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心智销售的五种力分别是产品力、形象力、价格力、沟通力、交际力。产品问题是销售的核心问题。这里说的产品包括实体产品、知识产品、服务产品、体验产品、信息产品、金融产品、劳动力产品等。产品力首先是说产品要符合客户当时的刚性需求,刚性需求又可以简单分为消费性刚性需求和生产性刚性需求。  相似文献   

企业如何进行相应的品牌或是营销工作。比如,在营销策划中,按产品的生命周期将产品分成导入期产品、成长期产晶、成熟期产品和衰退期产品。同时,根据产品的使命,可以将产品分为利润型产品、形象型产品、防御型产品。  相似文献   

产品标识是指表明产品的名称、产地、生产者名称、地址、产品的质量状况、保存期限、使用说明等信息情况的表述和指示。产品标识由生产者提供。产品的标识是产品的生产者给产品的销售者、购买者的质量信息,帮助他们了解产品的成分、质量、所执行的标准,说明产品的使用、保养条件,起到了介绍产品、指导消费的作用。许多产品标识的内容都标注在产品或者产品的包装上,让人一目了然,为用户、消费者的挑选提供了方便。随着经济的发展和产品的市场竞争的激化,产品的标识越来  相似文献   

企业产品危机管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产品危机主要是指产品的品种、质量、包装、结构,产品生产经营的程序、技术、布局、规模等方面与市场需求脱节,使企业产品缺乏竞争力,造成产品积压,蒙受损失。产品危机管理是企业对产品从生产到销售及消费过程中面临的各种危机进行预测与分析,制定产品危机管理计划,完善产品危机管理的机制,将产品危机所带来的损失降到最低的管理活动。  相似文献   

产品生命周期是产品的市场寿命,即一种新产品从开始进入市场到被市场淘汰的整个过程。产品和人的生命一样,要经历形成、成长、成熟、衰退这样的周期。像初生的婴儿一样,产品的导入期是产品能否取得营销成功的关键期。产品在进入市场的最初阶段,消费者对产品的品质、功效、特点、结构等还很陌生,产品在该市场上无知名度或知名度不高,产品美誉度基本上没有;  相似文献   

什么是产品的产地,如何认定产品的产地? (一)产品的产地,在国际贸易中也破称为产品的原产地、原产国,它是指产品的最终的制作地、组装地、加工地。我国地域辽阔,物产、资源丰富,许多产品都与产品所使用的原材料有较大的天系。这些产品因使用了不同产地的原材料,所  相似文献   

产品缺陷的定义欧洲经济共同体产品责任指令、英国消费者保护法和德国、挪威、丹麦的产品责任法规定,如果产品不能提供“人们有权期待的安全性”,即属于有缺陷的产品。但不得以后来投入流通的产品比以前的该种产品更完全为理由认为以前的产品有缺陷。  相似文献   

所谓企业的产品责任风险就是指企业因提供的产品有缺陷而可能承担的不利后果。产品责任风险的发生不仅会给消费者带来伤害,而且会给企业造成极大的负面影响。随着世界各国产品责任法律制度对生产者、销售者要求得越来越严格,企业的产品责任风险也会越来越大,企业若要化解产品责任风险、减少产品责任风险给自己带来的损失,最好的办法就是加强事前防范和事后的积极应对。一、企业产品责任风险的事前防范企业产品责任风险与产品责任密切相关,而产品责任是因产品的缺陷而产生的法律责任,因而企业防范产品责任风险的关键在于在生产、销售过程中避免向社会提供有缺陷的产品。产品的缺陷包括设计缺陷、警示缺陷、制造缺陷和发展缺陷,除发展缺陷在我国《产品质量法》中明确规定不承担责任外,其余三种缺陷产品的生产者、销售者都要承担产品责任。产品的设计缺陷是指产品的设计违反科学原理而形成的不合理的危险性。由于产品设计涉及的不是个别产品而是涉及相同的所有产品,因而,产品设计缺陷在产品责任损害中的损害面最大,企业由此承担的赔偿责任也可能最大,除了对一系列产品的损害进行金钱赔偿外,企业还有可能承担产品被召回的义务。因此,企业应当从产品的设计入手,采取措施防范设计缺陷的产生。首...  相似文献   

正什么是地理标志产品?地理标志产品是指产自特定地域,所具有的质量、声誉或其他特性本质上取决于该产地的自然因素和人文因素,经审核批准以地理名称进行命名的产品。地理标志产品的类别1、在特定地域种植、养殖的产品,决定该产品特殊品质、特色和声誉的主要是当地的自然因素;2、在产品产地采用特定工艺生产加工,原材料全部来自产品产地,当地的自然环境和生产该产品所采用的特定工艺中的人文因素决定了该产品的特殊品质、特色质量和声誉;3、在产品产地采用特定工艺生产加工,原材料部分来自其他地区,该产品产地的自然环境和生产该产品所采用的特定工艺中的人文因素决定了该产品的特殊品质、特色质量和声誉。  相似文献   

厦门明翰电气有限公司是配电高低压开关设备及电力自动化产品的生产厂商,公司主要产品有中低压开关柜、户外配电产品及电力自动化产品,是ABB中低压产品联合制造商,大量应用ABB产品技术、质量控制及管理模式。产品广泛应用于供电部门、发电厂、基础设施建设、工厂及工业区、商住小区、房地产项目及港口道路建设等。  相似文献   

郭倩 《价值工程》2012,31(2):29-30
MasterCAM是优秀的CAD/CAM集成软件,通过介绍利用MasterCAM进行计算机辅助产品设计、工艺规划、制造的方法,阐述MasterCAM在产品制造过程中的作用。  相似文献   

目前,很多制造企业为了应对不确定的市场产品需求,加快供货速度、减少库存积压,纷纷采用S&OP运作模式,以期达到供需平衡。如何在S&OP运作的数据收集和评审、销售规划、供应规划、合作关系会议、高层会议等环节中预估成本、预估利润,使产品交付、销售利润最大化,是迫切需要关注和实施的问题。  相似文献   

The concepts and principles of using manufacturing resource planning (MRP II) for planning are not new. Their success has been proven in numerous manufacturing companies in America. The concepts and principles of using just-in-time (JIT) inventory for execution, while more recent, have also been available for some time, and their success in Japan well documented. However, it is the effective integration of these two powerful tools that open the way to achieving world-class manufacturing status. This article will utilize a newly developed world-class manufacturing model, which will review the aspects of planning, beginning with a business plan through the production planning process and culminating with a master schedule that drives a materiel/capacity plan. The importance and interrelationship of these functions are reviewed. The model then illustrates the important aspects of executing these plans beginning with people issues, through total quality control (TQC) and pull systems. We will then utilize this new functional model to demonstrate the relationship between these various functions and the importance of integrating them with a total comprehensive manufacturing strategy that will lead to world-class manufacturing and profits.  相似文献   

邱志鹏  蔡松林 《物流技术》2020,(3):29-33,110
基于粤港澳大湾区智慧物流与先进制造业的发展规划与现状,使用两个产业的相关数据开展实证分析,对智慧物流与先进制造业的相关性进行探讨。通过分析当前智慧物流与先进制造业协同发展存在的问题,探讨在粤港澳大湾区建设规划过程中推进智慧物流与先进制造业协同发展的有效策略和措施,为智慧物流与先进制造业协同升级提供新的研究思路。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的迅速发展,CAD/CAM技术在机械制造业中得到广泛的应用,使得产品的设计制造周期越来越短,企业产品的市场竞争更激烈。把计算机技术融入到机械行业的生产中,实现了产品设计与制造互相衔接,大大缩短了产品的设计制造周期。不仅能提高企业生产效率,减少企业的人力资源成本,降低产品的成本。还能提高企业的生产自动化,保证企业生产的产品质量和精度。  相似文献   

Product lifecycle modelling is to define and represent product lifecycle data and to maintain data interdependencies. To build a complete, reusable and highly consistent product lifecycle information model, the product lifecycle is divided into five stages: requirement analysis, conceptual design, engineering design, manufacturing, and service and support. Accordingly, five stage product models (requirement analysis model, conceptual design model, engineering design model, manufacturing model, and service and support model) are discussed. To integrate all information of a product lifecycle and support networked manufacturing mode, the key elements of product lifecycle modelling are discussed and a framework of product lifecycle modelling is proposed. Further, the relationship and evolvement of product models at different stages are described. Finally, a Web-based integration framework is proposed to support interoperability of distributed product data sources.  相似文献   

A critical capability sought by an increasing number of firms is manufacturing flexibility, because it allows to effectively respond to dynamic markets. Grounded upon a supply chain perspective, this paper aims to assess antecedents of manufacturing flexibility that stem from the upstream relationships with strategic suppliers. Additionally, it is one of the first to analyze the contingent effect of product dynamism on the impact of manufacturing flexibility on downstream customer satisfaction. We apply structural equation modeling to a sample of 155 companies in order to analyze our hypotheses. Results strongly indicate that buyer-supplier collaboration facilitates inter-organizational learning that in turn allows organizations to develop manufacturing flexibility and increase customer satisfaction. Approaching manufacturing flexibility from a broader supply chain view thus pays off. Moreover, we apply multi-group confirmatory factor analysis to explore the contingent effect of product dynamism on the relationship between manufacturing flexibility and customer satisfaction. Results suggest a stronger impact of manufacturing flexibility on performance in the context of higher product dynamism in companies’ customer markets, confirming the importance of a contingency view to flexibility.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to outline the three main stages of manufacturing planning where capacity analysis is employed and to highlight the differences in approach and level of detail required for capacity analysis at each stage. Capacity management is not a single discipline or function. Rather, the term takes on meaning within the context of the planning job it is supporting. There are significant differences between the objectives and output of each planning stage and consequently, there is a need to adjust the approach and level of detail employed in capacity analysis and scheduling depending on the stage. In effect, the typical manufacturing company doesn't have one planning or capacity management challenge; it has several. Thus, when seeking solutions to planning or capacity problems, a company must first decide which problem it wants to attack and then select the peopl/tool combination best suited to handle the level of detail involved.  相似文献   

The objective of this presentation is to assist companies in creating a culture of change. In the 1970s our manufacturing companies pursued planning as the answer to competitive strength. Throughout the 1980s, we networked with suppliers and customers and smoothed the product flow. Now, in the 1990s, we are focused on the end customer to drive our programs to simplify the process to gain a competitive edge! Each of these answers was correct for its time. Stepping back from it all, however, we can see that the only lasting advantage is the underlying ability to adapt and change; to reinvent our companies again and again amid a rapidly changing, increasingly competitive environment.  相似文献   

Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) increase the efficiency of operations by improving cost, quality, and lead time while decision support and expert systems (DSS&ES) improve the effectiveness of manufacturing by assisting the decision maker in coordinating all the elements and increasing the overall utilization of the factory, particularly in managing a complex system of flexible manufacturing. This article surveys a number of available decision support and expert systems applications in flexible manufacturing after reviewing the features of each one and then proposes additional potential applications.It appears that what is holding back the widespread use of FMS is not the technology, but is some management issues. Application of DSS&ES enables a manager to obtain a full flexibility of equipment in terms of machine flexibility, product flexibility, process flexibility, operation flexibility, routing flexibility, volume flexibility, expansion flexibility, and production flexibility. Many decisions are made in planning and operating FMS that can be categorized into three classes of strategic, tactical, and operational decisions. Each class can be further categorized into structured, semistructured, and unstructured decisions. The article provides examples of FMS decision in each of nine groups and show that use of DSS&ES can be productive.Illustrative cases are categorized into (1) DSS in FMS, (2) DSS in related manufacturing operations, (3) ES in FMS, and (4) ES in related manufacturing operations. The cases described include ICAM, REACT, KEE, PADMS, IMS, FADES, GARI, TOM, ISIS, and GENPLAN.The article finally provides hints for successful DSS and ES implementation. Subjects include getting management involved, choosing a key application, manage vendor involvement, paying attention to maintenance, assigning qualified personnel, paying attention to training, and always reviewing the results.FMS is basically a computer-based system and so are DSS and ES. There is an increased trend of integrating independent computer-based systems to take advantage of the possible synergy of such integration. At present, there is only a little evidence of DSS and/or ES applications in FMS. However, there is increasing evidence of applications in related manufacturing areas. Furthermore, the planning and operations of FMS require considerable expertise; DSS and ES techniques are aimed at supporting or even replacing such expertise. Therefore, it seems that there is a considerable potential for further application of DSS and ES in FMS.  相似文献   

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