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目前中国就业压力明显趋于增大 ,结构性失业和不充分就业问题也趋于恶化 ;在总需求不足的宏观背景下 ,高等教育需求却长盛不衰 ,且严重供不应求。提出了通过制度创新来扩张高等教育产业以治理结构性失业的构想。  相似文献   

杜威漩 《商业研究》2011,(11):196-202
农地流转是指在不改变农地所有权属性及农业用途的前提下,在农地承包经营权有效存续期内,农地承包经营权以有偿的方式,依法、自愿地从一方农户转让给另一方农户的行为。本文分析了农地流转机制及制约农地流转的不同制度安排,提出实现农地顺畅流转就要构建包括农地产权制度、户籍制度、农村社会保障制度、农业投入制度、农村金融制度、农民教育培训制度、农地交易市场制度在内的制度支撑体系。  相似文献   

The present study attempts to explore and establish a customer retention equity scale and examines its impact on brand value in the Indian banking sector. The data were collected from 500 account holders of the five nationalized banks—State Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India, Housing Development Finance Corporation, and Jammu and Kashmir Bank from Jammu City, North India—using a purposive sampling technique. Structural equation modeling was applied to test the study hypotheses. The study finds that customer retention strategies that include loyalty and affinity schemes, special treatment benefits, a customer feedback survey, a courtesy system, and content marketing significantly contribute to retention equity. Further, the study also reveals that retention equity has a positive and significant impact on brand value and its dimensions—brand loyalty, brand association, and brand awareness. The study contributes to the extant literature by developing and validating the customer retention equity scale from customer perspectives in the Indian banking sector. In addition, the study also integrates the research stream of retention equity with brand value to signify the contributory role of customer retention equity on brand value and its dimensions. Since the study is limited to assessing customer retention equity and brand value relationship, their relationship with other constructs, such as relational quality, customer equity, and customer loyalty, should be explored in further work.  相似文献   

家族制企业管理模式的优劣分析及制度选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,家族制企业具有节省创业成本、提高决策效率、规避代理风险、降低交易费用、增强凝聚力等功能或一般合理性,这是家族制企业具有顽强生命力的内在根源,但另一方面也存在着股权结构一元化、产权制度缺陷、人力资源管理体系落后与继承人选择等诸多问题。文章提出,家族制企业在发展到一定阶段时,应建立现代产权制度,向现代公司制度转换,而转换的关键是建立家族成员退出机制。第一,通过产权稀释实现产权多元化;第二,明晰内部产权,避免内在风险;第三,推行流量股份,提高要素效益;第四,通过产权开放建立公众企业;第五,开展资本运营,促进产权流动。  相似文献   

旅游地形象整合营销体系构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在旅游市场需求日趋个性化、多样化的背景下,整合营销传播理论将取代传统的市场营销组合理论,为旅游地市场营销提供新的理念和途径。旅游地形象营销将取代单纯的产品营销,构建由形象塑造、包装、传播与管理组成的旅游地形象整合营销体系,从而协调、整合旅游地各营销要素,形成统一的旅游营销诉求点,培育统一的旅游地品牌形象,获取最佳、最有效的营销传播影响力。  相似文献   

This study aimed to synthesize fragmented knowledge about international student mobility (ISM) in higher education to provide an understanding of existing studies and directions for future research. To this end, the authors conducted a systematic literature review using a hybrid approach that integrated bibliometric analysis with the theory, context, and method (TCM) framework (Paul et al., Journal of World Business, 2017;52(3):327–342). Applying bibliometric analysis, this study found publication trends, prolific journals, influential articles, and major themes in the field, whereas the TCM framework helped identify widely used theories (motivation theory, immigration theory, acculturation theory, learning theory, and capital theory), research contexts (destination country or region, population, and others), and methods in research and provided future study directions. The identified gaps in the existing literature suggest that future research should develop theoretical foundations and research designs to analyse new processes, patterns, and issues in ISM in higher education within the context of today's changing international environment. In addition to identifying the key research themes and research foundations of ISM in higher education, this review can help add value to the ISM literature from a marketing perspective. This is the first comprehensive literature review of this topic using a hybrid approach.  相似文献   

在高等教育大众化的背景下,学生的学籍问题日益突出,传统的"事后处理型",已经不能适应新时期大学生的特点和需求,建立一套"事前、事中预防型"的主动性学籍预警机制很有必要,它对于保障学生学习利益,树立良好学风,构建和谐的教育环境有着十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

本文选取了中国经济中至关重要的快递业作为研究对象,中国在加入WTO协议中对原本包含在国内邮政业中的快递业作出了相关承诺①,这势必对我国快递业产生全方位的影响。因此,笔者首先对中国入世前后关于快递业预测和发展的相关文献进行综述,其次对中国快递业发展做一简要的回顾性概述,再次从制度变迁的角度对快递业发展进行理论解释的文献梳理,最后是全文的总结。  相似文献   

企业人力资源管理制度建设与策略分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,人力资源管理的目的是建立和保持有效率、有活力的员工队伍,不断为企业的发展选拔、培养有用的人才。企业通过双向选择、竞争上岗、职业生涯设计和完善激励机制等方法,可以逐步形成有利于人才成长的环境。对人力资源管理模式的探索不应局限于传统的自由雇佣模式,应该从企业人力资源管理的系统性、整体性出发,从选人、用人、育人、留人四个方面入手,体现集体合作精神,建立起企业人力资源管理系统模式。  相似文献   

中国城市化发展:一个新制度经济学的分析框架   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
尝试性地用新制度经济学的方法来解释当代中国城市化发展。基于新制度经济学的视野 ,简要阐述了城市化的背景、涵义、发展机制及模式 ,分析了中国计划经济时代自上而下城市化与市场导向改革时期自下而上城市化的制度安排 ,就中国未来城市化发展所需要的制度创新提出了对策建议  相似文献   

We study the applicability of the investment development path to multinationals from developing countries and illustrate these arguments by analyzing the evolution of Brazilian outward foreign direct investment. This model argues that as countries develop, their firms will develop sophisticated capabilities and eventually become multinational firms. In the case of emerging countries, two additional factors accelerate this process. One is the push of pro-market reforms, whereby firms upgrade their capabilities to compete in the home country, thus becoming multinationals earlier than expected. The second is the push of institutional voids, whereby firms avoid excessive and misguided regulations of the local institutional environment.  相似文献   

Using the Relationship Investment Model, this study examines the effects of satisfaction, relationship investment dimensions, and alternative attractiveness on student commitment and, consequently, on student engagement towards higher education institutions (HEIs). This research adopts the positivism, quantitative, and deductive approaches. Data were gathered from a sample of 250 students through the street-intercept systematic sampling and were analyzed using structural equation modelling. The findings reveal that satisfaction and student direct investment significantly affect student commitment, which in turn influences student engagement towards HEIs. While the findings provide guidance to HEIs in designing an effective engagement program that will ensure their relevance in the competitive educational world, this research is limited by several factors, which will require refinement and replication in future research.  相似文献   

Brand orientation has been recognized as having a positive impact on organizational performance in both commercial and nonprofit sectors. However, limited studies have examined the moderating effects of brand orientation in the nonprofit sector, particularly in the higher education context. This study attempts to examine the construct of brand orientation from the perspective of the students and examine its moderating role on the relationship between service quality, satisfaction, loyalty, and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication behavior. Two hundred and fifty-eight questionnaires were completed by undergraduate students of an Australian university. The study found that students’ perception of a university’s brand orientation significantly moderates the relationship between service quality, loyalty, and WOM communication behavior. Significant managerial and theoretical implications were identified.  相似文献   

Based on the suggested five-pillar institutional framework, the study empirically investigates the impact of the institutional environment on internationalization aspirations of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in emerging economies and maps their strategic responses against imposed institutional pressures. The data collected across five forest cluster SMEs in Saint Petersburg and Moscow are analyzed. Political instability, corruption, bounded cognition, over-patriotism, and high power distance act as the main constraints, while demands for new knowledge and funding are identified as the main drivers for internationalization. The classified institutional challenges are mapped against the possible strategic responses of the SMEs, such as acquiescence, compromise, avoidance, defiance, and manipulation.  相似文献   

企业家制度能力和企业家战略能力是中国经济体制改革对企业家主导性能力的现实要求。战略企业家是具有很强制度能力和战略能力的企业家,是制度变迁中的企业家成长的高级模式。在价值判断意义上,"浙商"企业家成长模式与制度变迁进程存在动态适应关系。在浙江处于市场经济体制完善时期,"浙商"应该成为战略企业家,而"浙商"要成长为战略企业家,面临着制度约束和战略约束。打破这些约束,有三条路径可供选择:"先制度能力,后战略能力"路径;"先战略能力,后制度能力"路径;"制度能力和战略能力并举"路径。  相似文献   

This article presents the results of exploratory field research investigating the impact of the enabling institutional environment and internal firm capabilities in the information technology sector in St. Petersburg, Russia. Through a series of semi-structured interviews and confirmatory research through the UNDP and UNIDO, the study finds the emerging institutional environment remains weak, unpredictable and unstable, creating challenges for SMEs to contribute to the growth and development of the Russian economy.  相似文献   

班级导师制主要由专业教师担任导师对学生进行思想引导、心理疏导以及学习辅导等方面的工作,突出对学生的个性化培养输出和综合素质的提高,是对现行的高校"辅导员"制度的有益补充,是新时期高等教育学生教育管理上的改革和探索。本文针对独立学院的学生特点,以三亚学院为例,调查了班导制在实施过程中遇到的问题,探索了班导制健康发展的机制建设。  相似文献   

制度创新机制:中国现代物流产业发展的推动力   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着我国国民经济的快速增长,现代物流产业所面临的制度困境日益成为发展的瓶颈.市场经济制度的完善与经济发展方式的转变是现代物流产业发展的前提条件,制度创新从根本上决定着现代物流产业发展的方向与路径,是现代物流产业发展的突破口,而高效管理机制、产业融资机制、技术创新机制和人才培养机制的形成,则是中国现代物流产业发展的推动力.  相似文献   


The fact that organic products are growing in popularity is indisputable. This article looks at organics from an instrumental/symbolic perspective and discusses the marketing implications associated with this perspective. Additionally, the article identifies a number of issues for future research that should be examined in the context of organic product marketing.  相似文献   

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