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广义资本结构是指企业所拥有的物质资本和人力资本存量的比例关系,以及物质资本和人力资本各自的内在结构。本文认为,广义资本结构是研究企业性质和利益分配的新概念和新视角。企业是人力资本与物质资本的利益结合体,而广义资本结构和利益分配制度是影响这两种资本结合效率的关键因素。  相似文献   

在社会经济欠发达阶段,经济增长主要依靠物质资本的投入,呈现出物质资本依托型的增长模式.20世纪60年代兴起的人力资本理论认为,人的生产能力的形成机制与物质资本无甚区别,应当将人力也视为一种资本,即人力资本,保持经济发展的关键在于人力资本的积累与增长.文章考虑到人力资本所具备的资本特征,运用马克思的资本循环理论,借助其资本循环公式,分析了人力资本的运行过程,即人力资本的循环同样经过"购买"、"生产"、"售卖"三阶段和三种循环形式,并且达到三种形式的统一.文章认为人力资本的运行不是一次性的终结,而是一个不断反复、周而复始的过程.  相似文献   

用人力资本理论浅谈技工短缺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人力资本可划分为三种形式,即效率性人力资本、动力性人力资本和交易性人力资本。所谓效率性人力资本,是指完成一项生产活动所必需的知识、技能、体力及心理素质;动力性人力资本是指影响劳动者能动性发挥程度的因素,包括需要、兴趣、动机、情感、意志和性格等非智力因素;交易性人力资本是指个人的道德因素、声誉和社会交易资本等影响人力资本未来收益的因素。  相似文献   

企业家人力资本产权特征与经营者股票期权激励   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
一、企业家人力资本产权主体应该拥有企业剩余索取权 从产权经济学的观点来看,企业就是拥有人力资本和非人力资本的一群人按照一定规则组织起来进行生产经营并获取利益的经济实体.因而市场经济中的企业本质上是一种人力资本与非人力资本的特别的市场合约.现代企业有三大要素:出资者、经营者和交易合同.出资者是产权主权,出资人的资本包括资金、各种资产及土地等在现实中都称之为货币资本;经营者是经营主体,是人力资本的典型代表;交易合同是出资者与经营者的契约.因而现代企业,既不是"资本雇佣劳动",也不是"劳动雇佣资本",而是物质资本所有者和人力资本所有者就企业剩余索取权和控制权分配作出的一种制度安排.现代经济发展证明,物质资本是被动资本,而人力资本则是主动性的资本.物质资本没有人力资本推动是运转不起来的,是不能保值增值的,因而人力资本是现代经济发展中极为重要的因素.尤其是具有边际报酬递增生产力特征的企业家人力资本,更是"所有经济资源中最重要的因素".特别是随着知识经济的兴起,企业家人力资本作为一种"新资本",在社会发展中的地位日益显著.  相似文献   

结合中国股市2003—2014年面板数据,本文从企业微观决策角度考察企业资本结构最优决策,得到以下结论:(1)理论方面,税盾效应越大、破产清算价格越大,资本结构就越大,而债务成本越大、清算时的资本折旧率越大以及破产概率越大,企业资本结构就会越小;同时随着资产规模的增加企业资本结构会相应增加,当超过某一阀值后资本结构反而会减小。(2)实证方面,本文验证资产规模与资本结构之间的非线性关系,发现资本结构受到税盾效应和信贷供给的显著影响,而债务成本对资本结构的影响不显著。同时,中国股市资本结构的行业特征得到验证。  相似文献   

目前,对资本保全的研究主要是从物质资本的内涵和物质资本所处的环境作进一步细化,对资本保全下人力资本保全的研究较为薄弱。而且,在两权分离的背景下,这种研究有一个致命的弱点,就是把虚拟资本和实物资本的职能混为一谈,忽视了虚拟资本和实物资本保全客观存在的差异性。笔者欲在此文中首次提出资本两层次保全理论。一、关于人力资本1.人力资产与人力资本要阐明人力资本两层次保全,必须明确人力资产与人力资本的关系,这里面有一个被理论界所忽视的问题。一些人谈及人力资本,就把生产组织中的全部劳动力人力资本化,而忽视了劳动…  相似文献   

国企经营者人力资本参与企业剩余收益分配探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、国企经营者人力资本是国企中关键的人力资本 在企业组织里,人力资本是知识资本的一个构成部分,它属于无形资产,是体现在劳动者身上的资本所具有的价值的凝固.一般而言,人力资本是智力资本和体力资本的总和,它同时具有资本和人的双重特性.当前人们更关注的是人力资本中的智力(知识、才能)因素.因此,人力资本又常被定义为:凝聚在劳动者身上的知识、技能与能力.事实表明,蕴含于劳动者身上的人力资本存量的多少,是反映劳动力本身质量高低的重要指标.  相似文献   

本文通过采用两种生产边界方法将中国三大城市经济圈(京津冀、长三角、珠三角)38个城市1990~2005年的劳动平均GDP分解为物质资本积累、效率改善、技术进步和人力资本投入所贡献的经济增长,然后采用绝对收敛方程考察这4个因素的收敛效应。实证结果表明,效率改善是其中唯一使地区间差距缩小的因素,而且其收敛效应随时间的推移呈现出"先减后增"的趋势,即进入20世纪90年代以来地区间差异有先拉大后缩小的趋势,但是缩小的效果还很不显著。  相似文献   

一个国家或者一个企业它发展的基础是什么?我们称之为一个国家或一个企业的资本.以往认为资本主要是物质资本世界银行在2000年首次提出,一个国家或者一个企业它的发展是依靠三五资本即所谓人力资本,物质资本和自然资本他们认为这三大资本会直接影响一个国家或一个地区的经济增长,也会直接或间接影响一个国家的国民福利,为此,他们提出经济增长要从数量型转向质量型,  相似文献   

中国经济增长的地区差异及其收敛机制(1978~2009年)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文引入空间统计和空间计量经济分析技术,分析了中国省域经济增长及其分解要素的收敛性。研究表明:物质资本增长是经济增长的主要动力源泉。在考虑空间依赖性的情况下,经济增长具有较为显著的全域性收敛。在经济增长的源泉中,由于物质资本积累与效率改善控制经济增长收敛方向的差异,使得区域经济增长趋同,人力资本存量与技术进步使得经济增长趋异。要保持中国未来持续的高速经济增长,必须将资本投入型增长转变为依靠人力资本和技术进步的增长。  相似文献   

《Labour economics》2001,8(3):359-387
Wages may be observed to increase with seniority because of firm-specific human capital accumulation or because of self-selection of better workers in longer jobs. In both these cases, the upward sloping wage profile in cross-sectional regressions would reflect higher productivity of more senior workers. If this were true, the observation of an effect of seniority on wages would depend on the presence of controls for individual productivity. In this paper we replicate, using personnel data from a large Italian firm, the results of the pioneering work of Medoff and Abraham [Quarterly Journal of Economics (1980); The Journal of Human Resources, 15(2) (1981)] in which supervisors' evaluations were used as productivity indicators. Since the validity of supervisors' evaluations as measures of productivity has been widely criticised, we extend the work of Medoff and Abraham using different direct measures of productivity based on recorded absenteeism and misconduct episodes. Both these indicators and supervisors' evaluation suggest that the observed effect of seniority on wages does not reflect a higher productivity of more senior workers. Only at the lowest levels of the firm's hierarchy, the human capital theory contributes to explain the effect of seniority on wages. At least at all other levels, the explanation of the observed upward sloping profile has to be based on theories in which wages are deferred for incentive or insurance reasons.  相似文献   

The strategic human capital literature has largely overlooked the fact that knowledge stocks depreciate and that the speed of depreciation varies across settings and over time. We argue that the value of knowledge has a half-life and that numerous core predictions from the conventional human capital analysis change as the half-life shortens. This applies to the ability to extract rents from human capital, employee mobility patterns, employees' disincentive to invest in firm-specific human capital, and more. We also show that, at the limit, a sufficiently rapid rate of knowledge depreciation eliminates the importance of the distinction between general and firm-specific human capital for appropriation and employee mobility.  相似文献   

The role of accounting depreciation rates and the stocks of fixed capital has been well established in the literature. By exploring available evidence on the value of fixed assets in certain countries, this paper makes use of firm level data on fixed capital depreciations over the period 1990–2008 from a group of OECD countries along with panel data estimations to investigate their role for total factor productivity (TFP) as it is defined through growth accounting, since different capital depreciation profiles imply different rates of capital accumulation and, therefore, different estimates of TFP. The empirical results indicate a positive relationship between the two variables under study.  相似文献   

We employ bootstrap techniques in a production frontier framework to provide statistical inference for each component in the decomposition of labor productivity growth, which has essentially been ignored in this literature. We show that only two of the four components (efficiency changes and human capital accumulation) have significantly contributed to growth in Africa. Although physical capital accumulation is the largest force, it is not statistically significant on average. Thus, ignoring statistical significance would falsely identify physical capital accumulation as a major driver of growth in Africa when it is not.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2015,39(1):97-120
Theoretical models of the informal sector mostly assume—or end up with—a positive correlation between a measure of taxes and the size of the informal sector. However, some recent empirical studies associate higher taxes with a smaller informal sector size. In this paper, we build a theoretical framework—an extension to a two-sector growth model—which allows us to unravel the negative correlation between informal sector size and taxes. We find that (a) a higher degree of tax enforcement, (b) a higher productivity of formal sector households, and (c) a lower physical capital depreciation rate make for a negative relation between these variables. Our results suggest that enforcement and technological factors are likely candidates to account for this relationship.  相似文献   

通过借鉴中国资本存量已有研究文献的成果,以细分行业差别化的折旧率估算为基础,通过分析投资结构和折旧率的关系,估算出第二、第三产业和总量的时变折旧率,系统地估算出1990~2014年总量、三次产业和细分行业的资本存量。估算结果及分析表明:由于投资结构的变化,总量、第三产业折旧率呈下降趋势,第二产业折旧率呈先上升再下降趋势;目前在我国,“过度投资”和“投资不足”并存,且“过度投资”的是资本效率比较低的行业,“投资不足”的是资本效率比较高的行业。解决“投资不足”问题的关键是打破行业垄断,尤其是行政垄断,引入市场竞争机制。  相似文献   

本文分别从生产函数与资本折旧率选择的角度对全要素生产率进行了理论分析与实际测算,以全国和三大区域为研究对象,讨论经济发展质量与区域经济发展不平衡之间的影响效应。研究发现:第一,中国区域经济发展不平衡与全要素生产率之间存在弱线性反向、强非线性的变动关系,全要素生产率的提升虽能有效缓解区域有效发展不平衡,但这种关系存在一定的阈值效应。第二,二者的影响效应呈现出地域差异性和动态演变性:2012年之前,东部地区经济发展不平衡程度具有逐年递减的态势,中、西部地区存在波动增加的趋势;2012年之后,东部地区经济发展不平衡程度趋于平缓,而中、西部地区呈现逐年递减的态势。总体而言,东部地区经济发展不平衡程度低于中、西部地区,而区域间经济发展质量的差异是引起该现象产生的主要原因。  相似文献   

In order to be consistent with production theory, empirical factor demand analyses must transform capital stock data into information about the flows of capital services derived from the stock. This requires information about the utilization rate which is, however, not generally available. This paper develops and estimates a model of a capital using firm that one can implement using observable data. Capital utilization and depreciation are endogenous and are determined by profit maximization. The consistency of the model with the data is tested by checking whether the estimated parameters satisfy the regularity conditions imposed by the theory. The validity of the customary specification of an exogenous, price-independent rate of depreciation is also tested.  相似文献   

Polarization of the worldwide distribution of productivity   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We employ data envelopment analysis (DEA) methods to construct the world production frontier, which is in turn used to decompose (labor) productivity growth into components attributable to technological change (shift of the production frontier), efficiency change (movements toward or away from the frontier), physical capital deepening, and human capital accumulation over the 1965–2007 period. Using this decomposition, we provide new findings on the causes of polarization (the emergence of bimodality) and divergence (increased variance) of the world productivity distribution. First, unlike earlier studies, we find that efficiency change is the unique driver of the emergence of a second (higher) mode. Second, while earlier studies attributed the overall change in the distribution exclusively to physical capital accumulation, we find that technological change and human capital accumulation are also significant factors explaining this change in the distribution (most notably the emergence of a long right-hand tail). Robustness exercises indicate that these revisions of earlier findings are attributable to the addition of (more recent) years and a much greater number of countries included in our sample. We also check to see whether our results are changed by a correction for the downward bias in the DEA construction of the frontier, concluding that these corrections affect none of our major findings (essentially because the level correction roughly washes out in changes.)  相似文献   

企业技术型人力资本贬值风险研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对技术型人力资本贬值成因进行分析,结合技术型人力资本特征和价值,建立了企业技术型人力资本贬值风险评估的指标体系。最后利用风险辐射图,简洁、直观地帮助企业找出风险的关键所在,从而利于企业进行风险规避。  相似文献   

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