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In this paper I document that highway construction firms in California, particularly those owned by blacks and Asians, exhibit considerable racial segregation in that they are disproportionately located in zip codes with the greatest concentration of own-race residents. I find that segregated firms serve a larger market than minority-owned firms that are not segregated and that this effect is concentrated in black-owned firms. I next exploit the segregation of firms to examine the effect of affirmative action on the success of minority-owned firms. Following the significant curtailment of affirmative action in California due to a direct statewide ballot initiative, the number of highway construction establishments located in zip codes with the highest concentrations of black and Asian residents fell relative to the rest of the state, even conditional on the number of non-construction establishments. This suggests that affirmative action policies may play a role in the net survival rates of minority-owned firms.  相似文献   


The overwhelming dependence of Canada and Mexico on their trade with the United States suggests that less exchange rate flexibility could benefit both countries. Yet, the central banks of Canada and Mexico argue that their policies of inflation targeting call for just the opposite. In the case of Canada and the United States, this article concludes that the occasional divergence in the two monetary policies cannot explain the exchange rate.

The alleged existence of a fundamental connection between the exchange rate and the international price of a given set of commodities is the usual explanation for this result. However, the evidence presented in this article suggests that the connection may be simply the result of a self-fulfilling prophecy and bandwagon expectations. This would imply that the case for exchange rate flexibility is overstated in the case of Canada.

RESUMEN. La abrumadora dependencia de Canadá y México de su comercio con los EE.UU., parece sugerir que podría ser ventajoso para ambos países que existiese una menor flexibilidad en la tasa cambiaria. No obstante, los bancos centrales de Canadá y México argumentan que las metas trazadas para sus políticas de inflación exigen justamente lo opuesto. Este artículo concluye que, en el caso de Canadá y los Estados Unidos, a menudo la divergencia en ambas políticas monetarias no consigue explicar el tipo de cambio.

Para justificar este resultado, generalmente se dice que la explicación reside en la presunta existencia de un vínculo esencial entre el tipo de cambio y el precio internacional de un conjunto de mercancías. Sin embargo, las pruebas presentadas en este artículo sugieren que dicho vínculo puede ser meramente resultado de una profecía que pregona su propio cumplimiento y una tonelada de expectativas. Esto implicaría que, en el caso de Canadá, opinar que debe existir mayor flexibilidad en el tipo de cambio es una posición exagerada.

RESUMO. A opressiva dependência do Canadá e do México de seu comércio com os Estados Unidos sugere que uma menor flexibilidade na taxa de câmbio poderia beneficiar ambos os países. No entanto, o banco central do Canadá e o do México argumentam que as metas traçadas para a sua política de inflação exigem exatamente o contrário. No caso do Canadá e dos Estados Unidos, o artigo conclui que a eventual divergência entre as duas políticas monetárias não explica a taxa de câmbio.

A justificativa para este resultado é a suposta existência de um forte vínculo entre a taxa de câmbio e o preço internacional de um determinado conjunto de mercadorias. A evidência apresentada neste artigo, contudo, indica que tal vínculo possa ser simplesmente o resultado de uma profecia auto-realizável e de muitas expectativas. Isto significaria que, no que diz respeito ao Canadá, o caso da flexibilização da taxa de câmbio é exagerado.  相似文献   

The economic and socio-political impact of multinational corporations (MNCs) on third world countries has been the subject of intense debate and controversy leading to charges of exploitation and colonization on the one hand, and demands for codes of conduct on the other. This article examines the working of one of the most comprehensive of such codes under the most reprehensible political conditions, i.e., the operations of U.S.—based multinational corporations in South Africa under the acgis of the Sullivan Principles. It is argued that despite the best intentions, and considerable social goodwill, the Sullivan Principles were seriously flawed both as to goals and as to means of achieving them. Finally, it suggests a new approach to developing standards of MNC behavior in third world countries which emphasizes those areas of activities that are directly under the control of MNCs, and offers targets of achievement to which MNCs can and should be held accountable.The paper is a revised and expanded version of a keynote speech delivered by the author at the First Biannual Conference on Advances in Management, Orlando, Florida March 25–28, 1992.S. Prakash Sethi is Professor and Associate Director, Center for Management, Baruch College, The City University of New York. He is also the Economic Policy Advisor to the National African Federated Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NAFCOC), which is the largest and the oldest organization of Black business and industry people in South Africa.  相似文献   

This paper examines the obstacles faced by Canadian companies in their effort to crack the Chinese market and the business tactics that they have employed to overcome these obstacles. It is focused upon the industrial goods and services market at which Canadian companies have targeted their marketing efforts in China. The examination is based partly on secondary source data contained in Canadian government publications and the business press, and partly on primary information obtained in company interviews.  相似文献   

Socially responsible investors buy financial securities with two goals: to make a market-based return, and to make companies act in a more socially responsible way. Most research on socially responsible investment deals with investing in stocks traded on major exchanges. We add the case of loaning small amounts of funds to microentrepreneurs through a discussion of a particular case. The case is that of Calmeadow which, in conjunction with the Royal Bank of Canada, set up a microlending project in rural Nova Scotia (Canada). Using Hirschman’s analysis of “exit” and “voice”, we show that while socially responsible investors may make market-based returns for their investments in stocks traded on major exchanges, they have no effect on corporate behaviour because their action consists of exit, and they are easily replaced by other investors. They attain their first goal but not their second. On the other hand, in the Calmeadow/Royal Bank of Canada case, we see that those who lend money to microenterprises can more easily use voice. The relative power difference between the lender and the microentrepreneur enables the lender to make the microentrepreneur act in a more socially responsible way, although only marginally. But because of the market imperfections existing in this case (the very high transactions costs associated with administering small loans), the lender concluded it could not attain a market rate of return. In this case, then, the lender attained its second goal but not its first.  相似文献   

Private property forms the bedrock of the business/society relationship in a market economy. In one way or another most societies limitwhat people can claim as property as well as theextent of claims they can make regarding it. In the international arena today intellectual property rights are a focal point of debate. Many developing countries do not recognize the monopoly claims of patents and copyrights asserted by business as legitimate. This paper reviews contemporary areas of dispute and then presents the tasks facing the construction of a fair intellectual property rights regime.Paul Steidlmeier is Associate Professor of business policy at the State University of New York in Binghamton. He is the author of a number of articles on business and society and of a recent book,People and Profits: The Ethics of Capitalism (Prentice Hall).  相似文献   

This historical review of consumer economic boycotts in the 20th century finds that from the early 1900s to the 1970s, consumers at the grassroots level repeatedly launched boycotts in response to price rises for food. What is particularly noteworthy about these protest actions is the important roles assumed by housewives, both as leaders and followers. Also of interest is the ad hoc nature of the boycott efforts and their inability to have more than a temporary remedial effect on the retail pricing practices which prompted the boycott actions. The paper ends with a discussion of the demise of the price-increase boycotts, a discussion which draws heavily on the changing role of American women in the late 20th century.
Amerikanische Verbraucherboykotte als Reaktionen auf Preisanhebungen bei Nahrungsmitteln: Protestaktionen von Hausfrauen an der Basis
Zusammenfassung Ein historischer Rückblick auf Verbraucherboykotte im 20. Jahrhundert zeigt, da\ vom Beginn des Jahrhunderts bis in die 70er Jahre wiederholt Boykotte gegen Preissteigerungen stattgefunden haben, die nicht durch VerbraucherverbÄnde von oben her organisiert, sondern von Verbrauchern an der Basis initiiert und durchgeführt wurden. Besonders auffÄllig ist bei diesen Protestaktionen die herausragende Rolle der Hausfrauen, sowohl in initiierender als auch in teilnehmender Funktion. Bemerkenswert ist auch, da\ die Boykotte eher einen ad hoc-Charakter hatten und lediglich kurzfristige Rücknahmen der Preiserhöhungen bewirkten. Der Beitrag schlie\t mit einer Diskussion zum allmÄhlichen Verschwinden von Boykotten gegen Preiserhöhungen. Zum einen hat das Thema Preiserhöhungen an AktualitÄt eingebü\t; Fragen wie Tierversuche oder UmweltschÄden können heute mehr Engagement bewirken. Zum anderen hat sich die Rolle der Frauen in den letzten Jahrzehnten — nicht zuletzt durch stÄrkere BerufstÄtigkeit — so gewandelt, da\ Frauen für BoykottaktivitÄten nicht mehr so leicht zu motivieren sind wie früher.

Management is known as a global phenomenon. However, its “global” façade tends to mean that management knowledge and practices are usually created and developed in Western countries—mainly the United States—to be transferred supposedly problem‐free to other locations. This paper discusses how management has spread globally via Americanization, and is therefore a grobal phenomenon. From a Latin American perspective, this transfer can be problematic, especially as it tends to suppress locally developed knowledge and experiences. In denaturalizing grobal management, we propose glocal management as an alternative to the current Anglo‐centric view of the field, and believe this new view can take into account hybridism and local realities. Copyright © 2010 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2020,63(3):325-337
While awareness of data quality has increased in recent years, there have been very few studies on the actual level of data quality within organizations. This article outlines the analysis of 75 data quality assessments collected over the course of 2 years from a wide range of organizations, data sets, and business processes. The results reveal that data is in far worse shape than most managers realize. On average, 47% of recently created data records have at least one critical error. High-quality data is the exception, with only 3% of the DQ scores rated acceptable (≥97%). Indeed, the results suggest an unhealthy organizational tolerance of bad data and underscore the magnitude of improvement organizations need to make in order to be truly effective in the knowledge economy. By providing a unique insight and benchmark for data quality practitioners, this article serves as a call-to-action for all organizations—regardless of size and type—to determine their level of data quality. Finally, we set out a typology that presents a categorical scheme to promote preemptive actions against the most frequent types of data error.  相似文献   

Private sector interest in the practical applications of genetic research continues to grow. Indeed, the increasing availability of clinical genetic services is, to a large degree, the result of the involvement of commercial entities. However, not all are optimistic about the impact of market forces in this context. This paper analyses many of the concerns which have been articulated in relation to the commercialization of human genetics. In particular, it reviews the literature, commentaries, position papers, and relevant law which touch on issues of concern relevant to the Canadian consumer.  相似文献   

Strong digital developments are changing markets, and firms may adopt a digital business model to deal with these developments. This special issue focuses on such digital business models. In this editorial, we discuss the relevance of digital business models, propose a conceptual framework, and discuss how digital business models affect firms, firm performance, and markets. We introduce the papers in this issue and show how they each fit within the conceptual framework. We discuss four important areas for future research.  相似文献   

This study examines the values of American managers over time. Responses from a nationwide sample of managers are compared and contrasted with two previous surveys (1981 and 1991) of similar sample populations. Continuing and new insights are provided into the importance of managerial values on individual and organizational actions and decisions.  相似文献   

The paper deals briefly with several definitional issues; discusses the concept of image as it determines the way managers see the world; as one aspect of the image, examines the contrasting views of conflict and cooperation in social and organizational relationships; and then presents a typology of corporate responses to pressures for socially responsible behavior: authoritarian, manipulative and bargaining. This typology was developed on the basis of the analysis of a large number of case histories of environmental conflicts, a number of which are included for purposes of illustration. Several historical examples are cited. The inference drawn from this study is that decisions become more responsible as decision-makers come under the scrutiny of and pressure from those affected by the decisions. Dr. John A. Kilpatrick is Associate Professor of Management at the School of Business, The University of Northern Colorado. His most important publication is The Changing Labor Content of American Foreign Trade: 1970–1975, UMI Research Press, 1980.  相似文献   

Abstract This study of family economic variables is based on in-depth oral interviews conducted in the spring of 1995 with 95 women living in Moscow, Russia. The survey explored family economic life in a variety of socioeconomic settings. Data gathered include an overview of the household economy, family income and expenses, satisfaction with current economic situation, patterns of consumption, work culture and women's culture. In addition, the subjects were asked to comment on the current status of women in Russia, the state of the economy and the role government should play in the economy. The analysis contributes to an understanding of the relationship between the reproduction economy and the macro/production economy in a time of major economic upheaval.  相似文献   

Comparative research in consumer bankruptcy law is scarce. After profiling bankruptcy statistics in each country, the paper compares bankruptcy laws in Canada, United States and Sweden across 20 criteria and then analyses the predominate ideology underlying each law: deviant behaviour modification, consumer protection or social safety net. There is obvious tension between ideologies in each country with the punitive, deviant behaviour modification paradigm the most pervasive across all three countries. There is much we can learn from a comparative policy analysis approach, leading to the conscious development of bankruptcy policy from discernible, declared ideologies. Seven areas for future research are proposed.  相似文献   

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