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With cross-border channel partnerships increasingly being forged in global markets, manifest conflict between international partners has become a serious problem leading to potentially deleterious effects on overall channel performance. Using data drawn from a cross-national study of distribution practices in three countries, we investigate whether national culture moderates the relationship between leadership style and channel partner conflict, which, in turn, may impact overall channel performance. Based on the empirical results, a standardized “one size fits all” leadership strategy for conflict management in international channels is unlikely to be successful. Cross-cultural channel management implications are discussed, study limitations are described, avenues for future research are identified, and recommendations are offered for managing cross-national channel partner relationships.  相似文献   

When employees identify with the groups and organizations they work for, this typically has positive implications for work-related attitudes and behaviors. The present paper provides a focused overview of the social identity approach to leadership and some ideas on its cross-cultural generalizability. To this end, we will first outline the basic tenets of the social identity approach and summarize the relations of organizational identification with work-related variables. Then, we will discuss the role of social identity-related concepts for effective leadership. In particular, we will present empirical studies on the following three aspects: (1) the transfer of leader identification onto their followers, (2) the role of leader prototypicality, and (3) the ways for leaders to actively manage the identities of the groups they lead. Finally, we will provide some suggestions on how to implement the principles of identity management into practice and offer suggestions for future research, with a special focus on China.  相似文献   

The existing literature has examined how manufacturers can enhance profits by employing specific channel structures and channel coordination mechanisms. In this paper, we examine the implications of strategically designed managerial incentives for channel performance in a duopoly. We first analyze how equilibrium outcomes (especially manufacturer profits) are altered when the manufacturers provide their channel managers with strategically designed incentives. Following that, we examine how optimal channel structure decisions are altered when manufacturers provide their managers with strategic incentives, i.e., we examine how strategic incentives moderate optimal channel structure decisions. In contrast with the existing literature, we find that an asymmetric channel structure with one manufacturer employing a profit-maximizing retailer and the other integrated manufacturer providing strategic incentives for the channel manager in charge of pricing, is an equilibrium outcome under certain conditions. We then compare how the implications of strategic incentives differ from those of channel structure decisions and channel coordination initiatives, and discuss when and why strategic incentives yield superior outcomes from the manufacturer’s perspective. Our results shed light on the sparsely researched role of managerial incentives in the channel context.  相似文献   


The literature suggests that North American business-people differ from their Latin American counterparts with respect to specific behavioral traits. Our particular interest is in problem solving and in effecting changes in behavior to achieve better problem-solving capability. The purpose of the present study is to assess whether there are differences in problem-solving styles between two culturally different groups of managers registered in MBA Programs: Anglo American and Latin American. Using Kolb's (1984 2006) Learning Style Inventory, it was found that Anglo American managers tended to be relatively action-oriented, “Convergers” (they emphasize decision-making and use deductive reasoning), while Latin American managers tended to be reflection-oriented, “Assimilators” (they emphasize planning and like to create models in their analyses) in their problem-solving styles. The positive and negative aspects of each style are discussed and suggestions for improved decision-making are offered.

RESUMEN. La literatura sugiere que los empresarios norteamericanos difieren de sus contrapartes latinoamericanos, en lo que atañe a ciertos trazos comportamentales específicos. Nuestro interés particular se orienta a la solución de problemas e implementación de cambios comportamentales, con el propósito de adquirir habilidades específicas para la solución de problemas. El propósito de este estudio es evaluar si existen diferencias entre los estilos empleados para solucionar problemas entre diferentes grupos culturales de gerentes matriculados en Programas MBA angloamericanos y latinoamericanos. Usando el sistema de estilos de Kolb (1984 2006) denominado Learning Style Inventory, descubrimos que los gerentes angloamericanos tienden a orientarse con bastante frecuencia en la acción, los llamados ‘Convergentes’ (que hacen hincapié en la toma de decisiones y el uso del razonamiento deductivo), mientras que los gerentes latinoamericanos tienden a volcarse a la reflexión, los llamados ‘Asimiladores’ (que hacen hincapié enplanear y les gusta crear modelos en sus análisis), como característica de sus estilos para solucionar problemas. Discutimos los aspectos positivo y negativo de cada estilo, y hacemos sugerencias para mejorar la toma de decisión.

RESUMO. A literatura sugere que os homens de negócios norte-americanos diferem de seus colegas latino-americanos em traços comportamentais específicos. Nosso interesse particular recai sobre a resolução de problemas e a introdução de mudanças de comportamento para obter uma melhor capacidade de resolução de problemas. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar se existem diferenças nos estilos de resolução de problemas de dois grupos culturalmente diferentes de gerentes matriculados em cursos de MBA: anglo-americanos e latino-americanos. Utilizando o inventário LSI (learning style inventory) de Kolb (1984 2006), constatou-se que os gerentes anglo-americanos tendiam a ser relativamente orientados para a ação, “convergentes” (eles enfatizam a tomada de decisões e o raciocínio dedutivo), enquanto os gerentes latinoamericanos tendiam a ser orientados para a reflexão, “assimiladores” (eles enfatizam o planejamento e gostam de criar modelos em suas análises) em seus estilos de resolução de problemas. Os aspectos positivos e negativos de cada estilo são discutidos, e sugestões para melhorar a tomada de decisões são oferecidas.  相似文献   

当前,黑龙江粮食分销渠道管理存在着粮食加工龙头企业规模小、加工程度低,粮食批发市场发展不平衡,服务功能不强,运输方式发展不均衡,分销效率不高等问题。完善黑龙江省粮食分销渠道管理,应扩张粮食加工产业,完善粮食批发市场建设,加强物流节点建设,发展江海联运、铁海联运等多种运输方式,拓宽粮食外运途径,实现粮食物流四散化。  相似文献   

Global expansion of business into areas defined by different cultural and national environments creates the need for companies to better understand the impact of culture on business operations. Of particular importance is the role country of residence plays. Researchers argue that many cultural differences are malleable, capable of shifting to fit the corporate culture of an organization. However, additional research aimed at identifying different countries’ cultural values is needed. This paper presents the results of a multi-national survey of business students identifying differences in cultural perceptions of ethical behaviors. Differences in personal versus social decision making are discussed.  相似文献   


Using a structural equation modeling technique, we empirically tested a hypothetical hierarchical model where personal values leadership styles job satisfaction organizational commitment. Survey data (N = 205) were collected from retail managers of national retail chain store companies. Our exploratory study found that personal values influenced retail managers' leadership styles, which in turn influenced their intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction. Job satisfaction ultimately influenced organizational commitment. Theoretical and managerial implications for human resources management are discussed.  相似文献   

We introduce the concept of distribution equity torepresent the asset value of a distribution relationship. Distributionequity is characterized as the increase in options value ofmarketing opportunities that result when a firm effectively utilizesits knowledge relationships with an existing distribution channelpartner to create and market its products. By providing a frameworkcharacterizing various forms of knowledge in a channel partnerrelationship and the ways in which they can increase the optionsvalue of a firm's product development and marketing opportunities,we provide a framework for improving the management of distributionequity.  相似文献   

随着近年来各国开放程度的逐步加深与收入差距的持续扩大,对开放条件下收入不平等的研究成为国际经济学领域的热点.文章从传导机制的角度对贸易与收入差距关系的研究作一理论回顾,贸易通过要素价格、需求偏好、技术进步和弹性劳动力市场等渠道影响收入差距.大多研究都秉承经典HO定理的逻辑基础,放松其相关假设条件并将研究对象微观化,认为开放可能导致收入差距扩大而不是降低它,如何运用上述机理分析中国贸易和收入差距的关系并通过教育、相关政策的变化等调节收入差距是后续的研究方向之一.  相似文献   

The functional approach to the design of marketing channels has a long history in the marketing literature. In more recent years, the functional approach has been all but forgotten as the transactions cost approach has come into fashion. Yet, the functional approach offers severl significant advantages over transactions cost analysis, especially when the number of functions is condensed. Using a succint summary of the functions, produced through factor analysis, this paper examines the relationship between the functional performance capabilities of U.S. wholesalers used in the channel structure of foreign manufacturers. A statistically significant relationship was found, thus providing evidence of the role of functions in determining channel structure.  相似文献   

构建关系型营销渠道:一个渠道知识共生网络   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘石兰  江若尘 《财贸研究》2006,17(2):128-132
在传统的交易营销理念指导下所形成的交易型营销渠道因现代营销环境的改变和关系营销理念的广泛应用,其地位和作用日益受到挑战和限制。因此,在这样的背景下,改革交易型营销渠道,建立以关系营销理念为指导的关系型营销渠道成为企业界和理论界共同关注的一个重要课题。本文首先综述了西方营销渠道关系理论的研究内容,然后在交易型营销渠道与关系型营销渠道比较的基础上提出了一个构建关系型营销渠道的渠道知识共生网络。  相似文献   


The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of the provision of two online channel functions on exporting channel performance, using international experience as a moderating variable. The study setting is Taiwan. The results confirm that the provision of online communication and transaction functions can increase exporting channel performance. Moreover, international experience can better facilitate the effect of the provision of online transaction functions on exporters’ channel performance for less-experienced firms rather than for experienced firms. However, its facilitation reverses in course of the provision of online communication functions (albeit in a different direction than hypothesized).  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to carry out an empirical examination of the antecedents of cooperation between manufacturer and distributor. A further objective is to study the levels of satisfaction with the strategic outcomes of such cooperation. We analyze the extent to which cooperation requires not only complementary resources and capabilities of the partners but also goal congruence, trust and relational norms. Cooperation between manufacturer and distributor also involves reciprocal commitment and joint investment in specific assets. Finally, manufacturers and distributors should not only gain satisfaction from the economic, psychological or social benefits of cooperation, but should also gain competitive advantage, profits and strategic outcomes that help to compete in the market more efficiently.  相似文献   


Studies on segmentation based on the diffusion of innovations have primarily focused on new products in developed countries, whereas research in emerging economies focusing on products at a maturity or declining stage has been relatively scarce. In this study, the authors address this problem by analyzing the diffusion trends of 31 durable goods across 70 developed, emerging, or less-developed countries over three decades. They propose a dynamic time-dependent segmentation approach that segments countries based directly on the time-varying diffusion patterns of durable goods. The authors find that biplots provide a rich summary of international diffusion patterns that prevent managers over/under predicting penetration.  相似文献   

This paper approaches the question of corporate integrity and leadership from a civic perspective, which means that corporations are seen as members of civil society, corporate members are seen as citizens, and corporate decisions are guided by civic norms. Corporate integrity, from this perspective, requires that the communication patterns that constitute interpersonal relationships at work exhibit the civic norm of reciprocity and acknowledge the need for security and the right to participate. Since leaders are members of corporate relationships, their integrity will be determined by the integrity of these interpersonal relationships, and by their efforts to improve them.  相似文献   

International business transactions are commonly subject to misunderstanding with respect to truth telling and promise keeping. This paper argues that cultural differences in contexting contribute greatly to these misunderstandings. This study finds support for the hypothesis that the individual-level characteristic of need for approval is related to contexting at the cultural level and to culturally valued communication outcomes. Spanish, Mexican, and U.S. MBAs had significantly different mean scores on the social desirability scale. This study also finds no systematic differences in attitudes toward truth telling and promise keeping in business based on culture. Theory-based implications for research and business practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Word-of-mouth (WOM) is an important influence on the opinions of donors and their donation behaviors. Against a background of more professional donor relationship management, we investigate about how, if at all, nonprofits (NP) manage WOM. We report an in-depth case study of a single NP. We find that there is widespread appreciation that WOM influences NP performance indirectly through its impact on donor acquisition, donor loyalty, and organizational reputation. Whilst the organization employs networking and WOM practices, it stresses the reduction of negative WOM (NWOM) rather than the promotion of positive WOM (PWOM). Crisis management dominates the NP's WOM-related thinking. We find that PWOM emanates from many organizational influences including donor satisfaction, the welfare service itself, networking practices, external suppliers, alliances, its officers and communication practices including both advertising and public relations. We apply a new model, the eight pillars of WOM, to our analysis of WOM management in the case organization.  相似文献   


There is general agreement with the notion of public relations as the management of relationships between interacting organizations and key publics. The news media are a key public for organizations seeking to deliver information to viewers and readers of the media. The relationship between press relations practitioners and news media members, thus, is an important element in the practice of press relations. However, a review of relevant literature finds little to assist those charged with responsibility for managing that relationship. In this study, the authors advance the notion of a media audit as a means of identifying opportunities and issues and to serve as a tool for providing insight into ways to enhance the practitioner—media member relationship. The theoretical framework for the study is that of relationship management, and the research contributes to a growing body of research in that area.  相似文献   

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