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对活二服务Dialogue 2 Services (大为房间的空调坏了,他给服务台打电话。) (There is something wrong with the air conditioner in Da- vid's room. He is calling the front desk.)服务台:您好,服务台。先生,有事么? Reception: Front desk. Sir, may I help you'? David:这间房间的空调好像坏了,请帮忙检查一下。David: The air conditioner in my room doesn't seem to be working. Can you please help me to inspect it?服务台:好的,工作人员马上去。  相似文献   

对话 Dialogue 张经理:我们给贵公司的商品目录和报价单,你们满意吗? Manager Zhang: Are you satisfied with the product cata logue and price list we gave you? 大卫: 家具和服装的价格,我们比较满意。但是,贵公司是否可以考虑调整一下工艺品的报价? David:We are OK with the price of furniture and clothing, However, could you take the consideration to readjust the price of handicrafts?  相似文献   

Have you ever moved by the tale of Little Mermaid?Have you ever seen the grandiose castle in Stockholm?Have you ever visited the longest gallery in world?Have you lived one day as a Viking?If never,follow this trip to the beautiful Scandinavia guided by Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS),who wants you to arrive stronger,rested and ready for all that lies at the other end of your long-distance journey.  相似文献   

Q1:Could you name three words firstly bumping into your mind when Shanghai is mentioned?And why?  相似文献   

Nan Cunhui's Starting PointAt the Beijing Jingxi Hotel, I metNan Cunhui, a typical gentleman fromthe south. He is of average height, casually dressed, talking tactfully. All thismade it hard for me to associate himwith a junior high school graduate.Reporter: After graduating from ajunior high school, what did you do?Nan Cunhui: I repaired shoes forthree years.Reporter: What drove you to repairshoes? Was it because your family wasin difficult circumstances?Nan Cunhui: I was born in a po…  相似文献   

对话 Dialogue 吉姆:我想买一部笔记本电脑,哪有又好又便宜的? Jim:I want to buy a set of laptop.Where could I get a good also cheap one? 林涛:当然是中关村了.你去过吗? Lin Tao:It must be Zhongguancun.Have you ever been there?  相似文献   

Ql: Would you give us your comments on China 's job in 2005 in promoting the economic and trade relations with vour Country ?  相似文献   

Q:Just a few days ago,Huawei withdrew its application for acquiring the technological asset of 3 leaf under the pressure of CFIUS,and actually this was not the first time for Huawei to fail its acquisition of the American companies. In 2008,it also confronted setbacks when joining with Bain Group to acquire 3com.So how could you comment on Huawei's deal? What do you think are the most important factors accounting for the failure of Huawei's two deals? A:In general,for Chinese companies going to the US ma...  相似文献   

Ql: Would you give us your comments on China ‘s job in 2005 in promoting the economic and trade relations with vour Country ?……  相似文献   

对话Dialogue Mary:你们除了美元,还收其他货币吗? Mary:Do you take other currencies besides US dollars?营业员:我们也收英镑、欧元、日元、港币和新台币。Teller:We also take pounds,euros,Japanese yen,Hong Kong dollars, and New Taiwanese dol- lars.  相似文献   

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