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房屋抵押贷款作为商业银行重要贷款种类之一,其信用风险的评估一直备受关注。依据我国商业银行个人房屋抵押贷款信用风险的特点,重新设定了KMV模型中相关参数,选取修改后的KMV模型对所选定的研究对象做出了定量分析。依据修改后的KMV模型分析所得的结果,针对国内现存个人房屋抵押贷款信用风险评估的不确定因素提出了相关的政策建议。 相似文献
产权、代理成本和代理效率 总被引:51,自引:2,他引:51
本文选择政府管制较少、竞争较为充分的电子电器行业作为研究对象,考察了产权制度与代理成本和代理效率的关系,得到以下结论:(1)在代理成本上,国有产权企业普遍高于混和产权企业,混和产权企业高于个人产权企业;在代理成本差异上,混和产权企业与个人产权企业的差异小于与国有产权企业的差异。(2)长期投资率和职工人数与代理成本呈显著正相关关系,而长期投资率、财务杠杆比率、职工人数等与代理效率呈显著负相关关系。(3)企业规模越大,不同产权的代理成本差异越小;反之代理成本差异越大。(4)随着市场竞争程度的提高,各类产权企业的代理成本都呈现下降趋势,其代理效率呈现提高趋势。我们研究的启示是国有企业改革的突破口应考虑如何降低其代理成本,解决的措施之一是产权改革,尤其是产权多元化的改革,其次是完善对投资和负债及冗员的监督和控制机制,以促进代理成本的降低和代理效率的提高。 相似文献
一、改革个人出租房屋税收制度,降低税收负担,简化税制。建议针对个人出租房屋税收征管困难的状况,对个人出租房屋实行统一的税收综合征收率,方便征管。目前,针对个人出租房屋的税收征管,北京、广东、山东、江苏等省(直辖市)出台了文件,实 相似文献
马克思产权理论与我国多种产权形态体系的构建 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
马克思认为产权是所有制关系的法律形式,是物的外壳掩盖下的人与人之间的社会经济关系。诞生于原始社会末期的以“一夫一妻制”家庭为单位的生活资料私有产权组织,是现代产权组织的最初形态。当前,应充分重视探索社会主义公有产权形态适应现代生产力发展要求的具体形式,努力建立社会主义公有产权形态占主导的多种产权形态有机共存的结构体系。 相似文献
马克思对产权问题的认识,有一个不断深化和发展的过程。马克思产权观的形成过程是一个由国家和法律层面到经济层面、由法权到经济权利再到权利由以确立的生产力基础、由唯心到唯物、由法哲学批判到政治经济学批判、由以逻辑思辨为主到以历史考察为主的转变过程,马克思的产权观本质上是一种批判的唯物主义产权观。 相似文献
现有理论对企业合约中人力资本个人产权与人力资本企业产权交易关系的解释值得商榷,因为人力资本的所有权和使用权被不恰当地分解。该文在明确界定人力资本个人产权和人力资本企业产权内涵的前提下,基于合约理论,针对"资本个人产权分解论"提出了"资本产权转换论"的观点,认为投入企业的人力资本个人产权并未发生分解,而是转化为人力资本企业产权,以此为前提,人力资本个人所有者获得与其人力资本价值相当的企业权利。文章最后讨论了企业实践中人力资本个人产权与人力资本企业产权之间的主要转换形式。 相似文献
新制度经济学理论的城市房屋拆迁问题分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文利用新制度经济学这一理论工具,阐明了国有土地使用权具有产权性质,分析了土地使用权产权不明晰界定引发的拆迁交易成本上升问题,并论述将土地使用权产权界为居民独立产权的重大意义.鉴于我国房屋拆迁问题中涉及了有关产权和交易费用方面的问题,本文将使用新制度经济学相关理论对其展开分析并提出对策性措施. 相似文献
对马克思提出的在社会主义国家重建个人所有制不同理解中,企业诸生产要素(包括人力资本)按各自实际贡献分享收益是比较合理的解释,即建立区别于单一公有制的、基于绝大多数人的个人所有制以代替少数人所有的物质资本侵占人力资本的资本主义私有制。但是,科学界定物质资本和人力资本的收益贡献率一直以来都是难以圆满解决的问题。可建立一种不同资本所有者的企业追加物质资本收益率报价竞争机制,以规避人力资本的外在测评困难、监督成本高等难题,逐步降低直至消除物质资本对人力资本的侵占,辅以完善的社会保障制度,最终实现马克思提出的个人所有制。 相似文献
《Review of Economic Dynamics》2014,17(2):345-366
In a Bewley model with endogenous price volatility, home ownership and mobility across locations and jobs, we assess the contribution of financial constraints, housing illiquidities and house price risk to home ownership over the life cycle. The model can explain the rise in home ownership and fall in mobility over the life cycle. While some households rent due to borrowing constraints in the mortgage market, factors that affect propensities to save and move, such as risky house values and transactions costs, are equally important determinants of the ownership rate. 相似文献
Exchange rate and foreign GDP elasticities of Swiss exports across sectors and destination countries
This article uses a detailed breakdown of Swiss trade flows to identify how the impact of the two main determinants of Switzerland’s exports – foreign demand and the real exchange rate – varies across sectors and export destinations. Our main findings are that (i) both foreign demand and exchange rate elasticities vary substantially across both export sectors and export destinations. (ii) Foreign demand trends are more important for structural considerations than the exchange rate. This is due to the fact that exports of the two largest export sectors are relatively sensitive to long-run foreign demand developments while they are relatively insensitive to changes in the exchange rate. (iii) The sectoral structure of Switzerland’s exports has shifted towards goods that have a lower short-run demand elasticity and a higher long-run demand elasticity. Goods exports are thus less influenced by business cycle fluctuations while they benefit more from long-term growth trends. (iv) The export share of sectors with a relatively low exchange rate elasticity has increased. However, this result is mainly driven by the strong rise in exports of chemicals and pharmaceuticals as well as precision instruments and watches, which are also the two important sectors responsible for the Swiss trade surplus. 相似文献
The argument on the puzzling relationship between bank competition and the cost of debt remains inconclusive as the effects of state ownership and firm size are intertwined. We find that bank competition is negatively associated with the cost of debt and observe that the negative effect of bank competition is stronger for state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and weaker for large-sized enterprises. Our findings accord with the market power hypothesis. State ownership strengthens the negative impact of bank competition on the cost of debt, but firm size tends to weaken it. SOEs and large-sized enterprises are associated with a lower cost of debt compared to non-SOEs and small- and medium-sized enterprises, respectively. 相似文献
With a growing debate over tighter firearm regulations, we consider an important social consequence of increased firearm access: increased firearm suicides. Using data from the federal criminal background check system, we consider the impact of firearm ownership on firearm suicide rates. To deal with concerns of identification, we instrument for firearm background checks with state-year-level Google search intensity for phrases that reflect fear of future gun shortages and learning about the constitutional rights of firearm owners. We find that an increase in firearm ownership has a sizable and statistically significant impact on firearm suicide rates. A 10% increase in firearm ownership increases firearm suicide rates by approximately 3%, which is five times larger than non-instrumented estimates. Furthermore, we find no effect of gun ownership on non-firearm suicide rates, suggesting our findings are not simply capturing a suicide method substitution effect. The results are consistent with a variety of validity and robustness tests. Our results make clear the link between firearm ownership and firearm suicide rates, which have increased dramatically over the last decade. 相似文献
Sachapon Tungsong 《Applied economics letters》2017,24(12):882-887
We explore how corporate hedging decisions are affected by family ownership and control in Thailand. One crucial advantage of investigating this issue in Thailand is that hedging instruments became available only recently, long after families established their presence in the firm. Thus, endogeneity is much less likely. The evidence shows that family ownership by itself does not have a significant impact on the firm’s propensity to hedge. However, when family members have a presence on the board of directors, the firm is significantly more likely to engage in hedging activities. Furthermore, we find that the presence of institutional blockholders also increases the likelihood of hedging significantly. Our study is the first to examine the impact of family ownership and control on corporate hedging behaviour in an emerging market. 相似文献
This paper studies the degree of the exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) to import and consumer prices in China with both the
ratio of China’s imports to GDP and domestic prices of China’s main trade partners going up. Statistic results show that the
degree of ERPT is somehow less than the degree of marginal cost plus mark-up pass-through of exporters, and econometric analyses
reach the same conclusion. Besides, the ERPT to import prices is found to be high while the ERPT to CPI is low owing to some
factors that obstruct the import prices pass-through channel to domestic CPI. But this situation has been changing significantly
since August 2005. Thus, a more flexible exchange rate system is needed for China to absorb the price shock from aboard efficiently. 相似文献
本文以中国沪深两市上市公司2001—2004年的数据,选择了900家公司为研究样本,在考虑股权结构内生性的基础上,研究了股权结构与公司业绩的关系。结果表明:国有股与业绩呈显著的U型关系,股权结构的其他变量在内生性的框架下并没有通过显著性检验。因而得出了并不存在所谓的最优股权结构,股权结构本身可能是内生的研究结论。 相似文献
本文利用我国2004-2009年29个省区市22个制造业细分行业的面板数据,检验了我国产业发展中的本地市场效应的存在性及其特点。研究结果显示,在省际层面上并没有发现我国产业发展中存在着本地市场效应,这或许是由于我国产业发展的空间异质性和行业差异性较强所致;而在细化的分省层面上,所得研究支持本地市场效应的存在性,且发现其具有地区和行业的选择性,即只有部分地区部分行业存在着本地市场效应,且主要集中于中东部地区与资本和技术密集型的行业。这可以为我国各省区市转变产业发展方式,提升产业发展质量和效益提供政策启示:如可通过培育具有本地市场效应的产业来转变传统的以资源密集型或劳动密集型为特征的产业发展方式,通过发掘和利用产业发展中的规模效应来加快技术创新和产业升级的步伐。 相似文献
Estimating the effect of board independence on managerial ownership using a quasi-natural experiment
Grounded in agency theory, this article investigates the effect of board independence on managerial ownership. We exploit the passage of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act and the associated exchange listing requirements as an exogenous regulatory shock that raises board independence. Our difference-in-difference estimates show that board independence leads to significantly higher managerial ownership. In particular, firms forced to raise board independence exhibit managerial ownership that is 26.35% higher, relative to firms not required to raise board independence. Thus, board independence and managerial equity ownership constitute governance mechanisms that act as complements, rather than substitutes. Our empirical strategy relies on a quasi-natural experiment and is far more likely to show a causal effect than what has been documented in the literature. Finally, an instrumental-variable analysis reinforces our conclusion. 相似文献
Emiliano Libman 《International Review of Applied Economics》2018,32(1):39-61
The literature on exchange rate regimes has paid little attention to the effects of exchange rate policies on real exchange rate misalignments. This paper contributes to filling that gap by exploring such relation empirically. Because the underlying model is probably not linear and the treated individuals differ from non-treated individuals, we rely on Matching models rather than on standard regressions. Our main finding is that pegs are associated with more overvaluation. The results are robust to different exchange rate regime classifications, misalignment indexes, and matching estimators. The evidence presented suggests that policy-makers concerned with overvaluation should avoid sticking with rigid arrangements for too long. 相似文献