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占地从几千亩到上万亩,投资动辄几亿甚至数十亿元,设计规模都是连片开发……近两年来我国房地产业出现了一股声势浩大的“圈地潮”。 专家预警:当日益紧缺的土地成了资本追逐的“香饽饽”的时候,它也极有可能成为“泡沫”的载体。而日,对目前“红火”的房地产市场产生反作用。  相似文献   

某家电企业近年来大抓新产品开发,先是放弃了原有的洗衣机生产线,改产面上热销的热水器,投产不到一年,看到微波炉开始走俏,又转产微波炉,这样短短几年中,产品换了一种又一种,市场上热销什么,他们就“争”着生产什么,总想抢占一席之地,可到头来经济效益却一年不如一年。  相似文献   

一、房地产市场宏观调控政策与效果随着我国房地产行业的飞速发展,房价连续多年保持了高速增长。与此同时.房地产泡沫开始显现也逐渐成为了我国人民和政府所关注的焦点。从2010年1月国务院颁布”国十一条”到2013年2月的“新国五条”,这些文件主要是从供给和需求两方面来抑制房价过快上涨,供给方面主要是调整住房供给结构,加快保障性住房建设,需求方面主要是采用严格的限购令政策抑制投机、投资性购房需求。  相似文献   

今年以来,随着楼市的红火,北京新一轮“圈地”热也悄然掀起,开发商不仅忙着盖房、卖房,还忙着圈地。  相似文献   

孙杨 《东方企业家》2007,(8):I0017-I0017
国美并购永乐的余热还在,苏宁即将并购大中的传闻再次给家电连锁业加温,再加上去年高调进入中国的外资巨头百思买不久前人事大调整,这一切注定了2007年这个市场依旧热闹非凡。  相似文献   

2003年以来是房地产土地政策出台最多的两年。在短短两年时间内,国家和地方都相继出台不少有关土地方面的法规、文件,从土地使用权出让到严格土地规范管理,从叫停别墅用地到全国范围内的土地清理整顿,土地市场或说房地产市场,出现了前所未有的“断幅”现象,这从各地开发商疯狂圈地的表象,也可见一斑。  相似文献   

对于创业者来说,都是有一定的自我原则的,但是通常我们不知道该怎么去把握,或者指定自己的原则,又总是会矛盾有哪些原则是一定不能变,哪些是可以放宽的。  相似文献   

“二八原则”又称为“80/20效率法则”,源于意大利经济学家帕累托,即20%因素往往决定事物80%的结果。这一原则也称为“重要的少数和普遍的多数”:企业培训亦适用此原则。  相似文献   

现在的经销商的确改变了。改变的原因主要有两个方面。一是宏观环境,时代潮流:二是微观环境,激烈的市场竞争。这两个原因让大部分经销商开始对市场进行精耕细作,不再过分依赖厂家。  相似文献   

文中的几个案例不仅在于讲了中国公司如何开始行动,还讲了"何时"行动,以提高成功"走出中国"的可能  相似文献   

Pareto's Law of Income Distribution forms the basis of the well-known, but often overlooked, ‘eighty-twenty’ rule. The implication is that a small proportion of customers (or donors) are accountable for a very large share of sales turnover or income. This paper examines the impact on fundraising of the pioneering work of Vilfredo Pareto (1848–1923) concerning the distribution of wealth between groups in society, which was first published exactly one hundred years ago, in 1895. It discusses the relevance of Pareto's Law to contemporary fundraising, using case data from UK charities who have put Pareto's assertions to the test. The recognition of the Pareto principle is wholly dependent on data analysis and software tools to perform the calculations and then display Pareto-style reports. Such tools are beginning to be seen in UK and some overseas software packages and general tools, available in the UK nonprofit marketplace. Illustrations of software systems supporting Pareto-style diagnostic analysis are given. At its most basic, Pareto's principle compels fundraisers to look into their databases of supporters to identify the small but potent élite donating segments who always seem to exist among the general mass. The implications for fundraising that flow from such analyses are important and can be far-reaching. They allow fundamental supporter segmentation patterns based on historic donating history to be understood, and, if understood, managed productively. Finally, Pareto compels the decision to alter either fundraising management and allocation of resources, or to manage supporters, rather than appeals, which in the UK continues to be the most common management style.  相似文献   

This special issue includes five of the best papers presented at the 20th IPSERA conference. This conference was organized by Maastricht University and took place in Maastricht, The Netherlands. The conference theme was: ‘Vision 20/20: Preparing today for tomorrow's challenges’. In this editorial we discuss the future challenges in Purchasing and Supply Management and how one can prepare for these today. We make use of the concept of weak signals to detect a number of emerging future trends. All abstracts of the 110 conference papers were analysed using text mining and tag clouds. Also we introduce the five papers that were selected by the conference reviewers and track chairs as the best papers of the conference.  相似文献   

石山  一雄 《中国质量》2006,(11):15-17
前言2003年9月份在北京召开的“the First ANQ Congress&17th Asia Quality Symposium 2003-Beijing”会议上,我们第一次发表了《在东芝开展的经营变革活动》“Toshiba Management Innovation Depoyment”的报告。  相似文献   

We extend Morrison’s (2006) construct of pro-social rule breaking (PSRB) in two important ways. First, we explicate the processes through which PSRB may have unintended negative consequences. Second, we provide a conceptual model intended to guide future research into PSRB. The model discusses the mechanisms through which managerial PSRB may lead to negative employee outcomes. Specifically, we propose that when managers engage in PSRB, more complex processes (perceptions of organizational justice, attributions of management by employees, and psychological contract violations) mediate the unintended employee level outcomes of managerial PSRB.  相似文献   

商务的福音传教士斯蒂芬·科维是美国管理学界的权威.他最为成功地运用心理上和精神上的洞察力激励管理者(和许多其他类型的读者),提高他们的工作业绩,改变他们的生活.  相似文献   

虎,位列生肖排行第三。属虎之人独立和自尊心极强,对事业执着,喜欢别人服从他(她)们。小编选了几位红遍娱乐圈和正在圈内呼风唤雨的属虎女明星代表,看看她们虎年运势和置业故事。她们是48岁的关之琳,36岁的林志玲、徐静蕾,24岁的刘亦菲。  相似文献   

唐韵 《经营者》2005,(4):88-91
在世界赌博业史上,有一位雄霸东方赌坛43年的传奇赌王,他创下了许多之最,他体内流着中国、英国、波斯、犹太四个种族的血液,但他总是以中国人为荣;他一生大起大落,历经艰险,但总是笑傲江湖……  相似文献   

The developing discipline of the economics of politics examines the behaviour of bureaucrats and politicians as maximisers of self-interest like anybody else. The insights derived from this analysis can be applied to other forms of governmental activity, not least in the Bank of England. Rosalind Levačić assesses the extent to which the Bank's officials maximise their own well-being instead of implementing Government policy.  相似文献   

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