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会计职业道德缺失影响市场经济秩序、危害公众利益和投资者利益、危害会计人员自身利益.会计诚信缺失的成因主要有外界环境的影响、会计自身局限性、法律制度不健全、利益的诱惑.因此,要加强会计诚信建设.  相似文献   

人力资源管理是管理学中的一个崭新和重要的领域,是研究如何对人力资源生产、开发、配置和利用的,是一个企业为实现企业目标,提高效率,运用心理学、社会学、管理学和人类学等相关的科学知识和原理,对企业中的人力资源进行规划、培训、选拔录用、考核激励的计划、组织、控制和协调的活动过程.在现代企业管理中,起着十分重要的作用.  相似文献   

本文对现代企业人力资源管理的机制及其理念转变进行了阐述.  相似文献   

企业民主管理工作已经成为建立现代企业制度的题中应有之义。如何在现代企业制度下搞好企业的民主管理,已成为企业各项工作需要进行理性思考、探索创新的课题。  相似文献   

现代企业管理者都希望能通过有效授权,进而对责任进行划分,达到及时完成生产经营,取得赢利的目的.作者通过从授权的含义为切入点,分析了其发展的过程和在企业中的具体作用,并结合实际情况客观地剖析了其日常应用.  相似文献   

现代企业管理者都希望能通过有效授权,进而对责任进行划分,达到及时完成生产经营,取得赢利的目的.作者通过从授权的含义为切入点,分析了其发展的过程和在企业中的具体作用,并结合实际情况客观地剖析了其日常应用.  相似文献   

<正> 在现代社会中,企业的内部环境和外部环境始终处在不断的变化之中,针对这种变化,企业应当对自身的组织行为和个体行为作出相应的调整,动态地适应环境的变化,否则就会因落后于时代变化而被淘汰。那么,企业怎样才能动态地适应环境的变化呢?学  相似文献   

现代企业机电一体化技术应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章讨论了机电一体化技术对于改变整个机械制造业面貌所起的重要作用.  相似文献   

文章对现代企业安全管理进行了说明.  相似文献   

在瞬息万变的今天,企业日常工作也要从体系结构上给以尽可能大的优待空间.全球经济环境快速发展的变化,市场竞争的日趋激烈与国际化,对现代企业的发展提出了更多的挑战.企业体系结构是近年来国外学术和技术领域兴起的一个研究热点.企业体系编织在特定国家和地区的制度和文化网络中,每个社会因此以其独特方式推动企业发展,并使该社会中的企业在某些行业或领城中更具竞争力,使社会与社会之间产生明显差别.本文论述了企业体系结构含义,讨论了企业体系结构的意义、问题及对策.  相似文献   

In this practitioner's perspective on the role of ethics in fraud prevention, I outline the situation that compelled Nedcor Bank in South Africa to establish their own fraud investigation and prevention unit. A brief discussion of the role, functions and achievement of the fraud unit follow this. Then the various components of the bank's fraud detection and prevention strategies are described. These include the nurturing of a commitment to zero tolerance towards fraud amongst the entire staff, the communication strategy, control mechanisms, and culture change within the bank. These respective dimensions are then examined to reveal the role that ethical values and considerations play with regard to each of them. It is concluded that ethics does not only provide the foundation for the entire strategy, but also forms an integral part of each strategic dimension.  相似文献   

人力资源在现代企业整个资源架构中处于越来越活跃的状态,人力资源与创造力正在成为价值创造之源,在企业成长中的贡献越来越突出,因此人力资源管理自然成了现代企业管理的焦点,从战略的角度上来讲,人力资源是企业的一种长期财富,拥有高素质的人才,才能保证企业在竞争中的突出优势,才能立于不败之地.  相似文献   

人力资源在现代企业整个资源架构中处于越来越活跃的状态,人力资源与创造力正在成为价值创造之源,在企业成长中的贡献越来越突出,因此人力资源管理自然成了现代企业管理的焦点,从战略的角度上来讲,人力资源是企业的一种长期财富,拥有高素质的人才,才能保证企业在竞争中的突出优势,才能立于不败之地.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes business people's attitudes towards the tactics used for gathering competitive corporate intelligence both within their own and their competitors' corporations. Business people in large corporations are highly motivated to gather such intelligence. Their attitudes towards the ethicality of specific practices, however, are influenced by the corporate culture, their perceived effectiveness of the techniques, and their perception of the competitors' tactics. Interestingly enough, the most popular technique for securing information is socializing with competitors in nonbusiness settings. Business people generally view their competitors negatively, believing that they go to much further lengths than does their own corporation in gathering competitive intelligence. William Cohen is Professor and Chairman of the Marketing Department at California State University, Los Angeles. He has won the Outstanding Professor Award 1982–83 and Freedom Foundation of Valley Forge Medal for Excellence in Economic Education 1985. He is the author of some 15 books in marketing and business of which the most recent is Developing a Winning Marketing Plan.Helena Czepiec is Associate Professor at California State University, Hayward. She is the author of several articles which appeared in various journals on marketing and advertising.  相似文献   

Whatever ethnic, religious, or other cultural boundaries may have evolved through history, a global corporate culture is increasingly subsuming these traditional divisions. Multinational corporations, internationally linked securities markets, and omnipresent communication networks characterize this global corporate culture. The dynamics of corporate culture centres on the intricate web of contractual relations between stakeholders. This study addresses the question of how these stakeholder contracts can be most efficiently enforced. Three alternative contractual enforcement mechanisms are identified: the legal system, a generally accepted moral code, and stakeholders' desire to build and maintain reputations. Each alternative is critically evaluated and conclusions are drawn as to the relative feasibility and desirability of each enforcement mechanism. John Dobson is an Assistant Professor of Finance at The University of Mississippi. As a member of The Centre for Industrial Planning and Strategy (CIPS), he co-authored a study on the global man-made fibre industry. He has recently presented papers on reputation effects at the Southern Finance Association annual meeting, and has had articles and letters published in various academic journals including Business and Society and Financial Management. He is currently developing a curriculum for a course in Financial Contracting at the University of Mississippi. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 1988 Southern Finance Association meetings in San Antonio.  相似文献   

传统财务管理要适应新形势,必须有新的发展思路.其发展思路可概括为:改变原有的财务管理观念;强化知识资产管理;使现代企业财务管理更加科学化;建立网络财务管理模式;实施财务再造策略等.  相似文献   

在经过了三个发展阶段之后,管理理念出现了新阶段,那便是人性化管理.在现代企业管理工作中,应用人性化管理理念是发展趋势,这似乎已经成了一个不争的事实.本文对人性化管理理念的概述,人性化管理的特点进行阐述,并且对人性化管理理念在现代企业管理工作中的运用进行了探讨,对于企业管理有一定的参考意思.  相似文献   

一个良好的企业,除了本身拥有的硬性资源外,还需要优良的管理水平这些软性资源,企业才能成长壮大.也才能守住企业自己的天下.本文针对现代企业的特点,引进制衡博弈的管理手段,来进行企业的管理.实现企业的良性运行.本文首先明确了现代企业管理中制衡博弈的内涵,分析了制衡在现代企业管理中的凡对博弈关系,提出了推进制衡博弈在现代企业中运用的一些措施.  相似文献   

目前,许多企业活力不足,管理不善,经营陷入困境,造成整个企业内部效率低下。事实证明,这些企业活力不足的主要症结在于不能形成有效的激励机制来  相似文献   

现代企业制度的建立和完善对企业监督、控制提出了更高的要求,但是近年来由于缺少内部审计和稽核,使得企业财务和业务风险得不到及时发现和制止而酿成严重后果,因此强化现代企业制度下公司内部审计的工作迫在眉睫.基于此,本文对现代企业制度下公司内部审计存在的问题进行了分析并提出对策.  相似文献   

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