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长期以来,人们普遍认为对羟基苯甲酸酯是一种广谱、高效、安全的防腐剂。但是对羟基苯甲酸类酯的水溶性差,因此其应用范围受到一定的制约。本文所论述的对羟基苯甲酸酯钠盐仍然保持着与其相对应的酯的优良性能,且水溶性好,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

意大利Radici集团塑料部最近开发出热塑性弹性体(TPE)系列新品,包括共聚酯一醚类TPE Heraflex E和苯乙烯系TPE Heraflex A。  相似文献   

长期以来,人们普遍认为对羟基苯甲酸酯是一种广谱、高效、安全的防腐剂。但是对羟基苯甲酸类酯的水溶性差,因此其应用范围受到一定的制约。本文所论述的对羟基苯甲酸酯钠盐仍然保持着与其相对应的酯的优良性能,且水溶性好,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

本发明公开了一种从万寿菊浸膏中制备叶黄素脂肪酸酯、再从叶黄素脂肪酸酯制备叶黄素精制品的方法。万寿菊粗提物浸膏由烷烃类溶剂溶解后经大孔吸附树脂吸附,以低毒性的烷烃类溶剂和低碳醇类溶剂的混合液为淋洗剂洗脱,淋洗后的淋洗液经旋转蒸发回收溶剂,再经减压真空干燥后可获得含量为80%~95%叶黄素脂肪酸酯。  相似文献   

本文研究了用冰醋酸作溶剂,以结晶紫为指示剂,用高氯酸的冰醋酸标准溶液滴定来测定AE—活性酯产品的总含量;用水—三氯甲烷萃取体系,分离AE—活性酯与氨噻肟酸,然后用标准NaOH溶液滴定产品中游离的氨噻肟酸,从而求得AE—活性酯的纯度。  相似文献   

几种开发前景看好的塑料增塑剂新产品: 1)高分子类增塑剂。除国内已有的聚酯类增塑剂外,还有聚己二酸二丁酯、聚辛二酸二丁酯等经改性后的高分子增塑剂。乙烯-SO2共聚物、乙烯-CO共聚物、EVA—CO共聚物等都是PVC的优良高分子增塑剂;和PVC相容的一些高分子化合物,它们的分子结构中不含酯基、羰基,但能和PVC发生强烈的偶极-偶极相互作用,是目前广泛应用的长效高分子增塑剂,如丁腈橡胶(NBR)、氯化聚乙烯(CPE,含氯量大于48%)。  相似文献   

本发明涉及二烷基二烷氧基硅烷的工艺生产方法。本发明尤其涉及直接由卤代烷烃、镁及正硅酸酯相互反应高产率工业化生产二烷基二烷氧硅烷的方法。该方法还包括反应所得的物料经过滤、醚类溶剂洗涤后精馏回收熔剂和得到目的产品二烷基二烷氧基硅烷以及滤饼用水和酸相纪处理回收滤饼中的目的产品和溶剂的后处理步骤。  相似文献   

合成了丁醇环氧丙烷聚醚和甲醇环氧丙烷聚醚两种聚醇醚,以及它们的硼酸酯;合成了二乙醇胺硼酸酯,并探索了反应的最佳条件,得到氨基酸硼酸酯的最佳合成工艺为:n(二乙醇胺):n(硼酸)=3:1,反应温度达130℃,反应时间3h。  相似文献   


This study examines the relationship between opinion seeking and cultural values and individual characteristics in the context of electronic products by surveying cosmopolitan adults of 15 nationalities, namely, American, Australian, British, Dutch, Filipino, German, Hong Konger, Indian, Italian, Japanese, Malaysian, New Zealander, Singaporean, Swedish, and Thai. It finds (i) positive correlation between opinion seeking and power distance, category knowledge, category purchase intention, category innovativeness, opinion giving, market maven, brand loyalty, and susceptibility to interpersonal influence, (ii) negative correlation between opinion seeking and the masculinity and uncertainty avoidance cultural dimensions, category ownership, self-esteem, education, and age, and (iii) no correlation between opinion seeking and individualism, long-term orientation, and risk taking. It then discusses the managerial implications of the findings.  相似文献   

Competent commercial authorities of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, separately planning cities, Harbin, Changchun, Shenyang, Jinan, Nanjing, Hangzhou,Guangzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu, Xi'an and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, national economic and technological development zones, and national border economic cooperation zones,For the purpose of carrying out the scientific outlook on development, and according to the requirements of the important spirits of the Second Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on promoting the reform of the administrative system of ex- amination and approval and constructing service-oriented gov- ernment, the Ministry of Commerce will, based on expanding domestic demand and maintaining the stable and rapid growth of Chinese economy, determine to continuously deepen the reform of the administrative system of examination and approval of foreign investment and further expand the administrative authority for examination and approval of foreign investment of local competent commercial authorities and national economic and technological development zones. The relevant issues are hereby notified as follows.  相似文献   

和谐社会是建立在社会主义市场经济经济基础之上,以社会秩序的和谐稳定为整体目标,以社会利益关系的合理配置、人际利益关系协调整合为核心内容,以民主法治、公平正义和平等自由为价值依归的社会秩序状态.和谐社会在形式方面表现为人与人之间、人与自然之间关系的稳定性、进程的连续性、主体行为的规范性、财产和心理的安全性等.其实质方面意味着社会利益的公平合理配置和整合,社会利益冲突按照民主法治的原则和机制得以公平合理的解决,进而实现多元社会利益动态综合平衡.中产阶层的法律行为方式具有理性化、讲平等、重诚信、守法度等特点,它对于构建和谐社会、缓和与消解社会矛盾和冲突具有重要社会功能.  相似文献   

The analytical themes Bettany and Daly pursue touch upon several topics noteworthy in consumer and marketing research past and present — namely, relationships between consumers and consumption offerings, between marketers and consumers, between academics and practitioners, and between culture and nature. In discussing each, the present article extends Bettany and Daly's insights, posing challenges at once playful and very serious for consumers, marketers, researchers, and public policy analysts.  相似文献   

高新技术产业投资环境归结为自然环境、法律法规、经济发展水平、基础设施、财税支持、市场因素、就业与利税贡献、人文环境因素、科技因素、社会因素十大因素,以及基础性因子、激励性因子、创新性因子和政府意志因子四类因子。对高新技术产业投资环境的因子构成及影响的研究,对于区域高新技术产业投资环境基础设施建设、发展政策的制定、政府对高新技术产业化的推动都具有十分积极的作用。  相似文献   

近年来,中国对巴西投资迅猛增长,2010年中国成为巴西外国直接投资的第一大来源国。中企赴巴西投资在面临巴西地理位置优越、自然资源丰富、经济发展稳定、市场潜力巨大、劳动力资源丰裕、基础设施完备、经济政策稳定且开放、科技水平和研发能力较强、外债风险持续缓解、中巴双边贸易快速增长等良好机遇的同时,也面临整体税负偏重、基础设施滞后、社会治安状况堪忧、教育水平不高、居民素质参差不齐、资金和劳动力成本高企、劳工法律苛刻、币值波动较大等挑战。中国政府和企业要从完善投资保险机制、签订投资协定、做好市场调查、政策分析、实行"本地化"策略等方面沉着应对。  相似文献   

通过对大丰麋鹿自然保护区的观察,与其他保护区在资源保护性开发方面的比较,以及走访了保护区内的游客、管理者、开发者以及当地旅游部门,发现保护区存在的问题主要体现在知名度不够高,开发深度不够深;基础设施不够完善,利用程度低;旅游开发管理的体制不够健全;生态旅游资源的开发与保护没有协调统一等方面。大丰麋鹿自然保护区应抓住生态旅游飞速发展的良好机遇,找准市场定位和开发与保护的平衡点,不断完善规章制度,打造生态化、特色化旅游产品,加强生态旅游宣传力度,提高公众的生态意识,加强麋鹿和其他动植物保护与持续利用研究,从而提升自身的价值以带动盐城生态旅游的发展。  相似文献   

Relationships between self-ratings and expectations of an ideal U.S. president, were studied in 43 men drawn from a university setting in the eastern coast of the U.S.A. The men first rated themselves on personality variables, life choices (agentic and communal), peacefulness, spirituality, and morality. Then they were presented with a vignette requesting that they describe an ideal U.S. president on inventories measuring personality variables, life choices, peacefulness, spirituality, and morality. For the rating of the ideal U.S. president, they also were asked to respond to a 20 item questionnaire that was a composite of several factors on organization and leadership, morality, spirituality, and peacefulness. The respondents belonged to one of seven different political persuasions, similar in some ways to different cultures. Self-ratings of the men and expectations of the president were highly correlated for extraversion, openness, trait morality, agentic and communal life choices. However, no significant correlations were found between the self-ratings and expectations of the president for neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, peacefulness, nor state morality. The men were also presented with vignettes for the ideal physician and ideal automechanic and asked to rate each of them on the inventory items. Overall, the U.S. President was rated as more neurotic and immoral in terms of ingrained ideas of right and wrong, but also as more caring for others, transcendent, seeking goodness and truth, forgiving, cooperative, and most concerned with matters of justice and mercy, and more concerned with both agentic (power-seeking) and communal (community-minded) life choices than were either the ideal physician or ideal automechanic. The ideal physician was rated as highest in extra-version, openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and overall peacefulness, and lowest in neuroticism. The ideal automechanic was rated as highest in state or situational immorality, and lowest in both agentic (power-seeking, business-mindedness) and communal (community-mindedness) life choices, and also lowest in caring for others well-being, transcendence, seeking goodness and truth, forgiveness and cooperation, being concerned with justice and mercy, overall expectations, overall spirituality, and overall organization and leadership. In general, the self-ratings were significantly related to ratings/expectations, of the U.S. President, ideal physician, and ideal automechanic. The men seemed to identify more with the automechanic than with the present or physician.  相似文献   

中华民族历经千百年岁月淘洗流传下来的经典诗文,不但是汉语言文学的典范和精华,更是蕴蓄着中华民族的精神和品格.组织大学生诵读语言凝练、意存高远、富有哲理的经典诗文,有利于学生增进语文能力,提高文化素养;有利于开发学生的记忆潜能.培养好学精神;有利于大学生陶冶高雅情操.提升人生境界;有利于开拓心胸志趣,锻铸坚强意志;更有利于把传统优秀文化的种子播撒到学生幼稚的心田,让学生成长的根深深扎在民族文化的沃土里.  相似文献   

张彤 《中国流通经济》2012,26(3):110-114
企业对基层采购人员(采购专员、跟单员)的需求量最大,也最迫切;企业需要基层采购人员具备采购管理、物流管理、生产管理、市场营销、计算机软件、社交礼仪、社会心理等方面的知识,合作与沟通能力及采购操作技能,具有责任意识、效率意识、组织意识、诚信意识、协作意识、创新意识等职业素质;企业将学历、所学专业、工作经验(经历)、身体条件、心理素质、职业资格证书作为采购人员入职的必备条件,最看重学历和工作经验.  相似文献   

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