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中美汇率之争的三个核心问题是:第一,中国应该采用何种汇率制度?在这一问题上,美国政府提出了"浮动汇率制最优论"的伪命题,这一观点显然违背了经济学的常识。第二,人民币是否应该升值?这一问题的答案取决于中国贸易顺差是起因于低劳动力成本竞争优势还是起因于人民币汇率低估。如果是前者,那么美国没有理由要求人民币升值。第三,人民币升值会如何影响中美经济?本论文强调其长期影响要明显大于短期影响。就长期影响而言,人民币过度升值会缩短中国高速经济增长的可持续时间。  相似文献   

人民币汇率调整对我国产业结构的影响分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙军 《新疆财经》2006,(1):23-26
我国长期实施汇率低估以及固定汇率制度,使我国的经济结构遭到扭曲,产业结构不能得到优化,影响了国民收入水平的持续提升。中国人民银行于2005年7月21日宣布,人民币汇率不再盯住单一美元,人民币汇率制度实行以市场供求为基础,参考一篮子货币进行调节,有管理的浮动汇率制度,并且使人民币升值1.9%。这一决定的实施能够使汇率水平逐渐向均衡汇率水平靠拢,汇率的形成机制逐渐得到完善,而且能够使我国经济结构进行有序调整,使我国的产业结构得到优化升级。  相似文献   

In this paper we tried to determine whether or not adherence to a floating exchange rate regime helped the Japanese economy to absorb shocks which originated from domestic and foreign sources based on the Japanese experience from the interwar to the post Bretton Woods floating exchange rate period. Using a multivariate GARCH-M model, we analyzed the relation of exchange rate volatility and output volatility directly. The results imply that the floating exchange rate regime has helped the Japanese economy to insulate itself from foreign shocks. The estimated coefficient which represents the response to the foreign shocks decreases and the decrease is significant in the floating exchange rate regime.  相似文献   

Pegging the renminbi (RMB) to the US dollar since 1994 has characterised China's exchange rate policy under a fixed peg or appreciating crawling peg. The current policy, announced in June 2010, of ‘floating with reference to a basket’ made the RMB 25 per cent stronger against a trade‐weighted basket by early August 2015, while it was 10 per cent stronger against the US dollar. Thus, 14 percentage points arose from changes in the cross rates of the other currencies, notably from the fall of the euro since December 2014. Devaluation of the RMB by 3 per cent in August 2015 just covered the effective appreciation since December 2014. Effects of the cross rates of other currencies could be eliminated by managing the external value of the RMB with reference to a genuine trade‐weighted basket. This could be a suitable intermediary exchange rate regime for China, as the risks associated with free floating are still great. Diversifying further the currency composition of the foreign exchange reserves and other foreign assets of the Chinese government, from US dollars towards euro and yen assets, would be a natural parallel shift. The euro–US dollar–yen exchange rates in late summer 2015 may offer a good opportunity to carry out this move.  相似文献   

我国国际收支持续双顺差和外汇储备大幅增长导致了人民币升值压力的形成。目前我国已实行以市场供求为基础的有管理的浮动汇率制,且已实现了人民币经常项目下的可兑换,因而外汇市场供求和国际收支状况对人民币汇率的影响逐步加大。本文基于外汇供求模型构建了我国国际收支影响人民币汇率形成的模型并进行了实证分析,结果显示出口、外资流入和外汇储备变动对汇率的影响比较显著。最后基于上述分析对如何完善人民币汇率形成机制提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

In late February 2006, China surpassed Japan to become the world's largest holder of foreign exchange reserves. Beijing is now faced with the growing challenge of how to handle these vast reserves effectively. Although China's soaring foreign exchange reserves indicate that its overall strength has grown, they have created internal and external pressures on the balance of the economy, and introduced risks to the financial system. It is estimated in the present study that foreign exchange reserves of approximately US$ 400bn in 2005 would have been appropriate under circumstances of a managed floating exchange rate regime and capital control. China's actual reserves have far exceeded its normal demand. The objective of China is to maintain an optimal level that maximizes net benefits as a whole. Four main policy options are available for China to achieve its target: spending and investing foreign exchange reserves, gradual liberalization of the capital account, diversification of foreign exchange reserves and a switch in holders of foreign exchange reserves. Spending and investing in foreign exchange reserves can be undertaken in combination with liberalization in the capital account, given careful consideration of the risks involved. Liberalization should be extensive but gradual so that companies and individuals can adjust to changes in financial markets and manage portfolios while avoiding unnecessary risks. (Edited by Xiaoming Feng)  相似文献   

汪琳 《特区经济》2009,(12):242-243
二战后建立起来的以美元为本位的布雷顿森林体系的瓦解导致了浮动汇率制对固定汇率制的取代。汇率由市场供求关系决定,同时在社会政治、经济,甚至是自然环境等因素的影响下频繁且大幅度波动。汇率的不稳定给外贸企业带来了汇兑风险、经营风险等,所以外贸企业应相应地采取控制汇率风险的措施。  相似文献   

我国企业防范外汇风险的方法分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国加入世界贸易组织 (WTO的步伐的加快 ,以及我国企业改革的不断深化 ,有必要认清涉外企业在现行的有管理的浮动汇率制下所面临的外汇风险及其特征、构成要素 ,探讨提高涉外企业外汇风险管理能力的原则、方法  相似文献   

李博 《特区经济》2009,(6):275-276
随着经济全球化和国际资本双向流动的迅猛发展,我国跨国公司与世界各国的贸易联系日益频繁,外汇业务迅猛增长。尤其自2005年7月21日起,我国开始实行以市场供求为基础、参考一篮子货币进行调节、有管理的浮动汇率制度,我国跨国公司所面临的外汇风险日益突出。加之当前国际金融市场上汇率变动频繁,外汇风险给我国跨国公司的稳定发展带来了巨大的冲击,并引发了一系列值得我们关注的问题本文分析了我国跨国公司面临的外汇风险,以及现阶段我国跨国公司外汇风险管理存在的问题,并在此基础上从三个方面提出了积极的对策。  相似文献   

人民币汇率走势分析与趋势预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年我国人民币汇率的显著特征为汇率弹性明显增强、双向波幅扩大、呈小幅升值态势,仍属于基本稳定。2007年,人民币汇率政策取向是在稳定汇率的前提下,从政策上弱化和消除人民币升值的非理性预期,其核心内容为:汇率政策将成为货币政策中心、采取合适的政策组合、适时调整汇率水平、大力发展和完善外汇市场。我们的基本判断为:人民币汇率浮动空间将会进一步放宽,在双向波动中小幅升值。  相似文献   

段京怀 《特区经济》2011,(12):277-279
本文从经济全球化的角度,根据中国的自然资源,如人口众多、人均资源占有率低,以及中国经济发展的现实情况,探讨人民币汇率的决定。人口众多、人均资源占有率低,应调低人民币的汇率,有利于就业和引入外资;中国的城市化进程需要大量的资源,调高人民币的汇率,有利于企业降低成本;外汇占款较大推高中国的通货膨胀率,又应调高人民币的币值;又要考虑汇率对利率政策的抵消作用等。  相似文献   

In this paper, it is shown that inflation differentials and trade deficits were significant determinants for exchange rate movements in the European monetary system. Since the target zone prevents EMS exchange rates from adjusting gradually to changing economic conditions, a standard regression model cannot detect this influence however. Therefore, a new econometric model is introduced, in which deteriorating competitiveness increases the probability of large depreciations and high volatility. These depreciations can be due to large devaluations or to panic reactions of the market due to expected devaluations. It is shown that the out-of-sample predictions of the model outperform the random walk, and that large arbitrage gains can be made in the foreign exchange market if our model predictions are used.  相似文献   

外来劳动力与外资对温州经济发展的有利影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王言炉 《乡镇经济》2009,25(10):76-80
温州,地处东部沿海,2007年,其经济总量居浙江省第3位,经济综合实力居全国百强城市行列,吸引了大量的外来人口和外资进入。2006年末,温州的外来暂住人口近273万人,是浙江省人口流动最大的城市;2007年,温州新签协议项目金额10.49亿美元,实际使用外资6.18亿美元。为发挥外来劳动力和外资的积极作用,温州政府分别实施了“和馨行动”和“一号工程”。文章分析了外来劳动力和外资的进入对温州经济发展的有利影响。  相似文献   

In the present paper, we estimate the de facto RMB exchange rate regime, the currency basket, the floating band and the foreign exchange market pressure before and after the reform of the Chinese exchange rate regime in 2005. We find the following stylized facts: the value of the RAIB became stable after the reform; the weight of the US dollar remained high in the basket, while other currencies remained statistically significant; and the floating band gradually increased to lO percent during 2005-2008, and then greatly narrowed from the late summer of 2008 under the assumption of a yearly resetting interval. We find that the foreign exchange market pressure increased from 2005 to 2008. A possible reason is that the weight of the US dollar in the basket was slightly lower than the share of the US dollar in total transactions on the Chinese foreign exchange market. Therefore, it is reasonable for China to adopt a dollar peg exchange rate regime.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the important financial policy issue of the decision for a country to establish a sovereign wealth fund (SWF). Using a large-scale database, we analyze the economic, political and institutional factors that should be considered in such a decision. In particular, we test if the emergence of SWFs and more specifically of a specific type of SWFs can be explained by the following factors: the excess foreign exchange reserves due to natural resources rents or persistent current account surpluses; the volatility of commodity prices; the appreciation of the real exchange rate leading to the “Dutch Disease” effect and the governance of the country. The results suggest that countries with excess foreign exchange reserves, which are dependent on a commodity and which suffer from an appreciation of the real exchange rate are more likely to create a fund. We also find that commodity-based funds tend to be established in low democratic countries. Finally, our results suggest that the factors driving SWFs creation are different depending on the origin of the funding (commodity or non-commodity) and the macroeconomic objective(s) assigned to the fund. Our results may be of interest for policymakers debating whether or not it can be optimal for the country to establish a SWF.  相似文献   

Exchange-rate history can be divided into two periods: the Bretton Woods period and the period of floating exchange rates since the early 1970s. In this second period, financial crises and the roles played by institutions, rules, and commitments in international finance have been of central importance. Many proposals for changing the international financial architecture have been presented to reduce the likelihood of crises, but the source of the problem is in variable capital flows and the floating exchange-rate system. Based on six major financial crises of the last 25 years, the wide range in movements in the exchange rate, which might also be inferred from differences in national inflation rates, reflects changes in the ex-ante cross-border capital flows. As long as currencies are floating, economic conditions among countries are likely to be more variable and diverse: the greater variability in economic conditions suggests greater variability in capital flows.  相似文献   

本文运用Pesaran边限协整检验方法系统地研究了升值背景下人民币汇率、FDI与经济增长之间的动态时变效应。研究发现,人民币汇率、FDI与经济增长在样本期内存在显著的长期均衡关系,人民币升值和经济增长均对FDI的流入具有明显的促进作用。而经济增长与FDI的流入对人民币汇率的反馈机制并不存在,FDI流入对于经济增长的促进作用也不明显,表现出强烈的以"投机套利"为主要目的的"本土特征"模式。且同期的向量误差修正分析同样表明,人民币汇率和经济增长能够有效促进FDI流入,而经济增长和FDI流入对于人民币汇率变动的反馈机制依然不存在。这意味着政府当局在保持经济适度规模增长的同时,尤其需要保持审慎的态度制定适当的政策保持汇率稳定,以避免人民币升值过快而导致外资迅速流入进行投机套利活动。  相似文献   

Recently the impact of institutional factors on macro variables has been gaining momentum. Researchers have investigated the impact of corruption, law and order, and bureaucracy on economic growth, inflation, investment, productivity, and the real exchange rate. In this article, we investigate empirically the impact of institutional factors on the black market premium. In many developing nations, because of government restrictions on capital and trade flows, there exists a black market for foreign exchange. By using data from 60 developing countries over the 1982-1995 period, we show that the black market premium is higher in countries that are plagued by more corruption. This finding seems to be insensitive to five different measures of corruption as well as whether cross-section or panel data are used.  相似文献   

Over the six‐year period 2006‐11, the real exchange rate of the Myanmar kyat appreciated 200 per cent, resulting in the value of the US dollar in Myanmar falling to one‐third of its pre‐2006 level. While the resource boom is suspected to be the source of the real exchange rate appreciation, administrative controls on foreign exchange and imports had much more impact. Foreign exchange controls limited the convertibility of the kyat to foreign currencies and spurred negotiated transactions of foreign exchange outside the banking sector, hampering the foreign exchange market interventions of the government and Central Bank. Import controls repressed imports, aggravating excess supplies of foreign exchange. Relaxation of administrative controls is necessary for moderating currency appreciation.  相似文献   

张志柏 《特区经济》2007,221(6):58-60
为了深刻理解我国外汇储备增长的原因并找出应对策略,本文用向量自回归方法研究了外汇储备积累的原因和机制。实证结果表明,中国实际利率高于外国、货币贬值、经济增长都是导致外汇储备增加的原因。短期内,实际利差、实际汇率、经济增长是影响外汇储备积累的主要因素;而在长期,开放度是影响外汇储备积累的决定性因素,这意味着国内贸易政策比经济活动对外汇储备积累有着更深层次的影响。其政策含义是:缓解外汇储备剧增对经济活动带来的不利影响,重要的是调整出口导向、吸引外资、结售汇等贸易政策,而非人民币升值。  相似文献   

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