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Recent trends in the German food sector have shifted and segmented consumer consumption motives toward indulgence, quality, and sustainability. Simultaneously, in Western countries there has been a change in luxury consumption motives, shifting emphasis to hedonism, self-actualization, and quality instead of prestige. These parallel developments give rise to the question of how food is related to luxury. This study investigates the perceived dimensions of luxury food and outlines a number of segmented consumer groups based on these dimensions. By means of principal component and cluster analyes, seven dimensions were revealed, which generated four consumer segments. Six of the perceived dimensions of luxury food correspond to those that are found within general luxury goods and services. Sustainability and authenticity form a further dimension, mirroring new luxury values. In the cluster analysis, two segments can be identified as target groups for classic premium foods, whereby one group is predominated by new luxury values and the other is expected to buy lower-quality food.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to segment U.S. consumers into four distinct clusters based on their beliefs and motives regarding pro-environmental consumer behavior. Using a nationally representative sample of U.S. adults from Experian Simmons (N = 22,348), this study revealed that: (a) there are four clusters of consumers in the United States with a unique set of beliefs and motives regarding consumer environmentalism; (b) the clusters have distinct demographic and media usage profiles; and (c) the groups have varying responses to the industry's initiatives to protect the environment. Implications of the research are discussed in light of developing message and media strategies for green marketing.  相似文献   

This study examines Chinese consumers’ motives, attitudes toward luxury brands (ATLB), and the impact of ATLB on consumer behavior. Specifically, Chinese luxury consumers were segmented into three groups: the elitist, the distant, and the democratic. Compared to the democratic group, the more one believes luxury is of good quality, the less likely one will belong to the distant group; the more likely one buys luxury for others, the more likely one belongs to the distant group. The more one buys luxury for self-actualization, the more likely one belongs to the elitist group. The more one consumes luxury for social comparison reasons, the more likely one belongs to the elitist. The more often one buys luxury for special times, the more likely one belongs to the elitist. Results show that the elitist on average bought more pieces of luxury products than the distant and the democratic.  相似文献   

Storytelling can arouse consumers' emotions and affect purchasing behavior through desires and attitudes. While the marketing literature discusses storytelling, there is a lack of consensus because of the diverse conceptual and operational definitions used. To untangle the complexities and consolidate the fragmented knowledge about storytelling in marketing, this research examines how the marketing literature has addressed the influence of storytelling on consumers' purchasing behavior. The findings aid in understanding how the topic has been discussed from a marketing perspective in consumer behavior studies. Through a systematic literature review using a bibliometric analysis, we demonstrate that the marketing literature features four strands about the uses of storytelling to influence consumers' purchasing behavior. First, storytelling stimulates the consumer's identification with the brand. Second, storytelling allows consumers to experience emotional value. Third, storytelling supports engagement behaviors. Finally, storytelling has a downside in that it also propagates harmful speech. This study concludes with a roadmap for future research about how storytelling impacts consumers' purchasing behavior.  相似文献   


Five benefit segments are identified for grocery patrons. They include: (1) “Customer Service Seeker,” (2) “Specials' Seeker,” (3) “Take-Home Foods and Modern Store Seeker,” (4) “Low Price Seeker,” and (5) “Small Store Seeker.” The key findings are: (1) large grocery chain patrons compared to small chain patrons stress more the importance of low prices while (2) the small chain patrons compared to large chain patrons stress more the importance of service quality attributes and other non-price criteria. Managerial recommendations are also presented for small grocery chain owners.  相似文献   

Street markets in the urban setting form the bottom of the pyramid market structure, which caters to consumers of semi-urban settlements. Consumers favor these markets for farm-fresh agricultural products and low-priced consumer goods. This study empirically investigates the role of street markets in urban sociodemographic clusters in the shift of consumer behavior against large shopping malls and supermarkets. Data were gathered from 490 respondents engaged in buying products at 373 vending stalls across 14 street market locations in Mexico City. Data were collected on 31 variables and analyzed using structural equation model. The study also addresses street markets as change agents of consumer behavior in the context of marketplace ambience, vending patterns, ethnic values, and interactive customer relations. The conventional shopping wisdom of customers, competitive gains, and socio-cultural advantages are also addressed based on an empirical survey. The study revealed that shopping behavior is largely motivated by the physical factors such as location of marketplace, distance, and vending stall type within the street market. Findings also indicate that consumers possess a strong conviction that street markets offer fresh products of farm and animal origin as well as ethnic food irrespective of hygiene standard.  相似文献   


In recent years, the concept of relationship value has attracted increasing attention among marketing researchers and practitioners alike. Despite a growing body of literature in this area, no generally accepted conceptualization of relationship value has emerged from the marketing literature. The present paper investigates the theoretical foundations of relationship value and identifies seven underlying dimensions. It is suggested that relationship value should be conceptualized as a formative, multi-dimensional, higher-order construct. This conceptualization is tested using data from a cross-sectional survey among some 200 purchasing managers from manufacturing companies. The scale development process is presented and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Segmentation is often a complex and costly process, which commonly involves identifying groups with differing attitudes and behaviors or demographics. However, the segments generated may not adequately explain differences between consumers, or it can be difficult to identify households for target marketing, which consequently makes it difficult to use segmentation in practice. In this paper we present segmentation by household type as a simple method of segmentation, accessible to nonprofit organizations with limited resources and able to be employed using a secondary data set or with relatively simple data collection and analysis. Despite its simplicity, our findings show that this form of segmentation differentiates well between segments in terms of their actual electricity use, their past efficiency behaviors and preferences for efficiency programs. The results of focus groups and a survey of 4,000 households reveal, among other things, the effect of having children and of marital status on energy use and efficiency behaviors, the high curtailment but low investment behaviors of single parent households, and the low efficiency behaviors of shared households.  相似文献   

以往对面子意识的研究大多聚焦面子的定义和维度,较少关注面子意识对消费者行为的影响,即使有少量研究探寻面子意识对消费者行为的影响,也多将面子意识粗略划分为“脸”和“面”两大维度。基于社会身份理论,借鉴前人研究结果,可将面子意识分为道德型面子意识、能力型面子意识、地位型面子意识、关系型面子意识四个维度。而运用实验方法对不同维度面子意识在包含正面道德、能力、地位、关系等四种信息的奢侈品营销情境下的购买意向差异进行配对样本t检验发现,道德型面子意识人群在面对不同定位或广告信息时,对包含正面道德的奢侈品市场定位或广告信息具有更显著更强烈的购买意向;关系型面子意识人群在面对不同定位或广告信息时,对包含关系内容的奢侈品市场定位或广告信息具有更显著更强烈的购买意向;能力型和地位型面子意识人群在面对不同定位或广告信息时,其购买意向没有显著差异。这进一步印证解释了前人的研究结论。因此,从事奢侈品营销的企业要充分了解其顾客人群的面子意识类型,进而根据顾客群体的面子类型,有针对性地进行奢侈品品牌的市场定位或广告策划。  相似文献   

本文从消费者行为学的视角,对比了后现代主义与传统生活方式研究范式,发现五个关键的差异点:传统方法的研究目标是简化细节,而后现代主义方法则更注重细节;传统方法更关注品牌对消费者的普遍意义,而后现代主义方法关注的是品牌对不同消费者的不同意义;传统生活方式研究更偏好定量研究方法,而后现代主义者则更偏好定性研究方法;传统方法得到的市场细分边界是模糊的,而后现代主义的市场细分边界是明显的;传统方法着重于生活方式的特征描述,而后现代主义方法则侧重于理论的发展。文章最后讨论了后现代主义生活方式研究的营销管理意涵。  相似文献   

我国奢侈品税的政策效应分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
闻媛 《财贸研究》2007,18(3):67-70,85
2006年4月,中国调整了消费税税目,将部分游离于消费税之外的奢侈品纳入了课税范围,其目的在于调节贫富差异,促进社会公平。究竟能否达到政策目标,由于改革时日尚短,缺乏足够的数据资料,难以进行实证检验。因此,本文主要从经济学理论方面进行分析和探讨,预期在中国当前的现实状况下,奢侈品税不仅难以缩小贫富差距,相反,还很有可能遏制国内新兴产业的发展。  相似文献   

Culture is one of the major components of negotiation and plays an especially crucial role in international relations. The current state of research is presented and discussed. The type of influence of culture is specified and compared with other categories such as strategic behavior and structural determination.Then, referring to the China case, the way culture impacts on the key elements of negotiation such as actors, structures, strategies, process, and outcome is described and analyzed. Lastly, culture's consequences on the negotiator's cognition, beliefs, behaviors and identity are investigated.  相似文献   

This study explores the influence of street markets in urban geodemographic settings and analyzes vending patterns with ethnic values enhancing consumer satisfaction. Interrelationship among urban dwellers, marketplace ambiance, and conventional shopping wisdom of customers and interactive customer relations are also addressed in the study based on empirical survey. Research on street markets is very limited though some studies are available on street vendors with focus on spatial planning, political interventions, and legal rights. This study on street markets contributes significantly to the existing literature in reference to shopping behavior and perceptional values of urban consumers.  相似文献   

Consumers’ attitude and preferences in regard to food ingredients, country of origin, social corporate responsibility toward the environment, and work conditions have changed over the last 10 years. Consumers are getting more educated and therefore more sensitive around cultivation practices in agriculture and food processing, which increases concerns in regard to production practices in agriculture. Several studies have been conducted on consumers’ preferences about quality food, but not with regard to blonde oranges cv. Washington Navel cultivated in southern Italy. This quality fruit is a niche product that achieved the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) certification for high organoleptic properties and fine taste. In this study, by a survey of 400 Italian consumers, we discovered preferences in regard to the cv. Washington Navel PDO (Riberella) attributes and revealed variables that may influence consumers’ purchasing behavior. Cluster analysis, based on respondents’ rates on 20 attributes, revealed preference segmentation. Freshness, taste, and origin were the most important attributes for consumers, following visual appearance and quality/price ratio. In responding to the demands of consumers for quality fresh fruit, information about quality standards and about the Riberella PDO is poor. Therefore, there may be potential to develop specific policies and marketing strategies to product the position in the international market.  相似文献   


Marketers use various market potential estimation techniques in international markets. These include method of analogy, proxy indicators, chain ratio method, time series analysis, and multiple regression modeling. This study shows how demand or market potential can be estimated using these methods and compares the findings. The study should be useful to both managers and academics interested in the theory and practice of demand estimation. Although emerging markets and durables are used as examples, the methods discussed are universal and can be applied in any country market.  相似文献   

This study explores product value with reference to brand development. The question of which perceived product value acts dominantly has received very little attention, in particular, whether multiple product value may importantly enhance consumers' brand preference/purchase. This research investigates relationships between multiple perceived snack foods' product value, brand preference and purchase intention. Findings show significantly positive effects of brand preference on purchase intention, and brand preference as a mediator between multiple perceived product value and purchase intention. Findings also reveal multiple value perceptions of snack foods, (e.g., functional-price/value for the money and performance/quality, emotional, and social dimensions) be significant in the formation of brand preference, whereas only functional-price/value for the money and emotional value relate to purchase intention directly.  相似文献   

The reach of internet technology and social media has opened abundance of opportunities for marketers as well as for consumers across the globe. To anticipate future purchase behavior of consumers, marketers are not leaving any stone unturned. The main objective of this study is to investigate the direct and indirect impacts of social media marketing activities (entertainment, customization, interaction, word of mouth, and trend) on consumers' purchase intentions in luxury fashion brands. This study employed higher order Structural Equation Modeling to test the study model with (n = 243) sample data. We found positive significant impacts of social media marketing and customer relationships on consumers' purchase intentions. In addition, our study model confirmed full mediation of customer relationships in the relationship between social media marketing and consumers' purchase intentions. Based on our research findings, we strongly recommend that marketers of luxury fashion brands engage in social media marketing activities to provide value to customers.  相似文献   

知名品牌的仿冒和非法贸易问题一直困扰着各国政府和相关企业,反仿冒也陷入了一场无休止的战争。传统的反仿冒策略大多针对仿冒品的供给方,而没有关注仿冒品的需求方,缺乏对消费者购买仿冒品行为的理解,也缺乏相应地有效抑制需求的政策措施。本文在整理和分析现有文献的基础上,借助行为科学的相关理论,从消费者购买仿冒品的动机、行为意向、购买决策、认知失调处理等方面对消费者购买仿冒品的行为进行了理论分析,以期深刻理解仿冒品购买行为的内在机制,为企业制定反仿冒策略提供理论依据和新的思路。  相似文献   

社会阶层是市场细分的重要变量之一,通过对中西方社会阶层研究的回顾提出以经济资本和社会资本为划分维度。对中国消费者进行社会阶层市场细分的方法,包括精英阶层、知识阶层、中产阶层、新富阶层和草根阶层,探讨各社会阶层的核心消费行为特征,指出研究的局限和未来方向。  相似文献   

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