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The coming battle for customer information   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hagel J  Rayport JF 《Harvard business review》1997,75(1):53-5, 58, 60-1 passim
Companies collect information about customers to target valuable prospects more effectively, tailor their offerings to individual needs, improve customer satisfaction, and identify opportunities for new products or services. But managers' efforts to capture such information may soon be thwarted. The authors believe that consumers are going to take ownership of information about themselves and start demanding value in exchange for it. As a result, negotiating with customers for information will become costly and complex. How will that happen? Consumers are realizing that they get very little in exchange for the information they divulge so freely through their commercial transactions and survey responses. Now new technologies such as smart cards, World Wide Web browsers, and personal financial management software are allowing consumers to view comprehensive profiles of their commercial activities-- and to choose whether or not to release that information to companies. Their decision will hinge, in large part, on what vendors offer them in return for the data. Consumers will be unlikely to bargain with vendors on their own, however. The authors anticipate that companies they call infomediaries will broker information to businesses on consumers' behalf. In essence, infomediaries will be the catalyst for people to start demanding value in exchange for information about themselves. And most other companies will need to rethink how they obtain information and what they do with it if they want to find new customers and serve them better.  相似文献   

With this article the present series comes to an end after a time journey that began some 10 000 000 000 years ago. As I.F. Clarke has shown, the circumstances of our life on planet Earth bind us forever to the future; and this vital link between today and tomorrow has generated special modes of writing about the future.  相似文献   

This paper examines international accounting research (IAR) as a historically constituted discursive formation and argues for the post-colonial moment as its condition of possibility. The post-colonial moment is specified as comprising three aspects: decolonization, the Cold War and the Development doctrine. The latter entailed a political program to fashion a commodity-intensive world, subtended by the economic subject. The post-colonial moment also triggers a reorganization of the social sciences into policy sciences to which IAR belongs. By examining key topics in IAR such as economic development, culture, corporate capitalism, and harmonization in the context of its conditions of production, the paper conjectures the likely end of IAR.  相似文献   

由于新业务不断涌现,数据中心虚拟化应运而生。虚拟化和多核技术使得企业可以在现有机房放入更多服务器和存储设备。此外,目前数据中心内部大量的CPU、服务器、存储和网络设备也对机房的电力和制冷管理提出了新的挑战,能源的压力使得数据中心的能源消耗备受关注。  相似文献   

最近,受各种因素影响,国际数据公司IDC先前所预测"2003年中国信息科技支出将反弹"可能会延缓,我国信息化建设步伐有可能放慢,原本有望转暖的IT市场将继续面临"严冬"的考验……在金融信息化方面,却有令人鼓舞的消息:由国家科技部发起,会同人民银行、证监会、保监会、国税总局等部门共同组织的国家"十五"科技攻关重大专项--"金融信息化关键技术开发及应用示范"项目已取得显著成效,在"一个龙头,一个基础,两套保障,三个应用示范"的技术总体框架下,一批应用、网络、安全等方面的科研创新成果正孕育成长,为我国金融业实现现代化带来勃勃生机.金融信息化建设局面豁然开朗.  相似文献   

Large US current account deficits, financed mainly by East Asian countries and some OPEC members, gave rise to significant global imbalances in recent years. This paper argues that such imbalances are unsustainable going forward. Faced with lower asset valuations and tighter credit access, Americans are likely to curtail consumption and increase personal saving. The resulting decline in US imports will significantly impact export-driven Asian countries. Diminished foreign desire to finance excessive American borrowing, along with rising concerns over dollar's reserve status, will also affect global imbalances. The paper highlights the relevance of the evolving global economic landscape to India.  相似文献   

刘煜辉 《银行家》2006,(8):80-81
国际货币体系的稳定取决于美元的稳定,美元的稳定取决于美国的国际收支平衡,但全球清偿力供应又依赖于美国的国际收支逆差,美国的“铸币税特权”又推动美国的经常账户逆差不断扩大,这种所谓的“新特里芬悖论”如何解决呢?  相似文献   

井华 《国际融资》2009,(6):15-16
有这样一个会议将在今年举办,被主办者称为将以其鲜明的特色构建中国企业“走出去”的新起点,发挥连接境外招商引资者和中国投资主体之间的桥梁与纽带作用,推进中国从“资本输入大国”向“资本输出大国”的历史性转变  相似文献   

Retiring business owners are expected to sell or bequeath $10T worth of assets over the next twenty years. Small businesses will drive this coming wave of succession. While stakeholder theory has generally been rejected in finance because it creates a lack of accountability for managers, it may be that entrepreneurs derive utility from positive outcomes for other stakeholders. We extend stakeholder synergy theory to the case of business succession and generate recommendations for selling business owners based on what they value. Our theoretical extension has implications for owners selling a business, their communities and employees, and private equity firms. We provide a case study to exemplify the issues faced by exiting business owners selling to nonfamily.  相似文献   

海量数据催生存储技术创新 随着全球信息化程度的日益提升,数据量呈指数级增长,企业对IT资源的需求也急剧增加。然而,伴随着数据量的大幅增长,企业减少人员、加强环保和降低成本的压力也不断加大。保存和管理数据已难以满足企业对IT管理的要求。  相似文献   

无偿赠送指企业将其有处分权的产品无偿赠予他人.假设企业当年营业净收入为500万元,无偿赠送他人的产品不含增值税的市场售价为10万元,成本为5万元,会计利润50万元.笔者以此为例对无偿赠送的几种方式的税务处理分别予以说明.  相似文献   

中国:理财市场竞争大战在即   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国理财市场的规模、性质及增长特征概述 尽管中国的理财业还处于新生阶段,却已经颇具规模而且前景非常广阔.目前,中国(大陆)是亚洲地区(除日本之外)的第二大市场,其富有客户拥有大约1.44万亿美金的管理资产(参阅图1).  相似文献   

邵山 《金融电子化》2011,(3):52-53,6
高军,计算机与通信专业博士,现任交通银行数据中心总经理.2006年起至今,负责交通银行数据中心的全面管理,主导数据中心通过ISO20000认证、实现真正意义的灾备切换以及主副中心双中心运行,建设托管交银集团全球业务的数据中心.  相似文献   

全国政协委员、中央财经大学金融学院教授贺强指出:“构建碳期货市场,将能更好地实现我国的减排目标,实现低碳经济的顺利转型,为环境治理和生态修复提供较低成本的资金,还将为我国的金融市场提供新的投资手段和筹资工具。”他说:  相似文献   

魏才 《国际融资》2006,(9):31-34
1987年8月,国务院法制办成立了反垄断法起草小组,<反垄断法>开始酝酿起草.  相似文献   

David Hicks 《Futures》1998,30(5):463-474
This paper reports on a research project which facilitated a group of socially committed educators to clarify the nature of their desirable futures and to identify their sources of hope. This work is set within the normative tradition of futures studies and an account is given of how the research process was arrived at and the way in which people responded to this. A participatory and experiential focus group format enabled participants to explore these issues in a fruitful and synergetic way. Key elements of their preferable futures and primary sources of hope are identified and then compared with previous research findings. Finally these concerns are located within wider contemporary debates about revisionary postmodernism, sustainable futures and the utopian tradition.  相似文献   

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