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Competitiveness and External Trade Performance of the French Manufacturing Industry. - This paper evaluates the competitiveness and external trade performance of the French manufacturing industry during the 1980s and early 1990s. It reviews developments in a broad range of competitiveness indicators, showing that the manufacturing sector appears to have maintained its competitive position, discusses developments in export market shares, and estimates a vector error correction model relating the trade ratio to relative unit labor costs, domestic and foreign demand, and nonprice competitiveness. Variance decompositions suggest that fluctuations in price and nonprice competitiveness account for about two-fifths of fluctuations in manufacturing trade flows.  相似文献   

This paper examines productivity differences between internationally trading and non-trading firms using data on a sample of firms from 19 sub-Saharan African countries. The paper provides the first evidence of whether exporters, importers and two-way traders perform better than non-traders, and whether there are differences in performance between different types of trading firms in sub-Saharan Africa. Our results indicate that exporters, importers and two-way traders perform better than non-exporters, non-importers and non-two-way traders. We further find that two-way traders perform better than importers only or exporters only, results largely consistent with recent results for other countries and regions. Considering information on export starters, continuers and exiters we also present some evidence suggesting that there is no significant difference in performance between export continuers and starters.  相似文献   

Taiwan experienced large depreciations of its currency, the New Taiwan (NT) dollar, in the late 1990s. The largest real depreciation, 13 per cent, occurred during the East Asian Financial Crisis. Since Taiwan was subjected neither to the economic turmoil of the crisis itself nor to the subsequent reforms, its experience provides a good opportunity for studying the effects of exchange rate changes on firm performance. This paper empirically examines the exchange rate effects on firm exports, domestic sales, total sales, value-added and productivity, by using data on firms listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange merged with customs trade data covering the period of 1992–2000. Our findings indicate that the real depreciation of the NT dollar led to an increase in exports, domestic sales, total sales, value-added, and productivity. In addition, we find that the productivity improvement induced by real currency depreciation may be a result of firm scale expansion.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Flexible Produktionsweise und die amerikanische Exportleistung. — Der Autor benutzt ein Modell, das die Produktionstechnologie in 37 Zweigen des Maschinenbaus der USA im Jahre 1983 beschreibt, und kommt zu dem Schlu\, da\ flexible Technologien durchweg einen positiven Beitrag leisten, wenn es darum geht, die Nettoexporte zu erkl?ren, w?hrend die Technologie der Massenproduktion weder einen positiven noch einen negativen Beitrag leistet. Industrien, die durch gro\e Betriebe mit flexibler Produktion, einen hohen Automatisierungsgrad, eine gro\e Zahl neuer Produkte und schnelles Wachstum gekennzeichnet sind, erzielen die beste Exportleistung. Es zeigt sich au\erdem, da\ ein Modell des intra-industriellen Handels bei Verwendung derselben Daten die beobachteten Ver?nderungen der Exportentwicklung weit schlechter erkl?rt als das Faktorproportionen-Modell.
Résumé Flexibilité dans la production et la performance des exportateurs américains. — En utilisant un modèle qui décrit la technologie de production dans 37 industries mécaniques aux Etats Unis en 1983, l’auteur découvre que la technologie flexible contribue beaucoup à expliquer les exportations nettes tandis que la technologie de la production en masse donne l’impression de n’avoir pas une influence ni positive ni négative. Les industries qui sont caractérisées par de grands établissements avec une production flexible, d’un haut niveau d’automatisation, d’un grand nombre de nouveaux produits et d’un accroissement rapide ont le plus grand succès sur les marchés mondiaux. L’auteur trouve aussi qu’un modèle de commerce intra-industriel qui est appliqué aux mêmes dates explique beaucoup moins de la variation observée des exportations que le modèle de la dotation en facteurs.

Resurnen Producción manufacturera flexible y el comercio de los EE UU. — Utilizando un modelo que describe la tecnología de producción en 37 industrias de ingenieria de los EE UU en 1983 se encuentra que la tecnologia flexible contribuye consistente y positivamente a explicar las exportaciones netas, mientras que la tecnologia de producción masiva parece no haber contribuido ni positiva ni negativamente a dicha explicación. Las industrias caracterizadas por plantas grandes con production flexible, un alto grado de automatization, un gran número de productos nuevos y un crecimiento rápido han sido las de mayor éxito en cuanto a las exportaciones. También se encuentra que un modelo de comercio intraindustrial aplicado a los mismos datos explica aún mucho menos de la variación del comercio observada que el modelo de la proportion de factores.

This paper quantitatively evaluates the potential impacts of removing China's Hukou system on the world economy. By denying migrant workers the right to health benefits and housing, China's Household Registration (Hukou) system presents a significant distortion to the Chinese labor market that discourages the reallocation of its labor from agriculture to non-agriculture. I find that the elimination of Hukou could increase China's real income per capita by about 4.7%. Moreover, although for most countries the impact of removing Hukou is modest (less than 1% changes in real income per capita), substantial changes in real income could take place for China's small neighboring economies. For example, the decreases in real GDP per capita are 2.7%, 3.2%, and 4.1% for Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam, while Thailand stands to enjoy a 3.8% increase in its income.  相似文献   

We explore the determinants of debt structure by analyzing the Japanese machine manufacturing firms’ data from 1990 through 1996. We find that firms with abundant growth opportunities and scarce collateral are likely to borrow from banks rather than to issue bonds. This is robust even if we consider the simultaneous decision of the debt composition and leverage or managerial incentive. We also find that firms with abundant growth opportunities or collateral tend to depend on equity rather than on debt. Though banks reduce the agency costs of debt for growing firms, equity costs less than bank loans for them.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the impact of membership in preferential trade agreements (PTAs) on trade between PTA members. Rather than considering the impact of PTA membership on the volume of trade we consider the impact of membership on the structure of trade. For a large sample of countries over the period 1962–2000 we find that membership in a PTA is associated with an increase in the extent of intra-industry trade. Our results indicate that this is especially the case for PTAs formed between richer countries, with the effects of PTAs between poorer countries found to be smaller.  相似文献   

Applying the theories of heterogeneous firms and the propensity score matching difference-in-differences (PSM-DID) method to a rich dataset of Chinese manufacturing firms, this paper examines the self-selection of firm-level R&D input and estimates the net effect of R&D on productivity. The analysis shows that (1) for Chinese manufacturing firms as a whole, R&D input is influenced by firm productivity: more productive firms are more likely to invest in R&D; (2) controlling for the self-selection effect, the net output elasticities of R&D input in one year and two years after R&D input are 3.92% and 5.25%, respectively; (3) although state-owned enterprises (SOEs) are more likely than all other ownership groups to invest in R&D, the R&D input is not productive; (4) although enterprises owned by investors outside of Mainland China are the least likely to invest in R&D, the output elasticity of R&D is more significant and larger in this group than in SOEs and privately owned Chinese firms; and (5) surprisingly, the net effect of R&D is not significant in high-tech industries. Policy implications are derived from the findings.  相似文献   

Innovation and exporting: evidence from Spanish manufacturing firms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper investigates the relationship between innovation and the export behavior of firms using data from a representative panel of Spanish firms over 1991–2002. It presents a simple theoretical model of the firm decision to export and innovate that guides the econometric analysis. Consistent with the predictions of the theoretical model, the econometric results suggest a positive effect of firm innovation on the probability of participation in export markets. The results further reveal the heterogeneous effects of different types of innovations on the firm export participation. In particular, product upgrading appears to have a larger effect on the firm export participation than the introduction of cost-saving innovations. These findings are robust to firm unobserved heterogeneity, dynamic specifications, and to the use of instrumental variables to control for the potential endogeneity between innovation and exporting.  相似文献   

This paper empirically investigates two dimensions of changes in firm behavior and performance before and after foreign direct investment (FDI). The first dimension is the difference between vertical and horizontal FDI. The second dimension is the effect of outward FDI on firms’ production and non-production activities in the home country. In our careful empirical analysis we use the propensity score matching method to show that the impact of outward FDI differs by dimension, that is, by FDI type and firms’ production and non-production activities. In particular, while horizontal FDI increases demand for non-production workers, vertical FDI increases demand for skilled production workers.  相似文献   

北京大学国家发展研究院余淼杰副教授认为,二战后所有穷国发展经济的套路,大凡跳不出如下三招:一是坚持进口替代,二是强调贸易自由化;三则是实施出口导向。但时下发展中国经济,这三条道路都行不通。  相似文献   

This paper develops a dynamic structural model of a single decision in order to analyze the effect of voluntary export restraints (VERs) on quality-upgrade and foreign direct investment (FDI) behavior. I estimate the model parameters using a variant of the two-step estimator developed by Bajari et al. (2007). Using panel data of Japanese firms in the U.S. automobile industry, both activities are found to have significant sunk cost, which introduces intertemporal interactions in decisions, and I also find that the entry costs for FDI are larger than fixed adjustment costs for quality-upgrade. I simulate counterfactuals based on the estimation of the structural model. In the absence of the VERs, both quality-upgrade and the probability of undertaking FDI decrease. The second simulation examines the substitution effect between the two investment activities. The proposal to restrict FDI policy causes a dramatic increase in the level of quality-upgrade. Similarly, the proposal to restrict quality-upgrade policy results in an increase in the probability of FDI.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Technische Leistungsf?higkeit und Eigentumsmerkmale von gewerblichen Unternehmen in einem Entwicklungsland: Eine brasilianische Fallstudie. — In diesem Aufsatz wird versucht, zwei Dinge zu tun: (1) eine qualitative Beurteilung der Leistungen verschiedener Gruppen von Unternehmungen vorzunehmen, die nach den Eigentumsverh?ltnissen klassifiziert wurden, und (2) Analysen und Sch?tzungen auf der Basis von Produktionsfunktionen durchzuführen, um die relativen Unterschiede zwischen ausl?ndischen, einheimischen und Staatsunternehmungen in bezug auf Leistungsf?higkeit und Skalenertr?ge zu ermitteln. Es wurde festgestellt, daβ für unterschiedliche Eigentumsklassen unterschiedliche Produktionsfunktionen gelten. Es werden Belege dafür vorgelegt, daβ Firmen in ausl?ndischem Eigentum gr?βere Skalenertr?ge erzielen und gr?βere Substitutionselastizit?ten besitzen als Industrieunternehmen, die im Eigentum von Inl?ndern stehen.
Résumé L’efficience technique et les caractéristiques propriétaires des entreprises manufacturières dans un pays en voie de développement: Une étude de cas Brésilien. — Cet article essaie de faire deux choses: (1) d’entreprendre quelques jugements qualitatives sur la performance économique des groupes différents des entreprises comme classifiées par la propriété et (2) d’employer une analyse de la fonction de production et une estimation pour déterminer la différence relative d’entreprises possédées par des étrangers, le gouvernement et les privés locaux concernant l’efficience technique et les économies d’échelle. Nous avons trouvé qu’il y a des fonctions de production existantes pour des classes différentes et nous présentons quelque évidence que les entreprises possédées par les étrangers ont des rendements d’échelle plus grands et des élasticités de substitution plus grandes que les entreprises manufacturières locales.

Resumen Eficiencia técnica y características de la propiedad de empresas manufactureras en un país en desarrollo: un estudio de caso del Brasil. — Este artículo représenta un intento para hacer dos cosas: (1) emitir juicios cualitativos sobre el desempe?o económico de diferentes grupos de empresas clasificadas según su propiedad y (2) emplear el análisis y la estimación de funciones de produción para determinar la diferencia relativa de firmas de propiedad extranjera, estatal y doméstica privada con respecto a su eficiencia técnica y economías de escala. Se encontró que existen diferentes funciones de producción para las distintas clases de propiedad. Se presenta alguna evidencia que firmas de propiedad extranjera poseen retornos de escala más grandes y elasticidades de sustitución mayores que empresas manufactureras de propiedad doméstica.

This paper investigates the impact of international trade on wage dispersion in a small open economy, Belgium. It is one of the few to: (i) use detailed, matched employer-employee data to compute industry wage premia and disaggregated industry-level panel data to examine the impact of changes in international trade on changes in wage differentials, (ii) simultaneously analyse both imports and exports, and (iii) examine the impact of imports according to the country of origin. Looking at the export side, we find (on the basis of the system generalized method of moments estimator) a positive effect of exports on industry wage premia. The results also show that import penetration has a significant and negative impact on industry wage differentials. However, the detrimental effect of imports on wages is found to be significantly greater when imports originate from low- and middle-income countries than from high-income countries.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Bestimmung der Handelsstr?me und Auswahl der Handelspartner: Wie man die Au\enhandelsmodelle von Heckscher-Ohlin und von Burenstam Linder in Einklang bringt. — In der Au\enhandelsliteratur werden zwei Ans?tze zur Bestimmung der komparativen Vorteile unterschieden: (i) das Heckscher-Ohlin-Modell, das die relative Verfügbarkeit der Produktionsfaktoren als die ent-scheidende Determinante der Handelsbeziehungen ansieht; und (ii) das Burenstam Linder-Modell, das untersucht, wie sich gleichartige Pr?ferenzen der Konsumenten in der Nachfrage und im internationalen Handel niederschlagen. Dieser Artikel verbindet beide Ans?tze in einem einzigen Modell, in dem jeder der beiden Ans?tze nur einen Spezialfall darstellt. In dem Aufsatz wird die Bedeutung des gemeinsamen Modells für die Handelsstr?me, die Konsumm?glichkeiten und die Relation zwischen dem Au\enhandel und der Gr?\e einer Volkswirtschaft analysiert. Im empirischen Teil wird demonstriert, wie nützlich das Modell bei der Vorhersage des Handels mit unterschiedlichen Produktgruppen ist.
Résumé La détermination des flux d’échanges et le choix des partenaires com-merciaux: La réconciliation des modèles de l’échange international de Heckscher-Ohlin et de Burenstam Linder. — La littérature sur les échanges internationaux distingue entre deux approches à la détermination de l’avantage comparatif: (i) le modèle de Heckscher-Ohlin qui regarde l’abondance relative des facteurs de production comme déterminant principal des relations commerciales; (ii) le modèle de Burenstam Linder qui examine la similarité des préférences des consommateurs comme elle est reflétée sur la situation de demande et les effets sur le commerce extérieur. Cet article incorpore les deux approches dans un seul modèle dans lequel chaque approche constitue un cas spécial. L’article examine les implications du modèle unifié pour les relations commerciales, les possibilités de consommation et le rapport entre les échanges internationaux et la dimension de l’économie. La section empirique démontre l’utilité du modèle pour prédire les relations commerciales des différents groupes des biens.

Resumen Determination de los flujos comerciales y la elección de los socios comerciales: Reconciliando los modelos de comercio international de Heckscher-Ohlin y Burenstam Linder. — La literatura del comercio internacional distingue entre dos planteamientos para la determinatión de las ventajas comparativas: (i) el modelo de Heckscher-Ohlin, que considera la abundancia relativa de factores de production como el determinante más importante para el patrón de comercio; (ii) el modelo de Burenstam Linder, que examina las similitudes en los gustos re-flejados en el acondicionamiento de la demanda y su impacto sobre el comercio. En este artículo se incorporan los dos planteamientos dentro de un modelo único en el que cada uno constituye un caso especial. El artículo examina las implicaciones del modelo unificado para los patrones de comercio, posibilidades de consumo y la relatión del comercio con respecto al tama?o del país. La parte empírica del artículo demuestra la utilidad del modelo para predecir patrones de comercio de distintos grupos de productos.

We first consider a closed model, where households' time discount depends on externality in consumption. We can prove that there is a unique steady state, which is a saddle point. Then we extend the model to a two‐country world, and derive the condition on the effects of consumption externality under which there is a unique free trade steady state with saddle‐point stability.  相似文献   

In this paper, I survey the recent theoretical literature that incorporates heterogeneous labor into models of international trade. The models with heterogeneous labor have been used to study how talent dispersion can be a source of comparative advantage, how the opening of trade affects the full distribution of wages, and how trade affects industry productivity and efficiency via its impact on sorting and matching in the labor market. Some of the most recent contributions also introduce labor market frictions to study the effects of trade on structural unemployment and on mismatch between workers and firms.  相似文献   

The problems of over-capacity and zombie firms in China's manufacturing attract all aspects of attention, but academic analysis is still absent. Using firm-level data of Chinese manufacturing, this study first documents the problems of over-capacity and zombie firms during 2011–2013. We find that the over-capacity problem is much more severe in the northeastern and western regions of China, in heavy chemical industries, and in state-owned sector. The distribution of zombie firms is in a similar manner across region, industry and ownership. We also empirically test the relationship between zombie firms and over-capacity, finding that zombie firms cause and worsen over-capacity by crowding out healthy firms.  相似文献   

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