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Because coupon advertising has both the characteristics of advertising and sales promotion, it may have distinctive effects on consumers that cannot be explained solely by coupons or advertising. Past studies present contradicting results as to the consumers' response to coupon advertising. Our experiment shows that while the coupon may be an incentive for loyal consumers of competing brands, it may be a distractor for brand-loyal consumers in processing the coupon advertising. For multi-brand users, coupons do not appear to have any distinctive effects on processing the coupon advertising. An empirical investigation of an integrated consumer response model to coupon advertising indeed shows that there are various interactive effects between the coupon and the main advertisement. These results may provide guidelines for making targeting and promotion decisions, especially for an internationally well-known brand that is entering a new market where local or other international brands are already serving the customers.  相似文献   

This research examines the effects of impression management on consumers’ coupon redemption and suggests different underlying mechanisms with respect to cultural self‐construal. Four studies show that, when primed with impression management, individualistic (vs. collectivistic) consumers are more likely to redeem coupons, because individualists believe that coupon redemption creates the impression of being smart. On the other hand, collectivistic consumers are less likely to redeem coupons when coupon usage is visible to others, because they believe that coupon redemption gives the impression of being cheap. These findings are explained within the context of cultural self‐construal and regulatory focus theory.  相似文献   

When a retailer distributes manufacturer coupons to consumers without perfectly identifying their product valuations, consumers may have incentives to trade coupons. We develop a model to capture the coupon trading phenomenon and compare three scenarios: (I) no coupon, (II) coupon without trading, and (III) coupon with trading. We find that coupon trading can increase the profits of either the retailer or the manufacturers, but not at the same time. The retailer benefits from coupon trading when the coupon market is competitive and consumer hassle cost is low, while the manufacturers benefit from coupon trading when the coupon market is uncompetitive and consumer hassle cost is high. In addition, coupon trading does not always increase total demand. Firms benefit from coupon trading by charging higher prices, which leads to a decreased total demand. As a result, consumers end up with a higher average cost under coupon trading. We also compare coupon trading with improved coupon targeting, and find that coupon trading may allow firms to gain higher profits than improved coupon targeting. Further, we extend the main model to a competitive setting where the products are substitutable, and find that the main results still hold. Finally, we employ numerical analysis to identify the optimal coupon face values in different scenarios, and the results suggest that coupon trading combined with incentive mechanisms may lead to Pareto improvement for the channel as a whole.  相似文献   

Is the use of coupons a worthwhile practice for consumers? What defines a cost-effective money-off coupon user? In this study, the time cost of clipping and organizing grocery coupons is compared to actual savings received. Forty per cent of consumers did not reap savings at least equal to their time cost of coupon clipping. Cost-ineffective consumers are identified and compared to the cost-effective group on several demographic and shopping characteristics. Differences are discussed in relation to consumer economics and super-shopper role models.  相似文献   

This research investigates how in-store interactions with cashiers and other retail personnel influence consumers’ use of coupons. To explore this phenomenon, we develop and test a model whereby perceived discrimination and customer metaperceptions of cashier attitudes influence both embarrassment and confidence in using coupons which, in turn, affect the number of coupons redeemed. Importantly, results differ for different ethnoracial-socioeconomic groups and show that perceived discrimination influences some consumers’ coupon use. Moreover, the role of the cashier is crucial in encouraging coupon use among some groups of customers. The managerial implications for supporting coupon use at the point of purchase among diverse consumers are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of coupons on brand choice and repurchase behavior were examined in a laboratory panel experiment. Each of the 122 consumers purchased a candy bar on 10 different occasions; on the seventh purchase occasion, each consumer received an announcement of a new candy bar and one of four versions of a coupon. Results showed that whether or not a consumer will use a coupon depends on the size of the coupon offer, how easily the consumer can redeem the offer, how brand loyal the consumer is, and whether or not the consumer is deal prone. We also found, after statistically adjusting for our censored sample, that loyalty and coupon Characteristics influence whether or not a consumer will continue to purchase a formerly discounted brand. Information aggregation theory (Tybout & Scott, 1983) explains better than attribution theory how the coupon affects repurchase decisions.  相似文献   

In seeking to enhance the effectiveness of coupon promotions, researchers have long sought to identify “coupon prone” consumers. Previous measures of coupon proneness have not examined differences in coupon usage across product categories and have ignored the confounding effect of coupon attractiveness. An Item Response Theory (IRT)-based framework overcomes these limitations and yields category-specific estimates of propensity to redeem coupons that are independent of coupon attractiveness. The authors utilize an IRT-based model to estimate consumers’ category-specific propensities to redeem coupons for two product and two service categories, and investigate how coupon proneness varies across consumers and across categories as a function of individual characteristics and category-specific variables.The authors find that category-specific measures of propensity to redeem coupons achieve an average accuracy of 89 percent in predicting redemption intentions. Propensity to redeem coupons is also found to be related to category-specific brand loyalty and perceived coupon availability, as well as to individual characteristics such as general coupon proneness, value consciousness and price consciousness. These findings highlight the importance of studying coupon proneness at the category level and suggest that the IRT-based approach has considerable promise as a methodology for studying coupon usage. Using the approach proposed in this study, marketers can forecast the impact coupons are likely to have in their particular category, rather than relying on general coupon proneness measures to predict coupon redemption rates at the category level. The study's findings can also be used to identify categories and consumer segments where coupon promotions are likely to have a larger impact, and have important implications for managers planning joint couponing strategies.  相似文献   

Couponing has become an increasingly significant promotional tool for many manufacturers. Consumers are exposed to thousands of coupons every year offering the potential for substantial savings in the household budget. While most consumers appear willing to accept coupons, should they be viewed as a bonanza for consumers or is couponing a promotional technique from which consumers need to be protected? Critics of couponing have suggested their use increases the prices of products and creates an unfair situation in which coupon users are being subsidized by nonusers. This article responds to these and other criticisms of couponing and argues that these accusations may be unjustifiable and that coupons in reality could be in the best interest of consumers.  相似文献   


Will customers' intention to return to a restaurant increase with coupon promotion? To answer this question, this study examines the hypothetical effects of coupon promotion on return visits to restaurants. Based on a literature review, three hypotheses were developed to test the effect of a coupon, its face value, and a patron's prior dining experience on return intention. The authors found that neither coupon use nor coupon face value contributed to explaining respondents' return intentions. However, repeat customers have a greater likelihood of returning to the restaurant than new customers. The study also showed that the quality of food and service were key indicators of return intention.  相似文献   

This paper explores three omnichannel retailing models—that is, a Buy-Online, Pick-Up In-Store (BOPS) model, a Showroom model, and an Interactive model (a model that combines the characteristics of BOPS and Showroom)—under which the retailer offers coupons online and invests in service efforts offline. For each omnichannel retailing model, three coupon distribution scenarios (i.e. no coupon, coupon with a common value, and coupon with a different value) are discussed to investigate coupon promotion policies and omnichannel operation strategies. Profits in the omnichannel system and under each model are compared by deriving three decision values: price, coupon value, and service effort. The key findings show that the retailer achieves profit improvement when the incremental purchasing reaches a large value. In addition, a great service effort coefficient leads to a high price, service effort, and retailer profit. The service effort and coupon value in the Showroom model are the largest among the three omnichannel models, while its profit is the lowest. Conversely, although the retailer invests less in service effort, and the price and coupon value are not too large in the BOPS model, the retailer still gains the highest profit. Additionally, in the BOPS model, it is profitable for the retailer to distinguish the coupon value for the online-only and BOPS channels when consumers are less sensitive to the online-only channel’s coupon. However, in the Interactive model, the retailer derives increasing profit by providing coupons with a common value for the online-only and BOPS channels.  相似文献   

This article explores the local coupon preferences of the 18–29-year old market. Choice-based conjoint analysis was used to determine Millennials’ local coupon needs and preferences. From this data, three need-based segments were identified and discussed. The findings indicate that while overall, millennials are resistant to receiving coupons for local businesses through their cell phones, there is one segment that is receptive to this method of coupon delivery method.  相似文献   

Based on the effort justification explanation, this study tested whether consumers perceive the value of mobile coupons differently depending on how they received them. A 3 (activities to receive a coupon: none vs. online survey vs. game) x 2 (product type: hedonic vs. utilitarian) between-subject design experiment (N = 200) was conducted. Findings suggested that game condition, compared to others, resulted in a higher perceived coupon value. A significant conditional indirect effect was found such that games enhance positive affect especially when the product type was utilitarian, and enhanced positive affect results in further boosting the perceived coupon value.  相似文献   

Pricing tactics persuasion knowledge (PTPK) is a relatively new concept that seeks to extend the research on persuasion knowledge to the pricing domain. Pricing tactics persuasion knowledge refers to the persuasion knowledge of consumers about marketers’ pricing tactics. Employing an acquisition–transaction utility theoretic perspective, this study examines the differential effects of value consciousness and coupon proneness on the accuracy, confidence, and calibration of consumers’ pricing tactics persuasion knowledge. The study finds that coupon proneness is negatively related to accuracy, confidence, and calibration of PTPK, while value consciousness is positively related to accuracy, confidence, and calibration of PTPK. The implications of the study are outlined.  相似文献   

Measuring the impact of coupon availability on consumers’ purchase decisions often poses a problem in forecasting market shares of brands in a retail environment. Because, data on actual coupon availability do not exist or can only be obtained by costly field experiments. The widely used supermarket scanner panel data sets offer information on coupons redeemed by the household for only the specific brand that is bought. However, using the redemption variable introduces bias in brand choice or purchase incidence models because redeeming a coupon implies buying the brand or making the purchase. This study presents a way to infer availability from coupon redemption data and to predict market shares for each brand in a supermarket product category.  相似文献   

Many previous studies have sought to measure consumers’ coupon proneness but have tended to assume that this trait is unidimensional in nature, i.e., an individual's coupon proneness is the same for all types of coupons. It is argued in this study that because consumers differ in the products they shop for and in the types of coupons they are exposed to, their coupon proneness is likely to vary across different coupon types, i.e., is likely to be multidimensional. The authors test this proposition using the item response theoretic (IRT) model proposed by Bawa et al. (J. Marketing Res. 34 (1997) 517). In the Bawa et al. study a single coupon proneness parameter was estimated for each individual. The current study extends the IRT model via a random coefficients approach and estimates separate coupon proneness parameters for different coupon types. The results indicate the presence of distinct segments among consumers, with some consumers displaying a generalized coupon proneness tendency across coupon types and others displaying type-specific coupon proneness.  相似文献   

Firms spend a lot on coupon promotions and are concerned with their profitability. The characteristics of coupons are associated with success of coupon promotions. This research explores how consumer’s regulatory focus (promotion vs. prevention) and product type (material vs. experience) affect when consumers prefer to redeem coupons (coupon redemption time). Results from two studies show that people’s prevention goal strength is negatively related to redemption time consumers prefer. Besides, a fit between people’s regulatory focus and product type leads to earlier redemption than unfit condition. Specifically, experiential purchases are compatible with promotion-focused consumers and material purchases are compatible with prevention-focused consumers. We discuss the findings in the contexts of coupon research and theory on regulatory focus, and further posit managerial implications for the design of coupon promotions or other marketing activities with limited duration.  相似文献   

Coupon use saved consumers $2.9 billion on packaged goods in 2012 with over 90 million Americans using online coupons. Besides saving money, why is coupon use so widespread? An experiment was run where participants (N = 90) shopped online and one‐half received a coupon worth $10. It was found that those who received a coupon had a 14% increase in oxytocin (OT), an 8% decrease in the stress hormone adrenocorticotropin, a 4% decrease in heart rate (HR), a 27% decrease in respiration, a 4% decrease in skin conductance levels, and a 90% increase in high‐frequency HR variability. These factors showed almost no change for those who did not receive a coupon. The findings indicate that coupons elicit physiological reactions similar to having a positive social interaction. In addition, self‐reported happiness correlated with the change in OT (r = 0.43). These findings provide new insights into why online coupon use is so pervasive.  相似文献   

Despite the popularity of constrained mobile coupons in recent years, little research has examined their effectiveness. This paper presents a hidden Markov model (HMM) framework to examine the short-term and long-term effectiveness of minimum-threshold coupons (i.e., threshold-constrained coupons) and limited-time, low-price coupons (i.e., time-constrained coupons). We find that both of them boost consumers' purchase probability during the coupon redemption period. Furthermore, minimum-threshold coupons not only increase consumers’ purchase quantity during the redemption period, but also improve the customer-firm relationship beyond the redemption period. By contrast, limited-time, low-price coupons strengthen the customer-firm relationship only for consumers in a higher relationship state but not a lower relationship state. This study can help marketers allocate limited marketing resources effectively, strengthen and manage the relationship between consumers and firms, and increase product sales.  相似文献   

To investigate changes that e‐coupons bring to consumers' coupon usage, the authors of this article developed and estimated models of coupon‐usage intention. The models are based on the theory of reasoned action or the theory of planned behavior. Results show that the theory of planned behavior explains e‐coupon usage intention better than the theory of reasoned action. On the other hand, the intention to use traditional coupons is effectively explained by the theory of reasoned action. Both perceived behavioral control and attitude toward Internet searching have significant effects on the intention to use e‐coupons. Also, heavy users of e‐coupons are different from those of traditional coupons. Light users of traditional coupons have relatively high intention to use e‐coupons if they have more access to e‐coupons. On the other hand, heavy users of traditional coupons have relatively low intention to use e‐coupons if they have less access to them. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the effects that opportunity cost, income effect, coupon proneness and devaluation effect have on coupon redemption intention. Overall, the results of a survey received from approximately 2250 respondents suggest that prospect of savings and coupon proneness are positively associated, while opportunity cost is inversely associated with coupon redemption intention. The results are consistent across several sub-samples of grocery stores, which further underline the robustness of our hypotheses. Our analyses are more exhaustive than and therefore, contribute to, extant literature on promotions using coupons, because we base our study on behavioral, social and economic factors that influence coupon redemption intentions.  相似文献   

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