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《International Journal of Research in Marketing》1986,3(1):11-17
Brand maps are derived directly from verbalizations about brands (What do you think of brand X… ?). The resulting brand scores seem to meet a number of reliability criteria and to converge well to those derived from more structured measures. 相似文献
This exploratory study considers the role emotion plays in relationships among several constructs surrounding price. The findings suggest that some aspects of emotion—here surprise and enjoyment—play a role in consumers' responses to and use of price information. Surprise and enjoyment were found to act in concert with involvement, price consciousness, and price–quality associations in respondents' complex reactions to price. Everyone's personal experience suggests that emotions can influence people's reactions to the price of products; this research lends preliminary empirical support to such everyday experiences. The results of this exploratory study clearly point to the need for more definitive studies in the future. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 相似文献
Marketers desire exclusive brand repurchase. This can occur when customers develop deep emotional “bonds” with brands, as elaborated in the emotional attachment to brands construct. To create emotionally attached repurchase, marketers must understand controllable antecedents of the phenomenon. However, a comprehensive study of antecedents is missing from the literature. We use qualitative methods to derive five primary antecedents of emotional attachment to brands. Our summary model allows for simultaneous operation of multiple antecedents, as we consistently observed in our data. We offer applied suggestions for leveraging antecedents to evoke exclusive repurchase based on emotional attachment to brands. 相似文献
社会学家提出情绪劳动的概念,目的是揭示人类互动中的情感成分.组织行为研究者基于心理学和管理学的视角,对情绪劳动的结构进行了探讨,并制订了相应的测量工具.研究表明,情绪劳动的影响因素包括个体变量、情境变量和组织变量,情绪劳动通常与个体的工作倦怠、工作满意度和工作绩效相关. 相似文献
This article illuminates the affective potentialities of objects. We examine the circulation of Kurdish music cassettes in Turkey during the restrictive and strife-laden period of the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s. We find that the practices comprising circulation – recording, hiding, playing, and exchanging cassettes – constituted tactical resistance and generated communal imaginaries. We illuminate the “emotional economy” that is animated by a mundane object: the cassette, through its circulation, becomes saturated with emotions, establishes shared emotional repertoires, and habituates individuals and collectives into common emotional dispositions. Cassettes thus play a part in shaping and reinforcing an emotional habitus that accompanies the emergence of a sense of “us,” the delineation of the “other,” and the relationship between the two. We thus demonstrate the entwinement of materiality and emotions, and examine how this entwinement generates emotional structures that shape and perpetuate the imagining of community as well as the enactment of resistance. 相似文献
刘文硕 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2011,(14)
在学生管理干部工作中,要特别重视与学生之间情感的培养,通过实施情感教育,发展与学生之间的积极的情感,消除消极的情感,从而很好地做好学生管理干部工作.要做到了解、关心、尊重学生;要讲求教育艺术,做到以爱动其心,爱在细微处,以严导其行,严在当严处;要为人师表,树立情感威性,以高尚的人格陶冶学生,以强烈的事业心感染学生,以优良的心理品质影响学生;要以出色的业务能力和渊博的知识征服学生,以良好的仪表形象影响学生.不断探索工作新方法,树立新观念,开启新思维,讲求新艺术,开创学生管理干部工作新局面,把班级培养成积极向上的集体,把学生培养成优秀的专业技术人才. 相似文献
基于传统观念对男性角色的定位,中国男性化妆品市场的开发一直不温不火。由于“郎才女貌”是中国传统对男女性别美的界定,对男性的评判标准重“才”而轻“貌”,男性注重外表常被讥笑为“娘娘腔”。这便是性别身份所带来的社会角色定位。 相似文献
Tien Wang Ralph Keng-Jung Yeh Mirhanna Gabrielle Sandoya 《The Service Industries Journal》2016,36(9-10):438-451
Emotional attachment has been documented to be an effective basis for consumer loyalty behaviors in many contexts; however, not much has been offered for new service formats enabled by information technology. This study explores the emotional attachment of social media users in terms of personality traits of users and websites. Drawing on literature on brand personality and brand–self congruence, this research proposes that a match between user’s individual personality and the personality traits of the digital artifacts promotes affective connection to social media websites. The social media, to which the user becomes emotionally attached, therefore becomes part of one’s self-definition and representation in the digital world. Self-expressiveness is also investigated as a motivational driver that helps users form such an emotional bond. Individuals with higher motivation to express themselves are more likely to develop an emotional attachment to social networking sites, exhibit loyal behavior, and experience a stronger effect than self-website congruence on emotional attachment. Results of this research provide support to the proposed relationships. Theoretical and managerial implications are elaborated in the discussion. 相似文献
《Business Horizons》2016,59(6):655-661
From the seclusion of monastic life to the noise of Silicon Valley, the ancient practice of mindfulness has ‘come out of the cloister.’ As an antidote to mindless cognition and behavior, the practice of mindfulness—with its principle of grounding attention in the present moment—has been shown to have powerful and positive effects at both the individual and the collective level and in fields as wide-ranging as medicine, schooling, prison programs, law and negotiation, business, and even the army. This installment of Marketing & Technology introduces mindfulness to managers and explores its potential for enhancing the service encounter. We begin by reviewing the two main conceptualizations of mindfulness: the cognitive and the contemplative. We then explore the service encounter from the perspective of emotional labor and show how mindfulness can change surface acting into deep acting, thereby significantly improving the service encounter for both the consumer and provider. We also explore the other benefits of mindfulness and their application to the service encounter: adaptability, flexibility, and creativity. We conclude by sharing resources for managers interested in implementing mindfulness training. 相似文献
Drawing on the link between service quality and casino profitability, this paper describes the roles of frontline employees in delivering casino service quality and analyses how management can nurture employee emotional intelligence's (EEI) contribution to casino revenue growth. This study is conceptual in nature. The analysis builds from identifying the emotional contents embracing service encounter involving casino frontline employees and customers. The identification area approaches from emotional work performed by employees, referred to as emotional labor, the emotional service delivered by casinos, customer attributed emotions and emotional contagion. The study comprehensively analyses how EEI can manage and regulate emotionally charged service encounters which subsequently affect customers’ perception of employee behaviours and service performance over service encounters. These encounter performance forms customers’ perception of casino service quality which leads to customer loyalty and ultimately casino profitability. This theory-focused study presents an additional venue with great potential for casinos to enhance business performance and financial growth, as well as providing new insights into the role of EEI in organizations for researchers in the relevant field. 相似文献
One way consumers cope with an unfair consumption experience is to express how they felt about it. Understandably, these disclosures are often rich with emotion. Does emotional disclosure in this context influence consumers' perceptions of fairness? Drawing hypotheses from the emotional disclosure literature, this research reveals that writing about emotions improves consumer fairness perceptions and satisfaction. However, the benefit of emotional disclosure disappears if the disclosure is solicited by the company perceived to be responsible for the unfairness and they do not offer redress. The findings lead to the recommendation that companies provide and facilitate opportunities for consumers to disclose to third parties the emotions arising from consumption experiences perceived as unfair. Implications for managing customer feedback, complaints, and negative word‐of‐mouth are discussed. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
情感传播策略是组织实现战略性关系维持的内容纬度的核心层。本文试图提出战略性关系维持中情感传播的四大策略:情感体验策略、情感运作策略、积极情感的最大化策略和情感管理策略。 相似文献
Certain advertising attributes can trigger emotional responses and advertisements employ such features in order to stimulate audiences in a pleasurable way. This study of radio commercials tried to isolate some of the attributes in advertising that elicit an emotional response, specifically happiness. The results show that variances in some commercial attributes can, indeed, predict variances in subjective emotional experience. 相似文献
Kathryn Thory 《International Journal of Training and Development》2016,20(1):58-77
To date, there remains a significant gap in the human resource development (HRD) literature in understanding how training and development contributes to meaningful work. In addition, little is known about how individuals proactively make their work more meaningful. This article shows how emotional intelligence (EI) training promotes learning about sources of meaningful work and documents managers’ experiences of independently applying to the workplace what they have learnt about meaningfulness from their EI training. Data is collected from participant observations and interviews with trainers and managers attending three externally provided, ‘popular’ EI training courses. Interpreting the data through Lips‐Wiersma and Morris's model of meaningful work enables a clear articulation of managers’ capacity to shape their work environments to create four, interconnected sources of meaningfulness: inner development, expressing one's full potential, unity with others and serving others. The findings also reveal structural and agential constraints when individuals attempt to create meaningful work. Practically, the study demonstrates the importance of training to enhance work of value and significance and offers recommendations for practitioners. 相似文献
Culturally attuned and emotionally sensitive global leaders need to be developed: leaders who can respond to the particular foreign environments of different countries and different interpersonal work situations. Two emerging constructs are especially relevant to the development of successful global leaders: cultural and emotional intelligences. When considered under the traditional view of intelligence as measured by IQ, cultural, and emotional intelligences provide a framework for better understanding cross-cultural leadership and help clarify possible adaptations that need to be implemented in leadership development programs of multinational firms. This article posits that emotional intelligence (EQ), analytical intelligence (IQ), and leadership behaviors are moderated by cultural intelligence (CQ) in the formation of global leadership success. 相似文献
《European Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management》1996,2(2-3):129-143
After a restatement of the definition of power in commercial trading relationships and a review of some of the measurement methods previously used in other academic disciplines, this paper seeks to devise generally applicable methods of measuring potential power, actual power and the propensity to convert one into the other that are relatively independent of subjective participant perceptions and opinions. It is hoped that more ‘objective’ measurements of power may be used to facilitate and improve practitioner performance. 相似文献
This study attempts to examine how service personnel's appearances, attitudes, and behaviours affect customers' emotions and thus their satisfaction and loyalty; it also considers gender roles an important moderator, in that customers with different gender roles may detect and feel differently when they are exposed to personnel's appearances, attitudes, and behaviours. Empirical data were collected from customers in clothing shops in Taiwan. The results suggest that customers with androgynous role more sensitive to the emotional contagion process. Managerial implications and future research directions are also discussed. 相似文献