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Book reviewed in this article: An Agricultural Geography of Great Britain. An Agricultural Geography of Great Britain. Proteins as Human Food. (Proceedings of the Sixteenth Easter School in Agricultural Science. University of Nottingham). The Economics of Agriculture. Agricultural Policy and the Common Market. Foundations of Farm Policy Agricultural Policy in an Affluent Society. Rural Development Planning. Introduction to Agricultural Plunning. The Principles of Development Aid. An Economic Study of Keepit Dam. International Engineering Service Consortium Department of Conservation. New South Wales. Dairy Forming in Tramifion-Structural developments in England and Wales.1963/64–1968/69. Milk Marketing Board. Factory Farming. Grassland Ecology Enrwicklungstendenzen in der Produktion und im Absatz tierischer Erzeugnisse. (Trends in the development of production and marketing of livestock products). Markets, Prices and Interregional Trade. Informarion in the Cereals Market.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: BROW, J. and WEERAMUNDA, J. (eds.) (1992). Agrarian Change in Sri Lanka COKER, A. and RICHARDS, C. (eds.) (1992). Valuing the Environment CARTER, C. A., MCCALLA, A. F., and SHARPLES, J. A. (eds.) (1990). Imperfect Competition and Political Economy: The New Trade Theory in Agricultural Trade Research ELLIS, F. (1992). Agricultural Policies in Developing Countries. Wye Studies in Agricultural and Rural Development GILG, A. (ed.) (1992). Restructuring the Countryside: Environmental Policy in Practice HAZELL, P. B. R. and RAMASAMY, C. (eds.) (1992). The Green Revolution Reconsidered: the Impact of High-Yielding Rice Varieties in South India LIBBY, R. T. (1992). Protecting Markets: US Policy and the World Grain Trade MCINTIRE, J., BOURZAT, D. and PINGALI, P. (1992). Crop-Livestock Interaction in Sub-Saharan Africa OZANNE, A. (1992). Perverse Supply Response in Agriculture: The Importance of Produced Means of Production and Uncertainty PARDEY, P. G., ROSEBOOM, J. and ANDERSON, J. R. (eds.). Agricultural Research Policy: International Quantitative Perspectives. Published for the International Service for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR) by Cambridge University Press TIMMER, P. (ed.) (1991). Agriculture and the State: Growth, Employment and Poverty in Developing Countries BROWN, M. and GOLDIN, I. (1992). The Future of Agriculture: Developing Country Implications. Development Centre Studies GILG, A. W., BRIGGS, D., DILLEY, R., FURUSETH, O. and MCDONALD, G. (eds.) (1992). Progress in Rural Policy and Planning. Volume 2 OECD (1992). Economic Accounts for Agriculture 1977–1990 OECD (1992). Business and Jobs in the Rural World OECD (1990). Partnerships in Rural Development WORLD BANK AND THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY (1992). An Agricultural Strategy for Albania  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: BURGER, K., DE GROOT, M., POST, J. and ZACHARIASSE, V. (eds.) (1991). Agricultural Economics and Policy: International Challenges for the Nineties: Essays in Honour of Prof. Jan de Veer HINTON, W. L. (1991). The European Market for Fruit and Vegetables JUSSAUME, R. A. JR. (1991). Japanese Part-Time Farming: Evolution and Impacts PORTER, D., BRYANT, A. and THOMPSON, G. (1991). Development in Practice POTTER, C., BURNHAM, P., EDWARDS, A., GASSON, R. and GREEN, B. (1991). The Diversion of Land: Conservation in a Period of Farming Contraction ROMERO, C. (1991). Handbook of Critical Issues in Goal Programming WINTER, L. A. and SAPSFORD, D. (eds.) (1991). Primary Commodity Prices: Economic Models and Policy ANSELL, D. J., GILES, A. K. and RENDELL, J. (1991). Very Small Farms: ‘A Distinctive Role?’ Special Studies in Agricultural Economics Report No. 16 ARKLETON TRUST (RESEARCH) LTD. (1991). Rural Change in Europe: Structural Policies and Multiple Job Holding in the Rural Development Process. Papers from the second review meeting at Braemar, 1989 BOWERS, J. (1990). Agriculture and Rural Land Use: Into the 1990s CRAMER, G. L. and JENSEN, C. W. (1991). Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness GREELEY, M. (1991). Postharvest Technologies: Implications for Food Policy Analysis. EDI Development Policy Case Series, Analytical Case Studies, Number 7 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD. (1991). Fifty Years of the National Food Survey. 1940–1990 VAN OORT, G. M. R. A., VAN DEN BERG, L. M., GROENENDIJK, J. G. and KEMPERS, A. H. H. M. (eds.) (1991) TRACY, M. (ed.) (1991). Farmers and Politics in France WARREN, D. M. (1991). Using Indigenous Knowledge in Agricultural Development. World Bank Discussion Papers No. 127 WISE, T. E. (ed.) (1991). Agricultural and Food Research - Who Benefits? CAS Paper 23 YOUNG, M. D. (ed.) (1991). Towards Sustainable Agricultural Development  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Economics of Agriculture. By DAVID METCALF. Agrarian Change and Econoinic Drvelopment-the historical problems. Edited by E. L. JONES and S. J. WOOLF. General View of the Agriculture of Oxfordshire. By ARTHUR YOUNG. 1813. David and Charles Priorities in Planning-cost-benefit methodology and simulation with special reference to forestry and economic development in Trinidad. By MICHAEL GANE Moglichkeiten und Grenzen der Agrarpolitik in der E WG (Possibilities and Limits to E.E.C. Agrarian Policy). Edited by G. SCHMITT France: LI geographical survey. By PHILIPPE PINCHEMEL. Translated by Christine Trollope and Arthur J. Hunt. Soviet Agriculture in Perspective. A Study of its Successes and Failures. By ERICH STRAUSS. Modernizing Peasant Societies-A Comparative Study in Asia and Africa. By GUY HUNTER. Rural Industrialisation. By DENIS I. F. LUCEY and DONALD R. KALDOR. Geoffrey Chapman The Economic Development of Guyana: 1953-1964. By WILFRED L. DAVID. Man. Food and Agriculture in the Middle Easl. Edited by THOMAS S. STICKLEY, JOSEPH A. ASMAR, ABDUR-RAHMAN SAGHIR, NICHOLAS ATALLAH and PETER L. PELLET. The Persian Land Reform 1962-1966. By A. K. S. LAMBTON. The Rise of American Co-operafive Enterprise, 1620-1920. By JOSEPH G. KNAPP.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Farming Systems of the World. By A. N. DUCKHAM and G. B. MASEFIELD. The Hungry Furure. By RENB DUMONT and BERNARD ROSIER Agriculrurul Development in Asia. Edited by R. T. SHAND. Agriculrural Development and Economic Inregrarion in Latin America. By MONTAGUE YUDELMAN with FREDERIC HOWARD. The Economic Prospects for Horticulture. Edited by E. D. SARGENT and S. J. ROGERS. Economics of Food Retailing, By DANIEL I. PADBERG. The Economics of Irrigation (2nd edition). By COLIN CLARK. Fuming as a Business (2nd edition). By M. UPToNand Q. B. 0. ANTHONIO. A History of Farm Buildings in England and Wales. By NIGEL HARVEY.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Population and Food Supply: Essays on Human Needs and Agricultural Problems. Edited by Sir Joseph Hutchinson . Cambridge University Press. Farming in Britain Today. By J. G. S. and Frances Donaldson . Allen Lane, Penguin Press, Hardmondsworth, Middlesex. 1969. Environment and Land Use in Africa. Edited by M. F. Thomsas and G. W. Whittington . Methuen, London. 1969. Problems and Approaches in Planning Agricultural Development. Proceedings of the Joint German Foundation/E.C.A./F.A.O. Seminar, Addis Ababa. 1967. Cotton and the Egyptian Economy, 1820–1914. By E. R. J. Owen . Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press. 1969. The Economy of the Private Woodland in Great Britain. By R. Llorrain -Smith . Commonwealth Forestry Institute, Oxford. Institute Paper No. 40. 1969. Report on the Marketing of Scottish Seed Potatoes. By F. G. Hay . National Farmers' Union of Scotland. 1969. Agricultural and Food Statistics—A Guide to Official Sources. Studies in official statistics No. 14. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. H.M.S.O., London. 1969. Food Statistics. A Guide to the Major Official and Unofficial U.K. sources. (Compiled by A. W. Ashby ). National Economic Development Office. Die landwirtschaftlichen Betriebsgrössen in der Sowjetunion in Statistik und Theorie. (The size of agricultural undertakings in the Soviet Union in statistics and theory.) By Ivan Lon?arevi? . Otoo Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden. (No. 45, Giessen Studies of E. European agricultural and economic research.) 1969. Wörterbuch der Landwirtschaft—Ergänzungsband Russisch. By Nikolai Pas'chin . BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, Munich. 1969.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Agricultural Economics and Marketing in the Tropics. By J. C. Abbott and J. P. Makeham. Strategy for the LIK Dairy industry. Rural Employment and Adminktration in the Third World. By Charles Harvey, Jake Jacobs, Geoff Lamb and Bernard Schaffer. Agricultural Marketing Boar: An Zn fernationol Perspective. Edited by Sidney Hoos. The Economics of Pastoralism: A Case Study of Sub-Saharan Africa. By Z. A. Konczacki. A Survey of Agricultural Economics Literature. Volume 2. Quantitative Methods in Agricultural Economics, 1940s to 1970s. Edited by Lee R. Martin. .And the Desert Shall Rejoice. Conflict, Growth and Justice in Arid Environments. By Arthur Maass and Raymond L. Anderson. The Plant Protection Discipline. Problems and Possible Development Strategies. By Webster H. Sill Economics and Design of Small-Farmer Technology. Edited by Alberto Valdes, Grant M. Scobie and John L. Dillon.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: CAMPBELL, B. M. S. and OVERTON, M. (eds.) (1991). Land, Labour and Livestock: Historical Studies in European Agricultural Productivity CHAMPION, T. and WATKINS, C. (eds.) (1991). People in the Countryside: Studies of Social Change in Rural Britain DOORNBOS, F., VAN DORSTEN, F., MITRA, M. and TERHAL, P. (1990). Dairy Aid and Development: India's Operation Flood. Indo-Dutch Studies on Development Alternatives, Volume 3 DOORNBOS, M. and NAIR, K. N. (eds.) (1990). Resources, Institutions and Strategies: Operation Flood and Indian Dairying. Indo-Dutch Studies on Development Alternatives, Volume 4 GRANT, W. (1991). The Dairy Industry: An International Comparison MARSDEN, T. and LITTLE, J. (eds.) (1990). Political, Social and Economic Perspectives on the International Food System MARSH, J., GREEN, B., KEARNEY, B., MAHE, L., TANGERMANN, S. and TARDITI, S. (1991). The Changing Role of the Common Agricultural Policy: The Future of Farming in Europe NISBET, E. G. (1991). Leaving Eden: To Protect and Manage the Earth SIMON, J. L. (1989). Population Matters: Resources, Environment and Irrigation SMITH, M. J. (1990). The Politics of Agricultural Support in Britain. Aldershot: Dartmouth/Gower ANDERSON, K. and TYERS, R. (1991). Global Effects of Liberalising Trade in Farm Products. Trade Policy Research Centre, Thames Essay No. 55 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT, UNIVERSITY OF READING (1991). Management Matters in 1991. Study No. 26 ERRINGTON, A. and TRANTER, R. (1991). Getting Out of Farming? Part Two: The Farmers. Study No. 27. Department of Agriculture and Department of Agricultural Economics and Management GASSON, R. and HILL, G. P. (1990). An Economic Evaluation of the Farm Woodland Scheme. FBU Occasional Paper No. 17. Ashford: Farm Business Unit, Department of Agricultural Economics HAVERKORT, B., VAN DER KAMP, J. and WALTERS-BAYER, A. (eds.) (1991). Joining Farmers' Experiments: Experiences in Participatory Technology Development HUDSON, R. J.? DREW, K. R. and BASKIN, L. M. (eds.) (1989). Wildlife Production Systems: Economic Utilisation of Wild Ungulates. Cambridge Studies in Applied Ecology and Resource Management HYDE, W. F. and NEWMAN, D. H. (1991). Forest Economics and Policy Analysis: An Overview. World Bank Discussion Papers 134 JENKINS, T. N. (1990). Future Harvests: The Economics of Farming and the Environment: Proposals for Action. Report to the Council for the Protection of Rural England and the World-Wide Fund for Nature (UK) ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT (1991). The Apple Market in OECD Countries ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT (1991). Changes in Cereals and Dairy Policies in OECD Countries: A Model-Based Analysis TEKLU, T., VON BRAUN, J. and ZAKI, E. (1991). Drought and Famine Relationships in Sudan: Policy Implications. Research Report 88. Washington: International Food Policy Research Institute WORLD BANK (1991). World Development Report 1991: The Challenge of Development  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: BOTOS, E. P. (ed.) (1991). Vine and Wine Economy: Proceedings of the International Symposium held at Kecskemet CAIRNCROSS, F. (1991). Costing the Earth. London: Business Books and Economist Books CLAY, E. and STOKKE, O. (eds.) (1991). Food Aid Reconsidered: Assessing the Impact on Third World Countries GILG, A. W. (1991). Countryside Planning Policies for the 1990s. Wallingford: CAB International HANLEY, N. (ed.) (1991). Farming and the Countryside - An Economic Analysis of External Costs and Benefits HENDRIKS, G. (1991). Germany and European Integration; The Common Agricultural Policy - An Area of Conflict MIDMORE, P. (ed.) (1991). Input-Output Models in the Agricultural Sector RITSON, C. and HARVEY, D. (eds.) (1991). The Common Agricultural Policy and the World Economy: Essays in Honour of John Ashton WILLIAMS, J. C. and WRIGHT, B. D. (1991). Storage and Commodity Markets DAVIS, J. (1991). The Competitiveness of the Northern Ireland Dairy Sector: An Analysis of Industry Structure and Performance HEIJMAN, W. J. M. and KRABBE, J. J. (eds.) (1992). Issues of Environmental Economic Policy HODGE, I. and MONK, S. (1991). Targeting Rural Areas for Special Assistance: The RDAs and Alternative Approaches HOLDEN, D., HAZELL, P. and PRITCHARD, A. (eds.) (1991). Risk in Agriculture: Proceedings of the Tenth Agriculture Sector Symposium MARSHALL, B. J. (ed.) (1992). Sustainable Livestock Farming into the 21st Century. CAS Paper 25. Reading: University of Reading, Centre for Agricultural Strategy OECD (1991). The Soviet Agro-Food System and Agricultural Trade: Prospects for Reform. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD (1992). Agricultural Policies, Markets and Trade: Monitoring and Outlook 1992. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: BURTON, M. P. (1992). An Agricultural Policy Model for the UK GALATY, J. G. and JOHNSON, D. L. (eds.) (1991). Herding Systems in Comparative Perspective HALLBERG, M. C., FINDEIS, J. L. and LASS, D. A. (1991). Multiple Job-Holding Among Farm Families TISDELL, C. A. (1991). Economics of Environmental Conservation. Developments in Environmental Economics 1 BIGGS, S. and FARRINGTON, J. (1991). Agricultural Research and the Rural Poor: A Review of Social Science Analysis BRUN, A. H. and FULLER, A. M. (1992). Farm Family Pluriactivity in Western Europe: Partial Results of a Research Programme Funded by the EC Commission and National Agencies. Enstone, Oxford: Arkleton Trust (Research) Ltd. with assistance from the Ministere de l'Agriculture et de la Forêt COLMAN, D., CRABTREE, B., FROUD, J. and O'CARROL, L. (1992). Comparative Effectiveness of Conservation Mechanisms. Manchester: Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Economic and Social Studies, University of Manchester OLSEN, W. C. (1991). Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology: The Contemporary Core Literature. With contributions by Bellamy, M. A. and Stanton, B. F SAFADI, R. and PLUSQUELLEC, H. (1991). Research on Irrigation and Drainage Technologies: Fifteen Years of World Bank Experience WORLD BANK (1992). World Development Report 1992  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: BOSERUP, E. (1990). Economic and Demographic Relationships in Development: (essays selected and introduced by T. Paul Schultz) BRYANT, C. R. and JOHNSTON, T. R. R. (1991). Agriculture in the City's Countryside CHOPRA, K., KADEKODI, G. K. and MURTY, M. N. (1990). Participatory Development: People and Common Property Resources SENGUPTA, N. (1991). Managing Common Property - Irrigation in India and the Philippines CHRISTY, R. D. and WILLIAMSON, L. (eds.) (1992). A Century of Service: Land-Grant Colleges and Universities 1980–1990 DUNCAN, A. and HOWELL, J. (eds.) (1992). Structural Adjustment and the African Farmer HALLBERG, M. C. (1992). Policy for American Agriculture: Choices and Consequencies KOFMAN, P. (1990). Managing Primary Commodity Trade: On The Use of Futures Markets. Bickersgracht 60 LELE, U. (ed.) (1992). Aid to African Agriculture: Lessons From Two Decades of Donors' Experience MARTIN, L. R. (ed.) (1992). A Survey of Agricultural Economics Literature, Volume 4. Agriculture in Economic Development 1940s to 1990s SINGH, I. (1990). The Great Ascent: The Rural Poor in South Asia  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Economics of Agricultural Policy. By GRAHAM HALLFIT. Basil Blackwell, Oxford. 1968. vii+292 pages. Price 50s. Policy Directions For U.S. Agriculture-Long-range Choices in Farming and Rural Living. By MARION CLAWSON. John Hopkins Press. London: Oxford University Press. 1968. xvii+398 pages. Price 95s. Economic Development of Tropical Agriculture: Theory, Policy Strategy, Organisation. Edited by W. W. MCPHUISON. Univerity of Florida Press, Gainesville. 1968. xvi+328 pages. Price S8.50. The Social Framework of Agriculture: India, Middle East, England. By HAROLD H. MAW (edited by DANIEL THORNER). Frank Cass, London. 1968. xxx+501 pages. Price 50s. Dispur: A Study of Rural Change in Assam. By P. C. GOSWAMI. Agro-Economic Research Centre for North East India, Jorhat, Assam. 1967. ixf 165 pages. Price Rs. 8.00. The Analysis 01 Response in Crop and Livestock Production. By JOHN L. DILLON. Pergamon Press, Oxford. 1968. x+ I35 pages. Price 25s. Forest Biomerrics. By MlCHAIL PRODAN. Pergamon Press, Oxford. 1968. xi+447 pages. Price f 8.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Alexandra, N.(ed.) (1988). World Agriculture Towards 2000: An FAO Study Chambers, R. G. (1988). Applied Production Analysis: A Dual Approach Colman, D. and Young, T. (1989). Principles of Agricultural Economics: Markets and Prices in Less Developed Countries Common, M. (1988). Environmental and Resource Economics: An Introduction Haney, W. G. and Knowles, J. B. (eds.) (1988). Women and Farming: Changing Roles, Changing Structures Gasson, R. (1988). The Economics of Part-Time Farming Marks, H. F., edited by Britton, D. K. (1989). A Hundred Years of British Food and Farming: A Statistical Survey Pinstrup-Andersen, P. (ed.) (1988). Food Subsidies in Developing Countries: Costs, Benefits and Policy Options Raikes, P. (1988). Modernising Hunger: Famine, Food Surplus and Farm Policy in the EEC and Africa Spahni, P. (1988). The Common Wine Policy and Price Stabilization Stevens, R. D. and Jabara, C. L. (1988). Agricultural Development Principles: Economic Theory and Empirical Evidence Usher, J. A. (1988). Legal Aspects of Agriculture in the European Community Spedding, C. R. W. (1988). An Introduction to Agricultural Systems Tracy, M. (1989). Government and Agriculture in Western Europe 1880–1988 Harrison, A. with Tranter, R. B. (1989). The Changing Financial Structure of Farming Jones, D. (1989). Financial Vulnerability in Farming: A Study of North West Farms Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (1989). Agricultural and Environmental Policies — Opportunities for Integration Foreman, S. (1989). Loaves and Fishes: An Illustrated History of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food 1889–1989  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Food Economy in Hungary. By Ernö Csizmadia and Magda Székely Corporate Innovation: Marketing and Strategy. By Gordon R. Foxall The Economic Mind: The Social Psychology of Economic Behaviour. By Adrian Furnham and Alan Lewis Mathematical Programming for Economic Analysis in Agriculture. By Peter B. R. Hazell and Roger D. Norton Development Economics on Trial: The Anthropological Case for a Prosecution. By Polly Hill Elements of Agricultural Trade Policies. By James P. Houck World Food Marketing Systems. Edited by Erdener Kaynak Creating Rural Employment. By B. H. Kinsey Measuring the Benefits of Clean Air and Water. By Allen V. Kneese The Economics of Natural Environments: Studies in the Valuation of Commodity and Amenity Resources (2nd edition). By John V. Krutilla and Anthony C. Fisher World Recession and the Food Crisis in Africa. Edited by Peter Lawrence The Victorian Countryside (2 vols). Edited by G. E. Mingay Economics of Crop Insurance with Special Reference to the Needs and Situations in Developing Countries. By P. K. Ray Calcutta Crop Insurance for Agricultural Development: Issues and Experience. Edited by Peter Hazell, Carlos Pomareda and Alberto Valdes. Agricultural Insurance: A New Policy for Developing Countries. By Syed M. Ahsan. Aldershot Hoofprints on the Forest: Cattle Ranching and the Destruction of Latin America's Tropical Forests. By Douglas R. Shane Getting Prices Right: The Scope and Limits of Agricultural Price Policy. By C. Peter Timmer  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Dorwood , A., Kydd, J. and Poulton , C. (eds.) (1998). Smallholder Cash Crop Production Under Market Liberalization Pinto , V. (1998). Gandhi's Vision and Values: The Moral Quest for Change in Indian Agriculture. London Potter , C. (1998). Against the Grain: Agri-environmental Reform in the United States and the European Union. Shoard , M. (1999). A Right to Roam: Should We Open Up Britain's Countryside? Oxford University Press  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Agrarian Reform and Rural Poverty: A Case Study of Peru. By T. Alberts The Food Industry: Economics and Policies. Edited by Jim Burns, John McInerney and Alan Swinbank Agriculture, Poverty and Freedom in Developing Countries. By Eric Clayton An Empirical Study of Food Consumption in Rural and Urban Households of the Philippines. By Myrna C. de Vega and Brian S. Fisher Agrarian Policies and Rural Poverty in Africa. Edited by Dharam Ghai and Samir Radwan Agriculture in China's Modern Economic Development. By Nicholas R. Lardy Agrarian Policies and Institutions in China after Mao. By Azizur Rahman Khan and Eddy Lee A Wealth of Wild Species: Storehouse for Human Welfare. By Norman Myers A Review of the Common Agricultural Policy and the Implications of Modified Systems for Ireland. By R. O'Connor, C. Guiomard and J. Devereux Migration, Mechanization and Agricultural Labor Markets in Egypt. Edited by Alan Richards and Philip L. Martin Agriculture in the Twenty-first Century. Edited by John W. Rosenblum Technology and Social Change in Rural Areas. A Festschrift for Eugene A. Wilkening. Edited by Gene F. Summers Food Policy Analysis. By C. Peter Timmer, Walter P. Falcon and Scott R. Pearson  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Costs of the Common Agricultural Policy. By Allan Buckwell, David Harvey, Kenneth Thomson and Kevin Parton. The Political Economy of Food Aid. By John Cathie. Resource and Environmental Economics. By Anthony C. Fisher. Rural Society in Southeast India. By Kathleen Gough. Grassland in the British Economy. Edited by J. L. Jollans. Progress in Rural Extension and Community Development, volume 1. Edited by Gwyn E. Jones and Maurice Rolls. A Survey of Agricultural Economics Literature,/Volume 3: Economics of Welfare, Rural Development and Natural Resources in Agriculture, 1940s to 1970s. Edited by Lee R. Martin. Agricultural Co-operation. By Malcolm Sargent. The Political Economy of Underdevelopment. By S. B. de Silva.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Agricultural Economics. By S. J. Sheehy and R. O'Connor . Soviet Agricultural Policy— Toward the Abolition of Collective Farms. By Stephen Osofsky . Measurement of Urban Land Use. By R. C. Fordham . University of Cambridge Department of Land Economy. Agricultural Colonization in India since Independence. By B. H. Farmer . African Farmers in Rhodesia: Old and New Peasant Communities in Karangaland. By A. K. H. Weinrich . Victorian Farming— a sourcebook. Edited by C. A. Jewel .  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article: BOURKE, A. (ed. Hill, J. and ÓGráda, C.) (1993). The Visitation of God? - The Potato and the Great Irish Famine BUSCH, L., LACY, W. B., BURKHARDT, J. and LACY, L. R. (1991). Plants, Power and Profit: Social, Economic and Ethical Consequences of the New Biotechnologies CONSTANZA, R. (ed.) (1991). Ecological Economics: The Science and Management of Sustainability FOSTER, P. (1992). The World Food Problem: Tackling the Causes of Undernutrition in the Third World FRIMPONG-ANSAH, J. H. (1991). The Vampire State in Africa: The Political Economy of Decline in Ghana HERMANN, R., BURGER, K. and SMITH, P. (1993). International Commodity Policy: A Quantitative Analysis LORRAIM-SMITH, R. (1993). Computers in Forestry: Use of Spreadsheets. Taunton: Research Studies Press and Chichester: James Wiley NOBLE, D. H. and COURSE, C. (1993). Spreadsheets for Agriculture. Harlow, Essex, UK: Longman Scientific and Technical ANDERSON, J. R. and DE HAAN, C. (eds.) (1992). Public and Private Roles in Agricultural Development: Proceedings of the Twelfth Agricultural Sector Symposium BELLAMY, M. and GREENSHIELDS, B. (eds.) (1992). Issues in Agricultural Development: Sustainability and Cooperation. International Association of Agricultural Economists Occasional Paper No. 6. Aldershot GILES, A. K. (1993). The Provincial Agricultural Economics Service 1945–1968: Its Origins, Form, Demise and Legacy HILL, P., GREEN, B. and EDWARDS, A. (1992). The Costs of Care: The Costs and Benefits of Environmentally Friendly Farming Practices MILLER, F. A. (ed). (1993). Eastern Europe: Opportunities and Needs for Food and Agriculture. CAS Paper 27 OECD (1993) Agricultural and Environmental Policy Integration: Recent Progress and New Directions. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD (1993) Agricultural Policies, Markets and Trade: Monitoring and Outlook 1993. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Agriculture, the Countryside and Land Use: An Economic Critique. By J. K. Bowers and Paul Cheshire Planning and Decision in Agribusiness: Principles and Experiences. Edite by C-H. Hanf and G. W. Schiefer The Farm and Food Policies of the European Community. By Simon Harris, Alan Swinbank and Guy Wilkinson Prospects for Soviet Agriculture in the 1980s. By D. Gale Johnson and Karen McConnell Brooks Agriculture and Human Health. Edited by J. L. Jollans Rural Development and the State. Edited by David A. M. Lea and D. P. Chaudhri Cocoa and Kinship in Ghana: The Matrilineal Akan of Ghana. By Christine Okali Land Market: Theory and Practice in Rural Indian. By Baldev Singh Global Deforestation and the Nineteenth Century World Economy. Edited by Richard P. Tucker and J. F. Richards  相似文献   

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