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城市节庆活动是文化的传承,随着人类历史发展,文化现象尤其是民族和民俗文化有相当一部分由节庆活动得以充分体现,城市节庆活动又作为一种产业,它的可持续发展也要从文化机制进行保障.  相似文献   

郭红 《城市问题》2013,(9):68-72
作为重大节事的奥林匹克运动会无疑对举办城市具有巨大而深远的影响。通过"百度"、"谷歌"两大搜索引擎整理了2007-2009年北京的节庆数据;系统分析了北京奥运会对城市节庆的总体数量、主题与类型等方面的影响;以及对北京场所、城市形象与基础设施和节庆运营团队的间接影响。在此基础上就产业运作、主题选择、资源整合等方面提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

所谓中国传统节庆礼品,是指在中国的传统节日消费的食品或吉祥物,如粽子、月饼、元宵等,作为传统吵的应节食品,送礼自用本必不可少,亦无可厚非.但当我们拿着钞票走向让人眼花缭乱的节庆礼品时,面对令人心跳加速的价格和无穷创意的包装,我不禁问自己:这是我要的东西吗?节庆礼品销量逐年下降,国家四部委更联合发文,要求制止过度包装,联手遏制"天价节庆礼品"…….节庆礼品消费中有多少人是买来自己吃的,有谁愿意为昂贵的节庆礼品包装付费?这些都迫使我们对节庆礼品的市场营销定位进行反思.企业正是抓住了消费者买节庆礼品只为送礼的心理,对节庆礼品进行礼品化定位,创造出了新需求.节庆礼品的市场营销定位长期以来都是以礼品化、豪华甚至奢华化为主导.大众消费中由于其他商品的丰富,节日观念的淡化,也只好跟随商家提供的概念消费.但围绕节庆礼品的争议始终不止不休.  相似文献   

文章主要运用比较研究的方法,将山东省旅游节庆与全国其他省市、西方国家旅游节庆进行对比分析,以更加全面地了解山东民俗旅游节庆发展的优劣势.最后,对山东民俗旅游节庆提出几点发展对策.  相似文献   

本文阐述了城市旅游研究进展,并以益阳为例,介绍了益阳的旅游现状和发展优势,再根据益阳的实际情况提出了应采取体育、休闲、购物的发展模式,其发展重点是都市风光游、开发节庆活动和扩建体育主题公园等.  相似文献   

节庆起源于传统的民间节日,是世界各地各族人民在长期生产和生活中产生的.它通常每年定期举行,有着鲜明的主题,包含文化,经贸,娱乐等多种项目.近年来,随着旅游产品和旅游方式的多样化,出现了一种以各种节庆活动为依托,经过一定的旅游开发而形成的一种特殊的现代旅游产品,即节庆旅游.  相似文献   

烟台是我国较早举办会展业的城市.自20世纪90年代以来,烟台先后承办了国内外多次展会,截止到2007年,烟台每年定期举办的各种会展、节庆活动多达60多个,并成功地承办了若干国际性会展,形成了烟台国际果蔬会、APEC国际贸易博览会等规模较大、档次较高的名牌展会.  相似文献   

随着国力的增强和人们消费能力的提高,对具有浓厚文化理念的传统节日是情有独钟.节假日消费已成为广大消费者最主要的消费方式之一.通过对贵州茶产业的分析,节庆消费可给贵州茶叶带来新的营销机遇.在每年的节庆市场上,迎合人们喜好清新、喜欢品茶的传统习俗和心理需求,让贵州茶叶加入其中,打出"礼品牌"和"健康牌".将贵州茶的节庆营销提升到文化层面与节庆完美结合,走出一条发展的新路子.  相似文献   

节庆旅游是指利用地方特有的文化传统,举办意在增强地方吸引力的各种节日及活动,促进地方旅游业的发展。文章基于江西省旅游资源,立足于江西省节庆旅游产品发展现状,分析了江西省节庆旅游产品的数量、主题、举办地点、时间等方面的情况,研究发现:江西节庆旅游产品发展前景广阔,但整体节庆旅游活动水平不高,节庆旅游产品总体上仍处于粗放式开发阶段。为此,提出了注重产品的外延扩展及内在变化、增强节庆旅游产品举办的连续性、建立节庆旅游效果的评估机制、打造在国内外具有标志性的节庆旅游产品等建议。  相似文献   

资源型城市旅游资源开发的实证研究——以山西临汾为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
煤铁资源型城市临汾面临着产业转型的压力,而旅游业将为资源型城市带来良好的经济、环境、社会效益,因此,实施旅游替代战略是临汾当前的理想选择.根据临汾的旅游资源现状,其旅游形象可定位为"壶口雄风兴尧都,花果林立新煤都",通过实施发展工业旅游、大力发展旅游替代、联姻其他替代产业、开展会展节庆旅游、开发特色旅游商品等旅游资源开发战略,使临汾的经济获得新的发展,城市可持续发展得以实现.  相似文献   

Old industrial cities have made broad use of new strategies as the means to overcome the difficulties created by the restructuring of their former economic basis. Although usually based on physical practices, these strategies have attempted to ease the transformation towards a services-based economy, which has been presented as the essential means to solve the cities’ economic problems. Even if it has been of widespread currency, the effectiveness of this formula is not clear, as its impact on the city of Glasgow illustrates. Yet, at present, Bilbao, a Basque variant of one of those old industrial cities, is making use of the same ideas to legitimate its own current renewal, through focusing upon the misleading message that comes from Glasgow’s apparent success in urban regeneration. The article underlines the poor scope of the success achieved by such a strategy in old industrial contexts facing serious unemployment problems.  相似文献   

高玫 《企业经济》2012,(12):108-111
服务业尤其是现代服务业是城市发展的战略支点,是衡量一个城市现代化水平、城市价值和城市竞争力的重要标志之一。我国中心城市近年来现代服务业虽然有了较大的发展,但是与国际中心城市相比仍有较大的差距。目前,我国中心城市已经进入现代服务业加速发展时期,国内经济平稳较好发展、新型工业化的引致需求和产业扶持政策,为中心城市现代服务业发展创造了较好的外部环境,应通过走产业融合之路、集聚发展之路、特色发展之路、创新发展之路、开放提升之路,促进现代服务业大发展,提升城市核心竞争力。  相似文献   

发达国家城市固体废弃物减量政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市固体废弃物问题严重威胁到人们的健康和生态环境,源头减量已成为我国固体废弃物管理原则的首要目标.着重介绍发达国家城市固体废弃物减量相关政策及实施效应,主要包括垃圾收费制度、押金-返还制度和分类回收制度等,以期给我国相关部门提供借鉴.  相似文献   

城市地铁的安全风险管理工作   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李辉 《价值工程》2012,31(4):76
目前,我国社会经济的发展和改革开放进程的逐步推进,我国不断增长的人口总数与日渐紧缺的城市形成了一对重要的矛盾。我国很多大城市纷纷投资建设地铁。但地铁工程建设具有一定的危险性。因此,本文就以贵阳市行政中心南侧某地铁车站施工为例,简要介绍了地铁施工的危险性,并提出了相应的解决策略。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to critically assess the study of post‐socialist cities with respect to comparative urbanism. Even though comparative urbanism has challenged the division of the world into largely incommensurable regional containers, where some regions are sources of theory while others remain in the periphery of thinking, post‐socialist cities have remained doubly excluded: neither centre nor periphery, neither mainstream nor part of the critique. This article introduces three ways in which post‐socialism has and could be perceived: as a container, as a condition and as a de‐territorialized concept. It is argued here that seeing post‐socialism as a de‐territorialized concept that would apply to particular aspects of cities and societies rather than territorialized units in general would allow cities regularly seen as post‐socialist to be incorporated into global urban theorizing, while distinctive local histories and experiences still remain analytically present. The article cautions researchers against area‐based imaginations of urban theorization, instead arguing in favour of an approach that sees cities first and foremost as ordinary while some aspects could be claimed to be post‐socialist. Tallinn is used here as a site from which to draw examples for this mainly literature‐based conceptual analysis.  相似文献   

Despite interest in the impact of land use regulations on housing construction and housing prices, little is known about the drivers of these policies. Conventional wisdom holds that homeowners have an influence on restrictive local zoning. In this paper, we contend that the party controlling local government might make a major difference. We draw on data from a large sample of Spanish cities for the 2003–2007 political term and employ a regression discontinuity design to document that cities controlled by left-wing parties convert much less land from rural to urban uses than is the case in similar cities controlled by the right. The differences between governments on the two sides of the political spectrum are more pronounced in places with greater population heterogeneity and in those facing higher housing demand. We also present evidence suggesting that these partisan differences might ultimately impact on housing construction and housing price growth.  相似文献   

唐杰 《城市发展研究》2011,18(11):97-103
城市户籍政策调整对于统筹城乡发展、促进社会和谐有着至关重要的战略意义.本文在充分剖析当前户籍制度改革困境的基础上,提出了“二代优先”的户籍政策调整新思路,即允许流动人口子女先于父母双方获得城市常住户口,其基本前提是其父母已经在该城市就业、居住达到一定的年限.这一政策可以较好地与现有落户政策衔接,具有较高的可行性,并且有...  相似文献   

Sequential city growth: Empirical evidence   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Using two comprehensive datasets on populations of cities and metropolitan areas for a large set of countries, I present three new empirical facts about the evolution of city growth. First, the distribution of cities’ growth rates is skewed to the right in most countries and decades. Second, within a country, the average rank of each decade’s fastest-growing cities tends to rise over time. Finally, this rank increases faster in periods of rapid growth in urban population. These facts can be interpreted as evidence in favor of the hypothesis that historically, urban agglomerations have followed a sequential growth pattern: Within a country, the initially largest city is the first to grow rapidly for some years. At some point, the growth rate of this city slows down and the second-largest city then becomes the fastest-growing one. Eventually, the third-largest city starts growing fast as the two largest cities slow down, and so on.  相似文献   

刘苗  苏鹏海 《价值工程》2010,29(28):120-120
针对现代城市的交通现状及所遇到的问题,并结合现代城市逐渐趋向建设生态城市的形势,探讨城市交通的生态规划,并对城市交通生态规划的原则与实施进行研究。  相似文献   

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