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中小企业面临资金困境,发展中小银行能否缓解中小企业融资难?本文通过对2000~2009年的工业企业面板数据,实证研究了银行业规模结构对中小企业银行信贷的影响。结果发现中小企业获得的银行贷款较少,而且随着中小银行市场份额的上升,中小企业与大型企业银行信贷之间的差异随之缩小。这表明发展中小银行有助于缓解中小企业的融资困境。为促进中小银行发展,应该鼓励创新银行监管方式,放宽业务准入限制,鼓励金融创新发展,加大政策扶持力度,增强中小银行服务能力。  相似文献   

本文选取2006—2016年中小企业板数据,结合经济换挡背景,考察政府干预异质性作用下,中小银行发展对中小企业融资约束的影响。研究发现:从总体来看,中小银行发展有助于缓解中小企业的融资约束,但受政府干预的影响,该支持效应主要集中于国有及弱政府干预地区民营中小企业。源于政府干预的异质性特征,相比经济换挡前,换挡期中小银行发展对中小企业融资约束的缓解更为显著,且上述效应主要集中于民营及弱政府干预地区国有中小企业。  相似文献   

马鑫 《企业导报》2012,(9):26-27
近年来,中小企业发展对资金需要量大,主要融资渠道有民间信贷、银行信贷、自由资金等,而民间信贷对企业的长远发展不利,所以我们从银行信贷入手,寻找化解中小企业融资难的途径。供应链金融是缓解中小企业融资困境的创新金融产品。供应链金融围绕产业链开展金融服务,使处在产业链上游及下游的中小企业获得银行的信用支持,有效解决了中小企业融资难题。  相似文献   

在我国经济不断发展的今天,中小企业作用不断提高,但融资困难,为此需要大力发展中小银行。本文通过对中小银行发展所面临种种困境的分析,探讨中小银行的对策。  相似文献   

2008年以来,发源自美国的次贷危机在世界范围内蔓延开来,逐渐演变为全球性金融危机,并对实体经济产生了重大影响。大批中国中小企业面临订单不足,产能过剩,难以为继的困境。然而在这场危机中,有些企业不但没有受到这场危机的影响,反而在危机中扩大了规模,拓展了市场份额,变得更加强壮。研究一下这些企业,不难发现这些企业都有着完善的质量保证体系和自主创新能力。  相似文献   

文章运用中国29个省区1993-2004年期间的面板数据,首次考察了各个省区银行业结构与金融稳定之间的关系.在控制了影响中国各省区金融稳定的其他主要因素后,运用双向固定效应模型的计量结果发现,中小银行的市场份额与金融稳定之问具有显著的正向关系.在我国目前经济所处的发展阶段中,中小金融机构市场份额的上升有利于金融稳定.同时,中小金融机构抵御风险的能力相对较弱,未来随着我国金融市场化程度的提高,在增加中小金融机构市场份额的同时,还应保持四大国有商业银行适度垄断的市场地位,使大、中小银行在不同层次上分别服务于我国的经济发展.  相似文献   

摘要:目前在世界经济和中国经济走上复苏的道路上,本文拟从中小企业融资困难的现状出发,在此背景下,中小企业的发展更是重中之重,分析我国中小银行在提供融资时面临的障碍,以及中小银行在产品创新上给予中小企业融资支持的可行性,找出发展中小银行在中小企业融资上的创新之道,利用中小银行所具有的比较优势,准确定位中小银行在中小企业融资中的角色和着重点。  相似文献   

中小企业是我国国民经济的重要组成部分,中小企业的发展势态是否良好是关系着整个国计民生的大事,在完善我国社会主义市场经济体制中发挥着不可替代的作用。但就目前状况来分析,我国中小企业的发展道路困难重重,其中一个关键原因就是融资困难,融资难——最直接表现就是银行信贷融资渠道不畅,并且信贷融资困境已成为制约企业发展的“瓶颈”。本文通过分析研究目前我国中小企业在融资过程中面临的现状以及造成融资难的原因,最终提出了缓解我国中小企业融资难的对策和建议。  相似文献   

改革开放,万象更新,中国经济日益活跃,各种类型的企业如雨后春笋般涌现出来,中国经济取得了举世瞩目的成就。中小企业已成为中国经济必不可少的组成部分。中小企业给社会创造了巨大的财富,解决了就业,繁荣了经济。相比于大型国企、央企,中小企业有其自身的特性,在市场经济的残酷竞争中,亦有别于其他企业,有自己林林总总的困境。本文主要目的是从财务管理角度来分析中小企业所面临的常见问题,然后针对这些问题提出有效的对策,从而完善中小企业的管理活动,促进中小企业持续健康地发展。  相似文献   

改革开放,万象更新,中国经济日益活跃,各种类型的企业如雨后春笋般涌现出来,中国经济取得了举世瞩目的成就。中小企业已成为中国经济必不可少的组成部分。中小企业给社会创造了巨大的财富,解决了就业,繁荣了经济。相比于大型国企、央企,中小企业有其自身的特性,在市场经济的残酷竞争中,亦有别于其他企业,有自己林林总总的困境。本文主要目的是从财务管理角度来分析中小企业所面临的常见问题,然后针对这些问题提出有效的对策,从而完善中小企业的管理活动,促进中小企业持续健康地发展。  相似文献   

全球范围的金融危机导致大量企业破产,国家出台了相应政策来支持中小企业的发展,可以缓解中小企业融资压力的供应链金融业务受到广泛的关注。本文研究了供应链金融下的反向保理业务模式,并提出了该模式与采购订单融资和存货融资结合的模式。在对国内商业银行开展反向保理业务进行了分析之后,对该项业务的开展提出了建议。  相似文献   

采用强化政策支持、引导金融创新的措施促进高新区银行业快速发展,实施"速贷通"工程提高商业银行对中小企业支持力度,更加充分发挥银行主渠道融资功能,推动高新区银行业快速发展。充分发挥政府的引导作用,引导非银行金融机构快速发展,缓解中小企业"融资难"问题。  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2003,27(3):255-269
The number of commercial banks in Russia increased at a fast pace after the 1988 banking reform. Many of these banks lacked supervision and operated with dangerously low funding capital. After the 1995 liquidity crisis, many of these banks disappeared. In this paper, we investigate the determinants of the hazard rates of banks active on the Moscovian deposits market during the 1994–1997 period. We find that market share and duration have negatively affected the hazard rate, while the deposit interest rate has had a positive effect. The market share and interest rate effects are robust to controlling for ‘financial clans’.  相似文献   

中小企业集群融资通过集群内产业联系、声誉机制与信用成本等形成特殊的企业间制约关系,既可以发挥集群的信用优势、规模优势和竞争优势,解决中小企业融资的困难,又可以降低银行的交易成本,推动我国金融市场的发展与创新。本文阐述了国内外中小企业集群融资实践及研究现状,分析了集群融资模式及特征,并以江西省为例,论述了集群模式选择和所存在的问题,最后提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

Using a panel logit regression model, this study analyzes whether or not five categorized financial supports for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) from the governments of 11 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries facilitate economic and employment growth: (1) direct government loans to SMEs; (2) government‐guaranteed loans to SMEs; (3) the reinforcement of relationship banking; (4) financial stability steps to ease pro‐cyclicality; and (5) equity‐linked financing. The academic contribution of this research is in identifying the optimal type of government financial support to SMEs given a country's level of financial crisis and market‐rate level. The main empirical test results are as follows. First, the type of financial support that contributes most to economic and employment growth is the set of steps that governments take to ease pro‐cyclicality. Second, the reinforcement of relationship banking can also contribute to improved economic and employment conditions. Third, in less capital‐intensive countries, the results confirm that economic and employment improvement occurs more often if equity‐linked financing is used. Fourth, the adoption of dynamic loan‐loss provisions to prepare for periods of economic recession is necessary to reduce the pro‐cyclicality of SME loans within the 11 OECD countries studied in this paper; it is also necessary to transition from a persistent monetary‐easing policy stance to a flexible monetary stance within a country's fiscal policy in order to make commercial banks benefit from an incentive‐like risk premium for SME loans despite the existence of economic recessions. Finally, the study finds that the need to apply equity‐linked financing methods through the stock market is especially urgent in developing countries. As the managerial perspectives, it is confirmed that easing pro‐cyclicality of SME loan and enhancing banking relationship can contribute to SMEs fund management. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 76 banks from the Gulf Cooperation Council region, we use accounting- as well as market-based measures of financial stability to examine whether Islamic banks outperformed conventional banks in the time of financial shocks during the period 2000–2013. We find that the difference between the two banking types was initially not significant during the GFC. However, when the financial shock spread to the real economy during the later phases of the crisis, Islamic banks suffered a significantly higher level of financial instability than conventional banks. This result holds true for large banks but not for small Islamic banks. Small Islamic banks demonstrated a relatively better handling of the economic downturn than large Islamic banks, supporting the argument that Islamic banks are more stable when they operate at a small scale but lose this stability when they increase their scale of operations. Hence, while Islamic banks may have escaped the consequences of highly volatile financial instruments, they were not spared from a major shock in the real economic sectors.  相似文献   

中小企业在我国经济结构中占有十分重要的地位,但是由于中小企业自身的特点,以及融资结构和体系、资本市场构成等方面的局限,目前我国中小企业融资困难,这成为阻碍我国中小企业发展壮大的突出问题。  相似文献   

王悦 《价值工程》2013,32(1):133-135
"融资难"一直是中小企业在转型升级过程中的瓶颈。苏州作为全国中小企业的重镇,近年来在国际经济环境疲软的背景下,部分中小企业也出现了增速放缓,效益滑落的现象。苏州市政府为解决中小企业融资难,作出了巨大的努力,制定了空前的扶持政策,但是据调研显示,中小企业业主依然普遍感觉到融资难,中小企业发展的资金依然大部分来源于民间借贷。转型升级是中小企业生存发展下去的必由之路,政府在中小企业转型升级的过程中应扮演着领路人和支持者的角色,加大扶持力度,整合银行,投资机构,社会力量等多种资源,帮助中小企业渡过难关,踏上新的发展平台。  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive assessment of the impact of competition on bank fragility pre and post financial crisis period in the GCC banking market as measured by bank risk-taking behavior and bank stability during the period 1998–2016. Our results indicate that a higher level of bank competition and the greater degree of concentration adds to financial fragility. The findings further shows that during the 2008 crisis, lower bank competition maintain the stability of GCC banks. We also find that lower level of competition and lower concentration in the banking market increases the risk-taking behavior of the low capitalized, low liquid and small banks which add to fragility in the banking system. Our findings suggest that countries with greater capital stringency, greater supervisory power, greater market discipline, and private monitoring, with explicit deposit insurance schemes, higher shareholder protection, and higher legal efficiency decrease banks’ risk-taking and increase their stability. We also find that greater regulatory restrictions and higher creditor protection decrease banks’ stability and increase risk in concerned countries. We find support for both competition-fragility and competition-stability hypotheses in the GCC banking market. The results also confirm that the use of a single measure of competition is insufficient to assess the role of competition in banking stability.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of media coverage of the Capital Purchase Program (CPP) under the Troubled Assets Relief Program on the equity market valuation of participating bank holding companies (CPP banks). We document substantial negative coverage of the CPP and its participants over the five quarters following the program's initiation. We find that the extent of negative media coverage about the CPP exerted substantial downward pressure on the stock returns of CPP banks, decreasing their valuation relative to bank holding companies not participating in the program. We show that our findings cannot be explained by differences in the banks’ financial viability at the CPP's initiation, new information about their performance being released to the market after the CPP's initiation or preceding stock returns causing the negative media coverage. Our findings highlight the importance of investor sentiment, as reflected by the tone of media coverage, in banks’ valuation during a period of high uncertainty in financial markets.  相似文献   

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