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The paper analyses the advertising as power vs. advertising as information controversy as well as its recent empirical testing. It is stressed that this distinction focuses too much on the interaction between consumer and manufacturer while ignoring the retailer as an important stake-holder. To compensate for this lack, a complex marketing system perspective is introduced in which consumer, retailer, and manufacturer interact. However, these complex marketing systems might drift towards market equilibria which are against the consumer interests: that is, firmsmight lock out brands from the market by means of trade and sales promotions and then use advertising to protect their position. Consequently brands of better quality and/or innovative brands are barred from trade shelves.
Werbung, ProduktqualitÄt und komplexe Marketingsysteme
Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag behandelt die kontroverse Gegenüberstellung von Werbung als Marktmacht und Werbung als Information, sowie einen neueren Versuch, diese Kontroverse empirisch zu entscheiden. Der Autor betont, da\ sich die Kontroverse zu stark auf die Interaktion zwischen Konsument und Hersteller konzentriert, wÄhrend der Handel als eigenstÄndig beteiligte Instanz übersehen wird. Um diesen Mangel zu beheben, führt er eine komplexere Perspektive des Marketingsystems ein, in welcher alle drei Instanzen interagieren. Die Analyse ergibt jedoch, da\ sich solche komplexe Marketingsysteme auf Gleichgewichte zubewegenkönnen, die gegen das Konsumenteninteresse gerichtet sind. Unternehmen können Konkurrenten mit handelspolitischen Ma\nahmen vom Markt fernhalten und dann ihre eigene Position mit Mitteln der Werbung schützen. Folgich können Marken besserer QualitÄt oder innovative Produktenwicklungen vom Markt ferngehalten werden.

Store choice has been studied extensively in the literature, but store format choice has had limited research attention. The store format choice for bulk grocery purchase being a rational context is well conceptualized in the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) framework. Attitude behaviour linkages are well explored but there is rare consensus on the components of attitude, their interrelationship and resultant impact on conation. The Theory of Reasoned Action has evolved over time to incorporate perceived behavioral control and past behavior to improve its explanatory capability as TPB; however, it has maintained its unidimensionalist approach and has not tested affect and cognition independently for its impact on behavior. This paper explores a Converging framework of the Affect and Cognition components of attitude and tests their independent impact on store format choice behaviour. The results indicate that Affect operates independently and has stronger impact on format choice especially in more evolved and familiarized contexts whereas cognitive evaluation is strong in relatively newer formats. There seems to be an interplay between Cognition and Affect over time with cognition transitioning into affect as familiarity with choices increases.  相似文献   

With the use of field data from a live theater company, this article demonstrates that customers' goal orientation affects not only what information is used in assessing overall satisfaction, but also downstream measures of level of satisfaction and product usage. The study segmented the customers into four groups based on their goal orientations for the established arts goals of cultural enrichment and relaxation, finding that the different groups weigh the attributes of the service differentially in determining overall satisfaction based on each attribute's ability to fulfill their goals. Furthermore, customers whose goals match the organization's orientation give the product a higher evaluation and utilize it more often. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This research proposes that frustration during the purchase process for high‐technology durable goods has a significant effect on the probability that consumers will commit to a technology and make a purchase. In order to explore the effects of consumer frustration on the purchase process, a scale is developed that reveals that frustration in high‐technology decision environments is composed of two dimensions, processing frustration and frustration with the pace of technological change. These dimensions of frustration have a significant effect on consumer choice behavior. While processing frustration significantly reduces the probability of commitment to a technology, the probability of making a decision is significantly lower when consumers are frustrated with the pace of technological change. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Cross-channel free-riding, in which consumers use one retailer′s channel to prepare a purchase and then switch to another retailer′s channel to purchase, can substantially erode profit margins. This research aims to understand such free-riding from a consumer empowerment perspective, investigating shopping motives and sociodemographic covariates, as well as how this behavior might differ across product categories. A survey study of decision-making behavior shows that cross-channel free-riders mainly seek to fulfill price comparison, convenience and flexibility needs. The likelihood of free-riding is higher when consumers adopt cross-channel rather than single-channel behavior, which highlights a negative outcome of multichannel retailing. The likelihood of cross-channel free-riding differs across products but not sociodemographic covariates. The findings can be used to develop recommendations for managing retention strategies.  相似文献   

Attraction and substitution effects have been shown to be important determinants of brand choice when a new brand is added to a choice set. A simple framework is proposed for predicting the effect on relative market shares when a new brand is added to the choice set in an experimental setting. The study attempts to replicate previous results concerning the relative impact of attraction and similarity and to extend empirical findings to brand attribute positionings not examined in recent research on the attraction effect. Generally, the proposed framework operates as hypothesized, and results suggest that, in some instances, a new brand may benefit substantially from the joint effects of attraction and similarity.  相似文献   

The current research proposes that the extent to which consumer choices are affected by the decision process depends on the underlying nature of the choice problem. Specifically, choices resulting from substantial inter-brand comparisons and tradeoff analyses are vulnerable to whether product information is evaluated by attribute- or alternative-based processing. By contrast, choices resulting from a minimal cognitive processing are less sensitive to variations in the decision strategy employed. We test our theory in the well-known domain of choice context effects. Across three studies using multiple operationalizations of the decision process (i.e., information display format, product presentation mode, and processing goal), we find converging evidence that the more cognitively involving compromise choice increases when the environment facilitates attribute- versus alternative-based processing. Conversely, the choice of asymmetrically dominating option, which is characterized by relatively little analytical processing, does not depend on the type of decision strategy highlighted by the task.  相似文献   

Background music adds a multisensory element to marketing and e-commerce. Applying interactive sensory-enabling technologies (SETs) to online shopping websites is an area of interest in sensory marketing. This research examines interactive background music in e-commerce and investigates how online consumer involvement moderates the effects of interactive music. Single-factor experiments with three conditions (interactive music, static background music, and control) were conducted to investigate its impact on experiential value, cognitive value, and purchase intention of high- and low-involvement consumers among both students (Study 1, N = 251) and nonstudent samples (Study 2, N = 218). Different music genres were applied to stimuli of the two studies to demonstrate the generalizability of the findings. Results find that interactive music enhances the experiential value of e-commerce for low-involvement consumers. By contrast, high-involvement consumers show greater purchase intention under the interactive music condition due to a heightened level of perceived cognitive value. Involvement is an effective predictor of elaboration and purchase intention under the interactive music condition, but not under the other two conditions. The contribution is twofold: (a) it shows the impact of music as an interactive SET and, (b) demonstrates the moderating role of consumer involvement in the context of multisensory integration in e-commerce. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed along with limitations and directions for future research.  相似文献   

This research examines the effectiveness of different metaphor types (juxtaposition vs. replacement vs. fusion) while taking into account the potential impacts of product type, consumer gender differences, and consumer cognitive capacity. The experimental results indicate that ads with metaphors are more effective than those without, regardless of the type of metaphor being used. For females, a replacement metaphor is more effective in ads for ‘search products’, while a juxtaposition metaphor is more effective in ads for ‘experience products’. Juxtaposition metaphors are more effective for males, regardless of product type. When the focus is narrowed to the cognitive capacity of female participants, metaphor type and product type are found to have an interactive effect on females with high cognitive capacity. Fusion metaphors have the advantage when promoting a search product to high cognitive capacity females. The results suggest that practitioners can more effectively promote their products by choosing the right type of metaphor.  相似文献   

While the linear model has been very successful in explaining the product evaluation process of consumers, it is quite uncertain what the model actually means in terms of underlying cognitive processes. An alternative model is developed, based on semantic network models developed in the psychology of memory, and used to explain the product evaluation process. It is shown that in certain cases this model leads to an information integration process structurally similar to the lineat model.  相似文献   

The country-of-origin (COO) of products has been shown to affect consumer choice, especially in situations where the origin has a stereotypical association with particular products and depending on certain consumer traits (e.g., national identity, consumer ethnocentrism). However, little is known about how these phenomena are related. Two controlled experiments conducted in two different countries and product categories reveal that product ethnicity moderates the impact of national identity but not of consumer ethnocentrism. National identity is found to influence consumer preference only if the foreign product ethnicity is higher but not lower than that of comparable domestic products. Furthermore, while consumers with a low national identity are positively affected by a high product ethnicity of foreign products, this effect vanishes with increasing levels of national identity. This research has implications for academics and practitioners alike, as it examines important boundary conditions of country-of-origin effects that have been undiscovered so far.  相似文献   

This study examines effects of consumer attitudes toward a salesperson, a product, and a retailer on purchase intentions for a major purchase. A structural equations model is tested that allows a comparison of the size of effects attributable to these three attitudinal sources. The results suggest a significant direct influence of attitude toward the product on purchase intentions whereas the effect of attitude toward the salesperson is mediated by attitude toward the retailer. These findings suggest that from a retailer’s perspective, appropriate salesperson behavior can be a critical success factor since consumer attitudes toward the product appear to work independently. Other results and implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

This study explores how brand credibility and brand prestige affect brand purchase intention and empirically investigates how the combinatory mechanism of brand credibility and brand prestige materialize across multiple product categories. The proposed model of six latent constructs is tested with structural equation modeling analysis: brand credibility, brand prestige, perceived quality, information costs saved, perceived risk, and brand purchase intention. The results suggest that both brand credibility and brand prestige positively influence brand purchase intention through perceived quality, information costs saved, and perceived risk under different product categories representing the high and low self‐expressive nature. Several implications for advertising messages and brand positioning strategies are discussed. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Many variables have been proposed as additions to the theory of planned behaviour structure, and evidence exists to support the value of a measure of ethical obligation and self‐identity. Furthermore, some research has suggested that ethical obligation may serve as an antecedent to attitude as well as intention. This paper presents findings from a large scale survey that highlights the usefulness of ethical obligation and self‐identity in the prediction of intention. Additionally, the role of both these variables in the prediction of attitude is also suggested. This is examined within the ‘ethical’ context of fair trade grocery purchases. Methodological implications for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

This article investigates factors of marketing communications and consumer characteristics that induce reminder impulse buying behaviour. Study 1 applies the antecedent, process and consequence approach to investigate the essential differences between reminder impulse buying and pure impulse buying. The results of Study 1 reveal that reminder impulse buying significantly differs from pure impulse buying on motivation, buying goal and decision evaluation. Study 2 further examines how sales promotion strategy might affect reminder impulse buying, with product appeal and consumer traits as moderating factors. Both sales promotion strategy and its interaction effects with product appeal are found to have significant influences on reminder impulse buying. Specifically, an instant‐reward promotion promotes stronger reminder impulse buying than a delayed‐reward promotion. Furthermore, both a utilitarian product appeal with a price discount promotion and a hedonic product appeal with a premium promotion can encourage greater reminder impulse buying.  相似文献   

Consumers often make purchase decisions while under time pressure. This research examines the effect of time constraints on the choice of brands that differ in perceived quality, price, and product features. Specifically, when making choices under time pressure, consumers were found to be more likely to choose higher-quality brands over lower-quality brands and top-of-the-line models with enhanced product features over basic models with fewer features. Alternative explanations for these effects are explored, and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Since the mid-1960s there has been a significant increase in the number of public interest groups in Canada and the United States. Representing environmental, social and consumer interests, these groups serve as focal points through which consumer, business and government sectors interact. In the area of housing and community planning, public interest groups have been able to influence housing and planning policy to reflect the interests of housing consumers. Never, however, has a senior's advocacy group arisen with the purpose of attempting to influence the public and private sectors in the field of mortgage finance. Canadians for Home Equity Conversion (CHEC) is a grassroots advocacy group that represents exactly this cause. It is the purpose of this paper to describe the evolution of CHEC in order to broaden our understanding of the role of consumer interest groups in new product development. Home equity conversion will be discussed in the context of consumer, business and government interaction, and will serve as a case study that illustrates the public interest movement.  相似文献   

The paper builds on and extends the current understanding of materialism by investigating the effects of two forms of materialism (i.e., possession- and social inclusion-defined) on consumer behavior (i.e., purchase and patronage) toward products of different categories (i.e., economical versus luxury) and types (i.e., goods versus services) in different marketplace scenarios (i.e., individual versus group). Using data partitioning on a random sample of 323 consumers to generate usable cases for three interrelated studies, the paper reports that the effects of possession- and social inclusion-defined materialism are consistently accentuated in the purchase of luxury goods rather than economical goods, whereby consumers with high levels of possession- and social inclusion-defined materialism are more likely to purchase luxury goods than consumers with low levels of possession- and social inclusion-defined materialism. However, the paper finds that possession- and social inclusion-defined materialism have no significant effects on the individual and group patronage of economical and luxury services. The paper concludes with the implications of these findings for theory, practice, and future research.  相似文献   

Results of three studies show that the effectiveness of positioning strategies based on similarity and dissimilarity vis‐à‐vis other brands or with respect to the product category as a whole is moderated by the degree of familiarity of the consumer with the objects of comparison (Study 1) and by the degree of imageability and concreteness of the memory representation of the product category (Studies 2 and 3). Perceptual judgments appear to be more responsive to similarity and dissimilarity positioning either when consumers are more familiar or when product categories allow consumers to form clear, concrete memory representations. Study 3 shows that such effects are due to a shift in the relative proportion of common and distinctive features made salient under similarity and dissimilarity instructions. Methodological and practical implications are discussed. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

State consumer protection agencies provide alternatives for consumer inquiries and for redress when consumers are unable to obtain satisfaction. In this study, the major objectives were to determine whether consumers used the services of the Kentucky Consumer Protection Division, the frequency of contact, the method of contact, the satisfaction/dissatisfaction with handling of inquiries or complaints and characteristics of inquirers/complainers. Four different surveys were used to obtain the data. The data analysis indicated that a large percentage of those who made inquiries or complained were satisfied. However, only a small percentage of the consumers had contacted the CPD, and very few used the hotline in making requests or complaints. Those who had contacted the CPD were younger, better educated and had higher incomes. Among the recommendations are that increased efforts be made to publicize the hotline and other CPD services.  相似文献   

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