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The biggest debate about the future of Hong Kong is poised on whether China wil honor the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration or whether it will introduce corruption and over-regulation into Hong Kong's well-functioning Western economy. Fong,an appointee of the Hong Kong government, and Wilson, a longtime resident and employee of Western companies with offices in Hong Kong, briefly tackle both sides of the issue.  相似文献   

CEPA及其补充协议的实施改善了粤港两地经贸关系,港资服务业的进入如火如荼。文章通过分析CEPA签订前后粤港珠区域核心城市的服务功能及粤珠地区制造业优势的变动情况来探讨香港服务业扩散对广东及珠三角地区产业结构演进的影响,进而从泛珠区域合作角度提出对粤港产业转移与产业升级的相关政策思考。  相似文献   

虽然中国服务企业对外直接投资起步较晚,但从2009年开始呈现加速态势.在进入模式选择上,中国服务企业对外直接投资主要采取新建模式;在区域布局上,中国服务企业以香港为中介和重要跳板走向世界其他国家和地区.同时,中国服务企业进入境外呈现明显的区域化特征,中国服务企业主要进入与我国地理相邻、文化相近的港澳台、东盟、日韩地区以及服务市场较大的北美、西欧地区.  相似文献   

内地和香港加强会计合作并实现会计准则等效,是两地的共同愿望。本文通过对两地的关联方披露会计准则的比较研究分析,发现香港准则比内地准则对关联方披露的要求更严格、更详细,披露的整体质量和效果也要比内地的情况好。同时,由于内地准则披露的不到位,内地公司通过关联方交易进行盈余管理的动机和可能性更强。最后根据比较分析结果,提出对我国关联方披露会计准则的完善建议。  相似文献   

We demonstrate that gender quotas have not attracted due interest as a talent management formulation in the Asia Pacific region. Drawing on a literature review, this paper illustrates the utility of gender quotas for talent management in the context of high growth potential economies in the Asia Pacific region, i.e. China, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong and Taiwan. These five economies are characterized with talent shortages on the one hand, and untapped female potential on the other. We show the necessity and legitimacy of considering gender quotas as part of talent management strategy in the region in order to leverage untapped female potential for addressing talent shortages.  相似文献   

The global financial crisis of 2008 aroused renewed interest in the effectiveness of corporate governance mechanisms to safeguard investor interests. In this paper, we measure the effects of the crisis from 2008 to 2009 on the share performance of 976 companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in the Hong Kong SAR and examine the link between share performance and corporate governance mechanisms. Our results present evidence that firms with a higher proportion of independent directors and a greater concentration of ownership had lower share performance, but lower price volatility, during the global financial crisis. These results suggest that no single corporate governance mechanism is fit for all economic environments and time frames. To strengthen investors' confidence, companies should enhance the efficiency and adaptability of their governance mechanisms in turbulent times.  相似文献   

On 1 March 2004, 49 overseas and domestic records companies, in cluding the Universal Music Ltd.,Warner Music Group, EMI Music (Hong Kong) Ltd., Sony Music Entertainment (Hong Kong) Ltd., Emperor Entertainment Group, What's Music International, Inc.,China Records Company, Guangzhou Pacific Audio & Video Company, Guangzhou New Era Audio & Video Company and China Audio-video Press, wrote a letter of warning to over 12,000 karaoke operators in Mainland China, requesting them to cease the infringing act of unauthorized use of MTVs, music videos and karaoke works produced thereby and to pay for the damages of the amount ranging from RMB 7,000 to 120,000 depending on the scale of their karaoke premises.  相似文献   

When the Pearls in Pearl River Delta (PRD) is mentioned, Hong Kong will also naturally jump to people's mind. It must not only due to PRD's proximity with Hong Kong, but also due to Hong Kong's special role in the development of this region. Admittedly, Hong Kong really provided strong drive for the takeoff of the PRD Economic Zone. But with the prosperity of PRD, the nearly tailored combinations and complementarity have taken shape between Hong Kong and PRD, pushing the economy in the two areas to grow far more rapidly than otherwise.  相似文献   

Managers with different cultural backgrounds and under different circumstances have different views on what is acceptable ethical behaviour. This study attempts to determine whether major companies in Hong Kong share the same views as North American academics on what management ethical standards ought to be, and if so, whether any control mechanisms have been established to instill ethical behaviour within their organizations. Notable differences between the practice in these companies and those from a similar survey conducted in North America are identified and explained. The management accountant's role in the development and implementation of such mechanisms is investigated.  相似文献   

Business continues to boom for Western quick-service operations in Hong Kong, including for those that see the territory as a jumping off point for capitalizing on the expanding mainland-China markets. But it's no longer just Western burger, chicken, and pizza chains that are competing in the market place: several Hong-Kong-based Chinese-style fast-food companies are growing quickly throughout the territory and elsewhere.  相似文献   

In this contribution, the future market of business and management education in Hong Kong is investigated, bearing in mind that Hong Kong reverted to Chinese sovereignty. Hong Kong is expected to continue its prosperity, but the emigration of large numbers of Hong Kong professionals wanting to secure a safety net by acquiring a foreign passport has further created demands for better and more business and management education in an attempt to develop more professional managers. The study starts by discussing the current state of the Hong Kong economy and the phenomenon of the ‘brain drain’. In addition, it analyses a survey of the current state of business and management education in Hong Kong so that a market need can be identified to match economic growth. Finally, the study suggests a future research direction for Hong Kong's business and management education.  相似文献   

通过对广东主要供港蔬菜品种菜心所发生的病虫害、防治使用的农药研究,以及香港和内地菜心农药残留限量标准的比对分析,得到香港与内地关于菜心标准数目、涉及农药种类的差异,并结合目前供港蔬菜现状,提出了有关建议和措施。  相似文献   

文章采用动态资产定价模型(conditional CAPM),避免了无风险收益率及市场风险回报率在期间可能变动的问题;研究结果并未发现盈余公告期间市场风险回报率的显著增长,却发现决定系数R2变小,这一点验证了公司公告发布日附近的期望收益更多的是由公司个别因素、而不是市场因素来决定的。同时,我们还发现异常回报率和公司规模之间的相对较弱的负相关性。  相似文献   

香港码头运营成本过高,特别是码头处理费(THC)全球最高,一直是困扰香港物流业运作的主要问题.如果THC问题不能尽快妥善解决,必将对香港的转口贸易、航运业产生严重影响,削弱CEPA实施的效益,拖慢香港的经济复苏步伐。为提高香港航运业的竞争力,特区政府有必要改革航运政策机制,考虑兴建新码头,并引入新营运商。  相似文献   

随着深圳物流业的崛起,深圳与香港物流业竞争力的比较越来越受到业界的关注。通过在生产要素成本、组织成本和要素质量三个方面对深圳和香港物流业的竞争力的实证分析,表明深圳的要素成本比香港有明显的优势,但是深圳的制度成本比香港要高。在生产要素质量方面,深圳与香港的“硬要素”差距不大,“软要素”差距比较大。深圳中低端物流业务的竞争力正在接近甚至超越香港,将促使原本在香港境内的此类业务向深圳、珠江三角洲等地区转移。  相似文献   

在世界金融科技发展的背景下,香港作为世界三大金融中心之一,要想实现行业升级,需要解决自身经济结构的不合理性。从香港目前的发展状况来看,将金融科技高度融入到现有的支柱产业是关键所在。本文从香港前几次的行业转型升级历程入手,指出了之前香港产业结构升级的特点,分析了在新兴金融科技背景下,香港再次进行经济转型的必要性及趋势,由此探究出香港由金融中心演变为金融科技中心需要进行区域间的经济协作、强化政府宏观调控、加强技术创新并引入新兴技术以及推动科技产业集群化的路径选择。  相似文献   

With the deepen economic integration between mainland China and Hong Kong SAR,more and more mainland enterprises choose Hong Kong as their platform to enter the international market. At the end of 2008,more than 3,800 mainland enterprises have invested in Hong Kong with the total amount of US$20.7 billion;  相似文献   


Since the opening of China in 1980, Hong Kong manufacturing industries collaborated with China manufacturing industries to maintain a low-cost labor intensive strategy. The strategy seems to be sufficient in maintaining the global competitive advantage of Hong Kong for the past two decades. However, with the rapid organizational learning of the Chinese partner and the reluctance of the Hong Kong partner to upgrade technology, Hong Kong manufacturing industries are facing the risk of potential loss of competitive advantages. This article attempts to review this dynamic evolution of HK/China collaborations and suggest some future actions for Hong Kong manufacturing industries to maintain their competitiveness. At the same time, the article also provides some ideas for global investors to rethink their future firm strategies in China.  相似文献   

China's accession to the WTO and the ‘Agreement on Textiles and Clothing’ (ATC) which gradually ban the use of quota, will have profound impacts on the textile industry in China. This article attempts to examine such impacts on all textile firms of Hong Kong origin. It briefly examines the impact of WTO on the textile industries in general, the participation of Hong Kong based firms in China's textiles industry, and the competitors from foreign countries. It examines in detail the practice of obtaining Hong Kong quota for textile products that are made in the Mainland by Hong Kong firms. The article argues that there are positive and negative effects of China–s WTO accession for all textile firms of Hong Kong origin. It concludes that the shifting of the targeted market to high-end, high-value-added is the only way of survival for the textile firms of Hong Kong.  相似文献   

香港经济一直在寻求转型的方向,随着内地贸易开放程度加深和香港产业结构变化,作为支柱产业的物流,其发展前景也倍受关注.当前,影响香港物流发展的外部因素是周边地区迅速发展,货源竞争日趋激烈.从内部深层次原因看,导致香港物流业萎缩的症结是香港制造业外移,境内物流环节减少.应充分利用香港海港和空港的基础设施,利用自身高效率优势,提供高质量、多功能、差异化的港口服务,承接内地企业对高端港口物流的需求,为香港物流业的持续发展奠定基础.  相似文献   

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