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在法国开展览,法国画家问孙晓材:“用什么纸画出这样的效果(像油画的感觉)?”他答问:“你们没有这种‘纸’。这是中国人独有的‘宣纸’。”这是文化上的差异,文化既要独特又要融合交流。 相似文献
正张天文,中国书画家协会常务理事、北京长城书画院副院长,其行草功力深厚,尤善画牡丹。2014年春末的一个早上,记者应邀来到张天文位于丰台的家中。张天文身形削瘦,稀疏的白发任其向后飘飞,灼灼的目光中略显疲惫,他解释说自己是个夜猫子,白天琐事多,晚上可以安静地作画写字,熬至凌晨三五点钟是常有的事。 相似文献
本文强调马克思与斯密对投机的认识存在分歧,主张把这种分歧追溯到他们秉持的不同的个人观念。斯密在对个人进行抽象时只强调了自利性和理性,马克思则把相互依赖、相互制约也看作个人的行为特征。因为强调人们彼此间的依赖和制约,马克思没有忽视彼此依赖和制约着的任意一方行为主体,他正视选择投机的资本家的存在,承认投机还会对资产价格进而对日常生活和生产经营活动造成冲击,在他笔下,选择投机的资本家、选择投资的资本家和雇佣工人总是结成一定的关系借以制约彼此的行为选择。因为没有把个人理解为彼此依赖和制约着的。斯密轻易忽视了选择投机的资本家的存在,他否认投机及其对资产价格进而对日常生活和生产经营活动造成的冲击,无法正确理解选择投机的资本家与他人结成的关系。 相似文献
个人主动性:21世纪的新型工作模式 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
当前,对组织中雇员积极行为的研究,是人力资源管理领域的一个新的潮流。而个人主动性作为一种积极的工作模式,正是其中的一个焦点。本文系统地介绍了个人主动性的内涵、维度(自发性、前瞻性和克服困难)及其行动系列。在此基础上,本文探讨了个人主动性对于个人、组织绩效的重要意义,并提出了提升个人主动性的有效策略。 相似文献
社会保险缴费水平的确定:理论与实证分析 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
社会保险缴费水平的确定,应该考虑企业和职工个人的承受能力,应该考虑社会的总承受能力.文章在对我国国有企业、职工的承受能力进行了实证分析的基础上,提出我国适度社会保险缴费水平的合理区间. 相似文献
清官情结的产生导源于中国传统政治合法性的信仰。在当代中国政治文明进程中,似乎已经消解了的传统清官情结其实仍继续存在,并在一定程度上弱化了自我革命精神,阻碍政治体制改革;容易导致国家干部脱离人民群众,延误民主;容易滋生腐败,危及政权。鉴于此,必须全面推进、深化政治体制改革,健全法制。加速民主化进程;大力发展生产力,用市场经济的神奇力量荡涤清官情结这种落后观念;大力加强干部队伍的思想政治教育,提高干部队伍素质。 相似文献
马克思主义创始人对未来社会所有制的论述集中体现在消灭私有制和重建个人所有制两个命题上.对现有文献的梳理表明,如何理解个人所有制与社会主义公有制的同一性构成关键性问题.基于社会主义实践而提炼出来的多级所有概念,是一个描述各种所有制形式中的个人所有因素与公有因素共存的中微观理论工具.它可以用来描述现实生活中的财产、事务和人权,解释人类历史的重要社会变革,充实马克思主义的理论武库.在坚持社会主义公有制原则的前提下,多级所有可以对马克思在未来社会所有制的理论给出较为合理的解释. 相似文献
个人金融业务:银行业创新和竞争的新热点 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
加入WTO以后,我国金融业的发展进入一个新阶段。传统银行业已进入“微利时代”,需要以个人金融业务作为银行业新的创新点和增长点。 相似文献
人本情结是贯穿于马克思经济正义思想的一条主线,也是其理论构建的支点.人本情结是马克思经济正义思想思考的原点;人本情结是马克思经济正义思想探索的路径、是马克思经济正义思想的终极取向. 相似文献
S. G. Tiwari 《Review of Income and Wealth》1985,31(2):189-200
The paper focuses on hitherto neglected fields of trends in the total consumption of the population in the Asian and Pacific countries and pays special attention to situations in India. In doing so it presents a comparative picture on the basis of four variants of the concepts as delineated in the Technical Report prepared by the United Nations Statistical Office. The proportion of government services in the total consumption of the population in the countries depended on socio-political arrangements and policy considerations. Over the years these proportions either increased or remained constant or declined as the situation developed. In the Indian context the paper deals in detail with the magnitude and proportions of each type of government service over the period 1960-79. Recognizing that it is the access to and not provision of the services which should rightly be considered, the Indian National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) during July 1980—June 1981 collected country-wide data from households on the benefit they received from public services in the field of education, health and public distribution of essential commodities. The data from the survey in conjunction with further work proposed by the NSSO should help in the preparation of quantitative estimates of benefit received from these services by various socio-economic groups in rural and urban areas. The paper touches upon the factors affecting personal consumption expenditure. It provides broad direction for future work on the subject. 相似文献
Camilla Mastromarco 《Bulletin of economic research》2008,60(4):351-374
This paper uses stochastic frontier methodology to analyse foreign direct investment, imported capital goods and human capital as channels for increased efficiency in less‐developed countries. Empirical investigation reveals that developing countries differ with respect to the efficiency with which they use frontier technology. Foreign direct investment and human capital play a significant and quantitatively important role in explaining these differences. 相似文献
自主创新成果产业化的内涵和国外实践 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文通过对"自主创新"和"成果产业化"的分析,对"自主创新成果产业化"的内涵和国外实践进行了研究。研究结果表明,发达国家多从出台相关法律和制定专项计划,明确企业在自主创新成果产业化过程的主体地位,鼓励大学和研究机构的自主创新成果利用技术转移,加强产学研协作和支持中小企业发展等手段,保证自主创新成果的产业化。 相似文献
国外社区旅游规划的研究进展及其主要理念 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
文章在简要回顾国外社区旅游规划基本理念的发展历程的基础上,就社区旅游规划涉及到的具有代表性的主要理念进行阐述;在评述其发展过程的基础上,勾勒出国外社区旅游规划理论研究的基本趋势和主要理念,以期对中国社区旅游规划起到借鉴作用。 相似文献
金融地理学:国外地理学科研究新动向 总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17
金融地理学是近年来兴起的一门边缘交叉学科。鉴于国内对该学科研究的薄弱状态,文章对金融地理学的学术渊源、最新研究现状等多方面进行了探讨,并指出区域金融学与金融地理学的联系与区别,展望其应用前景,为金融学问题的探讨提出了全新的方法论和研究视角,并为其进一步研究奠定了初步的理论基础。 相似文献
国外城市蔓延控制及对我国的启示 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
城市蔓延给城市可持续发展带来了一系列的负面影响,如何控制城市蔓延已经成为许多国家的规划者面临的挑战。采用文献资料法与定性分析法对城市蔓延内涵和产生原因进行归纳总结,从城市蔓延的控制目的、控制方法和控制效率几个方面对国外城市蔓延控制研究进行了归纳总结与简要评价。总结出国外城市蔓延控制研究对我国城市蔓延控制的启示:我国城市蔓延产生原因与国外有所不同,调控对象也有所差别;应丰富城市蔓延调控的内涵与目标;应运用综合手段对城市蔓延进行控制;要重视调控政策的实施过程。 相似文献
We employ relative size of International Monetary Fund (IMF) credit as a proxy for interdependent macro variables that are associated with external macroeconomic imbalances or balance of payment (BOP) crisis to investigate how they impact foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows. Relative size of IMF credit as a share of gross domestic product sends two mixed signals to multinational enterprises (MNEs). First, it is a signal that a country is facing an actual or potential BOP crisis. Second, countries that seek IMF credit typically agree to implement a set of “IMF conditionality” before financial credit is disbursed. This may signal to MNEs that policy reforms that must accompany IMF financial credit may result in ex ante positive economic outlook and stability. We find that relative size of IMF credit is negatively (positively) correlated with FDI inflows to developing countries below (above) a threshold value of economic freedom. The main implication of these findings is that MNEs may view developing countries with below average index of economic freedom as lacking institutional capabilities to implement recommended IMF policy reforms when faced with an actual or potential BOP crisis. Our results are robust across alternative model specifications and consistent with the theory of catalytic finance. (JEL F21, F23, F33) 相似文献
Foreign firms are likely to attempt to shape host government policies in their favour, as the profitability of MNE foreign affiliates largely depends on the business environment in which they operate. Based on data from the World Business Environment Survey, this paper investigates the political influence of foreign firms in 48 developing countries. It is found that foreign firms derive substantial fiscal and regulatory advantages from their political influence and from their ability to negotiate superior entry conditions. 相似文献
Derek W. Blades 《Review of Income and Wealth》1975,21(4):391-410
This paper presents some preliminary findings from a research study by the OECD Development Centre into the treatment of subsistence activities in national accounts. It summarizes the results of a questionnaire on country practices, and reports on the findings with respect to shares of non-monetary production in GDP, methods of estimation, and usefulness of the resulting estimates. Among the 48 developing countries covered, the share of non-monetary value added in total GDP ranges from over 40 percent for the poorer countries of Africa to 5 percent or less for the more advanced countries of Latin America and Southern Europe. In countries where rural living standards are much below those in urban areas, non-monetary activities may be very important to the well-being of a large number of people, even though they form only a small part of GDP, and it is still important to make realistic estimates for subsistence output. Agriculture is obviously the main item in non-monetary production, accounting often for over 80 percent of the total. Most countries use some kind of “producers' prices” for valuing agricultural output. Few countries now publish separate figures for non—monetary activities. For many countries, doing so would involve a considerable amount of extra work, but for a number of planning purposes it does seem important to distinguish subsistence activities separately. 相似文献