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国家利益是国际政治学中的基本概念 ,它是一个国家制定对外政策的主要依据和决定因素。国家利益既有客观性又有主观性。国家利益的客观性是指国家赖以生存和延续的基本条件 ,它主要包括生存、独立 (自由 )、经济财富和国家尊严四个方面。国家利益这四个方面形成了客观国家利益 ,客观国家利益是一个国家对外政策的客观限制因素 ,客观国家利益的内涵随历史条件的变化而变化。国家利益的主观性是指国家对客观国家利益及其实现方式的认识。由于历史背景和文化价值观的不同 ,每个国家所追求的具体的国家利益是千差万别的。客观国家利益是以丰富多彩的形式得以表现和实现的。主观国家利益建立在客观国家利益的基础之上 ,是由文化建构而成的。国家的实力和地位不能决定国家利益的具体内容和追求目标 ,只能决定国家为实现国家利益所采取的手段。从国家利益的主观性和客观性两方面研究国家利益使我们既能看到国家利益的共性 ,也能看到国家利益的特殊性。  相似文献   

国家利益的客观性与主观性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
国家利益是国际政治学中的基本概念 ,它是一个国家制定对外政策的主要依据和决定因素。国家利益既有客观性又有主观性。国家利益的客观性是指国家赖以生存和延续的基本条件 ,它主要包括生存、独立 (自由 )、经济财富和国家尊严四个方面。国家利益这四个方面形成了客观国家利益 ,客观国家利益是一个国家对外政策的客观限制因素 ,客观国家利益的内涵随历史条件的变化而变化。国家利益的主观性是指国家对客观国家利益及其实现方式的认识。由于历史背景和文化价值观的不同 ,每个国家所追求的具体的国家利益是千差万别的。客观国家利益是以丰富多彩的形式得以表现和实现的。主观国家利益建立在客观国家利益的基础之上 ,是由文化建构而成的。国家的实力和地位不能决定国家利益的具体内容和追求目标 ,只能决定国家为实现国家利益所采取的手段。从国家利益的主观性和客观性两方面研究国家利益使我们既能看到国家利益的共性 ,也能看到国家利益的特殊性。  相似文献   

在确定财产保险利益范围时应当遵循公平与效益兼顾、保护社会公共利益、满足当事人的合理要求和促进财产保险的发展等原则。财产保险利益包括现有利益和期待利益,对这两种利益的范围应作合理的界定;前者包括基于法定权利而产生的现有利益、基于合同关系而产生的现有利益和基于特定事实而产生的现有利益,后者包括积极的期待利益和消极的期待利益。股东对公司财产是否具有保险利益、对纯事实利益是否具有保险利益等重要问题应当正确处理。  相似文献   

利益协调机制是社会和谐机制的重要内容和组成部分。一个好的社会利益协调机制,可以有效地协调、平衡各利益主体间的复杂关系,使利益主体的逐利活动受到适当制约,增强利益主体或利益群体间的合作。因此,应努力建设科学、合理、系统的利益协调机制,以确保利益表达、利益竞争和利益实现的有序进行,促进社会和谐发展。  相似文献   

利益是人们通过社会关系所表现出来的不同需要,法律对社会关系的调整的实质就是对人们各种利益关系的调整。任何以公共利益为本位的部门法都是维护着公共利益的某一方面,经济法实质上调整着公共利益中的社会利益和公共经济利益。据此,经济法形成了以社会公共经济利益为本位的利益观。社会公共经济利益是个体经济利益、团体经济利益和国家经济利益相互调和的产物。社会经济公共利益更加体现了对不同情况不同对待的社会正义的追求和维护。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,随着利益的调整,我国出现了不同利益群体,各利益群体之间产生了利益矛盾,甚至利益冲突。不断提高处理各利益群体之间的利益矛盾和协调各利益群体之间利益关系的能力以构建社会主义和谐社会,成为新时期我党必须解决的重大历史性课题。  相似文献   

作为现代农业发展主体,中央政府关注国家整体利益,地方政府关注区域经济利益和自身政治利益,农民关注个人经济利益。这种利益诉求差异在粮食安全、食品安全、农业资源和农业投入方面体现明显。主体关系的复杂性、责任与利益机制的非同步性及考评机制中责任与利益的低关联度是导致利益诉求差异的主要原因。协调好主体间责任与利益关系是均衡主体利益的关键所在。  相似文献   

运用演化博弈的方法对地方政府、旅游开发商和社区居民这三类古村落旅游核心利益主体之间的博弈行为进行分析。研究表明,由于利益主体利益诉求及其博弈地位的差异导致利益冲突,并表现出非合作博弈;应从利益协调的角度进行合理制度安排,建立平等的谈判协商机制、顺畅的利益表达渠道、严格的监督约束机制和公平的利益分配机制,科学处理利益主体的利益关系,以实现利益主体的利益均衡。  相似文献   

周扬波 《北方经济》2011,(14):35-37
私有制企业劳资双方在权力和利益上存在明显的不对等性,形成了"强资本弱劳动"的利益格局,加剧了劳资利益矛盾和利益冲突。当前,应全面探索建立劳资利益均衡机制实现双方利益合作。基于此,本文运用博弈模型论证双方在动态的利益博弈中是如何实现双方的利益均衡与合作。通过对模型的分析,认为,构建私有制企业劳资利益均衡机制关键是增强工会的组织效能和利益谈判功能。最后,本文就如何提高工会组织效能提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

和谐社会视域下弱势群体的利益表达问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马慧吉 《黑河学刊》2007,3(3):71-73
社会各利益群体畅通有序的利益表达是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要基础。完善弱势群体的利益表达有助于维护社会稳定、实现社会公正和促进社会进步。然而,目前我国弱势群体的利益表达面临着发展的窘困。为此,必须进一步完善和拓宽弱势群体的利益表达渠道,提高弱势群体的受教育程度和经济地位,实现弱势群体利益表达的制度化和法治化。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of foreign direct investment(FDI)on the labor productivity of China’s electronics industry. Using panel data of 9 major sectors and 43 sub-sectorsof the electronics industry during the period 1996—2001,and doing group test according to the ratio of intangible assets,the export ratio and the state-owned capital ratio of the 43 sub-sectors,we find that during 1996—2001,labor productivity of the Chinese electronics industry showed significant spillover effects of FDI and large fluctuations in different industries. In industries that have high intangible assets ratio,high export ratio and high state-owned capital ratio,FDI played a more significant role in promoting labor productivity than in industries that have low state—owned capital ratio and low technology contents. State-owned enterprises has a positive effect in promoting labor productivity,indicating that introducing foreign investment is an effective long term route to learn transnational corporations’ experience for state-owned enterprises. Moreover,transnational corporations are always attracted to higher productivity sub-sectors,implying significant spillover effects in these industries,while in sub-sectors with low rate of foreign invest-ment,the spillover effect is not significant.  相似文献   

Host Country Competition, Labor Skills, and Technology Transfer by Multinationals. — This paper examines the impact of local competition and the availability of skilled labor on the technology imports of foreign MNC affiliates in Mexican manufacturing industries. The authors find that proxies for local competition and labor skills are positively related to the recorded technology imports of foreign owned affiliates. The effects of competition appear to be particularly strong in intermediate and consumer goods industries, while the availability of skilled labor seems to be particularly important in durable and capital goods industries. Thus, government policies aiming to create a competitive climate and improve labor quality may also promote inflows of modern technology.  相似文献   

Openness and economic growth in developing countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Openness and Economic Growth in Developing Countries. — Openness appears to have a strong impact on economic growth especially in DCs which typically exhibit a high share of physical capital in factor income and a low share of labor. In the neoclassical growth model with partial capital mobility, physical capital’s share in factor income determines the difference in the predicted convergence rates for open and closed economies. With a 60 percent share as in many DCs, the convergence rates should differ by a factor of 2.5. The regression results for a sample of open and closed DCs roughly confirm this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Growth Rate Convergence Reconsidered. —While convergence properties lie at the heart of the endogenous-exogenous growth debate, the empirical literature on convergence to date remains ambiguous. Results appear to be particularly sensitive to the choice of income per capita or labor productivity as dependent variable. The paper shows that the dependence reflects a measurement error arising from the interdependence of human capital accumulation, labor force participation rates and development levels. Estimation of a corrected convergence equation yields results generally supporting convergence except in the manufacturing sector.  相似文献   

Human Capital, Trade, and Economic Growth. — Human capital, because of its special role in innovative activity and technological progress, has formed the bedrock of the new theories of endogenous growth. However, it not only serves as an engine of growth but also as a productive input along with labor and physical capital. In this study, the authors find evidence of the importance of both roles of human capital. They also find that the relationship between growth and the external effects of human capital vary according to trade regime. When literacy rates are relatively high, open economies grow about 0.65 to 1.75 percentage points more than closed economies.  相似文献   

On-the-Job Training as a Cause of Brain Drain. —This paper presents a simple model based on the assertion that the efficacy of on-the-job training, as well as the productivity of skills, depends on the social stock of capital. It shows that as the degree of this dependency of on-the-job training upon capital stock increases, the problem of brain drain becomes more severe and more difficult to correct. The model may explain why the failure of foreign-educated students to repatriate is a more prevalent form of brain drain than outright migration of skilled labor. It is consistent with the repatriation pattern of Taiwanese students who received post-secondary education in Japan.  相似文献   

李艳  孟凡强 《南方经济》2015,33(12):104-114
结合马斯洛的需求层次理论,文章拟用佛山数据研究新生代农民工需求层次变化及其劳资冲突行为选择。研究发现生存、发展和精神三个层次的渐进需求均对珠三角地区新生代农民工劳资冲突行为选择存在显著影响:对生存需求和发展需求的满足程度越低,珠三角地区新生代农民工越倾向于选择集体停工等激烈的劳资冲突行为;具有精神价值需求的新生代农民工倾向于选择合法维权等温和的劳资冲突行为。对三大需求的比较分析发现,生存需求中的工资收入变量对劳资冲突行为选择的影响最为显著,其次是精神价值需求中的法治平等意识变量,而发展需求变量组的影响系数最小。这说明基本的生存需求对新生代农民工的劳资冲突行为选择依然具有最大影响力,但与上一代农民工不同的是,法治平等等精神价值需求在新生代农民工劳资冲突行为选择中的作用正在凸显。  相似文献   

论人力资本与劳动力的共同性和差异性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文界定了人力资本与劳动力的基本内涵,认为人力资本的资本属性与劳动力的劳动属性是人力资本与劳动力本质差别。在此基础上,分析了人力资本与劳动力在产权主体、投资生成、使用状态、价值实现、监督激励、产权残缺与时效再生等方面的共同性,以及在内在本质、人员数量、科层使用、边际贡献、主体需要、管理方法、利益分配与风险抵押等方面的差异性。  相似文献   

How might COVID-19 affect human capital and wellbeing in the long run? The COVID-19 pandemic has already imposed a heavy human cost—taken together, this public health crisis and its attendant economic downturn appear poised to dwarf the scope, scale, and disruptiveness of most modern pandemics. What evidence we do have about other modern pandemics is largely limited to short-run impacts. Consequently, recent experience can do little to help us anticipate and respond to COVID-19’s potential long-run impact on individuals over decades and even generations. History, however, offers a solution. Historical crises offer closer analogues to COVID-19 in each of its key dimensions—as a global pandemic, as a global recession—and offer the runway necessary to study the life-course and intergenerational outcomes. In this paper, we review the evidence on the long-run effects on health, labor, and human capital of both historical pandemics (with a focus on the 1918 Influenza Pandemic) and historical recessions (with a focus on the Great Depression). We conclude by discussing how past crises can inform our approach to COVID-19—helping tell us what to look for, what to prepare for, and what data we ought to collect now.  相似文献   

在考虑生产函数的区域异质性、时期异质性、产业异质性的基础上,构建了一个包含资本、劳动、技术三种要素投入的超越对数生产函数模型。结果表明:资本和劳动的边际生产率具有递减特征,且资本和劳动具有互补性,而技术的边际生产率具有递增特征。资本和劳动的替代弹性具有缓慢下降的趋势,且数值大小小于1。技术进步差异水平在不断缩小,且技术进步为资本增强型技术进步和劳动偏向性技术进步。  相似文献   

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