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This study addresses the quality of survey research in management accounting. Specifically, we use a framework containing the five key elements of a well-designed survey to assess the quality of all mail surveys in management accounting published in eight accounting journals over a 20-year period (1982–2001). Our analysis shows that over time survey research in management accounting has improved. However, more attention to improving the ways in which the survey method is deployed is essential if credibility of the data is desired.  相似文献   

This study discusses the challenges and opportunities of establishing causal inference in empirical archival financial accounting research. Causal inference requires identification of a theoretically predicted causal mechanism in a research setting optimized to avoid endogenous causes and using a suitable statistical inference strategy. After briefly describing potential research design strategies, I analyze the frequency of causal studies published in leading business and economics journals. I identify causal studies by their abstract including an explicit reference to their causal nature and find that they are significantly more common in the areas of economics and finance compared to other business-oriented research disciplines like accounting. Also, the extent to which research designs are optimized for causal inference differs significantly between causal empirical archival studies in the area of financial accounting and finance. I discuss potential reasons for this gap and make some suggestions on how the demand for and supply of well-designed causal studies in the area of empirical archival financial accounting research might be increased.  相似文献   

A review of two economic theories is utilized to provide theoretical support for the greater possible involvement by accountants in what has been called strategic management accounting. One of these theories is concerned with the underlying characteristics of enterprise products. It suggests that there is a need for accountants to consider the cost structure of not only their own firm but of all enterprises in the relevant market and of potential entrants. It also suggests that costs can not be considered in isolation from demand factors. The second theory to be reviewed is concerned with whether a firm's cost structure permits its market strategy to be sustainable in the face of potential entry. This theory again emphasizes the intertwining of demand and cost factors and the need to consider these factors simultaneously. The use of this theory allows a new perspective to be taken to cost behaviour which is especially suited to high technology manufacturing.  相似文献   

This discussion considers four aspects of the survey paper on empirical accounting choice research by Fields, Lys and Vincent: implications of the authors’ selection of an expansive definition of accounting choice and their decision to classify this research by managerial motives; implications of the authors’ decision to include implementation decisions in their definition of accounting choice; implications of the authors’ call for research on the consequences of accounting choice, including the costs of defective accounting choices and the benefits of superior choices; implications of the authors’ call for a reconsideration of research designs that explicitly consider groups of accounting choices.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the role of mixed methods research in management accounting and how it may help researchers bridge the divide between the economics-based, functionalist ‘mainstream’ and the ‘alternative’ paradigm informed by interpretive and critical perspectives. Whilst noting the considerable barriers to dialogue across these paradigms, I outline how mixed methods research can be mobilized as part of a strategy of meta-triangulation to engender inter-paradigmatic engagement.  相似文献   

This paper describes the findings of an empirical study of the management control relationships established between acquiring and acquired companies during the first two post-acquisition years. In particular it considers: how important MAS became; how they were modified in different styles of acquisition; and the dysfunctional effects of change. It concludes that accounting-type controls probably played a much more important role than is generally acknowledged and that inappropriate changes in MAS caused considerable undesirable effects.  相似文献   

We investigate whether management earnings forecasts fully incorporate information in historical accounting conservatism. We find that management earnings forecasts are more optimistic for firms with greater accounting conservatism in the previous year. We further examine whether this conservatism-related optimistic bias in management earnings forecasts varies with managers’ difficulty predicting earnings accurately, managers’ opportunistic incentives, and the firms’ litigation risk. We find that the negative association between management forecast errors and conservatism increases, to various extent, with the firms’ operating cycles, earnings volatility, and the width of forecast range but does not change with proxies for opportunistic incentives or litigation risk. These results suggest that forecast difficulty is the primary reason for managers’ failure to incorporate conservatism fully in their earnings forecasts.  相似文献   

This paper extends and contributes to emerging debates on the validation of interpretive research (IR) in management accounting. We argue that IR has the potential to produce not only subjectivist, emic understandings of actors’ meanings, but also explanations, characterised by a certain degree of “thickness”. Mobilising the key tenets of the modern philosophical theory of explanation and the notion of abduction, grounded in pragmatist epistemology, we explicate how explanations may be developed and validated, yet remaining true to the core premises of IR. We focus on the intricate relationship between two arguably central aspects of validation in IR, namely authenticity and plausibility. Working on the assumption that validation is an important, but potentially problematic concern in all serious scholarly research, we explore whether and how validation efforts are manifest in IR using two case studies as illustrative examples. Validation is seen as an issue of convincing readers of the authenticity of research findings whilst simultaneously ensuring that explanations are deemed plausible. Whilst the former is largely a matter of preserving the emic qualities of research accounts, the latter is intimately linked to the process of abductive reasoning, whereby different theories are applied to advance thick explanations. This underscores the view of validation as a process, not easily separated from the ongoing efforts of researchers to develop explanations as research projects unfold and far from reducible to mere technicalities of following pre-specified criteria presumably minimising various biases. These properties detract from a view of validation as conforming to pre-specified, stable, and uniform criteria and allow IR to move beyond the “crisis of validity” arguably prevailing in the social sciences.  相似文献   

Empirical research in accounting has lately focused much on sophisticated statistical methodology and econometrics and relatively less on conceptualization of the issues concerned. This essay is written to highlight the conceptualization of the issues as an important ingredient of empirical research in accounting. I present two methods of conceptualization – the single-entity approach and the game theoretic approach. I give several examples in accounting research to explain the conceptualization process. I hope that this essay will fill a much needed void in the research process in accounting and restore the balance between conceptualization and methodology.  相似文献   

This article develops a pedagogical tool for integrating the questions and findings of empirical accounting research into the lecture topics typically covered in introductory accounting courses. The objective of synthesizing research into teaching is to create a more appealing framework for the nonaccounting major to understand the sometimes mundane topics which are presented at the introductory level by developing his or her understanding of the role of accounting in the economy. Five examples of this integration are outlined and discussed at a level which the introductory student should comprehend. The benefits of implementing this approach are also noted throughout the article.  相似文献   

In recent years, the contingency-based management accounting literature has been criticized for being fragmentary and contradictory as a result of methodological limitations. This study adds to this picture by showing that the theoretical meaning of some commonly used statistical techniques is unclear, i.e. the functional forms are not precise enough to be able to discriminate between several sometimes even conflicting theories of contingency fit. The study also shows that the techniques differ significantly in terms of how interaction effects between context and management accounting are modeled. This implies that some methods are only appropriate when theory predicts interaction effects in general while others are only appropriate in cases where theory specifies a more precise functional form of interaction such as symmetrical or crossover interactions. Based on these observations, several recommendations for future research are proposed.  相似文献   

Though ample empirical evidence alludes to the importance of disaggregated accounting data in the context of earnings management, extant theory considers biases in reporting mostly at the aggregated level of the accounting report. By introducing accounting disaggregation into the conventional theoretical framework of earnings management, this study highlights the essential role that disaggregated accounting data play in detecting and mitigating reporting manipulations. Disaggregated reports are shown to be especially effective when they consist of accounting items that are tightly interrelated by their fundamental economic nature, differ considerably in their sensitivity to reporting manipulations, and vary in their signs.  相似文献   

In management accounting the experimental method has been under-utilised compared to other disciplines such as auditing. This paper examines considerations necessary in experimental design to ensure both internal validity and experimental realism with the aim to increase utilisation of this methodology in management accounting. Task design, experimental design, experimental procedures and post-test questionnaire design are addressed specifically as they form the basic building blocks of most experiments. This paper also examines 'lessons' learned both in the design and administration of the experiment to help researchers in the use of the experimental method. Potential changes to the experiment are discussed, as part of an opportunity to improve future research work using the existing or a similar experiment  相似文献   

近年来,各种旨在促进价值创造的“新”管理会计技术不断涌现,引起我国学术界和实务界的关注,国内学者纷纷撰文论述。但需要指出的是,国内文献的立论出发点无一例外地集中在企业“应该”采用什么样的管理技术或企业在采用上述技术时“应该”注意哪些问题,鲜有文献能够提供我国企业采用上述技术的现状“是什么”以及“是否”有因素影响其效用的经验证据。在西方,学术界不仅关注企业是否“应该”采用价值管理技术的规范性问题,更为重要的是,他们提供了众多的经验证据用来支持其立论。本文以Ittner和Larcker(2001)的分析框架为基础,首先回顾西方基于价值管理的实证文献,然后讨论我国特有的制度背景对企业管理行为的影响,并指出我国管理会计领域可能的实证研究方向以及应注意的问题。  相似文献   

This exploratory study empirically investigates the performance of students in advanced management accounting. Findings are that English language as the first or subsequent language has no differential impact on introductory level performance. However, at advanced levels and in other subjects requiring the application of concepts to unfamiliar situations, students whose first language was English outperformed others. Similarly, students who had studied prerequisite subjects at the same university outperformed their exempted colleagues (both overseas and local) in advanced management accounting. These findings indicate that the difference due to language differences may not actually be due to language, but rather that language may simply be proxying for something else such as a different learning style.  相似文献   

We implement the most common empirical specifications, with different approaches to control for scale problems, used in studies on the value relevance of accounting information. We study whether the results offered by these specifications are consistent with the residual income valuation model and with the Burgstahler and Dichev option-style valuation framework. Undeflated and per-share specifications offer results that are more in line with both benchmarks. Other deflated specifications and approaches deviate, to different extents, from the expectations of both frameworks. We interpret these deviations as signs of misspecification.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate how multiple values in non-profit hybrid organisations influence the adoption of management accounting practices. The empirical analysis centres on hybrid organisations established as co-production and co-management initiatives in social care. Pragmatic constructivism, centred on the role of values, informs the empirical analysis. This research shows that management accounting practices can develop without conflicts when only some actors are interested in management and their values predominate, despite the coexistence of multiple and conflicting values. However, in this situation, where conflicts are eliminated, the validity of accounting is compromised, as it does not represent all values. The evidence of this lack of validity is clear when considering the poor development of management accounting practices and the inability to develop some relevant measures, such as outcome measures. When only some values predominate, the opportunity provided by the multiplicity of values to the development of management accounting practices is lost, and possible inefficiencies may emerge. The use of pragmatic constructivism shows that this lack of validity, determined by the non-integration of values, would be reduced by increasing the discussion among conflicting actors’ values. Findings suggest that the presence of conflicting values, that at first glance may be interpreted as an impediment, would, on the contrary, be useful to support accounting validity, when stimulating discussion. In this respect, conflicting values should work alongside communication, to include dimensions of reality.  相似文献   

Management accounting change, currently an increasingly popular focus for research, is not a uniform phenomenon. Its nature and form may vary across multiple dimensions and this variation has been neglected by researchers who have tended to study change per se rather than distinguishing it though a categorisation by type. This paper explores the forms which management accounting change has taken in a sample of manufacturing companies by utilising a simple typology of management accounting system change, derived from the existing research literature, consisting of addition, replacement, output modification, operational modification and reduction. This classification is combined with information on the incidence, location, importance and success of management accounting changes to provide some analytical insights into the variety and patterns of change within these companies and to derive some guidance for future research on the topic.  相似文献   

This article argues that management accounting research should be more aligned with managerial work. Managers work with words. This means that managerial conversation and the use of accounting information in such conversation should be studied. Methodology is developing rapidly in other areas of social science where a “linguistic turn” has made an impact. Managerial work, characterised by “brevity, variety, and fragmentation,” provides the context in which accounting information is used. Management is thus described as a co-operative game where communication is central to attention direction as well as problem solving. An illustration is given of the kind of studies deemed necessary for management accounting research to progress towards managerial relevance.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study that addressed two related research questions. The first concerns the proper emphasis in teaching introductory financial accounting in terms of the conceptual and procedural aspects of the subject. The second deals with the adequacy of introductory courses in preparing accounting majors for their intermediate and advanced accounting courses. Professors who had recently taught intermediate and/or advanced accounting responded to a questionnaire designed to answer the above questions. A recent study of the curriculum for accounting majors helped provide a framework for part of the questionnaire. The responses provide some evidence favoring a more conceptual emphasis, although it is not conclusive. There is a clear indication that these professors perceive the preparation received by accounting majors to be inadequate. A related finding is that more study of the accounting curriculum is needed, especially in terms of when the various topics should be taught.  相似文献   

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