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There is a saying: east or west, Kwang-tung food is the best, meaning that Kwang-tung food is well known both in China and across the world, of which the most unique is Canton soup. Canton soup is very tasty, while the secret of cooking is created out of the pharmacodynamics of traditional Chinese medicine. Although Kwangtung was one of the earliest areas in China to accept Western medicine, the traditional Chinese medicine had been developed for a long history. Before the middle of Qing Dynasty(about 200 years ago), traditional Chinese medicine was the only way of curing the illness. As it is very hot and wet, people here are very easy to get evil heat.When they have a headache or get evil heat, their families always make herbal tea for them. Herbal tea is usually effective dispite the bitter taste. The Cantonese, very good at cooking food, also tried every way to turn the bitter  相似文献   

Traditionally,the food safety net has targeted the intermediary stages of the food chain-when food is processed from its raw state-rather than the initial or final stages of the food chain,where food is grown or consumed.[第一段]  相似文献   

Chen Clan Temple is also called Chen Clan Academy, which is one of the biggest clan temples in Kwangtung Province, as well as the representative of Lingnan folk architectural decoration and arts. It is known as the treasury of Lingnan architectural arts. It took seven years to build the temple from  相似文献   

The Beijing Huadu Meat Company is a large meat processing enterprise with the integration of pig feeding, dressing/packing, cooked food processing, quick-frozen food, and frozen food. It has modern processing facilities and environment, and is equipped with cold food storage with a 3,500 tons capacity. As a national second grade enterprise, the Beijing Huadu Meat Com-  相似文献   

Due to the downturn in global economy, the economic growth rate in China sharply decreased in the first quarter of 2009. However, the fluctuating macro economy won't change the uptrend in food and beverage industry. The ratio between added-values of food industry and agriculture industry in China is 0.22 at present, but the ratio in developed western countries averages 1.2, meaning that there is still great potential and room in Chinese food industry. During the "11th five-year" period, the beverage industry is expected to grow at a rate of 15% or above. In this way, the production in this industry in 2010 will reach 68 million tons.  相似文献   

Eat for Health     
Chinese food therapy (食疗 Shí liáo) is a practice in the belief of healing through the use of natural foods instead of medications.Chinese food or nutrition therapy,is a modality of traditional Chinese medicine,as opposed to evidencebased medicine.  相似文献   

In the logistic of food refrigerated supply chain, food refrigerated transport is the most important. The transport we say includes middle-distance transport, long-distance transport, short-distance.Since 1978, with the improvement of people's living standard, the consumption of the perishable food has increased rapidly and the refrigerated rail transport has developed too. But compared with the developed countries, we should realize that we have a long way to go.  相似文献   

"East or west, Cantonese food is the best". With a long history, Cantonese food is well-known all over the world. In Guangzhou, the number of cafe, eateries, tea houses, restaurants ranks number one in China. It is also well-known for its delicate style, abundant variety, good taste, as well as the variety kinds of tea. You can find restaurants and tea houses everywhere in Guangzhou. With dif-  相似文献   

In recent months,reports about China's food safety have piled in US media.Some even concluded that China was the country to have most violated US food safety regula- tions. As a matter of fact,products quality or food safety is a global issue since each coun- try all over the world yields and consumes products and food.Margaret Chan,Director- General of the World Health Organization (WHO),announced that the WHO receives  相似文献   

China is launching its greatest initiative against the recurrent food safety issue, one of the most determined efforts China has exercised in dealing with the public concerned food safety issue ever.Li Keqiang, vice premier of the State Council, raised his hope that people from all walks of life could be actively engaged into this initiative and create with joint efforts a good environment for concerning about, supporting and maintaining the food safety.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the implications of a minimum wage in an open economy two-sector model where the effect of growth on trade and unemployment is explicitly determined. The first-best policy is a wage subsidy to all employment while the second-best policy is a production tax cum subsidy. In the absence of policy intervention it is shown that growth in the short run results in decreasing unemployment for the home country if it is specialized in consumption goods or incompletely specialized provided that the minimum wage is binding. If the economy is specialized in investment goods, then unemployment may increase initially but as growth continues the minimum wage no longer remains binding and full employment is restored. In the long run by examining the dynamic interaction between trade and growth it is possible for the economy to be incompletely specialized with unemployment. If the economy specializes in consumption goods, it is possible for the economy to attain full employment.  相似文献   

起床其实并不困难.随着闹钟的响声,音响也随之开启,播放起你最喜爱的歌曲;清晨的阳光透过自动拉开的窗帘映入你的眼帘;厨房正准备着热饮和早饭;电视里播放着新闻;浴室也准备就绪,只为开启你美好的新一天.  相似文献   

旅游可持续发展一直是许多旅游学者关注的焦点。本文运用指标体系评价方法对大连和延边自治州的旅游可持续发展状态进行评价和比较分析,结果表明:大连旅游业处在可持续发展初级阶段,延边州旅游业处在旅游可持续发展准备阶段;从大连与延边比较来看,延边的旅游软硬环境建设力度最弱,与大连的差距较大,而旅游经济、社会效益能力差距则相对较小。  相似文献   

煤炭是我国最重要的基础能源,在我国能源消费结构中一直居于主导地位。随着国民经济的增长对煤炭资源的需求不断增加,煤炭的供给不足已经凸显。内蒙古是我国煤炭资源的富集地区,是我国重要的基础能源基地,应该合理开发和利用矿区煤炭资源,避免开采过程中造成土地资源浪费、生态环境破坏等。白彦花矿区地处"老少边远"地区,其开发和利用不仅可以促进当地经济发展而且可以调整全区的煤炭产业结构;煤炭市场具有广阔的前景。但是其规划和开采必须依靠科技,制定目标,协调环境发展合理开发并综合利用。  相似文献   

茶文化是中华民族宝贵的历史文化遗产。以茶诗为标志的茶文化堪称中国的一绝 ,以茶词曲赋为标志的茶文化堪称中国的国粹 ,以茶画为标志的茶文化堪称中国的瑰宝。本文认为 ,对中国茶文化遗产必须加大对优质名茶地理标志的保护力度 ,加强对优质名茶的商业秘密保护 ,加大对假冒伪劣行为的惩处力度。  相似文献   

本文认为,超市开展电子商务是未来发展的必然趋势。超市电子商务从交易范围来看,主要面向所在社区的消费者,属于本地电子商务;从业务模式来看,属于"鼠标 水泥"的模式,即在传统店铺的基础上增加网络销售渠道,其网上销售的商品基本上没有限制,其配送方式主要是超市员工直接送货上门,小额订单可以由用户支付一定的佣金,支付方式现阶段以货到付款为主,有条件的也可以网上支付。文章提出,超市开展电子商务的途径主要有两种:一是通过电子邮件开展电子商务活动(包括邮件促销、邮件提醒购物、邮件购物、邮件信息反馈);二是通过超市网站开展电子商务活动。  相似文献   

The heavy emphasis on statistical rigor that business schools in American universities place on research is questionable in general and, for business schools in China, is not necessarily a good strategy by which either to produce useful research or to distinguish themselves from business schools in the United States. The reasons for this pertain to, first, what statistical analysis is good for in science; second, what statistical analysis is not good for in science; third, what statistical analysis is and is not good for in business research; fourth, how a large sample size is not generalizable but a single case is; fifth, how action research, design research, and Herbert Simon's "sciences of the artificial" all demonstrate rigor without statistics; and finally, the historical context that explains the turn to statistics in American business schools but is irrelevant to China. The recommendation is for business schools in China not necessarily to reject statistical research, but rather, to also pursue other, equally scientific forms of research, including those recognized by Herbert Simon.  相似文献   

The role of the multilateral aid agencies in the delivery of aid is as old as the debate on the role of aid in economic development. Aid is effective in a good policy environment. However, effective aid delivery is equally important. This is why the need to reform the institutions involved in the process of delivering aid is crucial. Among others, the paper concluded that there is a need for redefining the roles and the establishment of a well articulated network among the various institutions involved in the aid process. More importantly, given the different actors and motives at play in the transfer of resources to recipient countries, the role of a supranational institution to coordinate and give direction is indispensable.  相似文献   

有限域的运算已经广泛应用于Reed—Solomon码、存储领域和各种加密算法中。乘法运算是其中最复杂的一种运算,有限域中的元素可以用各种基表示。文中在给出有限域元素自然基下的表示方法的基础上,推导出了域元素正则基下的表示方法,并给出了正则基下域元素的乘法运算,编写了乘法器的VHDL模型。用XILINX公司的ISE5.2软件对电路模型进行了仿真,结果表明乘法器的运算结果完全正确。  相似文献   

One of the well‐known approaches to the problem of option pricing is a minimization of the global risk, considered as the expected quadratic net loss. In the paper, a multidimensional variant of the problem is studied. To obtain the existence of the variance‐optimal hedging strategy in a model without transaction costs, we can apply the result of Monat and Stricker. Another possibility is a generalization of the nondegeneracy condition that appeared in a paper of Schweizer, in which a one‐dimensional problem is solved. The relationship between the two approaches is shown. A more difficult problem is the existence of an optimal solution in the model with transaction costs. A sufficient condition in a multidimensional case is formulated.  相似文献   

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