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我国中小商业银行多元化经营的效应分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文利用超越对数函数和对我国中小银行1987~2004年间多元化经营行为的经济效应进行了实证分析,并从存量和流量角度探究了当前多元化经营的发展水平,提出了我国中小银行多元化经营的行为动因与逻辑.研究发现,我国中小银行存在明显的范围经济,但长期以来多元化经营发展缓慢,现行金融制度环境和中小银行经营机制缺陷是根本原因,外部市场环境约束影响了中小银行的多元化经营,内部风险控制不足制约了多元化的发展动力,过分追求规模扩张影响了多元化经营效果,市场定位模糊导致多元化经营的盲从,因此,要提升中小银行多元化经营水平,必须从外部金融制度和自身经营机制入手.  相似文献   

多元化经营的企业,通常都是同时生产和提供两种以上基本经济用途不同的产品或服务。美国《财富》杂志对500家大企业中最大的200家企业经营情况进行的统计表明,实行单一产品经营策略的企业只有14家,占全部企业总数的7%,绝大多数企业都选择了多元化经营策略。然而,从大量的多元化公司的运营实践中发现,有许多公司不仅没有取得多元化的协同效应,还因此而分散了公司资源,致使本来处于竞争优势地位的主营业务也因供血不足而元气大伤。那么,同样推行多元化经营战略,为什么有的公司得以成功而有的企业却惨遭失败呢?  相似文献   

陈家全 《会计师》2012,(19):45-47
<正>企业向多元化经营发展转型,是企业经营实现一定的规模后,为实现更好更高的发展目标而必须做出的选择。多元化经营是企业保持实力的一种重要发展战略,同时也可以为企业创造更多的利润,分散经营风险,减缓原有产品的市场竞争压力。而企业多元化经营的成果与否在很大程度上取决于企业多  相似文献   

从贯彻十七大精神的高度,对如何推进商业银行调整经营战略,实现经营多元化,提高银行竞争力问题,在借鉴外资银行经验的基础上,提出了一些看法与建议,其中对中行、建行、工行等大银行的战略目标均要力争成为国际一流的银行,其勇于进取的精神是可嘉的。但我国众多商业银行如何避免其竞争发展的同质化,按其自身拥有的业务优势,制定市场定位差异化、业务定位差异化、客户定位差异化和产品定位差异化为主要内容的差异化经营战略,这是摆在这些银行面前的一个重大的战略研究课题。  相似文献   

多元化经营的企业,通常都是生产或提供两种以上基本经济用途不同的产品或服务。美国《财富》杂志对500家大企业中最大的200家企业经营情况进行的统计表明,实行单一产品经营策略的企业只有14家,占全部企业总数的7%,绝大多数企业都选择了多元化经营策略。然而,从大量的多元化公司的运营实践中发现,有许多公司不仅没有取得多元化的协同效应,还因此而分散了公司资源,  相似文献   

李丽 《中国外资》2011,(2):145-145
<正>当前我国经济正处于一个重要的战略机遇期,与此相适应,国内绝大部分企业也正经历着生命周期的初生和快速成长阶段。在这一阶段,企业规模不断扩大,业务复杂程度不断增加,高效、  相似文献   

孟义 《银行家》2012,(7):137-138
正当前,我国的诸多小企业在生产经营中面临极大的困难。资金紧张、产品滞销、技术工人缺乏、原材料成本高、管理落后、市场前景差等现象屡见不鲜。形成此类现象的原因是多方面的,如何才能使小企业走出困境步入良性发展的道路,我们将对小企业的经营战略进行探讨。随着全球经济一体化的持续发展和  相似文献   

今年以来,受经济增长放缓、经济结构调整、市场需求下滑等多重因素影响,我国银行业面临的宏观形势日趋严峻,经营压力有所加大。在分析13家A股上市银行(以下简称"13行")2015年前三季度业绩的基础上,本文总结了今年以来大中型商业银行经营发展呈现的六个特征,并提出下一阶段商业银行的关注要点。  相似文献   

目前经济回升的基础尚不稳固,从经济回升到经济复苏还有很长的路要走,经济发展还可能存在二次探底的风险。对于商业银行而言,在这个关键阶段必须思考怎样成为从经济回升到经济复苏的推  相似文献   

即便是被列入"其他产品"类别的房产项目,其项目甄选依然不会脱离公司旗下三大政策。金地集团依据中国各个区域的城市化进程、经济发展状况和房地产市场的成熟程度,针对不同层级的城市制定了不同的发展策略和楼盘产品。截至目前,金地集团旗下散布于国内各大城市的产品众多,除了五大成熟的产品系产品外,另有诸多散布于国内各大城市的楼盘项目。  相似文献   

Explaining the Diversification Discount   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
This paper argues that the documented discount on diversified firms is not per se evidence that diversification destroys value. Firms choose to diversify. We use three alternative econometric techniques to control for the endogeneity of the diversification decision, and find evidence supporting the self–selection of diversifying firms. We find a strong negative correlation between a firm's choice to diversify and firm value. The diversification discount always drops, and sometimes turns into a premium. There also exists evidence of self–selection by refocusing firms. These results point to the importance of explicitly modeling the endogeneity of the diversification status in analyzing its effect on firm value.  相似文献   

Diversification of the Banking Firm   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Diversification of banks and bank holding companies into nonbank product lines may reduce the risk to banking returns or cash flows provided appropriate portfolio conditions are satisfied. This study of bank and nonbank financial-service firms and nonfinancial corporations over the 1966–1985 period finds evidence consistent with the proposition that individual banking firm risk may be reduced through selected product-line diversification, particularly in the insurance and data processing fields. Moreover, there is evidence of less cash-flow sensitivity of selected nonbank product lines to exogenous economic and financial-market variables compared to banking firms. While public policy continues to insulate banking firms from most nonbank product and service lines, the potential benefits of risk reduction suggest that a careful review of current policy is needed.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The literature on value impact of diversification decisions has focused on US firms and has examined industrial rather than geographic diversification . This study exploits the Lang and Stulz (1994) , Berger and Ofek (1995) and Bodnar et al. (1999) methodologies and controls for form of diversification in assessing value impact for a sample of UK firms, for the period 1996-2000. Using an adjusted value metric that controls for industry effects, we report a significant and perverse geographic discount of 14%, and no systematic industrial value impact, suggesting that sector characteristics may be a significant driver of diversification choice for UK firms.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a framework in which one can examine the source of industry and country diversification by examining their underlying return components. We find that the global cash flow factor explains on average 39% of the variation of country cash flows and global discount rates explain 55% of the variation of country discount rates. These are much less than the explanatory power of the two factors over industry cash flow and discount rate variations, which are 72% and 78% respectively. This suggests that global factors are much less important for return components at country level than at the industry level. As a result, both better diversification of expected returns and cash flows across countries determine the larger benefits of country diversification versus industry diversification. Moreover, emerging markets tend to have much smaller co‐movements of both dividends and expected returns with those of the world, suggesting a lower degree of integration with the world goods and financial markets. Our results cast doubt on the prevailing wisdom that country diversification should be replaced by industry diversification.  相似文献   

The recent financial crisis has revealed significant externalities and systemic risks that arise from the interconnectedness of financial intermediaries’ risk portfolios. We develop a model in which the negative externality arises because intermediaries’ actions to diversify that are optimal for individual intermediaries may prove to be suboptimal for society. We show that the externality depends critically on the distributional properties of the risks. The optimal social outcome involves less risk-sharing, but also a lower probability for massive collapses of intermediaries. We derive the exact conditions under which risk-sharing restrictions create a socially preferable outcome. Our analysis has implications for regulation of financial institutions and risk management.  相似文献   

Many investment companies hold diversified asset portfolios and frequently try to mirror or outperform a market index for each asset class such as stocks and bonds. As Wibaut and Wilford (2009) show, often the same issuers appear in each of those indices and this may lead to undesirable results such as during a crisis period. Our research further explores the topic of diversification with a special focus on the financial crisis period of 2007 through 2009. Our results indicate that there is benefit in terms of correlations from holding bond and stock portfolios. Interestingly, these findings show the benefit is most pronounced during times of market stress.  相似文献   

Global Diversification, Industrial Diversification, and Firm Value   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Using a sample of 44,288 firm–years between 1984 and 1997, we document an increase in the extent of global diversification over time. This trend does not reflect a substitution of global for industrial diversification. We also find that global diversification results in average valuation discounts of approximately the same magnitude as those for industrial diversification. Analysis of the changes in excess value associated with changes in diversification reveals that increases in global diversification reduce excess value, while reductions in global diversification increase excess value. These findings support the view that the costs of global diversification outweigh the benefits.  相似文献   

非营利组织营利行为及其税收政策定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
营利行为日渐成为非营利组织获取收入的重要方式.但对于非营利组织来说,营利行为是一把双刃剑:营利行为太弱,非营利组织的运转资金不足,可能有生存危险;而营利行为太强,容易偏离非营利目标,可能改变非营利组织性质.因此,从规范非营利组织的营利行为角度出发,调整和完善税收政策,增强税收的激励和约束作用,将有利于促进非营利组织的健康发展.  相似文献   

国外非营利组织税收制度介绍   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对非营利组织实施减免税是各国政府普遍采取的公共政策,尽管各国的税法细则有所差异,但在税收优惠资格的认定、享受优惠的税种、捐赠减免、税收管理体制等方面有若干基本理念与准则,本文对这些普遍规则加以总结并介绍了各国对非营利组织税收优惠的规定,提出了对我国相关政策改进的建议。  相似文献   

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