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近年来企业人力资源管理中越来越重视人才潜能的开发,而不断的学习就成为必须,为此企业要尽快建立和运用"学习型组织"这一人力资源管理新模式。本文论述了"学习型组织"的含义及其在人力资源管理中的作用,探讨了建立"学习型组织"的途径以及成功运用"学习型组织"的案例。  相似文献   

This paper offers an overview of the concept of acceptable risk. Variations in the definition of risk are addressed as well as criteria for measuring and evaluating risk. Risk acceptance depends on many factors, some of which are highlighted. The myth of zero risk is addressed with relevant examples such as dioxin and the U.S. space program. Practical applications of acceptable risk concepts are discussed, featuring the RISK MATRIX from system safety MIL-STD-882. Some sample guidelines and benchmarks are offered.  相似文献   

Experience indicates that machinery vibration monitoring programs are most effective when planned in accordance with carefully established program goals and objectives. Methods are presented to determine the appropriate monitoring program for a given plant, key issues to address in program planning, and proven techniques for successfully implementing the program.  相似文献   

John Madely 《Food Policy》1979,4(4):302-303
Foreign ministers from 57 African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries met in Brussels, 24–26 May 1979, to negotiate a successor to the Lomé Convention. They came to the conference hoping for something more than just a renewal of the 5-year Convention. They were looking for a trade and aid deal that would make a bigger contribution to their development efforts.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a variety of issues regarding participation that may have received too little attention or that may be viewed from a different perspective. These include the sometimes faddist interest in the topic, participation as a form of bargaining, and alternate research strategies. It also reports on the current status of several once‐publicized participation sites.  相似文献   

During the period 1968–1972 several projects which were initiated in Agricultural Division Research & Development Department were studied in some depth, the main objective being to try to establish the reasons for the successes and the failures. A set of six precepts (AGCAST criteria) likely to lead to success was derived from these studies. These precepts were then combined with six precepts resulting from the SAPPHO study of industrial innovation. From 1973 onwards the twelve precepts were applied; firstly to studies of finished projects, with a saving in the effort required, secondly to two ‘live’ projects which were examined so as to make suggestions for improving the management of these projects. Unfortunately, both projects were abandoned before the suggestions could be applied. Use has also been made of case studies and the AGCAST/ SAPPHO list in the design of an internal course for project managers. This is arguably the most valuable application of these studies.  相似文献   

包装装潢是艺术与科学的结合,涉及的知识面甚广.包装装潢又称之为"视觉传达设计",即运用视觉语言传达商品信息,沟通生产者、经销者与消费者之间的联系,达成商品销售,完成商品流通并继续再生产.当前世界各个地区、各个国家因经济文化不同,风土人情各异,商品包装的形式风格也各有千秋,如欧美风格、日本风格,以及中国的民族风格.  相似文献   

This paper tests the hypothesis that country-specific advantage embedded in firms of a particular nationality is a motivation for international interfirm cooperation. A sample of domestic and international cooperative relationships formed by Japanese firms in the commercialization of biotechnology is used to identify factors which differentiate domestic from foreign partners. The findings support our hypothesis that country-specific advantage is a significant variable in explaining differences between cooperative relationships with partners of different countries. The results of this study indicate that interfirm cooperation has implications for the international competitiveness of both firms and nations in high technology industries.  相似文献   

This article measures the impacts of historic preservation regulations on property values inside and outside of officially designated historic districts. The analysis relies on a model of historic designation to control for the tendency to designate higher‐quality properties. An instrumental variables model using rich data on historic significance corrects for this bias. The results for Chicago during the 1990s indicate that price impacts from designation inside a landmark district vary considerably across homes inside the districts. Controlling for extant historic quality, which the market values positively, restrictions apparently have negative price effects on average both within and outside districts.  相似文献   

As the second largest employer in the UK — second only to the government itself — and as an organization whose services are used by virtually every inhabitant of the UK, the Post Office (PO) periodically finds itself the subject of an anlytical review. The latest such review of the PO's activities, organizational structure and relationship to the public it serves is by most tokens the most far-reaching. This article analyses the findings relating to telecommunications of the Report of the Post Office Review Committee (‘Carter Committee’).  相似文献   

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