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推进会计标准和会计实务的国际化,为全球经贸往来和资本流动减少成本和消除障碍,是经济全球化的必然要求。欧盟采取的会计协调措施为实现欧盟统一市场发挥了重要作用,是会计国际协调的成功典范。本文结合欧盟会计协调的成功经验和存在的问题,阐述了其对我国会计国际化的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

欧盟会计协调化进程   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一、欧盟会计协调化的发展进程回顾历史,欧盟会计协调的问题是随着欧盟一体化进程的不断推进而产生的。因此,我们在看待欧盟会计一体化的问题时不能脱离欧洲国家长期以来力图达到经济政治一体化的背景。由于历史、政治等多种原因,欧盟国家之间的会计及其赖以产生的会计环境存在较大差异,尤其是英国会计模式与以德、法为代表的欧洲大陆国家会计模式存在诸多差异。欧盟的前身是欧洲经济共同体(EEC),从1957年签订成立EEC的《罗马条约》开始,它就致力于建立一个包括商品、劳务、资本、人才自由流动的共同市场,为此早就确定了“要求各国的法律…  相似文献   

随着国际投资、融资的迅速发展和全球经济一体化趋势的日益加强,会计的国际化问题已日益成为各个国家不可回避的现实问题。  相似文献   

<正>本文首先分析了会计国际协调的原因,其次分析了会计国际协调所面临的阻力,从这两方面的分析入手,展望了会计国际协调的前景,从而得出结论:由于全球经济发展的不平衡性,各国的会计环境还存在巨大差异,会计国际协调的前景是光明的,但是会计准则的全球趋同还有待时日。  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济的进步,世界经济全球化趋势的不断加强,所以会计属性逐步走向国际化。会计国际化发展符合我国会计发展的要求,促进我国会计专业的进步。但是由于种种原因,我国当前会计国际化发展还存在一定的问题,在发展中还不能够有效地实现国际化。所以本文通过对会计的属性问题以及国际化问题进行相应的讨论与研究,找到科学合理的解决办法,从而提高我国会计行业发展速度,维护国家经济的安全。  相似文献   

英国会计国际化进程与启示   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文分析了英国GAAP与IAS之间趋同化的背景、主要差异 ,同时指明二者间的趋同化方向 ,并在此基础上对推进中国会计国际化的途径和方法提出若干建议。  相似文献   

张建中 《山西财税》2006,(11):28-29
我国会计行业国际化,应从近期和长远两个方面考虑。从长远来看,我国会计的最终目标是将中国会计融入世界会计的发展轨道,中国与世界各国采用共同的国际会计准则,会计信息实现全球间标准化和通用化。从近期看,中国会计国际化的目标定位,应是在充分考虑中西方会计环境差异的基础上,正确处理好保持中国会计特色与国际惯例之间的关系。适应经济全球化的发展趋势,逐渐缩小中国会计与国际惯例之问的差异,推进中国会计准则在如下重要方面符合国际会计惯例,提高中国企业尤其是公司制企业会计信息的国际可比性。  相似文献   

会计是一国经济发展的环境因素,而会计的国际化反过来又为经济的国际化创造了条件,尤其是对发展中国家而言。会计的国际化有利于吸收国际资本,提高国内资本市场的质量和国际信誉,也有利于国内企业的国际化发展。因此,会计国际化问题已经成为各国不能回避的现实问题。  相似文献   

This note describes the method used at Illinois State University to add an international perspective to the introductory financial accounting course. It discusses the materials distributed to the faculty and gives suggestions for integrating them with textbook material.  相似文献   

Accountancy, in both its professional and academic domains, is experiencing an internal character crisis and an external credibility crisis in the community. Within the profession, allegations between academics and practitioners have generally failed to identify specific problems or provide beneficial solutions. This article focuses predominately on problems evident within accounting academia. Emphasis is given to detrimental philosophical underpinnings, particularly with regards to research methodology and the philosophical perceptions and resulting leadership attitudes which sustain this orientation. Educational leadership principles and practices are examined, and changes in leadership philosophy and focus are suggested.  相似文献   

Turkey, as a developing country, suffered from high inflation rates for many years. However inflation accounting was not applied till the year 2003 because of some political reasons. The high rates of inflation heavily distorted the financial statements of the companies in Turkey. The companies tried to benefit from the incentives in the Turkish Tax Regulation negating the effect of inflation till the year 2003. At the beginning of 2004 inflation accounting was applied at last. The purpose of this study is to emphasize the effects of inflation on the companies in Turkey and what they did in order to protect from the distortions of inflation till the year 2003. Also the regulations of the Ministry of Finance and Capital Market Board considering inflation adjustment were examined and compared by illustrations.  相似文献   

This paper traces the development of schools of accounting in the United States and examines the arguments for and against the establishment of separate schools of accounting. In tracing the development of schools of accounting, it becomes evident that the call for this concept is as old as the profession itself in the United States, and the underlying rationale still remains the same. From the very beginning, the concept of separate professional schools was supported for two fundamental reasons: (1) to improve the educational background and competency of accountants to better serve society, and (2) to provide visibility and a sense of identity to the profession. Proponents of separate schools of accounting contend that students would develop a better sense of professional identity and, in turn, achieve a greater degree of familiarity with professional ethics and morality. The primary opponents of the idea of establishing separate schools of accounting include university administrators, deans, and some faculty in business schools. From the viewpoint of university officials, establishment of separate schools of accounting may imply additional budgetary demands, the problem of allocating limited resources and the burden of creating an additional administrative unit. Opposition to the establishment of separate schools of accounting also comes from those who believe that attempting to segregate accounting from other business areas is artificial, and could result in an expensive redundancy in courses.  相似文献   

1 诉讼会计的涵义及在西方国家的发展 诉讼会计(Forensic Accounting),也译为法务会计,是西方国家于二十世纪八十年代初,为适应市场经济的发展和法律制度的日趋完善而产生的一个会计新领域.它既不同于以往的一般会计工作,又异于一般的政府审计、独立审计及内部审计,是界于一般会计和审计之间、涉及司法领域的特殊会计工作,可以说,是一门新兴的边缘会计学科.  相似文献   

Four hypotheses relevant to the contingency theory of management accounting are presented. Data relate to the period 1994–98 for a sample of new Scottish microfirms. First, correlation analysis is applied to test the hypothesis that the introduction of management accounting system (MAS) developments is related to the timing of contingent events such as cashflow crises, shortfalls of finance, and innovation. Second, cluster analysis is used to test the hypothesis that contingencies cluster to form three configurations of small firms, adaptive, running blind, and stagnant. Third, regression analysis is used to test the hypothesis that an index of organizational form, measured by weighted headcount, is explained by aspects of the generic contingencies, technological uncertainty, production systems, business strategy and market environment. The fourth hypothesis is that MAS complexity is determined by sub-unit interdependence, market dynamics, and work methods. The four hypotheses tested support several aspects of contingency theory, as modified to a small firms context.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present a historical review of the evolution of accounting and the accounting profession in Egypt. Such a review aims at providing the perspectives necessary to understand and evaluate the contemporary scene. The origin of accounting practices in Egypt can be traced to ancient Egyptian civilization, and the temples exhibit paintings of early accounting records and activities. Modern accounting practices can be dated from November 1883, when Egypt adopted the Commerce ACT. In the ensuing 125 years (1883–2008), Egyptian accounting practice can be divided into three stages: record keeping (1883–1939); financial reporting under changing economic regimes (1939–1975); and the move to adopt international accounting standards in an attempt to liberalize and integrate the Egyptian economy into the global economy (1975–). Each one of these stages reflects the impact of the socioeconomic conditions prevailing at the time. The evolution of accounting in Egypt demonstrates its ability to adapt in response to changing conditions. While there are several lessons to be drawn, and their relevance is noted, it is especially important for the accounting profession to anticipate changes in order to be responsive, in a timely manner, to the changing needs of the society.  相似文献   

In late 2013, China's political leadership decided to require the government to practice accrual accounting and prepare whole-of-government financial reports. This decision was codified in the new budget law and followed up by a State Council directive endorsing the reform proposal of the Ministry of Finance. Some basic government accounting standards have been made public for comment. In the same timeframe, the ministry also decided to promote management accounting in order to raise the competency and contributions of China's millions of accounting personnel.  相似文献   

在全面深入贯彻落实十七大精神,广泛开展解放思想、深化改革、扩大开放、科学发展大讨论之际,我们迎来了中国改革开放30周年,迎来了中国注册会计师协会成立20周年。本文分析解剖云南文山州注册会计师事业的改革发展经验,研究边疆民族地区事务所做大做强的有效途径,为其它地区事务所资源整合提供借鉴,也作为对具有中国特色的注册会计师行业发展的一种回顾和探讨。  相似文献   

我们可以把SWOT模型应用到职场的决策中去,对自己的现状进行系统全面的了解,通过分析,从而制定未来的行动方案。  相似文献   

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