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October 1 is the National Day of the great nation of China whose contact with other nations has delivered messages of peace, friendship and prosperity to the rest of the world.Undoubtedly in- numerable bright pages of the book story of human society have been written by Chinese people. The relation between two great ancient nations of Iran and China dates back more than 2000 years and it has always been fruitful and beneficial for both nations and others in the course of this long history.  相似文献   

The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) has planned to open a subsidiary in the United States, as part of its going-global strategy which also involves Russia,Australia and the Middle East,Board Chairman Jiang Jianqing said on October 17.  相似文献   

In the U.S. there is a close relationship between the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), a governmental agency legally responsible for setting accounting standards, and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), a private sector body to whom the SEC has delegated this responsibility. In this paper we examine the influence of the SEC on the FASB as evidenced by all major statements issued by the FASB. Minor statements, amendments, and strictly technical pronouncements were omitted because of their limited exposure to the political process. Our analysis reveals that the SEC applied substantial pressure on the FASB in the standard setting process and has not adopted a position of benign neglect.  相似文献   

Northwest is offering a free economy class ticket from Beijing to destinations in the U.S. mainland, Canada, Honolulu, Tokyo, Guam or Saipan, Mariana Islands to travelers who fly roundtrip in Northwest's World Business Class from Beijing to the U.S. including to Honolulu.  相似文献   

This paper briefly reviews the theories that seek to explain the phenomenon of corporate charitable donations and then provides a review of the empirical issues that have arisen in previous studies in this area. The findings of an analysis of charitable donations data from the entire U.K. FTSE index for the years 1985–2000 are then reported. These findings include the observation of a time-related increase in charitable donations, which is compared with an earlier study to give a 24 year history of charitable donations in the U.K. The findings note little responsiveness of the monetary value of charitable donations to the economic performance of firms. An international comparison over time against U.S. trends is also reported and shows how U.S. corporations have traditionally been more generous than U.K. firms, but that the trend in the U.S. is downwards. Membership of a U.K.-based "tithing" club (the PerCent Club) is shown to be associated with higher profit performance against non-members. Members' charitable contributions against profit are shown to be higher than the FTSE mean although short of the 0.5% target figure in "cash" terms. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of these findings in relation to the theoretical positions advanced for corporate philanthropy.  相似文献   

Recent research has suggested that tax reforms in the United States in the last decade have increased taxes on U.S. investors, but left foreign investors unscathed, fueling a boom in foreign investment. Other researchers claim that uneven enforcement of U.S. corporate tax laws and the opportunity to shift income to artificially lower tax locations give foreign investors yet another advantage over U.S. domestic firms. Willard examines these theories and shows how reforms can create competitive advantages—or disadvantages—for foreign firms relative to domestic firms.  相似文献   

This paper measures the extent to which small businesses in the United States in the late 1980s were able to access the external credit finance they desired. We argue that a comprehensive definition of credit rationing must account for both (a) creditworthy firms that apply for and are denied financing, and (b) creditworthy firms that decide not to apply for desired external financing, given expectations about how long it may take to obtain financing and the evolution of investment opportunities.Data from a national survey of small businesses shows that only 2.14 percent of firms did not obtain the funding for which they applied in 1987–88. Another 2.17 percent may have faced some short-run constraints on investment: they were initially denied by lenders but received the credit for which they applied by the end of the sample period. Finally, an additional 4.22 percent of firms are estimated to have been discouraged from applying because of expected denial.Constrained firms are smaller, younger, and more likely to be owned by their founders than those firms that successfully applied for external finance. The total number of credit constrained firms seems quite small, particularly because we cannot distinguish empirically between creditworthy and noncreditworthy firms. Thus the extent of true credit rationing appears quite limited.  相似文献   

The development of the retail petroleum industry in the U.K. has received only sporadic attention by academics. Whilst the retail petroleum industry in the U.K. is usually thought of as an oligopoly, with a small number of companies controlling the production and movement of products through vertical integration, there is evidence of significant high-level changes in the global industry resulting in the loss of retailing sites belonging to the major companies, and a rise in the number and influence of competitors. These constitute both multiple retailers such as supermarket chains, and at the ‘competitive fringe’, a rise in the number of smaller independents. In this paper, we identify the changes and then analyse the factors underlying them using the Dixonian system model of macromarketing. In contrast to the usual fine-grained approach of the marketing mix, the Dixonian system comprises an hierarchical, systematic view of the product market which suits an analysis of the complexity of the factors in this sector.  相似文献   

No one has an answer as to whether China' s economy will keep chugging along and remain the engine of the world' s economy. I for one am very optimistic as to the country' s growth prospects
With economic data consisting of mixed signals, it' s really a challenge to definitively know how China' s economy is really performing, and where it s headed.  相似文献   

October 1 is the National Day of the great nation of China whose contact with other nations has delivered messages of peace, friendship and prosperity to the rest of the world. Undoubtedly innumerable bright pages of the book story of human society have been written by Chinese people.[第一段]  相似文献   

In 1995, the European Union passed Directive 95/46/EC, which set the legal framework for European Union citizens to own the rights to their personal data. However, American law bestows ownership to the holder of the data, not the individual, and officials feared the European Union initiative might disrupt data sharing among United States and European Union affiliates. Thus, they negotiated the 2000 Safe Harbor Agreement to allow companies to voluntarily submit to yearly certifications that fulfilled European Union demands, but kept U.S. businesses in control of their data; nevertheless, the Agreement does not include financial and banking services. Instead, the United States argued that the privacy protections within the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act adequately fulfilled European Union guidelines. The European Union disagreed and financial data sharing has operated under a moratorium for the past decade. However, the 2008 financial crisis has governments and clients clamouring for more data transparency to determine risk in the financial system. These global efforts, the European Union's recent push to strengthen the Directive, and the Dodd-Frank Act have pushed data sharing to the policy forefront. This article asserts that transatlantic data sharing will ultimately have to accommodate the privacy cultures in both the United States and the European Union, but firms must be prepared to cope with demands on their data by establishing government relations offices, standardizing information systems, enhancing education for compliance officers, and improving business school curricula.  相似文献   

Recenily,hegaveaninterviewtoareporterfromChinaBusinessTimes.aporter:Twoyearsago,whenLorealenteredChinesemarket,withMissGongLi,thefamousChinesemovie-star,asitsimagespokeswoman,China'scosmeticsmarkethadcollectedmanyleadinginternationalbrands.Lorealwasnearlyadecadelaterthantherest.Paul:Inthefieldofcosmetics,foreigncompanieshavebeenenteringthemainlandofChinasincethe1980s.Asaleadingworldbrand,Lorealseemedalittleslow.In1996,wecooperatedwiththeSuzhouMedicalinstitutetoestablishtheSuzhouLorealC…  相似文献   

China has specific regulations on the minimum registered capital and period of investment for the foreign investors to set up enterprises within the territory of the People's Republic of China.  相似文献   

Following months of intense competition. United Airlines [NASDAQ: UAUA], the largest transpacific passenger carrier, connected for the first time ever the capitals of Washington, D.C., and Beijing when its flight touched down at Beijing Capital  相似文献   

The Interim Measures for the Tax Preservation and Enforcement Measures of the Customs of the People's Repubfic of China, which was deliberated and adopted at the executive meeting of the General Administration of Customs on August 13, 2009, entered into effect as of September 1, 2009.  相似文献   

At the 3rd China internationalAircraftFair, the No.1.Group of China AviationIndustry Corporation and the Ministry ofForeign Trade and Economic Cooperationco-sponsored a news release conferenceabout the Annual Report to ForecastingCivil Plane Market in China andDomestic Market Analysis of BranchAirline Planes. It provides the latestforecast results which analyzes civilplanes on Chinese market in upcomingtwo decades supplied by the AviationSystem Engineering Institute (620Institute).…  相似文献   

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