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An information processing model is proposed for understanding and predicting cognitive behaviors underlying the generation of an inference. J. R. Anderson's theory of cognitive skill learning serves as the basis for the conceptual model. Specific predictions are generated concerning the impact of different levels of prior knowledge on the occurrence of inference and on the types of inference processes. An effort is made to demonstrate how the theory can be developed into a formal, predictive model in the form of a computer simulation model. Finally, some suggestions for future research directions are discussed. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The use of mobile devices by consumers and the accompanying response by retailers is rapidly revolutionizing the retail environment. In the past, retailers have focused primarily on the outcome (to purchase or not to purchase) of the consumer decision process, but now mobile technologies give retailers the opportunity to more actively influence the entire consumer decision-making processes. The increasing use of mobile devices by consumers makes shopping a continuous rather than discrete activity that requires retailers to engage with their customers at critical touch points of the decision process in order to provide a more customer-centric experience. This change in focus from the decision outcome to the decision process signifies an important paradigm shift for the retailing industry. After an extensive review of the literature, we identify four pillars that form the foundation for the mobile shopping revolution and represent the essential ways and means through which retailers can engage with consumers during the decision process. We also discuss the different areas in which the pillars can enable retailers to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage in the mobile shopping era.  相似文献   

物流活动可能发生在跨越多时区的广阔区域内,是具有挑战性的经济活动.强化物流作业最直接的方法就是对各项主要物流活动进行绩效评价并提高其运作效率.与此同时,也必须了解整个物流系统的总体绩效,这种跨功能的综合性考虑,可以避免个别活动为达到自身优秀而牺牲物流系统的总体利益.  相似文献   

The most important findings of a research project on consumer organizations in the FRG point to the necessity for an alternative orientation in consumer policy in circumstances of economic crisis. During the thirty years of their existence, consumer organizations have specialized in educating the consumer about the rules under which the market operates and have requested the suppliers to comply with these rules. The organizations are faced today, however, with the situation that the process of interaction between producer and consumer functions only to a limited extent as an instrument for securing the satisfaction of wants. Many indicators show that the dynamics of economic development are taking a hold on more and more spheres of life and are jeopardizing the substance of natural and social living conditions. The inquiry shows that the consumer organizations, in contrast to the numerous initiatives of those affected, have gained no effective access to this problem. This reinforces the tendency towards an unfruitful polarization between grassroots-oriented forms of protest and traditional, in part publicly financed and institutionalized, interest representation structures.
Verbraucherpolitische Alternativen: Eine Untersuchung der Verbraucherorganisationen in der Bundesrepublik
Zusammenfassung Gegenstand des Forschungsprojektes waren Alternativen der Verbraucherpolitik und der Organisierung von Verbraucherinteressen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Innerhalbe eines kooperativen Arbeitszusammenhangs von 6 Forschungsteams bildet das Projekt einen Bestandteil des Verbundes EMPIRISCHE VERBRAUCHERFORSCHUNG. Die hier thesenhaft referierten Ergebnisse beziehen sich auf die Evaluation unterschiedlicher Verbraucherorganisationen in der BRD (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Verbraucher, Verbraucherzentralen, Stiftung Warentest, Stiftung Verbraucherinstitut).Die Verbraucherorganisationen stehen gegenwärtig vor dem Problem, daß aus dem Umfeld von Konsum und Reproduktion Problemlagen entstanden sind, die mit der traditionellen Orientierung der Verbraucherorganisation an Markt und Wettbewerb allein nicht mehr effizient zu bearbeiten sind. Umwelt- und Gesundheitsgefährdung, Verknappung der Rohstoffe sowie die Zerstörung traditioneller Lebens- und Kommunikationsformen bilden Stichworte einer gesellschaftlichen Diskussion, die als Indikator dafür zu werten ist, daß die Dynamik der ökonomischen Entwicklung auf immer mehr Lebensbereiche übergreift und natürliche und soziale Lebensbedingungen in der Substanz gefährdet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß die Verbraucherorganisationen bisher keinen effizienten Zugang zu diesen Problemen gefunden haben und so die Tendenz zu einer unfruchtbaren Polarisierung zwischen basisorientierten Formen des Protestes und den traditionellen, teilweise öffentlich finanzierten und institutionalisierten Strukturen der Interessenvertretung verstärkt wird. Die Untersuchung geht daher der Frage nach, ob die für die gesellschaftliche Integration wichtigen intermediären Organisation so organisiert werden können, daß sie ihre Vermittlungsfunktion zwischen den zentralen gesellschaftlichen Entscheidungsprozessen und der Ebene alltäglicher Betroffenheit nicht verlieren. Dem stehen die korporatistischen Beziehungen zwischen den Verbraucherorganisationen und der Bürokratie entgegen, über die sich gegenwärtig die staatliche Option der Rückverweisung ökonomischer, sozialer und gesellschaftspolitischer Problemlagen an den Steuerungsmechanismus der Marktregulation auch in der Verbraucherpolitik durchsetzt. Ein deutlicher Hinweis ist die Tendenz zur Ökonomiesierung der Verbraucherorganisationen. Mit der zunehmenden Umstellung auf kommerzielle Angebote an Verbraucherinformation drohen sie zu Dienstleistungsunternehmen zu entarten. Der Alternativentwurf zielt darauf ab, daß die Verbraucherorganisationen, entgegen der bisherigen Konzentration auf Probleme des formalen Austauschprozesses zwischen Produzenten und Konsumenten, neue und u.U. konfliktäre Problemfelder des Konsumbereiches zum Selektionskriterium ihrer Tätigkeit machen. Soweit hierbei disparitäre Bedürfnisbereiche und nicht Marktprozesse den Ausgangspunkt bilden, wird die Orientierung der Verbraucherpolitik an Markt und Wettbewerb in Teilbereichen durch die Bedürfnisorientierung ergänzt.

Bernd Biervert is Professor of Economics and Reinhard Rock is Professor of Business Administration, both at the Bergische Universität — Gesamthochschule Wuppertal, P.O. Box 10 01 27, D-5600 Wuppertal, FRG. Kurt Monse is Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter at the same university.  相似文献   

The first section examines the advantages and disadvantages of electronic funds transfer at point of sale (EFTPOS) as a payment method for consumers. The next section looks at the legal issues and especially at consumer problems arising from the use of wellestablished related technology, automated teller machines (ATMs). The third part sets out the European Commission's strategy for EFTPOS. Finally, the last section summarizes the consumer issues involved and suggests that an international legal framework is needed to deal with them.  相似文献   

Based on the contingency, transaction, and trust theories, this paper explored how the green cooperation between supplier and customer in last-mile logistics contributes to consumers’ sustainable consumption behaviors and trust and transaction cost's contingency role. We collected survey data from 453 users of green shopping platforms in South Korea (e.g., Homepick and Smart Locker) and analyzed the data using structural equation modeling. The results suggest that green cooperation with companies positively affects consumers’ sustainable consumption behaviors and trust, and transaction costs negatively moderate such relationships. In addition, customer trust positively affects sustainable consumption behavior and loyalty. We also found that improved sustainable consumption behavior can form loyalty, but transaction cost decreases its positive impact. This paper evaluates the last-mile delivery through green cooperation and enriches the literature on contingency, transaction cost, and trust theories.  相似文献   

资本弱化——国际避税的焦点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
资本弱化已成为跨国公司国际避税的一种重要手段,也是国际税收领域的重要课题,许多发达国家都针对这种情况制定了相应的反避税措施。我国加入WTO以后,外商来华投资企业日益增多,资本弱化避税问题日加显现,我国应从选用固定比率法、制定适合的债务/股本比率及关联方认定标准等方面加以应对。  相似文献   

一、采购依据与发货依据 1.采购依据及对采购的控制 任何合同的签订必须有依据.因此在物流管理中首先要明确的就是采购依据及对采购过程的控制,采购依据包括采购的物量、采购的价格、采购的时机,如图1.  相似文献   

通过业务流程分析、数据流图及E—R图等详细阐述了粮食物流生产管理信息系统的开发步骤和方法,以及在系统中所体现出的实时收集生产过程数据、管理系统与控制系统自动进行数据交换等特点。  相似文献   


Consumer logistics (CL), focuses on the role of consumers in the logistical processing of goods for the purpose of consumption from point of acquisition to the point of disposal. The objective of this study is to test and validate the CL scale as introduced by Bahn, Granzin, and Tokman for grocery shopping in a previously unexplored country setting, namely in Turkey. Our findings show in contrast to Bahn et al. only six CL functions: information search, transportation management and materials handling, storage management & inventory needs assessment, contingent inventory operations & product acquisition, intra-household communication, and interdependent transportation operations. These six CL functions are more applicable for an emerging market, such as Turkey. These findings are consistent across the different socio-demographic characteristics in our sample.  相似文献   

Single-parent families are becoming a larger part of American society. But what is known about their decision-making processes? Role strain is of particular interest when studying single parents because of their need to serve multiple family roles otherwise carried out by dual-parent families. In this study, the consumer decision process for single parents is empirically examined in the context of grocery shopping. Role strain was found to have a significant effect on problem recognition style and reactive shopping behaviors. Advertising positively influenced proactive shopping behaviors and had a negative relationship with reactive shopping behaviors. Implications for food retailers are provided.  相似文献   


This paper examines the reasons why Seagram Europe & Africa (SE&A) decided to develop their database marketing capability in Europe. The paper describes the environmental changes, external and internal, that led SE&A to re‐evaluate their marketing communications strategy and examine sponsorship and direct marketing opportunities for Europe. The paper focuses on the major issues SE&A addressed when weighing up the strategic role of database marketing. Finally, the key considerations in the development and implementation of an European‐wide database marketing discipline for the division are discussed.  相似文献   

在应对各类重大突发性公共事件实践中,我国已经具备了一定的应急物资保障能力,但多数情形下,第一时间的应急物资保障总体上还难以实现.究其原因,主要是应急物流体系建设严重滞后.加快应急物流体系建设迫在眉睫,建立并完善应急管理协调机制:制订并优化应急管理行动流程;制订并完善应急管理法规体系;搭建应急管理信息平台势在必行.  相似文献   

The gains and losses for consumers as a result of ratification of the Treaty on European Union, agreed at Maastricht in 1992, remain in the balance. Article 129a widens the scope for strengthening EC consumer protection policy. A restrictive interpretation of the subsidiarity principle enshrined in Article 3b may, conversely, narrow the potential for Community action. A EUROBAROMETER opinion survey conducted on behalf of the Commission in March and April 1993 revealed that a narrow majority of EC consumers (49% against 45%) considered that consumer protection policy should be decided by national governments alone. Yet for a large majority of consumers — 67% throughout the Community — the Single Market was perceived as having made little practical impact. These findings suggest a dislocation between consumers' expectations of the Community and their practical experiences of its effects. A dynamic approach to consumer policy, based on Article 129a, is an essential pre-condition to building consumer confidence in the Community's programme of market integration. Subsidiarity can enhance the process by ensuring that EC legislation is the most appropriate means of achieving a high level of consumer protection. This imperative may, however, fall victim to differing perceptions of the national interest and a Euro-sclerosis which stifles initiative.
Das Subsidiaritätsprinzip: seine Implikationen für die Verbraucherpolitik
Zusammenfassung Vorteile und Nachteile, die der Maastrichter Vertrag von 1992 für die Verbraucher gebracht hat, halten sich in etwa die Waage. Art. 129a erweitert die Möglichkeiten zur Stärkung der EG-weiten Verbraucherpolitik. Andererseits schränkt die Interpretation des Subsidiaritäts-Prinzips, wie sie in Art. 3b enthalten ist, den Spielraum für Gemeinschaftsaktionen ein. Eine europaweite Meinungsumfrage, im März und April 1993 im Auftrage der Kommission durchgeführt, ergab, da\ eine schwache Mehrheit der europäischen Verbraucher (49% gegen 45%) der Ansicht ist, da\ Verbraucherpolitik ausschlie\lich in nationaler Zuständigkeit verbleiben sollte. Allerdings war eine deutlichere Mehrheit (von 67%) der Meinung, da\ der gemeinsame Markt nur geringe praktische Wirkungen gebracht hat. Diese Ergebnisse deuten auf eine Diskrepanz hin zwischen den Erwartungen der Verbraucher an die Gemeinschaft einerseits und ihren tatsächlichen Erfahrungen mit den Auswirkungen. Ein dynamischer Ansatz der Verbraucherpolitik, aufbauend auf Art. 129a, ist eine wichtige Vorbedingung für die Bildung von Verbrauchervertrauen in das Gemeinschaftsprogramm der Marktintegration. Das Subsidiaritätsprinzip kann diesen Proze\ beschleunigen, indem es gewährleistet, da\ EG-Rechtssprechung das geeignetste Mittel ist, wenn es um die Erreichung eines möglichst hohen Verbraucherschutzniveaus geht. Diese Forderung könnte jedoch ein Opfer unterschiedlicher Wahrnehmungen von nationalen Interessen und einer lähmenden Euro-Sklerose werden.

Consumers in the European Community Group (CECG), an umbrella body for 32 UK organisations concerned with the effects of EC policies and proposals on UK consumers.  相似文献   

This article gives an overview of recent developments in the retailing and consumer services taking into account that those services are at a tipping point in this era of globalization, technology and competition. We develop a four dimensional matrix based on Problems, Challenges, Threats and Opportunities (PCTO) from the retailers’ point of view. Finally, we call for future research in this area using unexplored theories such as Prospect theory, Masstige theory, Dynamic capability theory, Diffusion of innovation theory.  相似文献   

Considering the large sums of money young people spend on goods and services and the huge importance marketers grant to them, it is easy to agree on the very important role they play in today's consumer society. Autonomous role enactment involves the attainment of a certain level of performance which implies certain socially desirable behaviours. However, studies about consumer skills are rather sparse. Consequently, we do not know if young people present the necessary abilities to make educated choices, protecting their own interests and exerting their responsibilities as citizens in the community and by this, contributing to balancing the market forces. The data presented are an extract from the qualitative part of a larger study about the consumer skills of French Canadian college students. Thirteen students, aged from 18 to 22 years old, were recruited in three colleges of the Quebec City area through personal contacts with academic members. They participated in semistructured interviews during the months of November and December 2001. During the discussions, they expressed their perceptions of the skills necessary for being an educated consumer, their own level of competence in this area, the general level of competence of people of their age and that of older adults. They identified the most significant agents in their consumer socialisation and detailed the nature and content of these influences. This information implements research in consumer behaviour from a non‐commercial perspective and has helped to plan the quantitative stage of the study which is presently under way. The study is financed by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Since the mid-1960s there has been a significant increase in the number of public interest groups in Canada and the United States. Representing environmental, social and consumer interests, these groups serve as focal points through which consumer, business and government sectors interact. In the area of housing and community planning, public interest groups have been able to influence housing and planning policy to reflect the interests of housing consumers. Never, however, has a senior's advocacy group arisen with the purpose of attempting to influence the public and private sectors in the field of mortgage finance. Canadians for Home Equity Conversion (CHEC) is a grassroots advocacy group that represents exactly this cause. It is the purpose of this paper to describe the evolution of CHEC in order to broaden our understanding of the role of consumer interest groups in new product development. Home equity conversion will be discussed in the context of consumer, business and government interaction, and will serve as a case study that illustrates the public interest movement.  相似文献   

结合实际项目中央储备粮某库仓储物流控制系统的设计及应用,概述自动控制系统在粮库物流中的应用.所设计的控制系统实现了对进、出粮作业的自动监控,远程通讯采集计量数据,故障报警等功能,监控画面清晰易操作,实际运行效果表明了系统的稳定性和优越性.  相似文献   

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