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商业银行股份制改造已进入实质性阶段,以此为契机,中国金融体系改革也面临着前所未有的机遇与挑战。在经济、金融自由化的今天,我国将要面临的风险与外部冲击必然会增多。在此背景下重提货币危机,有着较为重大的理论与现实意义。  相似文献   

A broad debate about the harmonization of public sector accounting standards in Europe is underway. The authors provide arguments in favour of harmonization, but they also acknowledge the existing pluralism and diversity by taking stock of the state of play in 14 European countries. The paper makes a proposal for a way forward for policy-makers and standard-setters, in which the benefits of harmonization can be obtained without obliging EU member countries to necessarily abandon their current public sector accounting systems.  相似文献   

《纲要》的战略任务要求,紧紧围绕经济竞争力提升的核心关键、社会发展的紧迫需求、国家安全的重大挑战,采取差异化策略和非对称路径,强化重点领域和关键环节的任务部署.  相似文献   

在构建社会主义和谐社会中,银行业处于特有的重要地位。一个和谐发展的银行业,不仅是社会和谐的有机组成部分,而且对整个经济社会的和谐发展有着重要的促进作用。银行业的和谐,就其外部发展而言,应该在不同的区域之间、城市和农村之间获得协调发展;就其内部经营而言,则必须实现资产配置的科学有效、盈利结构的均衡合理,以及风险防范和业务发展水平的同步提升。  相似文献   

《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(4):C61-C62

Breaking the trade-off between efficiency and service   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Frei FX 《Harvard business review》2006,84(11):93-101, 156
For manufacturers, customers are the open wallets at the end of the supply chain. But for most service businesses, they are key inputs to the production process. Customers introduce tremendous variability to that process, but they also complain about any lack of consistency and don't care about the company's profit agenda. Managing customer-introduced variability, the author argues, is a central challenge for service companies. The first step is to diagnose which type of variability is causing mischief: Customers may arrive at different times, request different kinds of service, possess different capabilities, make varying degrees of effort, and have different personal preferences. Should companies accommodate variability or reduce it? Accommodation often involves asking employees to compensate for the variations among customers--a potentially costly solution. Reduction often means offering a limited menu of options, which may drive customers away. Some companies have learned to deal with customer-introduced variability without damaging either their operating environments or customers' service experiences. Starbucks, for example, handles capability variability among its customers by teaching them the correct ordering protocol. Dell deals with arrival and request variability in its high-end server business by outsourcing customer service while staying in close touch with customers to discuss their needs and assess their experiences with third-party providers. The effective management of variability often requires a company to influence customers' behavior. Managers attempting that kind of intervention can follow a three-step process: diagnosing the behavioral problem, designing an operating role for customers that creates new value for both parties, and testing and refining approaches for influencing behavior.  相似文献   

Companies often begin their search for great ideas either by encouraging wild, outside-the-box thinking or by conducting quantitative analysis of existing market and financial data and customer opinions. Those approaches can produce middling ideas at best, say Coyne, founder of an executive-counseling firm in Atlanta, and Clifford and Dye, strategy experts at McKinsey. The problem with the first method is that few people are very good at unstructured, abstract brainstorming. The problems with the second are that databases are usually compiled to describe current--not future--offerings, and customers rarely can tell you whether they need or want a product if they've never seen it. The secret to getting your organization to regularly generate lots of good ideas, and occasionally some great ones, is deceptively simple: First, create new boxes for people to think within so that they don't get lost in the cosmos and they have a basis for offering ideas and knowing whether they're making progress in the brainstorming session. Second, redesign ideation processes to remove obstacles that interfere with the flow of ideas--such as most people's aversion to speaking in groups larger than ten. This article offers a tested approach that poses concrete questions. For example, what do Rollerblades, H?agen-Dazs ice cream, and Spider-Man movies have in common? The answer: Each is something that adults loved as children and that was reproduced in an expensive form for grown-ups. Asking brainstorming participants to ponder how their childhood passions could be recast as adult offerings might generate some fabulous ideas for new products or services.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the proposals to limit the size of the banks, also known as tackling the banks’ incentives to become “too big to fail”. I examine how regulations to curb bank size may affect banks’ operating costs. I analyze the relationship between the size of U.S. bank holding companies (BHCs) and their operating costs from 2001:Q2 to 2014:Q1. I find that rules to limit the size of banks could significantly reduce economies of scale. In particular, if large and cost-efficient banks become split into smaller parts, data processing, legal fees, audit and consulting expenses, expenses on premises are likely to increase.The second part of the paper deals with the phenomenon known as “too big to jail” and examines banks’ settlements. I compile a novel dataset on 341 litigation charges and settlements and find evidence that larger banks and banks with a higher credit risk, but not necessarily more systemically risky banks, face litigation charges more frequently. I do however observe that penalties had little effect on BHCs’ profitability, and that some of the largest banks continuously faced litigation charges which may imply that benefits from wrongdoing outweighed the costs or that many large banks relied on the fact they will be considered immune from prosecution due to their sheer size and their influence on the economy.  相似文献   

提到支付宝,您一定不陌生。作为中国主流的第三方网上支付平台,支付宝(中国)网络技术有限公司的母公司(以下简称“支付宝”)在建立不到10年的时间里,实现了飞速的发展。截至2012年12月,支付宝注册账户突破8亿,日交易额峰值超过200亿元人民币,日交易笔数峰值达到1亿零580万笔。  相似文献   

在“2016中国金融论坛”上,全国社会保障基金理事会副理事长王忠民、中国人民银行原副行长、中国金融会计学会会长马德伦,中国人民银行金融市场司副司长邹澜围绕“金融创新服务助力‘双创’引擎”的话题分享了自己的观点。  相似文献   

Career development is an important part of modern human resource management. Women are an important and integral part in human resources. Paying at ention to women's career development can’t be ignored...  相似文献   

We develop a new model of the mortgage market that emphasizes the role of the financial sector and the government. Risk tolerant savers act as intermediaries between risk averse depositors and impatient borrowers. Both borrowers and intermediaries can default. The government provides both mortgage guarantees and deposit insurance. Underpriced government mortgage guarantees lead to more and riskier mortgage originations and higher financial sector leverage. Mortgage crises occasionally turn into financial crises and government bailouts due to the fragility of the intermediaries’ balance sheets. Foreclosure crises beget fiscal uncertainty, further disrupting the optimal allocation of risk in the economy. Increasing the price of the mortgage guarantee “crowds in” the private sector, reduces financial fragility, leads to fewer but safer mortgages, lowers house prices, and raises mortgage and risk-free interest rates. Due to a more robust financial sector and less fiscal uncertainty, consumption smoothing improves and foreclosure rates fall. While borrowers are nearly indifferent to a world with or without mortgage guarantees, savers are substantially better off. While aggregate welfare increases, so does wealth inequality.  相似文献   

王景富 《银行家》2004,(11):55-55
人们常常说目前在中国的金融体系中信用重建是一个重要的问题。那么怎样才能使金融信用得以重建呢?其实金融信用重建,说到底还是参与金融活动的人的信用重建。鉴于目前国内自然人、法人金融信用的严重缺失,用法律的手段加以约束,“猛药攻顽疾、重典促信用”就显得十分必要了。  相似文献   

石洋 《国际融资》2016,(8):17-23
绿色发展是中共十八届五中全会确立的“创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享”五大发展理念之一。“十三五”规划纲要提出,必须坚持节约资源和保护环境的基本国策,坚持可持续发展,坚定走生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展道路,加快建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,形成人与自然和谐发展现代化建设新格局,推进美丽中国建设,为全球生态安全做出新贡献。在如火如荼的暑伏之际,2016(第七届)清洁发展国际融资论坛暨2016(第六届)“十大绿色创新企业”颁奖典礼在北京产权交易所隆重举行,新老各界朋友和专家为了共同的目标“让绿色金融支持绿色清洁生产”,再次欢聚一堂,共同探讨如何创新各种融资方式,带动更多社会资本参与绿色投资,支持绿色清洁生产、推进传统制造业绿色改造、推动建立绿色低碳循环发展产业体系,确保中国经济可持续发展。  相似文献   

陈平 《银行家》2003,(9):126-127
目前中国社会最大的问题是就业问题,中国有13亿人口,每年有大量的新增劳动力需要就业,城市中有大量的国有企业在裁员,而农民又纷纷涌入城市.所有这些问题,单靠吸引外资、吸引世界五百强企业是肯定解决不了的.  相似文献   

解决金融供给不足打破经济发展瓶颈   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农村金融问题一直是世界关注的问题,尤其是二元经济结构国家所面临的共同问题.纵观二元经济国家,尤其是农耕国家的发展史,不外乎得益于三大需求的强劲推动,中国也不例外.  相似文献   

高技术产业融资瓶颈待破解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏存 《银行家》2006,(7):76-79
高技术产业投融资问题风险投资来源的社会化程度低。我国风险投资的资金规模小,投资主体单一,资金来源主要是政府和国有企业,还有一些来自高等院校或上市公司,仅有很少一部分是民间投资和境外资本。而且,民间借贷  相似文献   

打破悖论:延迟退休对就业的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于人口老龄化广度和深度的持续延伸,"倒金字塔"1式家庭结构养老负担过于沉重已成现实,延迟退休作为提升养老保险制度财务可持续性的关键性措施必须被提上日程。基于延迟退休下的劳动力市场的影响效应分析,我们发现延迟退休与促进就业并非存在矛盾,延迟退休若以合宜方式开展那么延迟退休等同于阻碍就业的悖论是可以打破的,并建议推行延迟退休政策时应小步渐进,先女后男;在精算基础上实施弹性退休政策;政策适度差异化以体现社会公平。  相似文献   

在我国金融市场全面开放和金融体制改革不断深化的大背景下,为适应经济发展需要,加快国际化进程,应对日趋激烈的市场竞争,近年来,我国商业银行致力于金融服务和产品创新。而科技作为银行管理和业务创新的重要支撑,在银行创新中的作用日益重要。  相似文献   

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