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股指期货期现套利策略研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在期货市场飞速发展的今天,我国也即将推出沪深300指数期货。沪深300指数期货推出初期将是机构套利者的天堂,可以赚取高额利润。研究股指期货期现套利投资策略,重点是建立了股指期货期现套利模型和选取出了适合我国沪深300指数期货的股票现货投资组合。  相似文献   

王凯  王贺颖 《商场现代化》2010,(24):198-199
2010年4月16日股指期货上市交易,中国进入了金融期货时代。鉴于目前我国还没有推出沪深300ETF,针对股指期货的套利交易不能找到直接对应的现货。本文建造ETF组合最大限度地拟合沪深300期指现货,找到利用ETF组合和股指期货的最佳复合期现套利机制。  相似文献   

丁晓微 《商》2016,(4):178-179
自沪深300股指期货推出以来,我国金融市场的交易品种变得更加丰富。同时基于沪深300股指期货的真实交易数据,我们可以获取并利用该数据进行实证分析,设计一系列的统计套利模型,发现当前市场所存在的套利机会。就目前我国的金融市场现状而言,市场有效性还有所欠缺,所以仍旧存在着较多的套利机会。本文利用真实交易数据对沪深300股指期货进行期现套利实证研究,以进一步完善股指期货市场的价格发现功能。  相似文献   

张辉 《商业会计》2011,(25):43-45
有效的套利机制将保证股指期货的价格合理形成。期现套利是使期货与现货联动的最有效手段,拥有顺畅的套利机制的市场运行健康。本文分析了我国沪深300股指期货推出后,期现套利交易中存在的问题,并提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

黄丽 《致富时代》2011,(7):88-89
该文根据持有成本模型构建股指期货期现套利模型,以沪深300股指期货真实交易数据为基础进行实证分析,得到不同市场行情下套利机会存在差别,并且主要以正向套利为主的结论。  相似文献   

刘慧杰  屈玲玉 《商》2012,(7):133-133
股指期货与现货的关系一直是一个研究热点。但是这些研究主要基于国外股指期货或沪深300股指期货仿真交易,而对正式推出后的沪深300股指期货的研究很匮乏。文章利用无套利区间分析了沪深300股指期货与现货之间的价格关系。结论显示,沪深300股指期货与现货之间有着很强的相关性,但是否存在相互决定关系还需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

我国已经成功推出沪深300股指期货,股指期货套利为投资者增添了一种新的盈利模式,尤其为许多风险承受能力较低的投资者所青睐。文章分析了股指期货套利的特点,并提出期现套利的策略及详细步骤,在此基础上分析得出期现套利存在的主要风险及防范措施。  相似文献   

股指期货是以股票指数为标的资产的标准化期货合约.通过历史得知,在股指期货推出初期,有着大量套利机会.结合我国实际情况,通过持有成本定价模型,能够寻找处在不完美市场情况下对沪深300指数期货进行期现套利的可能,并对现货的构建以及指数的模拟做出了分析.  相似文献   

董放 《消费导刊》2009,(20):70-70
沪深300指数期货作为我国期货市场清理整顿以来上市的首个金融期货产品,其运行是否成功将对我国金融期货市场的发展产生深远的影响。因此,加强对股指期货交易风险的研究非常重要。本文首先阐述股指期货理论价格的形成,在此基础上,构建期价高估或低估情况下的套利交易,进而分析股指期货套利交易规避风险的有效性。  相似文献   

我国股指期货定价及套利交易策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先对股指期货定价的理论基础、主要模型和方法、套利交易进行了概述,在此基础上对我国沪深300仿真交易数据进行实证分析,最后对我国股指期货套利交易提出了一些交易策略。  相似文献   

在期货市场上 ,指数期货是一种股票的避险工具。由于时间及其它因素 ,使得指数期货市场发生不平衡的现象 ,此一不平衡我们称之为套利空间。如何运用金融工程和信息技术来计算出其套利空间 ,为投资人赢得更多的利润 ,正是本研究的宗旨。本文针对指数期货的特性来寻找实时套利机会 ,明确地指出了买低卖高的方向及套利空间的大小 ,并给投资者设计了指数期货套利的交易策略。  相似文献   

Assuming the absence of market frictions, deterministic interest rates, and certainty in dividend payouts from the stocks in the index basket, an arbitrageur can lock in the profit of a positive (negative) arbitrage basis in a stock index futures by adopting a short (long) futures strategy. In addition, the arbitrageur may improve the arbitrage profit by adopting the so‐called early unwinding strategy of liquidating the position before maturity, or more aggressively from the long position directly to the short position or vice versa. In this study, we examine the optimal arbitrage strategies in stock index futures with position limits and transaction costs. In our analysis, the index arbitrage basis is assumed to follow the Brownian Bridge process. The model formulation of the option value functions leads to a coupled system of variational inequalities. We determine the values of the arbitrage opportunities and the optimal threshold values of the arbitrage basis at which the arbitrageur should optimally close an existing position or open a new index arbitrage position. In particular, we examine the impact of transaction costs on the index arbitrage strategies. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 31:394–406, 2011  相似文献   

This study examines whether the aggregate order imbalance for index stocks can explain the arbitrage spread between index futures and the underlying cash index. The study covers the period of the Asian financial crisis and includes wide variations in order imbalance and the indexfutures basis. The analysis controls for realistic trading costs and actual dividend payments. The results indicate that the arbitrage spread is positively related to the aggregate order imbalance in the underlying index stocks; negative order‐imbalance has a stronger impact than positive order imbalance. Violations of the upper no‐arbitrage bound are related to positive order imbalance; of the lower no‐arbitrage bound to negative order imbalance. Asymmetric response times to negative and positive spreads can be attributed to the difficulty, cost, and risk of short stock arbitrage when the futures are below their no‐arbitrage value. The significant relationship between order imbalance and arbitrage spread confirms that index arbitrageurs are important providers of liquidity in the futures market when the stock market is in disequilibrium. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 27:697–717, 2007  相似文献   

Despite the importance of the London markets and the significance of the relationship for market makers, little published research is available on arbitrage between the FTSE‐100 Index futures and the FTSE‐100 European index options contracts. This study uses the put–call–futures parity condition to throw light on the relationship between options and futures written against the FTSE Index. The arbitrage methodology adopted in this study avoids many of the problems that have affected prior research on the relationship between options or futures prices and the underlying index. The problems that arise from nonsynchroneity between options and futures prices are reduced by the matching of options and futures prices within narrow time intervals with time‐stamped transaction data. This study allows for realistic trading and market‐impact costs. The feasibility of strategies such as execute‐and‐hold and early unwinding is examined with both ex‐post and ex‐ante simulation tests that take into consideration possible execution time lags for the arbitrage trade. This study reveals that the occurrence of matched put–call–futures trios exhibits a U‐shaped intraday pattern with a concentration at both open and close, although the magnitude of observed mispricings has no discernible intraday pattern. Ex‐post arbitrage profits for traders facing transaction costs are concentrated in at‐the‐money options. As in other major markets, despite important microstructure differences, opportunities are generally rapidly extinguished in less than 3 min. The results suggest that arbitrage opportunities for traders facing transaction costs are small in number and confirm the efficiency of trading on the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange. © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 22:31–58, 2002  相似文献   

Abstract Standardizing a futures contract’s specifications to enhance its transfer-ability is problematic for any commodity whose cash market adopts relational contracting procedures. Standardization implies the contract’s value cannot be completely determined by competitive arbitrage order flow, inhibiting the market’s price discovery function, and leaving the futures price susceptible to manipulation. These effects may result in the market’s failure. The model, based on the theory of storage, predicts that contracts with a higher spread-open position price volatility are more likely to contain a range of arbitrage indeterminacy, hence to experience difficulties in sustaining trading. The prediction is supported in an empirical examination of 104 US futures markets. The range of indeterminacy also increases the informational requirements of spread traders, reducing the effectiveness of spread arbitrage in maintaining the equilibrium intertemporal futures pricing relationship. Detailed evidence from 15 US contract markets demonstrates spread arbitrage is less effective in contract markets which subsequently fail.  相似文献   

This study uses transaction records of index futures and index stocks, with bid/ask price quotes, to examine the impact of stock market order imbalance on the dynamic behavior of index futures and cash index prices. Spurious correlation in the index is purged by using an estimate of the “true” index with highly synchronous and active quotes of individual stocks. A smooth transition autoregressive error correction model is used to describe the nonlinear dynamics of the index and futures prices. Order imbalance in the cash stock market is found to affect significantly the error correction dynamics of index and futures prices. Order imbalance impedes error correction particularly when the market impact of order imbalance works against the error correction force of the cash index, explaining why real potential arbitrage opportunities may persist over time. Incorporating order imbalance in the framework significantly improves its explanatory power. The findings indicate that a stock market microstructure that allows a quick resolution of order imbalance promotes dynamic arbitrage efficiency between futures and underlying stocks. The results also suggest that the unloading of cash stocks by portfolio managers in a falling market situation aggravates the price decline and increases the real cost of hedging with futures. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 27:1129–1157, 2007  相似文献   

Previous studies investigated the profitability of stock index futures based on transaction price data, and could overstate the frequency of arbitrage opportunities and size of arbitrage profits. This article obtains a data base for the Hong Kong index futures and index options market that contains both real-time transaction prices and bid-ask quotes; the article further examines the bias of identifying arbitrage opportunities based on transaction prices. The article finds the percentage of observations violating no-arbitrage bounds is significantly reduced when bid-ask quotes are employed instead of transaction prices. This suggests studies that implement arbitrage strategies based on transaction prices employ prices from the wrong side of the spread. This article finds a relationship between the frequency of violations (evaluated from transaction prices) and the size of bid-ask spreads in the futures and options markets. This phenomenon indicates that a larger mispricing, which may arise when the bid-ask spread is wider, does not necessarily imply profitable arbitrage opportunity. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 18:743–763, 1998  相似文献   

Underlying the search for arbitrage opportunities across commodity futures markets that differ in market structure is the idea that the futures prices for similar commodities that are traded on different exchanges adjusted for differences in currency, delivery time (if any), location, and market structure are equal. This article examines price linkages in competing discrete commodity futures auction markets. We find no evidence of cointegration of futures prices of similar commodities traded on two contemporaneous discrete auction futures exchanges in Asia. We also find no evidence of arbitrage activities across these two Asian exchanges, though this does not preclude arbitrage activities with North American continuous auction markets. This lack of cointegration may be due to nonstationarities in the trading cost component. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 19: 799–815, 1999  相似文献   

I study the role of high‐frequency traders (HFTs) and non‐high‐frequency traders (nHFTs) in transmitting hard price information from the futures market to the stock market using an index arbitrage strategy. Using intraday transaction data with HFT identification, I find that HFTs process hard information faster and trade on it more aggressively than nHFTs. In terms of liquidity supply, HFTs are better at avoiding adverse selection than nHFTs. Consequently, HFTs enhance the linkage between the futures and stock markets, and significantly contribute to information efficiency in the stock market by reducing the delay between the stock and the futures markets.  相似文献   

This study examines factors affecting stock index spot versus futures pricing and arbitrage opportunities by using the S&P 500 cash index and the S&P 500 Standard and Poor's Depository Receipt (SPDR) Exchange‐Traded Fund (ETF) as “underlying cash assets.” Potential limits to arbitrage when using the cash index are the staleness of the underlying cash index, trading costs, liquidity (volume) issues of the underlying assets, the existence of sufficient time to execute profitable arbitrage transactions, short sale restrictions, and the extent to which volatility affects mispricing. Alternatively, using the SPDR ETF as the underlying asset mitigates staleness and trading cost problems as well as the effects of volatility associated with the staleness of the cash index. Minute‐by‐minute prices are compared over different volatility levels to determine how these factors affect the limits of S&P 500 futures arbitrage. Employing the SPDR as the cash asset examines whether a liquid tradable single asset with low trading costs can be used for pricing and arbitrage purposes. The analysis examines how long mispricing lasts, the impact of volatility on mispricing, and whether sufficient volume exists to implement arbitrage. The minute‐by‐minute liquidity of the futures market is examined using a new transaction volume futures database. The results show that mispricings exist regardless of the choice of the underlying cash asset, with more negative mispricings for the SPDR relative to the S&P 500 cash index. Furthermore, mispricings are more frequent in high‐ and mid‐volatility months than in low‐volatility months and are associated with higher volume during high‐volatility months. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 28:1182–1205, 2008  相似文献   

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