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随着粮食储运规模的不断扩大,大型散粮储运新建或扩建工程日益增多.技术人员在开发和设计自动控制系统时,常面临工艺复杂、流程控制繁琐、控制点多、控制网络节点分散、扩建工程与前期工程存在不同程度工艺交互、各期控制系统数据交互和系统融和以及为后期工程预留扩展接口等问题.本文主要总结大型散粮储运项目新建和扩建的实践经验,在流程作...  相似文献   

节粮减损对保障我国粮食安全具有重要意义。在我国粮食需求刚性增长,粮食增产难度不断加大的背景下分析了粮食产后损失现象的发生机制。研究发现,粮食从生产到消费经过农户阶段性储藏、企业储存储、物流运输和加工转化等产业链环节,导致粮食产后损失的主要因素是尚未建立现代化的粮食流通管理体制,粮食加工产业链发育程度低、粮食价格改革滞后、地方政府责任不清等。在此分析的基础上,从建设现代粮食流通体系、改善仓储物流设施,引导企业适度加工、促进副产物综合利用和理顺粮食价格引导居民合理消费等方面提出了治理措施,以减少粮食损失浪费,促进资源的有效利用。  相似文献   

粮食安全的国内外评价指标体系及对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
粮食安全状况用什么指标来衡量,达到什么水平才算是可以接受的粮食安全水平,这是国内外学者一直以来都十分关注的问题。该文分析了我国粮食安全的现状和存在的问题,从粮食安全概念的演变,再到国内外粮食安全的指标体系评价方法作了系统的分析和对比,得出适合我国的比较合理的粮食安全指标体系,同时有针对性地提出确保我国粮食安全的对策建议。  相似文献   

政策性金融支持区域粮食安全体系建设   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
政策性金融是推进粮食产销市场化的重要支撑力量。该文提出了政策性金融支持区域粮食安全体系建设的主要内容与支持方式。在粮食主产区重点支持粮食生产能力建设,在主销区重点支持粮食物流建设,其中运输、仓储、流通市场体系建设是重点。同时,要建立粮食产销区的利益协调对接机制,促进粮食主销区与粮食主产区建立长期稳定的粮食产销协作关系。  相似文献   

The magnitude of future grain exports will profoundly affect many segments of the Canadian economy besides agriculture. Changes in structure of the existing grain transportation system, for example, may be required because of substantial increases in grain movement from country elevators to terminal positions. Grain trade projections are reviewed and the implications discussed. Results indicate that Canadian grain exports may increase from the past five-year average of 534 million bushels to a 1980 level of 811 million bushels and with the possibility of a billion bushel export level being achieved. All segments of the economy affected by the Canadian grain industry must be prepared to adjust their future operations to efficiently accommodate the increased level of grain exports .  相似文献   

Agricultural biotechnology will create a new set of challenges for the bulk grain handling and transportation system (GHTS) in Canada. The implementation of a credible grain identity preservation system to segregate genetically modified (GM) from non‐GM grain remains an important and unresolved issue for the industry. Furthermore, the attitude of producers toward the design of an identity preserved grain supply chain is not well understood. Using a 2003 survey of Saskatchewan grain farmers developed by the authors, we employ conjoint analysis to evaluate producer attitudes and trade‐offs among four hypothetical grain handling systems. The results indicate that farmers in the region will require significant economic incentives to adopt on‐farm segregation methods when compared to methods that segregate grain at the elevator level. Les biotechnologies agricoles vont engendrer de nouvelles préoccupations pour le système de manutention et de transport du grain (SMTG) en vrac au Canada. La mise en uvre d'un système de ségrégation des céréales génétiquement modifiées (GM) et non génétiquement modifiées (NGM) demeure un problème important non résolu pour l'industrie. De plus, l'attitude des producteurs envers la mise en place d'une chaîne d'approvisionnement de céréales à identité préservée n'est pas bien comprise. À l'aide d'un sondage que nous avons mis au point et effectué auprès des producteurs de céréales de la Saskatchewan, nous utilisons l'analyse conjointe pour évaluer l'attitude et les options des producteurs par rapport à quatre systèmes hypothétiques de manutention des céréales. Les résultats ont montré que les producteurs de la province exigeront d'importants stimulants économiques pour adopter des méthodes de ségrégation à la ferme comparativement aux méthodes de ségrégation en vigueur aux silos à céréales.  相似文献   

We examine the latest process of policy change in the Canadian grain handling and transportation industry. The first part of the paper focuses on how the issue of market power in grain transportation and the subsequent lack of accountability for agricultural shippers were addressed in the initial Estey/Kroeger reviews. Considering the recently published government report on Canadian transportation regulation, the latter part of the paper briefly describes a set of regulatory models for the rail industry and their potential applicability to Canada.
Les auteurs analysent les plus récents changements apportés aux politiques qui régissent la manutention et le transport du grain au Canada. Dans la première partie de leur article, ils expliquent comment les études initiales d'Estey/Kroeger abordaient l'emprise des transporteurs sur le marché et le peu de comptes qu'ils rendaient aux expéditeurs de grain. Dans la seconde, ils décrivent brièvement plusieurs modèles concernant la réglementation de l'industrie ferroviaire et la possibilité de leur application au Canada à la lumière du rapport sur la réglementation des transports récemment rendu public par le gouvernement.  相似文献   

张勇 《南方农村》2013,29(4):47-52
粮食安全问题一直以来就是全世界共同面临的重大问题,也是世界各国密切关注的战略性问题。本文对最近几年来从水土资源、农户、制度政策、农业科技、生态环境以及全球视角下研究我国粮食安全问题的文献进行了综述,并着重从耕地角度出发,对我国粮食安全问题提出以下建议:第一,宏观耕地指标方面,严守1845亩耕地“红线”不变的同时强调粮食作物的最少耕种面积很有必要;第二,土地流转制度建设方面,城市化的进程不断加快,当下急切需要一个能够利用市场机制来保障农地安全的农村土地流转制度;第三,农业政策导向方面,在引导大力发展农民合作经济的同时要保持决策理性与粮食安全的警觉性。  相似文献   

The grain potential of cultivated lands in Mainland China in 2004   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The regional test yields of certificated cultivars of grain crops represent the potential yields for the given region under the current natural and technical conditions. Therefore, it is appropriate to use the regional test yields to estimate the gross grain potential of Mainland China.In this paper, we calculated the grain potential of cultivated lands for each of the 105 agro-ecological regions in China. First, cropping system in each agro-ecological region was assumed to be the best use of the agro-climatic resources. Second, the potential per hectare for each of the crops was calculated for a given agro-ecological region, based on the regional test yields of certificated cultivars of grain crops in a given cropping system. For rain-fed and dry lands, their grain potentials were further modified by water-restricting coefficients. The water-restricting coefficients were calculated by dividing the hydro-thermal potential with the corresponding photosynthesis-thermal potential for different grain crops, which were obtained from Regulations of Farmland Grading. Thereafter, the grain potential per hectare of each agro-ecological region was calculated considering the cropping system and the potentials per hectare of all the crops in the cropping system. The gross grain potential of each county in a given region was then obtained by multiplying the grain potential per hectare and the total area of cultivated lands in the county. Finally, the gross grain potential of each agro-ecological region and the whole Mainland China were obtained by summarizing the grain potentials for all of the counties. The results showed that the gross grain potential of Mainland China was 0.92 billion t in 2004. It should be pointed out that this calculation on the grain potential did not sufficiently consider the crop growth restricting factors of cultivated lands, such as soil fertility, fertilizer input, and so on. Since the grain potential is far above the actual grain yield, it suggests that the cultivated land assurance for grain security in Mainland China is relatively high. The results of each agro-ecological region showed that the highest grain potentials were distributed in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, Northeast China, Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze River and Sichuan Basin, where excellent hydro-thermal condition and flat terrain are ideally suitable for crop growth.  相似文献   

Price Dynamics in U.S. Grain and Freight Markets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper studies the spatial price linkages in U.S. grain and transportation markets using cointegration analysis and algorithms of inductive causation on directed acyclic graphs. Transport costs and prices from alternative transportation modes are considered to provide a relatively comprehensive view of the interaction between grain and freight markets over time. Dynamic relationship among corn prices in selected U.S. markets and freight rates, extending from January 1990 to December 2002, are explored. Results suggest the Mississippi Gulf (lower Mississippi River port area) is the most dominant corn market among evaluated export and domestic markets. Also, grain barge rates on the upper Mississippi/Illinois Rivers influence domestic corn markets in contemporaneous time. In the longer‐run, significant dynamic relationships among prices in domestic and export corn markets and freight rates are observed; perturbations in transportation rates affect the variation in corn prices considerably. Le présent article examine les relations d'arbitrage spatial entre les prix pour les marchés des céréales et du transport aux États‐Unis à l'aide d'une analyse de cointégration et d'algorithmes utilisant la notion de causalité inductive sur des graphiques acycliques orientés. Les coûts et les prix de divers modes de transport sont examinés afin de fournir un tableau assez complet de l'interaction entre le marché des céréales et le marché du fret au fil du temps. Nous avons exploré la relation dynamique entre les prix du maïs sur des marchés états‐uniens sélectionnés et les taux de fret, entre janvier 1990 et décembre 2002. Les résultats indiquent que le golfe du Mississippi (zone portuaire du Mississippi inférieur) est le marché de maïs le plus important parmi les marchés intérieurs et extérieurs évalués. Les frais de transport des céréales par barge sur le cours supérieur du Mississippi et la rivière Illinois influencent les marchés intérieurs du maïs à l'heure actuelle. À long terme, des liens dynamiques importants entre les prix sur les marchés du maïs intérieur et extérieurs et les frais de transport sont observés. Des changements de frais de transport affectent considérablement la variation des prix du maïs.  相似文献   

本文主要研究了不同烟剂浓度条件对同种储粮害虫及相同烟剂浓度条件对不同储粮害虫的抑杀效果。在实际贮粮过程中,粮食承储单位可综合考虑两种试剂的所需用量、市场价、运输成本以及保管条件,更好地保障粮食存储安全。  相似文献   

基于资源视角的农业供给侧结构性改革的路径研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]粮食安全是世界各国政府普遍关注的问题,都将其列为重中之重.粮食主产区是我国粮食生产的核心地带和关键区域,为保障国家粮食安全、协调区域发展,必须从国家战略角度出发,实施粮食主产区利益补偿理念,充分体现社会公平与正义的价值取向和主旨,为粮食安全提供坚实的区域基础.[方法]运用实证分析方法,借助统计年鉴,通过粮食产量、人均粮食产量、粮食播种面积、人均粮食播种面积、人均地区总产值、地区财政收入、人均地区财政收入、城镇化率、居民人均可支配收入等数据分析,比较13个粮食主产区和7个粮食主销区在10年间粮食生产和经济社会发展的客观现实差距.[结果]粮食主产区在粮食产量、粮食播种面积等方面的生产规模优势和生产能力显著,对我国经济社会贡献巨大;粮食具有准公共产品的属性,粮食主产区需要支付高额的生产费用,承担运输成本与储存成本,无法通过市场获得补偿;粮食产销区之间囿于主体功能与发展责任的迥异而导致经济差距较大,主要体现在人均地区总产值、地区财政收入、人均地区财政收入、城镇化率、居民人均可支配收入等差别.[结论]据此提出,必须实施粮食主产区利益补偿,需要完善粮食主产区利益补偿的价值选择与国家政策导向:应在中央政府、区域政府层面完善相应的政策:一是国家层面制定粮食主产区区域政策;二是完善产粮大县奖励政策;三提高财政转移支付力度与精准度;四是建立产销区利益联动机制;五是加强农业基础设施和公共事业建设等.  相似文献   

王颖 《现代食品》2020,1(2):60-62
随着国家农业的飞速发展,粮油检测机构也成为其重要组成部分,而市县级等基层粮油检测机构更是其最基础的组成部分,也是国家粮油检测机构的重要构成。由于农业体系发展过快,导致一些基层粮油检测机构跟不上脚步,同时也出现了很多制作工艺不合格,质量不过关等问题,对国民的健康安全问题产生了影响。本文对县级粮油质量检测机构建设进行了分析讨论。  相似文献   

粮油检验实验室作为检测、出具客观公正检验数据的部门,其科学、有效、规范的管理直接关系到国家粮食宏观调控,关系到确保粮食质量安全是否能够真正落到实处.建立适合实际实验室质量管理体系并确保其能够有效运行,是现代化实验室科学、高效运行的关键.笔者从实验室管理体系的建立及运行、检验仪器及药剂管理、检验人员管理、检验制度的落实等...  相似文献   

This paper considers simultaneously the effect of assembly costs and economies of scale on optimum size and location of grain elevators. When assembly factors (transportation costs and grain sales density) are included, optimum elevator size may be as little as 25 to 50 per cent of the size when in-plant costs only are considered. These results are important to all parts of Canada's grain industry, but especially relevant in view of the importance currently associated with efficient grain assembly and in view of the significance of farmer cooperatives in Canadian grain assembly and storage.
EFFETS DU COUT DE RASSEMBLEMENT RELATIF A LA GRANDEUR OPTIMUM ET LA SITUATION GEOGRAPHIQUE ďELEVATEUR. - ľétude considère simultanément ľeffet du coût de rassemblement et des économies àľéchelle optimum et ľemplacement, des élévateurs. Quand le cout du transport et la concentration de ventes de graines est inclu, la grandeur optimum des élévateurs peut étre réduit de 25 à 50 p. 100 de la grandeur basé sur le coût ďusine seul Ces résultats ont une importance pour ľindustrie des graines dans tout le Canada mais plus spécialement à cause de ľimportance couramment attachéàľefficacité du rassemblement des graines et la position primordiale des coopératives rurales dans la tâche de rassemblement et de ľentreposage des graines.  相似文献   

This paper explores some of the important issues that influence the magnitude of receival site grain catchments in Australia. Changes in grain harvests, transport and grain handling technologies and costs; changes in farming systems, crop yields and harvesting capacity; investments in roads and on‐farm storage and economies of size in grain receival infrastructure are shown in combination to affect the size of grain catchments in major grain‐growing regions of Australia over the last 30 years. The size of grain catchments that minimise growers’ costs of road transport of their harvested grain and their receival point charges in various time periods are determined. Differently shaped grain catchments are considered. The main finding is that the size of grain catchments that minimise farmers’ grain transport, off‐farm storage and handling costs since the mid‐1980s has consistently increased, principally due to lessening real costs of road transport, more on‐farm storage and economies of size in grain receival, despite higher grain yields and a greater intensity of cropping. These findings are consistent with the observed reduction in the number of receival sites in many grain‐growing regions of Australia. Site rationalisation is less evident in states where the receival network is owned and operated by a grower cooperative.  相似文献   

西5#泊位是公司粮食接卸的主力泊位,利用率高达90%以上,双线卸船效率3 000 t·h-1,临港企业系统设计能力800 t·h-1左右,港企接卸能力不匹配成为影响卸船效率的一大瓶颈。根据生产需要,本文提出皮带机产能提速增效解决方案,通过实际生产检验,改造后的临港企业皮带运输能力整体大幅提高,产生了较好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

This study links participatory research methods, geographic information systems (GIS) techniques, village and household‐level surveys, and a tobit analysis to examine the adoption and impact issues related to a new technology, improved varieties of dual‐purpose cowpea (IDPC), developed by International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and recently released in Nigeria. The article analyzes factors affecting the adoption and impact of the technology across different socioeconomic domains as defined by degree of market access and population density. The results show multiple benefits from this flexible leguminous crop, many of which relate to the fodder and soil fertility‐enhancing aspects of IDPC rather than higher grain yields per se. The intensity of adoption was affected by different village‐ and household‐level factors in each socioeconomic domain, allowing more sharply defined recommendation domain‐targeting strategies. The multiple research approaches taken also provided useful lessons at different system levels regarding the benefits of, and perceived problems with, this technology for researchers, development practitioners, and policy makers. The collaborative research approaches taken in this study are helping to close the “feedback loop” from farmers back to researchers and others attempting to disseminate the technology, and by doing so, should contribute to faster and more widespread uptake of this technology.  相似文献   

[目的]通过分析农业资源与环境要素的效用,探讨保障我国粮食安全举措。[方法]在我国粮食安全现状的基础上,采用分析法分别对农业资源与环境要素的利用展开研究,提出针对性建议。[结果](1)农业资源要素:耕地资源利用率较低、农业资源浪费严重、农村劳动力大量转移;(2)农业环境要素:自然环境要素利用效率不高、农业投资不合理。[结论]由农业资源与环境要素两大因素导致的粮食安全问题日益突出。基于此应发展"紧凑型"城市化模式、坚持内涵式耕地开发,在减少农业资源浪费的同时提高现有耕地的整体质量;应通过改善基础设施、优化市场准入制度、提升流通效率,以提高粮食市场竞争力;应综合考虑农业资源与环境要素两大因素,从制度层面建立健全粮食安全保障体系。  相似文献   

20世纪二三十年代贵州粮食市场和商品粮食数量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖良武 《中国农史》2006,25(4):70-76
20世纪20、30年代贵州粮食市场的发育处于黄金时期,粮食市场数量众多,市场网络得以扩大,商品粮数量较大,贵州省成为粮食输出省份。本文试图通过对粮食市场与商品粮的分析,剖析经济社会处于重要转型时期的贵州商品经济的发展情况,说明商品经济的发展、现代交通运输业的兴起及其它因素成为市场发育的重要条件。  相似文献   

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