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党的十九届五中全会提出,要“培育国际消费中心城市”。上海作为已经初步具备建设国际消费城市基础的重要经济体,在加快构建“双循环”新发展格局背景下,应借力构建国际贸易中心与旅游城市建设的机遇,不断丰富完善各种消费品与服务供给,有效降低消费成本,推进建设国际消费城市。本文结合上海已有建设国际消费城市的基础,切实分析上海构建国际消费城市存在的不足,在借鉴吸纳国际经验的基础上,提出努力提升消费总量、不断提升消费品供给质量、优化消费结构等上海构建国际消费城市的对策措施。  相似文献   

In this paper, the Soviet household saving function is estimated using reconstructed data from the unpublished archival material: the Soviet family budget survey data. In addition, a shortage indicator is developed to capture both household purchasing power in comparison with the availability of consumer goods in the official market and the spillover of the household demand for consumer goods from the official retail market to the secondary one. A long-run solution of the Soviet household saving function, which includes a shortage indicator as one of the independent variables, is estimated using these data. The reliability of the long-run solution is confirmed by the short-run dynamics of the Soviet household saving function, which satisfy super-exogeneity, parameter constancy, and several diagnostic tests. The highly significant coefficient of the shortage indicator suggests that Soviet household saving behaviour was affected by shortages of consumer goods during 1965–1989. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We analyze a spatial differentiation model with divisible consumption under one-stop shopping. Each consumer who visits only one store, chooses the quantities of the goods which maximize his/her utility function under the budget constraint (namely consumption expenditures must equal income minus transportation costs), choosing the store which provides him/her with the largest indirect utility. We derive the equilibrium price when the firms are located at the two extremities of Hotelling’s linear city and show that income increases have a pro-competitive effect.  相似文献   

A theory of household consumption of goods, time and locomotion is proposed in which time allocation theory and urban economic theory are shown to be special cases. The contributions of this temporal-spatial theory in terms of enriching consumer behavior theory and of providing a robust basis for analyzing transportation economics are outlined.  相似文献   

季节性易逝品的销售期短,并且残值低,这类产品可以采用预售策略.考虑消费者估价不确定性及消费者的策略性行为,对预售策略的定价及库存进行了研究.同时优化了预售价格及实物销售价格,得到了当消费者的估值分布满足一定的条件时的最优价格,并通过建立报童模型,得到了最优的产量及利润.通过预售与不预售两种策略的比较,得到了销售商采取预售策略的充分条件.最后,对模型进行了数值分析.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the formation of cities has been explained by such supply-side phenomena as scale economies in production or such demand-side phenomena as public goods. This paper presents an integrated demand and supply approach to the formation of cities in spatial economy. Demand considerations, in the form of consumer agglomeration economies (i.e., product variety), are presented as a major cause of urban agglomeration. On the supply side, scale economies are introduced. Both aspects are examined by using the Dixit-Stiglitz model of monopolistic competition to characterize the equilibrium and optimum city size. We also discuss a subsidy scheme that produces an equilibrium city size corresponding to a first-best optimum. Then we analyze the distribution of population in a system of two cities.  相似文献   

Models of economies either of urban areas or with local public goods often involve the use of a continuum of consumers along with the use of a commodity called land; each consumer generally owns a parcel of land of positive area. The purpose of the present study is to show that such models are internally inconsistent (independent of the other assumptions employed) in that only countably many consumers can own parcels of land of non-zero area if land lies in a Euclidean space. This result applies, in particular, to monocentric city models. Moreover, it is shown that the standard justification for the use of economies with an infinity of agents, that they approximate large economies with a finite number of consumers, does not necessarily apply in the case of economies with land and a continuum of consumers. A model where land is represented by subsets of R2 is presented as an alternative.  相似文献   

A model of firms' spatial allocation and location is developed by explicit incorporation of urban agglomeration benefits using accessibility measure. In a linear and one-activity city, each firm is assumed to interact with each other for face-to-face transactions, and the unit construction cost of office building is considered to be proportional to firm density. It is shown that both the optimum and the equilibrium distributions of firms are cosine, quadratic or cosine-hyperbolic curves, that the latter is more dispersed, and that the equilibrium rent function is concave near the city center and convex near the boundaries.  相似文献   

城市发展贵在开拓创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创新是新形势下促进县级城市快速、稳定、健康发展的关键 ,主要包括思维、制度、管理三方面的创新。思维创新是要用跳出城市看城市、跳出城建看城建的观点 ,树立以改革促发展的意识。制度创新体现在实行政企分开、事企分开、管养分离、公有民营、公共产品的企业化生产、以城养城等新体制。管理创新则包括规划的龙头作用、规范工程建设程序、实行长效管理等。  相似文献   

基于新兴古典经济学模型的两类比较静态分析,使用2008—2020年的省级面板数据,实证考察了流通领域技术进步对消费品种类扩增的影响及其机制。回归结果表明,流通领域技术进步能够促进消费品种类扩增;机制检验表明,流通领域技术进步可以通过降低交易成本促进区域市场融合,直接影响消费品种类,也可以通过社会分工水平间接影响消费品种类,产品管理效率提升会对该过程产生积极影响;异质性分析表明,相较于中东部地区,我国西部地区流通领域技术进步对消费品种类扩增作用更强。  相似文献   

本文在文献研究、理论分析的基础上,将新奢侈品定义为外形识别度高、具有适度品牌溢价的优质消费品,并总结了新奢侈品的特点及发展趋势;识别了目标消费者群体所在的心理学、人文的细分市场,以及分析了新奢侈品的需求曲线;在上海地区调研的基础上,总结了消费新奢侈品的产品偏好、品牌偏好。  相似文献   

暴世宏  江春先 《价值工程》2012,31(11):99-101
当代流行的微观经济学的消费者行为理论,忽视了一个非常重要的事实,那就是:商品质量对效用可实现程度的影响。耐用消费品的消费者均衡是通过消费者对所购商品的质量作出决策来实现的,而不是商品的数量。通过模型计算表明:基于商品质量和基于商品数量的消费者均衡的条件是一致的。另外,质量替代现象是普遍存在的,它可以用来解释所谓的"吉芬物品"。  相似文献   

This paper presents two nonparametric approaches to urban household location theory. For each model two sets of own price substitution theorems are presented, one for goods whose prices vary spatially and one for goods whose prices do not vary spatially in the market area. The usual substitution theorem derived in nonspatial demand theory is seen to hold for goods whose prices do not vary spatially. Goods whose prices vary spatially, however, reveal a significant departure from standard demand theory in that the substitution theorem is shown to hold unambiguously only for "parallel" shifts in spatial price surfaces. Further, the results are robust, extending to consumers in nonmonocentric urban areas, regardless of consumer tastes for travel distance or labor/leisure choice complications.  相似文献   

牛跃平  李荣娜 《价值工程》2012,31(36):106-107
通过对工业品企业和一般消费品企业的在营销理念、营销结构、沟通体系、生产和存运中心区别对比,分析其中产生的矛盾,通过对矛盾的分析,结合一般消费品企业和市场特点,建立合理的营销结构,构建有效的沟通体系,充分利用现代化信息技术和新的销售渠道,最终实现企业转变的良性转变。  相似文献   

Insufficient price variation seriously hampers many applications of consumer demand models. This paper examines the empirical performance of a potential remedy for this problem that was suggested by [Lewbel, A., 1989. Identification and estimation of equivalence scales under weak separability. Review of Economic Studies 56, 311–316], the construction of individual specific price indices for bundles of goods. These individual specific price indices allow for a population with heterogeneity in preferences for goods within a given bundle of goods. We confine ourselves to heterogeneous Cobb Douglas within bundle preferences, while between bundles, we allow for several parametric and even general nonparametric specifications. In a variety of settings, we show that such prices produce superior empirical results than the ones obtained through the traditional practice of using aggregate price indices. Our empirical analysis is based on the British Family Expenditure Survey data, and uses several categories of food. Both in parametric as well as nonparametric models, we obtain higher precision of estimates for parameters or functions, as well as economically more plausible results.  相似文献   

张闻 《企业技术开发》2007,26(4):101-103
随着我国全面进入老龄化社会,庞大的老年人群体和强劲的潜在购买力培育了一个潜力巨大的老年市场,但目前老年消费群体却一直未受到投资者和商家们的关注。文章对我国老年市场的现状、消费特点等进行了分析,并结合实例提出了相应的开发对策。  相似文献   

山东省的社会消费品零售额总量,历年来位居全国第三。但贸易、餐饮连锁经营实现的商品零售额却排在上海、北京、广东、江苏之后,居全国第五位。与发达的省市相比,连锁企业发展存在较大差距。本文详细分析了山东连锁零售企业的特点,提出了增强品牌意识,开拓农村市场的良好对策。  相似文献   

A simple dynamic model of residential development with durable housing, where all households are identical and all developers have perfect foresight, is studied. It is shown that, unlike the case of static models, it is quite possible that house size decreases, and thus population density increases, with distance from the city center and that the house rent curve has positive gradient in certain area.  相似文献   

2004~2009年,欧盟对华产品通报始终位居RAPEX系统首位。2009年,欧盟发布对华通报1993项,相比2008年增幅达7%。2009年,欧盟连续发布多项关于消费品和消费品中化学物质的安全指令,我国输欧消费品面临的技术性贸易壁垒形势愈加严峻。文章在统计和分析欧盟RAPEX对华产品通报新进展的基础上,围绕2009年欧盟新出台的法规与指令展开研究,综合分析了导致我国输欧消费品遭受技术性贸易壁垒的多方面因素,最后提出了应对策略与建议。  相似文献   

于桂香 《物流技术》2007,26(11):208-209
在返品物流现有研究基础上,总结概括了返品的种类,通过分析其产生的原因、处理方式及流程,得出建立集中返品中心的结论,并概括其功能及设计其主要作业区,最后提出生产企业将返品物流外包给第三方物流的合理化建议。  相似文献   

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