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The paper tests the hypothesis that small member states of the European Union (EU) experience economies of scale constraints. This study adopts a production function approach, utilising data from the 27 differently sized EU member countries. The results confirm the hypothesis and indicate that larger EU member countries incur lower costs per unit of output produced when compared to the smaller ones. This finding has important implications for small EU member states, including that smaller countries have to overcome their economies of scale constraint in order to attain and maintain international competitiveness. This disadvantage is particularly relevant for small states, because these states tend to be highly dependent on international trade, in which case international competitiveness is a major issue.  相似文献   

Trade policy will have to be unifled if the member states of the European Community are to achieve their declared objective of creating a homogeneous internal European market by the year 1992. On what principles should such a Community trade policy be based?  相似文献   

We analyse the number of different HS8 products in the EU countries’ exports in 1995–2015. We review what share, or coverage, of the total possible number of these products the countries have exported each year. The EU15 countries have typically witnessed a slow rise in this coverage rate, that is, a widening of their extensive margins. The exception is Finland where the share has declined considerably. On the other hand, Ireland, Greece, Portugal and the new member countries have seen a dramatic increase in their export product coverage. We analyse how the development in the coverage rate and, as a comparison, the diversification of exports as measured by the Herfindahl–Hirschman index are associated with GDP per capita growth. We find that changes in the former measure are positively associated with economic growth after we have controlled for GDP per capita catching‐up as well as investment and export activity. We also find that smaller EU economies do not specialise more than large ones in their exports as could perhaps be assumed.  相似文献   

Although the Treaty of Amsterdam has not lived up to the expectations of those who wanted a substantially stronger and more active European Union, it has expanded considerably the competences of the Union. In some policy areas such as social policy, it has added significantly to the obligations of the member states. By implication, the policy discretion of member states has been reduced further. The reasonable question that arises is whether the Union will and whether it should keep encroaching on the policy discretion (some use the word sovereignty) of its member states? The aim of this paper is to provide an answer to that question with respect to the economic functions of member states.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between financial development and economic growth in a sample of 69 countries. A regime switching panel vector autoregression model is specified to detect directional changes in finance-growth causality and potential time variation of such causality patterns. In addition, a clustering analysis is performed to identify the presence of convergence clubs based on data properties. The findings show that most countries have switching between two states: one way causality from growth to financial development but not the other way round, and coexistence of bi-directional causality. Poorer countries are represented by a system with stable steady state while the clusters of advanced economies tend to exhibit multiple steady states. The clustering results map closely the degree of financial openness, and the cultural and geographical proximities of member countries.  相似文献   

Ten years after the biggest enlargement in the history of the EU, the integration of the new member states is assessed positively. It is considered an economic success when looking at the income levels. However, due to overly optimistic assumptions and the crisis, economic integration and the catching-up process will take much longer for the new EU member states than originally expected. Moreover, new challenges are looming, especially as the Central and Eastern European accession countries adopt the euro. Smaller countries introduced the euro as quickly as possible, whereas larger countries have been much more hesitant, thinking twice not only because of several unsolved problems in the euro area but also because they use the exchange rate tool much more intensively. All new member states have to make sure they continue to increase their productivity and competitiveness. Findings suggest that after having entered the EU, the new eastern member states appear to have been developing rather stringent competition cultures. Bulgaria and Romania’s transition performance significantly differs from the pattern in the 2004 accession countries, both in terms of quantitative growth and institutional quality. These countries show that EU funds can be highly counter-productive since they help to conserve old structures.  相似文献   

The CEEC share of Irish exports has grown fivefold since transition began, with export sales expanding in all sectors. Even at current income levels there remains scope for a further doubling of exports, and trade will grow even more substantially if accession facilitates the CEEC in converging more rapidly on EU living standards. Most analyses predict that the EU15 sectors that face the greatest threats of enlargement‐induced disruption are Food and Textiles, Clothing and Footwear. In the case of Irish Food Processing, however, the prognosis of the present paper is positive since Irish agricultural output differs quite strongly from that of the CEE economies. The adjustment costs associated with industrial dispution, furthermore, are highest in economies with rigid labour markets, whereas the flexibility of the Irish labour market seems to have improved substantially over the last decade or so. Outward FDI from Ireland has grown strongly over the Celtic Tiger era, and Irish multinational firms have been reasonably active in acquiring companies in their sectors in Cental and Eastern Europe. The main worry for Ireland is that the more successful accession states may divert FDI inflows away from Ireland. Micro‐level analysis of the conditions pertaining in some of Ireland's most important foreign‐dominated sectors – information technology, pharma‐chem and instrument engineering – suggests that these threats may be overstated. The leading CEE economies, rather than drawing FDI away from Ireland, may instead contribute to the further development of EU‐wide production networks, making the networks themselves more competitive as global players. The net cost to Ireland of agreements already reached on the financing of enlargement is quite manageable. The cost to Ireland would escalate dramatically, however, if costs and benefits were to be redistributed within the EU in line with current income levels, entailing a substantial transformation of the CAP transfer mechanism.  相似文献   

The European Union is striding ahead on schedule towards European monetary union (EMU). Eleven member states will introduce the euro for book-keeping purposes on 1.1.1999, assigning responsibility for monetary policy to the European System of Central Banks. On 1.1.2002, the euro will also be in circulation as notes and coins, and the participating countries will abandon their national currencies by 30.6.2002 at the latest. But what part will the euro play in the world monetary system? And what conclusions do we need to draw?  相似文献   

A broad EMU is now in prospect when the single European currency is launched in 1999, including ten or eleven EU member states. The UK could also join early in the next century "if EMU is a success". This article describes the path to monetary union and discusses the potential problems and opportunities raised by this ambitious project. Distinguishing between technical and economic success, it outlines three potential sources of tension and difficulty for those joining in the first wave, and argues that Britain will not be able to avoid its effects even though it will not be joining initially.  相似文献   

全球金融危机余波未退,欧洲债务危机波澜又起。2011年以来,伴随着全球经济的不断起伏、局地政局的风云突变,国际贸易各层面的风险明显上升。贸易保护、通货膨胀、债务压力、融资难题、社会动荡,各色问题在危机挤压下露头、集聚、深化,然后将压力集中传导到企业和投资者身上。对于深度依赖外部市场的中国出口企业和走出国门未久的中国投资商,这种压力犹为深重。  相似文献   

This paper uses a broad multi-country dataset to describe the main stylized facts about export performance in the last four decades. First, transition probability matrices are computed to look at changes in the position of countries at the world distribution of the export to GDP ratio. It finds that transitions toward high export ratios have been mainly experienced by Asian countries, but also that some reformers, like Mexico and Chile, have been able to improve their position relative to other studied economies. African countries mainly sunk to the bottom part of the world distribution, although they constitute only half of the economies with relatively bad export performance. In the consideration of the structural factors that may play an important role for long-run transitions, the results suggest that more open economies and those with better institutions are more likely to move to high export ratios in the long-run. Second, the within-country experiences are analyzed for identifying episodes of export transitions. Using an event study methodology, a very weak association is found between export transitions and investment rate. In contrast, the results suggest that transitions are potentially driven by improvements in financial development. Finally, favorable terms of trade, increments in productivity, and reductions in exchange rate distortions are not found to be a catalyst for export transitions.  相似文献   

While the European Union will hardly be in a position to receive new members without extensive policy and financial reform, the discussion so far has exaggerated the link between reform and enlargement. It has also tended to neglect the economic benefits to be expected from integrating the CEECs into the EU and has been dominated by concerns about intra-EU transfers. In an attempt to placate those member states which have complained that they pay too much, recent proposals could give rise to more inefficiencies and disparities within the Union. The author is grateful to Beuter, Frank Bollen, Veerle Deekmyn and Les Metealfe for their comments on a previous draft. The author alone is responsible for the views expressed in this paper.  相似文献   

Now past the halfway point for establishing a single market by 1992, the 12 member states of the European Economic Community are pausing to review the progress. What has been accomplished so far? And what remains to be done? The answers to these questions are outlined, providing background to the most important question: How will your organization be affected?  相似文献   

While the integration process in the Caribbean Community and Common Market (Caricom) has only been in force for a few years, it is, in the author’s view, clear that the narrow free trade approach used so far will not be able to deal with the widening gap between the better-off and the less well-off member states or to provide a solution to fundamental problems facing the region as a whole.  相似文献   

The fall of the former Soviet Union and the opening of the countries of Eastern Europe has prompted examination of why central planning failed, why capitalism with all its faults is succeeding, and what actions and institutions are necessary to move command economies toward successful, sustainable market economic systems. As they privatize State Owned Enterprises (SOE's) expectations are that the companies will function with the success experienced by western companies. Governments hope to derive tax revenue from company profits and expect companies to provide jobs. Effecting the change is, however, far greater than changing the name plate on the door. Transition success will hinge upon institutional and infrastructure changes that need to be wide-spread.The ethical quagmire is that without changes in the infrastructure of the command economy system private enterprise is doomed to fail. Governments will then be deprived of the anticipated revenue streams emanating from businesses. Governments may then not be able to fulfill the economic and social expectations of their citizens. This would be not only counter-productive for businesses and government but also confusing and bewildering to the general populous. This paper explores structural impediments in transition economies and discusses how each blocks and distorts the formation of a true market economy.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurial ventures from Latin American emerging economies are underexplored on the current international entrepreneurship literature. This paper is aimed to contribute empirical evidence on entrepreneurial ventures from Latin American emerging economies and their internationalization and value orientation. Based on the 2009 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor data, we found that institutional voids on Latin American emerging economies were a double-edge sword: on one hand, inefficient and unregulated markets make ventures from Latin American emerging economies encounter the liability of their country of origin; on the other hand, less active governments and absence of influential NGOs alternatively trigger more social entrepreneurial opportunities, with some of them across the national border. Some entrepreneurs from Latin American emerging economies have been active in exploiting those international social opportunities. International social entrepreneurship can be regarded as an alternative solution to social problems which governments, NGOs, or for-profit ventures fail to tackle on Latin American emerging economies.  相似文献   

Both standardisation and flexibility are naturally linked to franchising and the balance between them has become an important research issue. Literature states that cost minimisation, brand image and innovation are the main reasons that push towards standardisation, while flexibility is claimed (for those that advocate for it) in order to achieve a higher adaptation to local markets and enhance franchisees’ entrepreneurial attitudes. This research will focus on the computer retail sector to find out how franchise networks in services settle this dilemma. Here, franchisors have decided to focus on economies of scale and strong common corporate image as key goals and thus allow franchisees to be flexible with any other variables that do not affect their main objectives, mainly by adding a complementary product and services portfolio. Results suggest that those resources and capabilities which sustain a competitive advantage are more susceptible to being standardised in franchising, opening an interesting research line through the Resource-Based View.  相似文献   

When comparisons in terms of industrial policy lessons to be learned have taken place, it has tended to be solely vis-a-vis the ‘development state’ East Asian experience. This paper broadens the analysis and considers lessons which African countries can learn from other so-called ‘tiger’ economies including Ireland and the East and South Asian countries. We recognise that the latter are indeed clearly significant as many African countries at the time of independence had economic structures and levels of income quite similar to East Asian countries, yet have grown at vastly different rates since then. Exploring why this has been the case can thus offer important insights into possibilities for industrial policy. Yet this comes with some health warnings over East Asian experience. We suggest that another important contribution can come by looking at the Irish example, given its emphasis on corporatism rather than simply relying on state direction in the operation of industrial policy. The Irish model is also more democratic in some senses and has protected workers’ rights during the development process in contrast to the often highly dirigisite East Asian model. Overall we suggest that some immediate actions are needed, notably with regard to the financial system in small African economies. Without such changes, a poorly functioning financial system will continue to keep investment at low levels. In relation to the small size of the African economies, the paper recommends regional integration and sufficient overseas development assistance (ODA) for infrastructural development. It is also critical to note that the various small African economies each face their own industrial and economic development challenges, and that a ‘one size fits all’ approach is not appropriate; rather the key is to tailor policies and systems to the unique opportunities and development challenges in each African country.  相似文献   

The paper argues that 18 years after the introduction of the Euro, the European Monetary Union has yet been unable to achieve sufficient real economic convergence among its member economies. As a result, the European Central Bank (ECB) still faces a dilemma in the sense that the common monetary policy is unable to meet current policy requirements in both boom and recession countries. Of course, the extensive asset purchase programmes of the ECB in the aftermath of the Euro crisis provided the necessary time for policy reforms, but deep rooted structural problems in a number of member countries and a divergent understanding of macroeconomic policy have remained and will lead to sustained high tensions in the eurozone in the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

Policymakers in the EU member states are currently shaping rescue packages to prevent the financial crisis hitting their economies with unmitigated force. Each government is responding to the emerging problems with a country-specific set of measures. Given the global nature of the crisis, would coordinated action at the European level not be a better approach? Was the German government — much-criticised for its initial reluctance to adopt massive fiscal stimulation measures — right after all to exploit the option value of waiting in a situation of high uncertainty?  相似文献   

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