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十八大以来,以习近平同志为总书记的新的中央领导集体针对世界形势和中国大势的变化,以外交关系为主线,通过积极作为,极大地提升了中国的国际地位,增强了中国的战略主动权,为中国未来描绘了美好的画卷。新时期的中国外交政策是理论与实践、继承与创新的成果,是中国走向特色大国外交的新境界。中国的特色大国外交之路既向世界展示了中国风范,同时也与世界分享中国成就、中国机遇、中国未来。特色大国外交,实际上就是中国作为"新型超级大国"的外交战略。中国发展带给世界的是机遇,中国的繁荣、稳定与崛起对于世界来说也会是最大的正能量。习近平总书记的大国外交风范向世界传达的是中国诚意、中国胸怀、中国道义、中国智慧。  相似文献   

2015年3月5日,李克强总理所作的《政府工作报告》首次提出"要实施‘中国制造2025’,坚持创新驱动、智能转型、强化基础、绿色发展,加快从制造大国转向制造强国"。3月25日,国务院常务会议部署加快推进实施"中国制造2025",实现制造业升级。由此,"中国制造2025"成为经济领域关注的重要话题。"中国制造2025"被认为是我国实施制造强国战略第一个十年的行动纲领。基于此,本期以"‘中国制造2025’的六重玄机"为主题,约请来自国务院发展研究中心、中国社会科学院、国家发展和改革委员会、中国人民大学、浙江大学、南京大学的六位知名学者,就"中国制造2025"与传统制造业相关政策的差异、"中国制造2025"与制造业发展的关键点、"中国制造2025"背景的制造业与信息化的融合、"中国制造2025"条件的创新与制造业升级、"中国制造2025"与制造业商业模式转型、"中国制造2025"与中国制造业走出去等问题展开研讨,探讨我国制造业升级与发展的核心议题与基本路径,以飨读者。  相似文献   

中国与中东欧各国有着传统的友好关系,经贸合作历史悠久。今年是中国与罗马尼亚、匈牙利、保加利亚、捷克、波兰、斯洛伐克、阿尔巴尼亚七国建交60周年。60年来,中国与七国经贸合作从无到有,从小到大.已成为两国关系的重要组成部分。尤其是最近几年,在各方的共同努力下,中国与中东欧国家经贸关系发展顺利.成效显著。  相似文献   

肖贵清 《乡镇经济》2010,1(1):24-29
马克思主义中国化与中国化马克思主义既相互区别,又具有内在联系。马克思主义中国化是马克思主义与中国实际相结合的过程,中国化马克思主义是这一过程的逻辑结果,二者相互依存、双向互动,统一于中国革命、建设和改革的实践。马克思主义与中国实际和中华民族优秀思想文化的结合,又使中国化马克思主义体现出中华民族的特色。  相似文献   

Novy(2013)超越对数引力模型使贸易成本内生化,更符合现实情况。文章在其基础上测度并分析2007~2014年中国与"一带一路"沿线国家贸易成本弹性,研究结果显示,中国与"一带一路"沿线国家的贸易成本弹性不断下降,但均大于0;从洲际来看,中国与亚洲国家的平均贸易成本弹性变化大于中国与欧洲国家的平均贸易成本弹性变化;从区域来看,中国与中亚、东盟的平均贸易成本弹性变化大于中国与西亚、南亚、东亚的平均贸易成本弹性变化,中国与中东欧的平均贸易成本弹性大于中国与独联体的平均贸易成本弹性。中国应通过降低贸易成本,加大与"一带一路"沿线国家的贸易合作,创造贸易效应。  相似文献   

近年来,中国与大洋洲国家经贸关系保持了良好的发展势头。2008年,中国与大洋洲国家贸易总额达到658.2亿美元。中国与大洋洲国家在相互投资、能源资源、工程承包、劳务合作等领域合作进展顺利,大洋洲正逐渐成为中国企业开展经贸合作比较活跃的地区之一。  相似文献   

中国与中东欧各国有着传统的友好关系,经贸合作历史悠久。今年是中国与罗马尼亚、匈牙利、保加利亚、捷克、波兰、斯洛伐克、阿尔巴尼亚七国建交60周年。60年来,中国与七国经贸合作从无到有,从小到大,已成为两国  相似文献   

随着中国经济快速发展以及国际地位的增强,中国对外援助的资金、规模、范围与地域不断扩大。中国对外援助在促进共同发展、构建更加平等均衡的新型全球发展伙伴关系领域的作用日益凸显。对外援助日渐成为中国经济资源与权力转化为影响力与软权力的政策手段和治国方略,受到国内社会大众、国内外学者与政策实践者的关注。中国对外援助意在推动发展中国家民生事业发展,促进发展中国家共同发展,与国家战略目标、战略能力等密切相关。然而中国学者并未足够重视对外援助与战略目标、战略能力之间的相互作用,因而作者试图以战略概念和视角思考中国对外援助战略目标的内涵,涉及发展领域的战略关切、安全利益与发展利益之间的平衡等因素。中国政策实践者需要将对外援助与战略目标密切结合起来,凸显对外援助的战略意义,提升对外援助集中、决策、协调、规划、动员等战略能力,平衡不同利益诉求与地区战略布局的轻重缓急,围绕和平发展的大战略目标促进共同发展并且增强中国对外援助的战略有效性与国际责任角色。  相似文献   

中国与东盟农产品出口相似性分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文运用出口相似性指数,分别从产品和市场两方面测算中国与东盟国家农产品的国际竞争关系。结果表明,中国与泰国、菲律宾、越南在世界市场上的竞争比较激烈;中国与印尼、马来西亚的产品相似度较弱。中国与泰国、越南的产品相似性指数上升较快,趋于收敛;中国与东盟肉类产品的市场相似性较低,双方水产品、蔬菜的市场相似性较高,部分蔬菜品种的竞争日渐加剧。因此,应不断加强双方之间农产品的专业化分工,避免相互恶性竞争。  相似文献   

当代中国马克思主义大众化是一个不断发展的历史过程,随着中国特色社会主义的发展而不断推进。在新世纪、新阶段,我们要真正把握和利用好战略机遇期,有效应对风险和挑战,继续推进中国特色社会主义伟大事业,须臾离不开科学理论的指导,迫切需要推进当代中国的马克思主大众化。但伴随着当代中国马克思主义理论与实践的不断推进,也产生了一系列问题,如怎样正确对待马克思主义中国化与大众化、大众化与庸俗化、大众化与人民群众、大众化与经济市场化和全球化关系等,对此需要我们共同研究与探讨。  相似文献   

文化建设在有中国特色社会主义建设中的具有重要的战略意义。在世界多极化、经济全球化不断发展和实行社会主义市场经济的背景下,面对各种思想文化相互交织、互相激荡的复杂局面,如何进行21世纪中国特色先进文化的战略选择,是我们在建设中国特色社会主义、实现中华民族伟大复兴的历史进程中的必然思考。  相似文献   

We construct a growth model of overlapping generations with vintage capital. There exists an equilibrium that converges to the balanced growth path through endogenous fluctuations of investment, consumption, and output in terms of the growth rate. When the technological change arrives and a rise in productivity is embodied only in newly invested capital, the economy converges to a new balanced growth path with a higher growth rate of output, but when we interpret the price of existing old capital as the stock market capitalization, the rise in productivity is accompanied by an initial decline in the stock market. Oscillatory equilibria are supported as perfect-foresight equilibria in the present framework with finitely lived agents and capital. Any oscillatory equilibrium is associated with the regime switch from an economy with both young and old capital in use into one with only old capital in use.  相似文献   

李鸿雁 《特区经济》2011,(12):214-216
宁夏作为我国唯一的回族自治区,有着得天独厚的人文优势、资源优势和其他优势等,便于与伊斯兰国家交流与合作。宁夏可以通过制定灵活的优惠政策,建立、健全相关法律法规,培养伊斯兰金融专业人才,建立与伊斯兰金融业合作的有效机制等举措,来促进伊斯兰金融在宁夏的发展。  相似文献   

网络交往:信息时代的新交往观   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着信息社会的到来,人们的生活已和网络息息相关。人们在网络空间中史流信息、知识、思想和情感,网络交往逐渐显现于人类交往的领域。网络交往是物质化交往,和传统交往相比,网络交往具有个性化与群体化相交融,符号化和短暂性等特点。  相似文献   

The experience effect in asset markets is one that was thought to be settled. As subjects gained experience with the interface and each other, they typically exhibit fewer instances of mispricing and at lower magnitudes. But questions regarding trading experience are not easy to address in the lab with the typical subject pool since the kind of experience one can typically generate in the lab is experience with the experimental environment itself—not with external environments. However, in virtual worlds asset markets are highly evolved, providing a subject pool with skilled and experienced traders that can be accessed via the Internet. This study compares experimental asset markets with participants recruited from virtual world trading groups to experimental markets with participants recruited from the virtual world at large. I further examine trader performance and trading behavior within markets. The findings indicate that asset markets with virtual world participants recruited from trading groups are more prone to exhibit bubbles than are markets with virtual world participants recruited at large. Within condition, experienced traders are less likely to follow fundamentals and more likely to engage in strategies that result in loss of earnings. Excess confidence is rejected as an explanation for this pattern, as confidence is found to be related to higher earnings and fundamental value trading strategies.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes nine Asian government bond markets comprising Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea, China, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, and Indonesia, in conjunction with the US, and determines the center market from among three candidates of Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore. Employing a multivariate GARCH model, we find that Singapore is the center defined as the market with largest comovements in yields with other local markets in terms of the dynamic conditional correlations, and with the largest effects on other local markets in terms of volatility spillovers. Neither Hong Kong nor Japan is the center.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the long‐term trend of consumption inequality in Mozambique. We show that an imbalanced growth path disproportionally benefited the better‐off and caused increasing inequality, especially in more recent years, curbing the necessary reduction in poverty. Using a regression decomposition technique, our results suggest that this trend was strongly associated with the higher attained education of household heads and with the changes in the structure of the economy (with less workers in the public and subsistence sectors). The trend was, however, mitigated by the tendency for the higher level of attained education and the smaller public sector to become associated with less inequality over time. These results point to the importance of accelerating the expansion of education and improving the productivity of the large subsistence sector to lower inequality in line with the sustainable development goals.  相似文献   

We use comparable micro level panel data for 14 countries and a set of identically specified empirical models to investigate the relationship between exports and productivity. Our overall results are in line with the big picture that is by now familiar from the literature: exporters are more productive than non-exporters when observed and unobserved heterogeneity is controlled for, and these exporter productivity premia tend to increase with the share of exports in total sales; there is evidence in favour of self-selection of more productive firms into export markets, but nearly no evidence in favour of the learning-by-exporting hypothesis. We document that the exporter premia differ considerably across countries in identically specified empirical models. In a meta-analysis of our results we find, consistent with theoretical predictions, that productivity premia are larger in countries with lower export participation rates, with more restrictive trade policies, lower per capita GDP, less effective government and worse regulatory quality, and in countries exporting to relatively more distant markets. JEL no.  F14, D21  相似文献   

瑞风,这一从小到大的发展过程多角度验证了毛泽东思想的智慧.在中国汽车市场逐步国际化的过程中,江淮瑞风灵活运用毛泽东思想,依照实事求是、群众路线、自主研发,在竞争激烈的MPV市场应付自如,做大做活MPV消费市场,获得了众多荣誉,与时代精英并进共享.  相似文献   

Using confidential linked firm-level trade transactions and census data between 1997 and 2012, we provide new evidence on how American firms without foreign affiliates adjust employment and wages as they adapt to import competition from low-income countries. We provide stylized facts on the input sourcing strategies of these domestic firms, contrasting them with multinationals operating in the same industry. We then investigate how changes in firm input purchases from low-income countries as well as domestic market import penetration from these sources are correlated with changes in employment and wages at surviving domestic firms. Greater offshoring by domestic firms from low-income countries correlates with larger declines in manufacturing employment and in the average production workers’ wage. Given the negative association, however, the estimated magnitudes are small, even for a narrow measure of offshoring that includes only intermediate goods. Import penetration of U.S. markets from these sources is associated with relatively larger changes in employment for arm’s length importing firms, but has no significant correlation with employment changes at firms that do not trade. Given differences in the degree of both offshoring and import penetration, we find substantial variation across industries in the magnitude of changes associated with low-income country imports.  相似文献   

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