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一直希望可以给孩子一个绝好的机会一起出游,终于下决心在最好的旅行季节安排一次全家的旅行了吗?先看看下面的关照。  相似文献   

追梦人 《旅游时代》2012,(4):92-94,96
HONGKONGDisnepland香港迪斯尼乐园好不好玩?关于这个话题可谓仁者见仁、智者见智,首先你是谁,回答你的人又是谁,不同的人有不同的价值观,导致这个问题的答案千差万别。男人和女人相比,女人更喜欢;大人和孩子相比,孩子更喜欢;12岁以上的孩子和12岁以下的孩子,后者更喜欢、男孩和女孩相比,女孩更喜欢。所以  相似文献   

沧浪老刀 《旅游时代》2013,(9):97-98,100
现代人平时的多半时间都在工作,很少有时间陪孩子,即将到来的国庆黄金周,就是一个补偿孩子的好机会。十一亲子游,不仅能让孩子放松心情、调整状态,更是增长阅历、开阔视野的良机。跟小编一起去看看有哪些值得我们享受的亲子游,陪孩子一起度过一个难忘的假期吧。  相似文献   

晚闻 《旅游时代》2012,(7):96-100
7月,大多数的学校都放假了。这时,一家老小集体出动,来一场温馨的暑假亲子游,既能放松心情,又有助于亲情交融,何乐而不为呢?至于目的地,首选当然是大阪了!今夏,日本游的热度  相似文献   

近几年,随着旅游产业的快速发展,国家对休闲旅游发展做出的政策引导,家庭收入的增加,父母对于孩子教育的重视,尤其是80后这一代父母的出现,他们更加倾向于让孩子有一个亲身体验的过程来提升孩子的眼界和知识。但是在旅游活动中,大多数的活动都是针对于成年人,很少数的旅游活动是专门针对小朋友,更少的是针对于父母和孩子同游的。二胎时代背景下,通过对潍坊市郊周边旅游调研,针对不同年龄阶段的亲子游设计旅游方案,并且制定了相关的营销策略,为相关决策者提供参考[1]。  相似文献   

以在校大学生为导游服务群体、亲子家庭为导游服务对象的校园亲子游是旅游导游人才培养的创新模式,也是在校大学生真实的创业实践模式。本文从校园亲子游和导游服务内涵出发,以校园亲子游实际项目运营为参考,通过对客群需求分析、服务线路设计、旅游现场接待、互动交流服务和服务反馈等方面优化,探究校园亲子游导游服务能力的培养。  相似文献   

1989年7月13日—15日,北京旅游学院在京郊召开了由教授副教授、教学骨干和有关部门负责人参加的教学计划研讨会,这是该院自建院以来第三次全面修改教学计划的会议。朱葆琛副院长、王景荣副院长主持了会议,教务处王洪滨处长作了中心发言。会议要求与会同志以四中全会精神和国家要求为检验标准,对学院培养的人材规格进行反思,总结经验,制定出更科学、更实际可行的教学计划,以便为国家培养出更多更好的旅游专业人才。  相似文献   

Small samples of tourists visiting Greece and Morocco were studied intensively to see whether tourists' post-travel images of these countries were different from pre-travel images. An adapted form of Kelly's repertory grid was used to assess the images. It was established that both travelers to Morocco and to Greece changed their images of the visited locations when compared to a control group of non-travelers. In addition, the tourists' country of origin (Britain), and countries similar to the visited destinations, were also seen somewhat differently after the holiday. While these findings apply only to a limited number of tourists of a particular type, this kind of study paves the way for more research on tourists' attitudinal changes.  相似文献   

王静 《当代旅游》2006,(3):24-26
塞班是北玛里安纳群岛的联邦首府,位于太平洋和菲律宾海之间.因水深,在阳光的折射下,海水呈现淡绿、碧绿、深蓝、墨蓝等不同颜色.而你看到那深不可测的墨蓝正是世界上最深的海沟所在地--玛利安纳海沟.  相似文献   

RODATUR has recently held a seminar on holidays taken by Europeans. Gillian Gardner-Smith, of MEW Research, attended and gives here an outline of the main topics of discussion. Comparisons of holiday-taking patterns and tourist composition were complicated by the lack of uniformity of data-collection methods in the different European countries.  相似文献   

The timeshare industry's success has been limited by an unenthusiastic reception from consumers, governments, investors, and the media. The everincreasing world population, increasing GDP, and improved communications resulting from the technological revolution, all indicate an expanding tourism market. Although timeshare's market share is currently increasing more rapidly than most other tourism sectors, to achieve its full growth potential the industry must improve its imagemarketing and products must be tailored to the requirements of consumers. Timeshare must demonstrate a significant social and economic contribution in order to obtain publicsector support and government incentives made available to traditional tourism industry.  相似文献   

《Tourism Management》1984,5(1):62-67
Competition between tour operators and the Mediterranean host countries for the Northern European holiday market is intense. This report, compiled by the Institute Espànol de Turismo, published in Spanish in Estudios Turisticos, Autumn 1983, is based on research undertaken by the Institute into Spain's position in this package arena. Holidays offered by Northern European tour operators in 14 receiving countries are analysed and the competitive role of Spain discussed.  相似文献   

Building on existing evidence that tourism contributes to wellbeing, this study aims to investigate how both hedonic and eudaimonic wellbeing changes after a holiday. A longitudinal inquiry involving three waves of observation (during, the fourth week, and the eighth week following a holiday) was carried out in five tourism cities in China, using Latent Growth Curve models to analyze change. Results suggest that life satisfaction – an indicator of hedonic wellbeing – does not decline as expected whereas other indicators of hedonic wellbeing declined dramatically in the first month and then mildly in the second month following a holiday. Comparatively, eudaimonic wellbeing declined gradually and mildly during the same two-month intervals. Higher levels of optimal tourism experiences predicted slower declines of both hedonic and eudaimonic wellbeing. Theoretical, methodological, and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

《Tourism Management》1987,8(1):41-48
This article describes the contemporary pattern of holiday villages in Poland. Research shows new economic, spatial and social evolution, and indicates that the successful future development of Polish holiday villages will depend upon the proper solution of possible conflicts, eg between tourism and agriculture, and between the interests of private lodging owners and of the regulations and principles of a planned economy. Close connection with general economic reform in Poland is emphasized and the need for greater flexibility in the holiday-village industry.  相似文献   

Holiday camping and time spent in outdoor environments are critical childhood experiences. This study aims to identify the outcomes and processes underlying children's experiences of holiday camping. The researchers use the contextual model of learning as the theoretical background underpinning the study. Chinese children who left their families and participated in structured camping trips formed as the research respondents. Several child-centred research methods, including participant observation, focus group discussions, and interviews based on elicited drawings, were employed to study the children's construction of their experiences. Children mainly reported positive camping outcomes, including enhanced interpersonal skills, improved self-awareness, general knowledge and skills, and positive emotions. Negative outcomes including feelings of anxiety and boredom were also occasionally observed. The ongoing interplay of personal, social, and physical contexts works together to generate these camping outcomes. Practical and theoretical implications are offered to enhance positive outcomes and reduce negative ones when children go camping.  相似文献   

In response to the growing solo travel market, this study developed a research instrument and collected empirical data to uncover the motivations and constraints affecting solo travel. Using a conceptual model based on the theory of planned behaviour and the findings of qualitative interviews, the main drivers of solo travel intention and the importance between the drivers were tested through a national survey conducted in Australia. Results revealed that (1) self-actualisation emerged as the most significant motivation for solo travel, (2) attitude was negatively associated with intrapersonal and interpersonal constraints, and (3) interpersonal constraints, followed by perceived behavioural control and overall attitude, were prominent in predicting behavioural intention. The findings offer a validated solo travel model for future research and have implications for tourism marketing strategies and products targeting existing and latent solo travellers.  相似文献   

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