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满足全球零售商的需求NCR最近推出全新POS产品──Real-POS 7456。该产品是业界第一部配备1千兆英特尔奔腾三处理器的POS终端机,同时还配有最新的高速热敏打印机和先进的多媒体显示器。除了能够满足全球零售商对低成本、高可靠性和保障投资的需求外,更进一步推动了未来高性能应用的发展。  相似文献   

Due to SARS,the deadline for adopting China's CompulsoryCertification, or CCC,had beenextended by three months. The newdeadline was set for August 1st,2003By this date,all related inspection andsurveillance agencies were in fulloperation. Products without the CCCmark are forbidden to be marketed orimported. This news has puzzled a lotof enterprises,especially small andmedium sized enterprises. With the  相似文献   

The China Western Forum 2000was held from 20 to 22 Octoberin Chengdu. Twenty policiesencouraging investment in the west wereput forward, and the western developmentwas further accelerated.Will Chengdu the No.4 City inChina?There are three generally acceptedmetropolises in China: Beijing, Shanghaiand Guangzhou.In a new round of competition, whichcity will become the No.4 after Beding,Shanghai and Guangzhou?Western cities are longing for thisposition.On the vast 56% of Chinese land inthe…  相似文献   

Increasingly research in the field of business and society suggests that ethics and corporate social responsibility can be profitable. Yet this work raises a troubling question: Is it ethical to use ethics and social responsibility in a strategic way? Is it possible to be ethical or socially responsible for the wrong reason? In this article, we define a strategy concept in order to situate the different approaches to the strategic use of ethics and social responsibility found in the current literature. We then analyze the ethics of such approaches using both utilitarianism and deontology and end by defining limits to the strategic use of ethics.  相似文献   

现代书信格式越来越繁杂,商务信函、求职简历、情书、留学申请……让人无所适从。这一切,金山软件公司最近推出的《金山书信通2002》完全可以轻松解决,为用户提供数百种中英文对照式书信模板,可进行直接修改。不仅如此,还有好多人们所关注的内容,而且从构思、查资料、书写,再到发送能够一气呵成。《金山书信通2002》界面焕然一新,主色调采用淡蓝色,给人以清新的感觉。公共模板中有法律、留学导航、公文全书,社交礼仪、亲戚朋友、书信范例、精彩祝词、幽默风趣的手机短信系列、爱情密码等精彩内容。附录收录了三字经、名人名言、旅游指南、热门网址、中国大学、全  相似文献   

Caller ID or CND (Calling Number Display) is an internationally-available telecommunication service first introduced into the United States about ten years ago. Caller ID utilizes a new form of technology which enables telephone subscribers to identify the numbers (and/or names) of callers before picking up their telephones. This service has been widely assailed as an invasion of the caller's right to anonymity, a right which allegedly subsists as an important component of the caller's right to privacy. However, if privacy is defined from the perspective of the British philosopher John Stuart Mill, it can be argued that, even though anonymity is in fact an implication of genuine privacy, placing an unsolicited telephone call does not constitute a private act. Indeed, many callers who routinely block their numbers from Caller ID display units (such as telemarketers and telecharities) falsely assert a right to place anonymous calls in order to expedite their own intrusion into the privacy of others. This conclusion will be strengthened by contrasting anonymous telephone calls with the much more legitimate appeals to anonymity made by Usenet bulletin boards in cyberspace.  相似文献   

电子邮件是互联网的最主要功能之一。目前,大部分中国用户使用的电子邮件客户端软件不外乎微软的OutlookExpress,或是Foxmail。这里,我们特意为大家介绍一款国人自己开发的电子邮件软件——《飓风邮件通》。其实,一般人在使用过OE或者Foxmail后,如果再使用《飓风邮件通》的话,很多用户会觉得它是一款非常“另类”的软件,因为无论从界面形式上,还是从操作上来说,它都显得与众不同。从网上下载的《飓风邮件通》是一个体积为630KB的可执行文件,在邮件管理软件中,它可算是最小巧的一款了。软件的安装过程很规范,安装完成后没有邮箱配置向导,用户需要在进入程序后手动进行配置。《飓风邮件通》的界面很特别,与其他邮件管理软件不同,它的收邮件、发邮  相似文献   

Business Economics - Along with the minutes of the October 30-31, 2007, meeting, the Federal Open Market Committee released a summary of its members' forecasts of key economic variables, a...  相似文献   

This article synthesizes research presented in several models of unethical behavior to develop propositions about the factors that facilitate and mitigate deception in online business communications. The work expands the social network perspective to incorporate the medium of communication as a significant influence on deception. We go beyond existing models by developing seven propositions that identify how social network and issue moral intensity characteristics influence the probability of deception in online business communication in comparison to traditional communication channels. Remedies to detect and discourage deception in online business networks are also offered, as well as limitations and future research directions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to critically analyse the provisions of the proposed Directive on the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantees as it will apply, in particular, in the UK. The Directive addresses two perceived problems for the European consumer; the variation in the minimum legal guarantee currently provided by individual Member States, and the lack of clarity and difficulties in enforcement of additional guarantees provided by sellers and manufacturers. The article considers the detailed provisions of the Directive as to both the "legal guarantee" and the "commercial guarantee" and sets these provisions in a UK context in order to assess, specifically, their potential significance for consumers and consumer law in the UK.  相似文献   


This multinational adaptive conjoint study measures how much more, or less, consumers might be willing to pay for different brand/manufacturing country combinations. Chinese, South Korean, and US respondents were asked about their preferences for laptop computers carrying different combinations of price, country of manufacture (CM), and country of brand (CB) cues. For all three respondent groups, price was the most salient attribute, followed by country of manufacturing, and then CB. Nonetheless, respondents from different countries differed in their preferences for price/country of manufacturing/brand combinations. The findings suggest that brands having both positive CB and CM images can charge premium prices in their home countries and abroad. Brands with weaker CB and CM images may enjoy home court advantages domestically; however, they may have to price their products lower when competing in countries with stronger CM and CB reputations.  相似文献   

Purpose: This article measures to what extent export performance is affected by certain resource-based view (RBV) elements and seeks to elucidate relationships between these elements. Design: Among those RBV elements, knowledge and experience as resources, and marketing, production, product development, logistics, and service differentiation as capabilities, are chosen to be the basis of this research. Their effects on export performance are measured with a survey applied to personnel of Turkish manufacturing firms operating in Istanbul district. Findings: The results show us that marketing planning capabilities and service differentiation capabilities have a significant effect on export performance. The overwhelming effect of knowledge and experience of firms on marketing planning capabilities is one of the intriguing findings. Notwithstanding that, we found no trace of a relationship between product development capabilities and service differentiation capabilities. Value: This research provides several managerial and academic implications by contributing to a resource-based view in terms of knowledge and capabilities. Additionally, in this study, it is underlined that collective knowledge is vital for achieving high export performance.  相似文献   

Agency theory posits that the greater degree of control by those with decision-making authority, the greater the overall organizational performance. Conversely, entrenchment theory implies that at extremely high levels of inside control by those with decision authority, organizational performance decreases. Using a nationwide sample of 2,631 privately held and publically traded family businesses, we examined if the relationship of percent family ownership is an agency or entrenchment relationship and found the latter. Specifically, there was a statistically significant negative relationship between percent of family control and sales growth as well as a strong inverse relationship between percent of family controlling the top management team and all measures of financial performance.  相似文献   

陈魏  黄良阳 《大经贸》2007,(8):71-71
有助政府外商投资管理工作人员熟悉法规、工作规范有助招商引资及中介服务指引清晰有助港澳台侨及外国投资者入市快捷在全国各地争创新优势,改善投资环境的形势下,改革开放二十多年来首本关于外商在华投资的政策法规简化汇编《外商投资参考手册》应运而生。本书汇集现行中国有关外商投资的数百部法律、法规、条令、条例和政策等,参照国际标准编写格式和  相似文献   

未红国 《广告导报》2004,(9):153-153
由叶茂中营销策划机构担纲创意制作的雅客V9奥运广告片《擂鼓助威》篇,7月份开始出现在中央电视台重要时段,一时为广大关注奥运的中国观众所喜爱。  相似文献   

国内著名反病毒及信息安全厂商北京瑞星科技股份有限公司,3月19日正式发布最新杀毒软件产品——《瑞星杀毒软件2002增强版》。该产品针对近年危害最为严重的邮件型病毒提供了完整的解决方案,突破了一批国际公认的技术难题,其关键技术对已知、未知邮件病毒具有极强的查杀能力,不仅可以全面拦截来自带毒邮件的攻击,更可以彻底封堵由于未知病毒、木马及其它恶意程序造成的邮件泄密行为,这对于那些曾经因为Sircam、求职信等邮件病毒发作而使信息天端泄漏的用户来说,无疑解决了一大隐忧。这款产品中全新的邮件病毒防范体系使得用户能够更加方便、有效地使用杀毒软件,从根本上扼制了邮件病毒的大规模传播和邮件泄密问题,大大提高了个人电脑的信息安全水平。  相似文献   

最近,金山公司推出了单词记忆软件《金山单词通2002》。这是一款“可以将单词装入大脑”的软件。《金山单词通2002》采用了全新的设计思路,给用户非常体贴、方便的使用界面和强大的功能。《金山单词通2002》共有大模块12个,小模块7个,还有3个单独执行的小工具,可是用户使用的时候一点都不会感到复  相似文献   

以开发图像、视频以及网页制图软件而闻名的友立资讯有限公司,目前宣布推出一款名为《DVD制片家》的视频编辑软件,此产品具有视频编辑功能并集成了DVD和VCD以及SVCD等格式的光盘制作功能的软件,操作简便快速,价格贴近大众(不到一百人民币的售价)。是一套完整的从摄像机到DVD的解决方案。该软件通过向导式制作流程,用户只需三步,就可以完成包括视频的采集,编辑,最后快速将影片刻录到DVD或VCD的一整套过程。此外,用户还可以通过软件自带的模板或者用自己的相片  相似文献   

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