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论历史时期凉山彝族地区农业结构的演变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
历史时期凉山彝族地区农业结构问题研究相对薄弱,本文从秦汉至南北朝时期、南北朝至清代中期、清代中期以后三个阶段对凉山彝族地区农业结构进行了讨论,认为历史时期凉山彝族地区农业结构的变化主要表现为各生产门类之间的结构关系的变化;农业结构呈现阶段性的回归式变化,即秦汉至南北朝以农耕为主→南北朝至清代中期以畜牧狩猎为主→清代中期以后农耕为主的演变;以汉族为主的农耕民族和以畜牧狩猎为主的彝族之间传统农业经济模式的差异及其变化,造成农业结构及其变化的地域差异性,也在很大程度上影响着农业结构的演化历程,人为因素决定了凉山彝族地区农业结构的变化与选择。  相似文献   

传统节庆旅游兼具文化性与地域性特点,文化是其内核,地域是其空间。四川凉山彝族火把节经历官方办节二十余载,已然成为推动凉山社会经济发展的旅游品牌,是传统节庆旅游的成功典范。然而,面对传统节庆旅游市场的相对有限性和旅游产品的可替代性,四川凉山彝族火把节的可持续问题仍然值得思考。从场域视角出发,办节地点与仪式场所是四川凉山彝族火把节可持续的关键要素。保持办节地点、仪式场所的相对稳定,延续传统节庆旅游核心场域的场所精神,将有助于推动凉山彝族火把节的可持续发展。  相似文献   

清代以来凉山彝族农业发展的原因及影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦和平 《中国农史》1990,(2):23-27,9
凉山彝族是指生活在四川西南部凉山彝族自治州的少数民族,主要分布在越西、甘洛、昭觉、美姑、雷波、布拖、金阳、普格、冕宁、盐源和峨边、马边等县。清代以来,凉山彝族的农业生产有了长足的发展,逐渐地取代了畜牧业而成为社会的主体经济,并由此而派生出一系列社会问题。探索其农业发展的缘由,不仅有助于我们认识和研究凉山彝族的历史及现状,同时对于剖析我国西南地区部分类似彝族的少数民族的社会经济亦有着积极的意义。  相似文献   

王加华 《中国农史》2004,23(2):44-50
抗日战争前后,华北的作物种植发生了相反的变化趋势。战前,以棉花为代表的经济作物种植比率呈上升趋势,粮食作物呈下降趋势;抗战爆发后,棉花比率却下降,粮食作物比率则上升。个中原因,主要在于日本侵略者的疯狂掠夺与破坏;土地、劳动力等农业生产要素被大肆掠夺与破坏,导致农业投入不足;粮食被大肆抢掠,而同时购销渠道又遭到破坏;受战争影响,在收益对比上,也发生了有利于粮食作物的变化。面对此种情况,广大农民只能增加粮食作物种植而减少棉花的种植。  相似文献   

调整农业种植结构是农业供给侧结构改革的首要任务,由于农民家庭经营收入主要来源于农业种植,因此,农业种植结构调整必然会影响农民收入。基于湖北省1978—2015年的时间序列数据的分析表明,粮食作物和经济作物比重变化对农业收入都有显著正向影响,且程度相当。在粮食作物内部,小麦种植比重有稳定正向影响;在经济作物内部,油料、棉花和蔬菜有显著影响。本文据此对湖北省种植结构的调整提出了建议:要保证粮食作物和经济作物整体播种面积保持稳定;非优势粮食作物要向优势作物分流;要因地制宜重点发展优势经济作物;农业种植结构的调整要和农业现代化同步推进。  相似文献   

正本期重要农业文化遗产四川美姑苦荞栽培系统是美姑彝族人民在农业发展中创造的以苦荞麦种植为特色的复合生态系统。遗产地核心区位于四川凉山州美姑县依果觉、洒库、瓦西等20个乡镇。"世界苦荞在中国,中国苦荞在凉山,凉山苦荞在美姑"。中国是世界唯一的苦荞麦栽培起源国和大面积种植国,四川省凉山州则是世界苦荞麦的核心起源地和世界最大的苦荞麦种植中心、加工中心和市场中心。全世界荞麦有15个品种2个变  相似文献   

基于对贵州等地农户农作物种植决策的田野调查,本文首先构建了一个农作物种植选择模型,以分析人力资本及其与技术进步的适配性影响农作物种植结构的微观机制,为宏观层面上研究农业种植结构变迁提供微观基础;然后,采用省级宏观面板数据,运用多种计量模型和分析方法对理论模型推论进行了严谨的实证检验。研究发现,农户的人力资本水平越高以及人力资本与技术进步的适配性越强,农户越有可能种植经济作物,越是有助于该地区农作物种植结构转型。进一步的地形约束机制分析发现,人力资本及其与技术进步的适配性对农作物种植结构的影响受地形的制约。相对于丘陵山区,平原地区的人力资本对粮食作物种植比例的负向作用和对经济作物种植比例的正向作用有所减弱。同时,人力资本与技术进步的适配性越强,对经济作物种植比例的正向作用越强,对粮食作物种植比例的正向作用则越弱。  相似文献   

地处凉山腹心地带的布拖县,是全省最贫困的彝族聚居县。玉米是该县的主要粮食作物之一,其中大都分布于海拔2,200~2,500米的高寒山区。这些地区由于无霜期短、气温低、春旱秋涝、加之耕作粗放,科学种田水平不高,致便玉米产量长期低而不稳,亩产徘徊在150公斤左右。摆脱贫困,解决温饱,是当地彝族农民的迫切愿望。  相似文献   

从供应弹性的视角看我国主要农作物种植结构变化原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过建立Nerlove模型,利用1978—2011年的数据分析了我国稻谷、小麦、玉米、大豆、油菜籽和棉花等六种农作物种植结构变化的主要影响因素及原因。结果表明,上期供应和上期自身价格是影响主要农作物种植结构的主要因素,价格变动对农产品供应具有正向影响,但影响程度因品种、地区及时间跨度而异;大部分农作物在主产区的生产短期内对价格变化的反应不如全国总体显著,粮食作物短期供应弹性小于经济作物。在上期供应、作物自身上期价格等因素的长期交互作用下,小麦、玉米和油菜籽的长期供给表现出更大的弹性,而稻谷、大豆和棉花的长期供应弹性较低。不同作物的供应弹性差异从供应反应的视角对我国农作物种植结构的变化提供了解释。  相似文献   

据对全省55个调查县747个村的3735户农户今年大春种植意向调查结果显示.今年全省大春农作物播种面积将比上年扩大1.1%.其他粮食作物扩大0.5%,经济作物扩大9%,其他农作物扩大1%。分品种看,稻谷扩大0.5%,其中中稻扩大06%;红苕减少0.2%;玉米减少0.3%;大豆减少1.8%;高梁扩大2.7%;棉花减少3.9%;花生扩大6.2%;蔬菜扩大1.6/。据此幅度推算,今年全省大春农作物播种面积约增138万亩,粮食增19万亩,其中中稻增25万亩,红苕减6万亩,玉米减8万亩,大豆减5万亩,高梁增2.5万亩;经济作物中,棉花减少9万亩,花生…  相似文献   

晚清末年湖北农业改良述略   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
徐凯希 《中国农史》2004,23(1):27-33
晚清末年是湖北传统农业向近代农业转变的重要阶段,侧重发展生物技术,大力发展农业教育,成为这一时期湖北农业改良方面的显著特点。在张之洞等人的积极倡导和推动下,随着西方农学思想逐步传播和商品性农业较快的发展,湖北农业无论在农作物的良种选育、推广,以及发展农业教育和传播农业知识等方面,都有了比较明显的进步,且在许多方面开风气之先。同时也为近代湖北植棉业和棉纺织业确立在国内的领先地位创造了条件。通过张之洞等人的多方努力,使处在人口不断增长和严重水患压力下的湖北农业,仍有缓慢的增长。  相似文献   

Wheat genetic materials developed from research at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) in Mexico for developing countries have provided spillover benefits to Australia. Varieties developed from those genetic materials have resulted in yield increases in Australia. While the initial impact came through the introduction of higher-yielding semi-dwarf wheat crops, those impacts have continued in the post-semidwarf period. CIMMYT's success in developing countries has also reduced the world price for wheat. While the lower prices affect returns in Australia, the increased yields in Australia from the CIMMYT spillovers from both the semi-dwarfs and the post-semidwarf phases have provided benefits to Australia averaging A$30 million per year.  相似文献   

The foods, home and personal care company, Unilever, is a large user of raw materials from agriculture, and a major buyer of goods on world markets. The continued supply of these materials is seen as an important component in the business's long-term success. The company has a long history of seeking to farm responsibly on company farms and for directly contracted raw materials, but it became clear that an approach based solely on suppliers' good agricultural practice would not safeguard supplies where increasing social and environmental pressures on agriculture were growing, or where increasing consumer concerns about the food chain could undermine markets and brands. Both threats suggested the need for a more radical approach. This resulted in the development of a mission statement, the agreement of four principles for sustainable agriculture, the identification of ten sustainable agriculture indicators (later 11), and the selection of five key crops the sustainable supply of which was significant to the company.

This paper summarizes progress towards the sustainable supply of these crops by reporting on selected sustainability indicators for the crops (peas, spinach, tomatoes, tea and oil palm) in 11 countries. Some of the businesses using these products have been subsequently sold, but these are reported here because the aim is to explore how responsive are different indicators of sustainability to management action in different crops in widely differing locations. This paper focuses on a selection of findings for each of the 10 indicators, in order to illustrate the extent of changes that have been observed over time. These also indicate some of the difficulties faced in making improvements on the ground. The gathering of data on sustainability indicators is closely tied to the development of alternative practices that should quickly deliver improvements in a variety of outcomes. An assessment is also made of the key changes that have occurred for each of the main five crops as a result of adopting the sustainability indicator system and associated new management practices.

Multi-year assessments were conceived as the way to understand and demonstrate progress towards more sustainable agriculture. The important developments were of systems that combined ensuring that agricultural suppliers performed to an acceptable set of criteria, and then had the capacity and willingness to identify the most critical areas where further progress was required. The challenge for the company is now to encourage others to adopt their approach to making supply chains more sustainable, both for their customers and the consumers of their branded goods.  相似文献   

[目的]2003~2015年河南省粮食生产实现了“十二连增”,为保障全国粮食供应和粮食安全发挥了重要作用,理清12年来河南省粮食增产因素与地域格局,可为河南省调整农业政策,进一步保持和提升粮食产量提供依据。[方法]基于2003~2015年河南省粮食作物播种面积、产量等数据,运用数理统计和GIS空间分析方法测算了河南省粮食增产的作物和地市贡献,以及耕地面积和单产对粮食增产的贡献率,并对各地市的增产作物和贡献因素进行了分析。[结果]河南省粮食产量实现“十二连增”主要得益于河南传统粮食作物玉米和小麦的增产,二者贡献率达9192%,小麦贡献稍大于玉米; 单位面积产量的提升对于河南省粮食“十二连增”的贡献要大于播种面积的增加; 两大粮食作物小麦和玉米的增产主要得益于单产的提升; 12年来,河南省18个地市粮食产量都是增产状态,豫东南地区的南阳、商丘、信阳、周口和驻马店5地市为河南省粮食增产的主力。[结论]未来河南省需要在稳定粮食播种面积的基础上,进一步提高粮食作物的单产水平来稳定和提升其粮食生产能力和增长潜力。  相似文献   

目的 随着种植业规模化专业化进程,把握农业生产空间格局演变趋势,对推动农业经济发展尤显重要。方法 文章利用重心模型和区位商指数考察1995—2019年陕西省10个地级市5类14种农作物重心格局的时空演变规律,农作物区域分工和专业化水平。结果 结果表明:种植业重心总体向东北方向迁移的趋势,其中粮食和蔬菜重心分布空间态势相似,稳定向东北方向发展;水果迁移幅度小,迂回波动大;油料和经济作物相似,高密度空间均向西南方向集聚。主要农作物形成一定规模的集聚格局,小麦、玉米、蔬菜向关中集聚,稻谷、油菜、烟草、茶叶和桑类向陕南集聚,大豆和麻类向陕北集聚。结论 陕西省种植业地理集聚趋势总体增强,专业化和集群发展模式多样化,影响因素中第二自然因素(经济主体、产品差异化、市场需求)和政府政策日益凸显。种植业专业化分工比较明显,各地区作物的专业化水平迥异,水果和经济类作物存在一定的地理集中,表现出更高的专业化水平。  相似文献   

根据实地调查,以云南省元江县作为研究区域,对元江主体少数民族现存生产、生活方式进行分析,主要包括主要经济作物、粮食作物的生产以及秸秆的处理方式;农村基础设施建设、文娱活动和村民意识层面的阐述。并从低碳发展的角度,对生产和生活方式提出发展建议。  相似文献   

An analysis of the annual costs of weeds in seven winter crops across Australia demonstrated that the most important 15 weed species cause substantial annual costs in both financial and economic terms. Using survey data captured over the 1998–1999 growing season, the financial cost of these weeds in seven crops was estimated to be AU$1,182 million. The main components of this cost were herbicides (AU$571 million), the competitive effects of residual weeds (AU$380 million), and tillage (AU$206 million) while weed contamination of grain was a minor cost (AU$25 million). Across all regions, the most economically important weeds were annual ryegrass, wild oats, and wild radish, although there were regional differences in importance. An economic surplus analysis determined the annual economic cost of weeds in annual winter crops to be AU$1,279 million. This surplus loss represented 17% of the gross value of Australian grain and oilseed production in 1998–1999. Australian grain producers incurred a major loss, with a reduction in producer surplus of AU$1,047 million. Australian grain consumers had a large consumer surplus loss (AU$229 million), while international consumers suffered a small loss and international grain producers gained a small producer surplus from the higher grain prices.  相似文献   

美洲原产作物的引种栽培及其对中国农业生产结构的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
王思明 《中国农史》2004,23(2):16-27
美洲作物之引种中国大多发生在明清时期,其中既有玉米、番薯、马铃薯这样重要的粮食作物,也有花生、向日葵一类油料作物;既有番茄、辣椒、菜豆、番石榴、番荔枝等蔬菜果树,也有烟草、陆地棉这样的嗜好作物和衣被原料,总数接近30种。虽然它们传入时有先后、途径不一,但在不长的时间中获得了相当快的发展,不少在今天的作物构成中占据举足轻重的地位。究其原因,与明清以来人口激增导致的人地矛盾加剧及市场经济的发展有着密切的关系。美洲作物的传播与发展不仅满足了日益增长的人口的生存需求,适应了人们对营养和享受多方面的需要,对充分用地和养地,提高农业生产效率也发挥了积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

This paper investigates empirically the effect of land invasions on farm production decisions. The main hypothesis is that more invasions in a region are associated with lower investment, and in particular a bias towards annual crops as opposed to long‐term crops. We use a county‐level dataset for the state of Paraná, Brazil, from 2003 to 2007, with 1,995 observations. The panel data structure allows us to control for fixed effects, such as the formalisation of land titles and land concentration, which might be correlated with the intensity of invasions. An instrumental variable fixed effects model was estimated to avoid other sources of bias. Our main finding is that land invasions are associated with lower long‐term crop production and a higher percentage of annual crops, which could accelerate land degradation, and undermine environmental sustainability.  相似文献   

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