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In 1952, Tibor Barna published an input–output table of the 1935 UK economy. From 1954 to 1972, a number of ‘Red Books’ published under the direction of Richard Stone provided national accounting statistics for 1920–38. Casual inspection suggests some serious disagreement between the two data sets, but much of this arises out of mismatching of incompatibly defined items. This paper assesses the compatibility of final demand and net output estimates that appear on the periphery of the Barna table with corresponding Red Book statistics. Given the admitted margins of error, an acceptable pattern of discrepancy emerges from the comparisons. Service industry incomes are the sole major exception to this finding.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new method is presented to derive an input–output table from a system of make and use tables. The method, which we call ‘activity technology’, is mathematically equivalent to the well-known commodity technology, but chooses another unit, i.e. the activity. We will argue that, in the activity technology model, negatives can only arise from causes such as heterogeneity and errors in the data. To apply the activity technology, very detailed make and use matrices are required, as well as additional data on the input structures of certain activities. We will describe a method that can incorporate this additional data within the activity technology framework. Statistics Netherlands has adopted the method  相似文献   

In interregional input–output (IO) models, investment can be endogenized in many different ways, varying from dynamic Leontief-type solutions to computable general equilibrium (CGE) models. However, large versions of these models are difficult to implement because of the absence of the required data. In this paper, a different, less data-demanding treatment of regional investment is presented for an interregional IO forecasting model in which a simultaneous solution is given for regional GDP by industry, on the one hand, and for regional aggregate investment, on the other hand. In this way, investment plays its role as a disaggregate demand factor by industry and region, as well as being an aggregate supply constraint on regional capital stock at the same time. Some empirical results are presented for a 27-region model in Indonesia, which has been used by the government during the preparations for the new national 5-year plan for 1994–1999.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an analysis of economic and demographic changes in the UK during the period 1981–91, using an extended input–output (IO) formulation designed to measure impacts of such changes in economic and demographic systems. We derive a simple temporal change decomposition method and apply it to the extended IO formulation. This is then linked to a labour market account decomposition, and the conjoint decomposition applied to two labour market accounts and two IO tables for the UK. We are able to identify the impacts on the demographic and economic systems caused by changes in the economy, economic activity of the population, natural population change, migration and coefficient shifts of different types.  相似文献   

The technical variation between countries in the production of goods and services, in terms of not only input coefficients, but also emission coefficients, creates scope for international trade to reduce environmental pressures. For this purpose we extend the theory of trade and the environment as to accommodate technical variation between countries in production and emissions. We use and steer close to the extended input and output tables, which include emission data. By treating environmental standards analogous to capital and labor capacity constraints, the aggregation problem for economic and environmental measures gets the same format as the well-understood aggregation problem for labor and capital. In a pilot application we determine the gains to free trade in products and emission permits.  相似文献   

The European Commission is currently establishing an Environmentally Extended Input–Output (EE-IO) Database for the EU27 developed by the Joint Research Centre at the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS). This project attempts to generate an analytical dataset comprising all EU countries and yearly time series for the period 1995–2005. Since, for the time being, IO and environmental accounts data are only available with significant gaps part of the dataset will require estimates based on best available proxy data and reasonable assumptions. This paper is focused on the IO database shaped around Eurostat supply and use tables and symmetric IO tables consistent with the NACE classification. The paper describes the procedure by which the latest preliminary results have been obtained for an aggregate EU27 symmetric input–output table for the year 2000.  相似文献   

Environmental Input-Output Analysis (EIOA) is a tool for environmental analysis of broad classes of sectoral activities, taking into account indirect effects in other sectors in the supply chain. The core of EIOA is an input–output table (IOT) and national accounting matrix including environmental accounts (NAMEA) for a fixed base-year. We evaluate the uncertainty in EIOA using a time series of current-price IOT and NAMEA for 13 years from 1990 to 2002. We find annual variations in the current-price IOT and NAMEA, which may represent either realistic changes in production or measurement error. We assume the changes are errors and apply a regression analysis to remove the trends from the underlying data and estimate the uncertainty in the raw IOT. We then calculate the emissions for various final users and sectors to estimate the uncertainties from typical EIOA investigations. Using Monte Carlo analysis, we then investigate how well the variations in the current-price IOT and NAMEA over time may represent uncertainties. The results of this work have several implications for both statistical offices and the analyst. Statistical offices can provide details on data sources, methodologies, and estimates of annual variations. Analysts can incorporate this uncertainty information to understand the implications of uncertainty on their calculations and ultimately the policy recommendations derived from their studies.  相似文献   

Commuting affects regional and urban economies. It shapes urban areas, defines their relationships with neighboring regions, intensifies economic flows and exacerbates energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. This paper sets out a proposal for an innovative commuting satellite account (CSA), integrated in a multi-regional input–output model. This framework combines commuting activities with regional distribution of income, distinct household consumption structures, real estate renting activities and the energy consumption and environmental flows incorporated in the different industries. To assess the opportunity costs of commuting, the CSA framework is applied to the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. The socio-economic-environmental impacts of a scenario in which commuters become non-commuters by moving their residence to the municipality in which they work are estimated. The analysis indicates that: commuting, in general, induces significant economic and environmental opportunity costs. Finally, the adoption of policy-oriented recommendations contributing to limit sprawling in metropolitan regions is discussed.  相似文献   

Data for the Chinese province of Hubei are used to assess the performance of Kronenberg's Cross-Hauling Adjusted Regionalization Method (CHARM), a method that takes explicit account of cross-hauling when constructing regional input–output tables. A key determinant of cross-hauling is held to be the heterogeneity of commodities, which is estimated using national data. However, contrary to the authors’ findings for Finland, CHARM does not generate reliable estimates of Hubei's sectoral exports, imports and volume of trade, although it is more successful in estimating sectoral supply multipliers. The poor simulations of regional trade are attributed to the fact that Hubei is a relatively small region, where there is a large divergence between regional and national technology and pattern of final demand. The simulation errors are decomposed into components reflecting differences between regional and national technology, final demand and heterogeneity. The third component is found to be the least important of the three sources of error.  相似文献   

This paper uses survey-based data of the Argentinian province of Córdoba to conduct an empirical test of the performance of the Flegg's location quotient (FLQ) and augmented FLQ (AFLQ) formulae for estimating regional input coefficients. A comparison is made with conventional methods based on location quotients. The possibility of using prior information about the extent of self-sufficiency of particular sectors is explored. The empirical work employs a range of statistical criteria with contrasting properties, and examines performance in terms of each method's ability to estimate regional input coefficients, output multipliers and imports. Particular attention is paid to the problem of choosing a value for the unknown parameter δ in the FLQ and AFLQ formulae. These formulae are found to give the best overall results of the non-survey methods considered in the paper. However, the AFLQ typically produces slightly more accurate results than the FLQ, in line with the findings of previous studies.  相似文献   

Regional specifics reveal in differences in economic activity and structure, the institutional, socio-economic and cultural environment and not least in the capability of regions to create new knowledge and to generate innovations. Focusing on the regional level, this paper for three Australian territories (New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland) explores patterns of innovative activities in their private business sectors. Furthermore, these patterns are compared to specifics of each region's economic structure. We make use of input–output-based innovation flow networks, which are directed and weighted instead of binary. The value added of the proposed analysis is that we are able to trace a variety of different aspects related to the structure of innovative activities for each territory. It gets evident that mostly innovative activities in each territory are not strong in ‘niche’ branches but in fields of intense economic activity, signalising the high path-dependency of innovative activities in a specific geographical environment.  相似文献   

Some relationships between the T-accounting format for presenting commodity balances; input–output (IO) tables; and social accounting matrices are discussed in this paper. The starting point is to recognize that IO tables do not contain all the information that is needed to complete a social accounting matrix (SAM), or, therefore, for the modelling of phenomena that depend on having a fully articulated SAM, such as the interdependence of the distribution of income and the structure of production. There is a need, therefore, to establish the character of the extra information that is required and this can be achieved by imposing the requirement that a SAM should be consistent with the basic cash identity that is fundamental to all social accounting. A second agendum is to develop the argument that, while T-accounts can, in principle, provide a database equivalent to that of a SAM, in practice, they are typically found to be an imperfect substitute. It is important, therefore, in designing a database, to go beyond the confines of an (extended) IO system and T-accounts. SAMs provide an appropriate framework for doing so.  相似文献   

李喆 《价值工程》2011,30(8):120-120
应收账款的管理已成为企业的重大困扰。笔者针对目前企业应收账款普遍存在的弊端分析原因、提出措施,以期对众多存在类似困扰的企业有所帮助。  相似文献   

There are repeated calls to go ‘Beyond GDP’, for measures of wellbeing and progress in addition to those that the System of National Accounts (SNA) is designed to provide. We identify key issues that can help build on the rigour of SNA whilst fitting the measurement of economic performance within a broader assessment of national wellbeing and progress. Such drivers are already leading to a proliferation of indicators and accounts, for example in the development of non‐monetary measures of natural resources, but there are significant measurement challenges, not least the question of whether a single, overall measure or index of wellbeing is valid. But the challenge of measurement, per se, is one thing: in our view, a more critical issue is whether the measures will actually be used. We propose a dynamic and multi‐staged approach for developing SNA, embracing the production and use of measures. This would start by identifying user requirements for wider measures, to provide the basis for national and cross‐national developments in well‐being accounting. We envisage greater branding and marketing of national well‐being concepts to promote measures and support their use. We call for outreach by producers, so that there is dialogue about the development and use of measures.  相似文献   

Since the regional scale turns out to be the scale at which fiscal devolution is likely to be accomplished in Italy, and that at which trade and growth interdependencies as well as regional convergence can be most conveniently investigated, a new 20-region input–output model for Italy seems to be a useful tool of analysis. Although various regional and interregional models have been constructed since the 1950s, none has been implemented for the whole system of 20 Italian administrative regions considered in their tight mutual dependence; also, the pool approach has not been greatly favoured, even in situations where direct information on regional trade is lacking. The main purpose of this paper is to report on the structure of the model, the rather complex procedure used in the model construction and the adopted solution technique. Some space is devoted to the problems encountered in handling regional trade endogenously in an input–output setting and to a comparison between the pool approach, used in the Italian model, and other current techniques. The paper also reports on some preliminary results regarding the regional impact of fiscal policy.  相似文献   

Analyses using physical input–output tables (PIOTs) are key to understanding the physical metabolism of economies, since they relate production to the generation of emissions and use of resources. Two methods have been developed to calculate the primary resources and emissions associated with a given final demand. However, one of these alters the PIOT, revealing different technical coefficients and Leontief inverse matrices. Which method should be used for structural analysis? In this paper, I compare both methods, explain the structural differences between them and illustrate the latter through a backward linkage analysis. I find that only one method is suited to the analysis of the physical structure of the economy, since it comprehends both the production of goods and associated emissions. The method is identified as a new model capable of tracing by-products as final outputs. Finally, I generalise both methods to analyse PIOTs including several emission types.  相似文献   

The paper discusses qualitative input–output methods. It is shown that information is lost. Because the binary relationship constructed by qualitative methods is not transitive, the model lacks economic consistency. Qualitative methods are tending to become more sophisticated, but some problems of economic interpretation are raised.  相似文献   

In the last few years, a number of studies have been presented that link material flow accounting and input–output analysis (based on monetary input–output tables) for the calculation of direct and indirect resource inputs for production and consumption activities. The compilation of the first physical input–output tables for some European countries in the 1990s opened new possibilities for linking physical accounting and input– output analysis. Physical input–output analysis has so far only been applied for selected materials, but it has not been used for comprehensive assessments of material requirements of economic activities. In this paper, possibilities and limits of this new input–output approach are clarified. We present and discuss a procedure similar to monetary input– output analysis and develop an alternative approach to account for primary inputs and waste otherwise not included in the analysis. Based on aggregated input–output tables for Germany, we present numerical examples intended to compare the alternative approaches of physical input–output analysis.  相似文献   

Consumption-based CO2 emissions, which are commonly calculated by means of environmentally extended input–output analysis, are gaining wider recognition as a way to complement territorial emission inventories. Although their use has increased significantly in the last years, insufficient attention has been paid to the methodological soundness of the underlying environmental extension. This should follow the internationally agreed accounting rules of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting, which addresses the activities undertaken by the residents of a country, independent from where these take place. Nonetheless, some footprint calculations use extensions that account for all the activities within the territory, which leads to methodological inconsistencies. Thus, this article introduces the most relevant conceptual differences between these accounting frameworks and shows the magnitude of the gap between them building on the data generated for the EXIOBASE model. It concludes that the differences are high for many countries and their magnitude is increasing over time.  相似文献   


The Industrial Ecology Virtual Laboratory (IELab) is a collaborative cloud-computing platform for compiling large-scale, high-resolution, enviro-socio-economic accounts based on multi-region input–output tables and for conducting integrated sustainability assessment projects. These include, for example, assessments of biofuels and low-carbon construction materials or high-resolution waste modelling. This contribution provides a structured review of IELab applications that were published in either peer-reviewed journal papers or in the form of conference proceedings. The main research question posed is ‘What are the specific features of IELab that were used in the research and could the research have happened without them?’ It is investigated whether the IELab has actually and truly enabled new research. A detailed analysis of IELab characteristics and their usage is presented. The results can help with the design of new research projects and inform existing and prospective users of the IELab about the options for academic research and practical applications.  相似文献   

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