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借鉴土地发展权制度改革中国征地补偿渐成代表性研究思路,但以往补偿标准研究均具有一定的理论和现实局限性。文章以美国土地发展权制度为例,运用福利经济学的分析范式,通过构建土地价值生产函数析出土地发展权净值,阐明发展权制度下的土地价值分配调整过程及其实现帕累托最优的作用原理,推导出一种适应于土地公有制的、替代市场交易机制的"征后补偿型"土地产权价值也即征地补偿定价理论方法。  相似文献   

城市蔓延和农地的快速消失,是战后美国经济发展的一个负面效应。在控制城市蔓延和保护农地的过程中,美国多数州选择了土地发展权作为政策性工具并取得了明显的效果。本文就土地发展权转让的基本思想和运作思路作了说明,并在此基础上分析了对我国城市化进程中农地保护的启示。  相似文献   

从土地发展权视角对中国土地管理的地方创新实践典型个案的分析表明,土地发展权理念已应用于地方土地政策制定并出现了私有化趋向,对解决当前土地管理中存在的征收补偿不公、建设用地指标空间配置等问题具有积极意义。对关于土地发展权权源与性质特征的认识分歧进行了澄清,研究认为土地发展权是私有产权与行政权综合作用的产物,兼有公共产权与私有产权的性质,是可与土地实体相分离的无体物权。基于上述理论分析与实践经验总结,对中国土地发展权制度建设提出以下建议:虚化土地公有产权的所有权性质,创设土地发展权制度;以行政许可的方式实现土地发展权"私有化"的初始配置,土地发展权收益则应通过税收调节的二次分配手段实现"公私分享";结合城乡土地产权制度改革对土地发展权的配置方式、原则和手段进行具体的制度设计。  相似文献   

城市蔓延和农地的快速消失,是战后美国经济发展的一个负面效应.在控制城市蔓延和保护农地的过程中,美国多数州选择了土地发展权作为政策性工具并取得了明显的效果.本文就土地发展权转让的基本思想和运作思路作了说明,并在此基础上分析了对我国城市化进程中农地保护的启示.  相似文献   

黄荣军 《时代经贸》2011,(10):162-162
土地发展权是国家土地权利的一种类型,土地发展权包括国有土地发展权和农村土地发展权。农地发展权在过去很长一段时间里淹没在土地所有权中。随着社会经济的发展土地需求的增加国家对土地利用的控制进一步增强这一权利的社会实现和价值体现逐步增强才逐渐为各利益主体和社会所认识。然而目前国内农地发展权的探讨还处于初级阶段本文对农地发展权进行了一些理论的分析和探索。  相似文献   

土地发展权是国家土地权利的一种类型,土地发展权包括国有土地发展权和农村土地发展权.农地发展权在过去很长一段时间里淹没在土地所有权中.随着社会经济的发展土地需求的增加国家对土地利用的控制进一步增强这一权利的社会实现和价值体现逐步增强才逐渐为各利益主体和社会所认识.然而目前国内农地发展权的探讨还处于初级阶段本文对农地发展权进行了一些理论的分析和探索.  相似文献   

土地征收制度的中外区别主要体现在法律支撑体系、土地征收补偿标准、土地征收补偿程序等方面.我国的土地征收制度在立法、征收目的和范围、征收补偿标准及征收补偿程序方面都存在不足和缺陷,借鉴国外较成熟先进的土地征收制度,应从立法、提高补偿标准、合理分配土地增值收益及创立土地发展权等方面对中国的土地征收制度加以完善.  相似文献   

试论我国农地发展权定位及农民分享实现   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
季禾禾  周生路  冯昌中 《经济地理》2005,25(2):149-151,155
经营性征地给社会经济发展带来许多不稳定因素,其中一个极为重要的原因是由于长期以来强大的行政权力取代了土地发展权的权效。从这一角度出发,文章首先介绍了发展权的含义和特征并总结了我国农地发展权的现状,在此基础上针对农地市地化过程中的土地发展权进行了定位,提出将发展权分享引入征地补偿机制即农民参与发展权权益的分享,紧接着探讨了发展权分享实现问题,并对农民发展权分享进行了量化。旨在通过对发展权的适当安排缓解现行征地体制中的一些矛盾,从而在深层次上促进我国土地产权制度的健全和土地的合理利用。  相似文献   

城市蔓延过度消耗了土地资源,侵占了一些优质耕地,使我国耕地保护形势日趋严峻,而地方政府对土地市场的绝对垄断是城市蔓延的土地制度根源。因此,应进行土地制度创新,通过创设农地发展权,建立农地发展权转让机制,遏制城市进一步蔓延,确保耕地保护目标的实现。  相似文献   

通过对比我国城乡建设用地增减挂钩政策与美国土地发展权转移政策,分析两项政策的共性及差异,为我国城乡建设用地增减挂钩政策的进一步完善提供政策建议。结果表明:两项政策本质上都是土地发展权的交易,但在产生背景、运作流程和实施效果上均存在一定程度的差异。为了解决规划分区制度的刚性,我国和美国分别出台了城乡建设用地增减挂钩政策和土地发展权转移政策,但由于两国制度环境的差异,在政策的具体实施过程中美国选择了一种以市场和层级相结合的混合型治理结构,而我国则选择了一种以政府为主导的层级治理结构。虽然两项政策都在一定程度上增加了规划分区制度的弹性,但现阶段,美国土地发展权转移政策在利益分配机制设计和耕地保护效果方面均优于我国城乡建设用地增减挂钩政策。  相似文献   

为刻画资产定价因子随宏观经济状态时变性,本文通过经济增长和通货膨胀两个指标定义经济状态,建立宏观经济状态下的条件资产定价模型。研究发现在中国资本市场上此模型能够显著改进CAPM模型的效力,其定价效力甚至优于多因子模型。进一步研究表明,宏观经济通过两个维度影响资产价格:第一,多数资产在衰退时期对市场风险更敏感,其代表市场因子的贝塔系数大于复苏与过热阶段;第二,小市值公司的贝塔系数均值及波动性大于大公司,在经济衰退时承担更高的风险收益。  相似文献   

This paper studies optimal auction design when the seller can affect the buyers? valuations through an unobservable ex ante investment. The key insight is that the optimal mechanism may have the seller play a mixed investment strategy so as to create correlation between the buyers? otherwise (conditionally) independent valuations. Assuming that the seller announces the mechanism before investing, the paper establishes conditions on the investment technology so that a mechanism exists which leaves buyers no information rent and leaves the seller indifferent between his investments. Under these conditions, the seller can, in fact, extract the first best surplus almost fully.  相似文献   

地区旅游业发展的经济效应分析——以江西省为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旅游业在区域经济中的产业地位日益提高。以江西省为例,运用有关旅游乘数和旅游经济效应的相关理论,定量、系统地分析了旅游业在江西省经济发展中的作用,重点研究了旅游业对江西省的收入效应、创汇效应、就业效应、产业关联效应,并得出相应的结论和启示。  相似文献   

A SYSTEM OF SOCIAL MATRICES   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper is concerned with a method of organizing and analyzing information relating to human stocks and flows. The kind of statistical reporting system envisaged is of a traditional kind, but extended so as to record year-to-year changes of state. Life is divided into a number of sequences, each with its own set of characteristic classifications, to avoid an excessive proliferation of categories and so enable many analyses to be made with the kind of statistics already avilable in a number of countries. The need, for some analytical purposes, to combine classifications from different sequences is fully recognized; and this need indicates a direction in which statistical reporting systems should move in the future.
The main analytical tool is a set of linear difference equations which, under suitable conditions, can be interpreted either in terms of an input-output system, as in economics, or in terms of an absorbing Markov chain, as in probability theory. A simple regression model is used to link characteristic classifications.
About half the paper is taken up with numerical examples, mainly connected with the British educational system as it was in the mid-1960's. An application is also given to movements into, through and out of a psychiatric service system in Scotland.  相似文献   

This paper explores first not only at the medium-term, but also at the long-term "growth cycles". The peaks of the former actually correspond to those of the fixed investment-GNP ratio. It further stresses the possibility that the Jinmu and Iwato booms could have been combined into one cycle under some conditions. If this is so, before 1970, we could have two super-booms: the Jinmu-Iwato and the Izanagi booms, and after 1970, two long-continued recessions: the 1980-83 and the Heisei recessions. This seems to suggest the necessity of using the long swings (the Kuznets as well as the Kondratiev type) for the explanation of the postwar 50-year dynamism, in addition to short-and medium-term cycles.  相似文献   

长春市产业结构环境影响的系统动力学优化模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张妍  于相毅 《经济地理》2003,23(5):681-685
产业结构是指产业总体中各产业的比重及这些产业之间的相互关系。产业结构处于资源结构、分配结构和需求结构相互作用之中,受到社会发展、技术进步、市场需求变化以及产业调控手段等影响,经常处于运动变化之中,因而对其的环境影响研究存在着许多复杂的非线性问题。文章尝试采用系统动力学方法对长春市产业结构环境影响进行仿真模拟研究,从人口、资本、环境三个方面对长春市产业结构环境影响进行系统集成,模拟其动态变化趋势,为决策者提供决策支持。  相似文献   

本文运用中国市场数据,研究了可转债作为内部人信号发送工具的潜在机理,部分解释了发行转债的信息对股价短期变动的影响方向,同时解释了成熟市场和中国等新兴市场的外部投资人在处理转债发行信息方面所具有的差异。  相似文献   

When oligopolists merge, the new firm enjoys a lower cost structure than any of its premerger constituent parts. This is because of rationalization economies which are created as facilities previously operated at disparate marginal cost levels come under common control. The resultant price-decreasing force is countered by the loss of competition due to the merger. The latter can stem not only from reduction in the number of competitors, but also from the possibility that, with a more concentrated market structure, firms'conjectures about each others'reactions will move in the direction of being more cooperative. The paper shows that, under normal conditions, the effects of diminished competition outweigh those of rationalization so that a price increase will result from the merger. In addition, the equivalence of merger to the imposition of taxes is exploited to derive a market-share based test for mergers to cause welfare decreases. This complements a test proposed by Farrell and Shapiro that works only for welfare increases.  相似文献   

The Wealth-Income Ratio of households, although less known than the capital-product ratio, has not been ignored by economic analysis. But most of the studies concerning this ratio put the stress on one unique cause of variation: the saving ratio of households. Doing so, they neglect other important factors such as the behaviour of households in incurring debt, and the influence of inflation on the variation of nominal income and on capital gains. This paper first provides a simple formula expressing the Wealth-Income Ratio as a function of all these factors. Then it shows, using data from France and United States, that this relationship is a useful tool for analysing the observed evolution of the ratio. Finally, it comes back to the famous question of the "constancy" of the Wealth-Income Ratio in the long run.  相似文献   

This paper studies the optimal policy of a government which maximizes intertemporal social welfare using such instruments as taxes on interest income and wages, and debt in conjunction with public investment. In doing so, it has to face a decentralized economy where in each generation individuals and firms are free to maximize their own objectives subject to their own private constraints. The welfare function is a sum of discounted generational utilities and its maximization is handled by using dynamic programming. From the first order conditions so derived, it appears that an optimal policy of taxation and public capital accumulation is that which sets the tax rates according to Ramsey's optimal taxation structure and which equates the rate of return on public investment to the rate of social time preference.  相似文献   

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