般遵循三层结构:表示层,应用逻辑层,数据层,典型的WEB应用是搜集用户提供的数据(表示层),然后把数据发送给WEB服务器,运行所要的服务程序(应用层),把准备在Web浏览器中表示的数据打包,然后将打包的数据送回到浏览 器进行显示(表示层)。  相似文献   

雷明 《水利技术监督》2022,(1):30-33,89
为全面提升盘锦市水利业务智能化和信息化水平,依托数据库、Silverlight、WebGIS、J2EE等技术,基于B/S架构搭建盘锦水利信息平台和盘锦智慧水利应用APP,实现信息查询浏览、空间数据与属性数据交互、统计分析、地图操作、二三维联动、数据维护管理、移动端展示等功能,可为盘锦地区各水利业务工作管理提供全面的数据...  相似文献   

这是国内首份针对微博市场的白皮书,《中国微博元年市场白皮书》数据显示,2010年3月~2010年6月,国内微博市场月覆盖人数从5452.1万增长到10,307万。从有效浏览时间来看,2010年3月~2010年6月,国内徽博市场月度有效浏览时间从761.07万小时增长到3035.69万小时。36.6%的用户通过手机发微博由于操作简单便捷,微博非常适台在手机上使用,部分用户已习惯通过手机发送微博。《中国微博元年市场白  相似文献   

核电厂设备维修技术存在隐性技术无法有效管理和传承的问题。通过对核电厂数字化检维修技术管理平台的设计与实践,总结基于3D模型维修技术数据管理平台整体架构设计、平台模块及界面设计、数据关联设计、数据开发与管理、平台应用实践路径和经验。以基于3D模型的核电厂数字化检维修技术管理平台将隐形技术显性化,实现核电厂维修企业的多电厂维修技术的有效管理,实现了技术标准化,参训人员考核平均分提高5~10分,培训一次合格率提升至95%。  相似文献   

ISO 成员:120个。其中:正式成员86个,通信成员25个,订户成员9个技术委员会:184个分技术委员会:597个工作组:2034个特别工作组:35个国际标准总数:10745个技术报告:322个指南:39个ISO 标准页数:275866页(英文和法文)  相似文献   

介绍运用Visual FoxPro,开发以Windows系列为操作平台,将用户身份识别、数据录入、数据修改、数据浏览、数据查询、数据加密和数据报表有机地结合起来,实现全面高效、安全可靠的备品配件计算机动态管理软件。  相似文献   

柏立团 《董事会》2013,(5):76-77
信息技术的进步为隐私权的保护提出了许多前所未有的问题,我们需要在技术进步与个人信息和隐私权保护之间寻找一个边界或平衡点几乎所有的网站设计者在进行网站设计时都使用了Cookie,因为他们都想给浏览网站的用户提供一个更友好的、人文化的浏览环境,同时也能更加准确地收集访问者的信息。Cookie虽然被广泛地应用并能做到一些使用其它技术不可能实现的功能,但也存在一些不够完美的方面,收集用户个人信息甚至可能侵犯公民隐私权这点便使Cookie备受诟病。我们需要在技术进步与个人信息、隐私权保护之间,寻找一个边界或平衡点。  相似文献   

据Prima调查结果显示,不用印刷方式的市场份额如下表中显示。虽然应该注意到这些数据中包含很多不确定因素,但这些调查数据与美国调查部门的调查数据大体相符。据美国调查研究结果显示,到2010年为止数字印刷方式(如下表中的数字和桌面技术)将大约占到印刷领域市场份额的25%。  相似文献   

中国物流与采购联合会发布数据显示,4月份中国制造业采购经理指数(PHI)为52.9%,环比回落0.5个百分点。PHI指数经过3月短暂回升后,再次延续回落势头,显示出伴随着我国经济结构调整,经济增长处在适度回调过程之中。数据显示,各分项指数整体呈小幅回落态势。  相似文献   

基于VB的计算机并行数据采集系统   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
结合化学气相沉积(CVD)金刚石膜设备温度检测系统的实例,分析了计算机并行口的EPP接口协议,介绍了计算机并行口数据输入模式的设置方法,论述了采用VB语言程序来实现通过计算机并行口采集8位并行数据的技术,并给出了对数据进行采集、转换、显示、报警等处理的相关程序。  相似文献   

This article investigates the post‐entry implications of pre‐entry technological choices made during the uncertain period before a dominant design. Building on work on technological dynamics and organizational inertia, I argue that too early commitments to the winning technology may impede the ability to bring the best product to market, but delaying investment too long limits the ability to accumulate useful knowledge. Using data from the evolution of the flat panel display industry from 1965 to 2005, the study shows empirical support for the two theoretical mechanisms and offers the surprising result that firms starting in the losing technology before switching outperform other firms in terms of product value. Switching, while difficult behaviorally in recovering from failure, both delays difficult‐to‐reverse technological commitments and develops market knowledge. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recently, the range of R&D management has expanded to include management of technological assets such as technology information, product/process data, and patents. Among others, patent map (PM) has been paid increasing attention by both practitioners and researchers alike in R&D management. However, the limitation of conventional PM has been recognized, as the size of patent database becomes voluminous and the relationship among attributes becomes complex. Thus, more sophisticated data–mining tools are required to make full use of potential information from patent databases. In this paper, we propose an exploratory process of developing a self–organizing feature map (SOFM)–based PM that visualizes the complex relationship among patents and the dynamic pattern of technological advancement. The utility of SOFM, vis–à–vis other tools, is highlighted as the size and complexity of the database increase since it can reduce the amount of data by clustering and visualize the reduced data onto a lower–dimensional display simultaneously. Specifically, three types of PM, technology vacuum map, claim point map, technology portfolio map, are suggested. The proposed maps may be used in monitoring technological change, developing new products, and managing intellectual property.  相似文献   

It is commonly believed that for workers to browse the Internet for personal reasons during work hours is non‐productive. Contesting this belief, this study documents positive effects of workplace Internet leisure browsing (WILB) on employee productivity. It is argued that WILB is an unobtrusive interruption which enables restoration of mental capacity and fosters feelings of autonomy.  相似文献   

Technological transition requires serious management decisions because it essentially means withdrawing from an existing technology, in which the company has been successful, and shifting management resources to a new technology with a high degree of uncertainty. We will analyze in detail an example of a successful transition to a new technology and draw key factors for success. The subject of our analysis is the transition made by Matsushita Electric Group (MEG), a large corporate group representative of Japanese companies, at the time of its commercialization of plasma display panel (PDP) TVs. During commercialization process, Matsushita made a successful transition from accumulated direct current‐plasma display panel (DC PDP) to alternating current‐plasma display panel (AC PDP) through incorporating AC PDP technology from Plasmaco, Venture Company established in 1987. Key conceptual contributions are as follows. Old and new technology can differ in their knowledge base. According to existing literature, when the knowledge base is radically different, incumbent firms have a difficulty adapting to the technological change. On the other hand, when the knowledge base is very similar, incumbent firms have no trouble adapting to the change. Beyond these established existing understandings, this paper argues that when the knowledge base is moderately different, managers can increase the likelihood of successful transition by implementing a set of organizational strategies. Among these strategies, a particularly insightful one is that through the parallel development process of both existing and new technologies, managers can eventually integrate the advantages of both technologies by implementing a flexible resource allocation mechanism to overcome the dichotomy between old and new through creation of a ‘Ba’, Japanese concept offering shared context for knowledge creation.  相似文献   

本文从显示性指标和分析性指标两个方面来评价高新技术产品国际竞争力。第一步利用显示性指标对北京高新技术产品国际竞争力的现状及发展潜力进行剖析;第二步利用分析性指标来深入挖掘影响北京高新技术产品国竞争力提升的重要因素。即利用贸易竞争指数和MI指数分别测算高新技术产品国际竞争实力和国际竞争潜力;利用因子分析的方法计算出各省市区的科技资源的配置效率。研究结果表明:北京高新技术产品国际竞争实力较弱,但发展趋势呈上升态势;北京的科技资源配置效率低是影响高新技术产品国际竞争力较弱的重要因素。  相似文献   

I study the choice between selling new software commercially and bundling it with ads and distributing it for free as adware. Adware allows advertisers to send targeted information to consumers which improves their purchasing decisions, but also entails a loss of privacy. I show that adware is more profitable when the perceived quality of the software is relatively low, when tracking technology improves, when consumers benefit more from information on consumer products and are less likely to receive it from external sources. I also show that improvements in the technology of display ads will lead to less violation of privacy and will benefit consumers, that depending on the software's quality, there are either too many or too few display ads in equilibrium, and that from a social perspective, adware dominates commercial software.  相似文献   

本文利用2009年四川德阳地区地震灾后中小型企业调查数据,从产业、所有制及企业规模等角度系统地考察了当地中小型企业的创新特征,并分析了其中存在的主要问题。我们发现,企业的平均专利数量及专利结构具有明显的产业异质性,在考虑专利申请的集中度后,产业的专利密度与研发密度呈现负相关性;各种不同所有制企业在创新动力、创新类型与创新的信息来源方面存在显著差异;发明专利密度与企业规模呈倒U形关系,而实用新型及外观设计专利密度随企业规模的增大而减小;政府研发资助存在选择效应,规模较大的企业更有可能获得政府的创新扶持。本文突破既有研究的数据限制,为我国中小型企业在创新模式转变中的差异性提供了证据,并为政府相应的创新扶持政策提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

最近,中国彩电企业的老板.们又开始频繁出入韩国,目的就是拿到更多的液晶屏。从今年初开始,曾因经济危机陷入低迷的液晶电视产业链出现反转迹象,到5月份以后,整个中国市场在政策的驱动下更是蓬勃向上,终端市场的快速上量,使得先前“关停并转”的上游液晶屏的生产突然变得紧张起来。随后液晶屏的价格翻番上涨。  相似文献   

How would abandoning Internet net neutrality affect content providers that have different sizes? We model an Internet broadband provider that can offer a different quality of service (priority) to heterogeneous content providers. Internet users can potentially access all content, although they browse and click ads with different probabilities. Net neutrality regulation effectively protects innovation done at the edge by small content providers. Prioritization, instead, increases both infrastructure core investment and welfare only if it sufficiently stimulates innovation from the large content provider.  相似文献   

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